Here I Go Again
OOC Fia can enter after Lorenzo's first post Smile/ +300

There was a sense of joy in the alpha that had been lost for the past week. Lorenzo was now part of the pack, he had his daughter and two sons now and, although he felt guilty for them leaving Ghita, it brought him joy. Aro and Sophia had been unexpected but Jazper took on the role of fatherhood like a glove to a hand. The entire process seemed to come naturally. Perhaps it was the fact that he felt the need to over compensate for the father ne never had, or hardly had, or that he never wanted his children to leave him but the coal male was selfishly in love with each of his pups, be them pups or adults. No matter how old they were the five young adults would always be his little ones, in need of his guidance and support.

Sitting in the lounge the warrior put his feet up on the table in front of him. It had been a long day for both of them, Jazper with his duties and Lorenzo exploring the new pack. Glancing over at his son, who sat across form him the Scottish wolf spoke up, “How was your first day?” Although the light brown male probably had spent his day wandering and doing nothing of excitement the father felt compelled to ask. He could remember, when he was even younger than Enzo, sitting in Deuce’s lap in the manor’s living room. It was a comfort to be relaxed with a parent, a luxury that not every wolf had. The male’s mind wandered once more to the boys mother, who he resembled greatly, “How is your mother coping?” The question probably wouldn’t help the boy feel any better about the situation but Jazper’s curiosity was too great to hold back. Was she happy without him?

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blagh sorry for taking forever also Big Grin Enzo finds those pools?

He had got nowhere near close to exploring all that Casa di Cavalieri had to offer a young and inquisitive male but he had given it a good go, first following the borders all the way around until he had returned to his starting point and then picking a random direction and setting off in it. The walk upon lands that belonged to him had been exhilarating and very freeing. Not having to deal with overbearing relatives and well meaning pack mates who would report his every move. The coast had fascinated him and he had spent several hours wandering alone the beaches and cliffs, examining rock pools and on one occasion running from the tide as it swept inwards.

But now he was sat with his father in the courthouse his great form sprawled across the sofa and taking up nearly all of it. The boy hoped that his growth spurt stopped soon otherwise he'd be even more of a gangly lanky stick than he already was, not to mention he would outgrow his father which was strangely blasphemous in its own right. The two talked gently to one another, father and son and Enzo wondered if he would ever sire children at all, the idea of squalling demanding lives dependent on him to survive made him cringe, no Lorenzo wasn't going to have children any time soon

Eh, I took a look 'roung the old place. He said, falling into his easy and accented patterns of speech. During his young life Enzo had unknowingly targeted the scottish accents within his father's tones and had built upon that until he spoke with more of an accent than Jazper himself did, at the mention of his mother the boy felt a slab of guilt slide down into his chect and stick there,

Augh, She was fine seeming when ah left her. Deedn't say much tah me. Told meh she loved meh and to give you ah good luck from her. He knew they had argued over it, and had been the only one of the five children to hear it straight from their mouths although the quarreling pair had not know he was lurking about.
Hey there! And it's allright! Smile

The young girl walked silently in the courthouse, trailing her fingertips lightly against the furniture. Ice blue eyes, curious still took in her new home. The word home still was fresh and weird in her mind, her meaning of home always having been at the Manor. Now, her new home and her new life was this place, with so many unfamiliar beings living here, sharing the same place. The girl's mind wondered a bit before a smiling, warm black-curled muzzle appeared in the head of the head-over-heals-in-love girl. She smiled to herself widely at the thought of him, missing him ever so slightly.

The young woman had been exploring the many great halls and large rooms when she heard the soft familiar Scottish accents of her brother and father. She slowed her pace a bit and made herself silent, hiding behind a corner where she wasn't too be heard nor seen. Black-dotted ears flickered intently as she listened, when suddenly she became especially interested when the conversation turned to her mother. The fae suddenly became frustrated at her brother's words. She didn't care?! How could her mother not care?! It seemed as if her mother was pretending like nothing was happening!!

Composing herself and hiding her emotions, she casually and slowly walked into the room. Why was Fia always in the wrong place at the wrong time, having to deal with it?? "Hey dad, Hey brother" The girl said causally in a silky voice just like her mothers. She wore her long black flowing hair down today with a small white flower in her right ear. She leaned casually on the wall next to her, resting a paw on the chipping and peeling flower wallpaper. A small smile shadowed on her maw, as-always curious eyes looking at the two huge males. Suddenly, the girl felt puny, like a small mouse. They where so much bigger then her! And she was just a tiny little mouse! Why had the girl stopped growing and stayed so small? She hated being small, for the woman felt as if because of her size anyone could get her to do anything.
OOC / +300

Moving to a new home was always difficult, but for so many canines to start in a fresh home, it was all but impossible. It seemed that it would take everyone a while to adjust. Some, such as Jazper and Enzo, were adjusting to a new home, away from their old family and friends, while others such as Dixie and Rurik were adjusting to the entire idea of a pack and having others to depend on. It was a risk having so many loners in such a new pack but Jazper was willing to take it. They would learn that everyone leaned on everyone. Even distant Rurik would learn that he was part of a family now. Looking at he son he couldn’t help but look away and stare off as he talked about Ghita. She was probably pissed at him for leaving but he had to. Although he had loved her, their love had always been that of responsibility and love of their children more than a passion for each other. Perhaps it was just time to move on.

A movement form the side of his vision caught his attention and he turned back to the living room to see Fia come in and take a seat with a chirpy greeting. Good evening darling. The gentle Scottish added to his soothing voice. The father may appear to be a large, domineering leader at first glance but everyone who spent more than a few minutes talking to Jazper knew him to be soft in the heart. Sighing he spoke again. So what have you two been thinking about? His own thoughts weren’t appropriate to share with his children, who were still dealing with their parents split so he played the safe card. I think this place will be fine after we finish sprucing it up and the members around here are nice enough. Himself or Anann had accepted them all so of course they were agreeable.

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Enzo luurrrvveees his little sister Big Grin also i have no idea wtf is going on with his accent XD
WC: 3+

A voice, a scent, one he had known his entire life before he could even understand what they were. A fond grin slid onto his face as his massive head turned towards the startling light colored woman. His sister was gorgeously colored, exotic looking with soft delicate features. He was proud of her and felt an appetence to protect her from every and anything. It was perhaps a good thing then that he did not know of her little crush otherwise the poor dog boy would quickly find himself with a possible new enemy and others once word got out to Tony and Aro. The dusky colored boy moved up to make room for her if she wanted to sit down next to him,

"Fia, nice tah see tha." His head turnedback to his father and his bi colored eyes took in both of his family. One would never think to look at the tree of them that they were related at all. Both Fia and Lorenzo looked nothing like their father with his dark pelt and amber eyes and also looked nothing like each other either. They could all pass for strangers to each other but they were connected by more than looks, by strings of the heart and a common love for each other. Lorenzo was a usually non violent person, preferring laughter to fighting but he knew if pushed enough then there would be rage within him that would come to the fore and with his large size and strength he could easily kill somebody.

He shrugged at Jazper's words, the boy had been missing his brother but he wasn't about to say that to them, especially not in front of Fia. No doubt it would make it back to Tony who would never let him live it down.

"Ah have been scouting. There ahre some pools that seem like they would beh good fer fishing."

occ : D'aww haha! Fia lurves her big bro! XD Haha, I'm not sure what accent Fia has..... IF Fia even has one XD

Word Count → 000

A small smile appeared on the fae, slowly walking over to sit next to her brother.The young woman nodded and brushed softly against him in a greeting she had picked up from Gunnar. "Nice to see you too big brother" The young Knight said. She didn't dare ask any more of her mother, in fear of bringing up the subject. A small waver of her tail indicated that she was thinking about a lot more then just what she thought of her new home.

"I think this place is coming up quite nicely....It's a lot different from Crimson Dreams, but I sort of like it here. Plus, I've made some new.....friends..." The woman said, dropping her gaze at the word 'friends'. A large smile spread over her face again as his face popped into her mind. He was more than just a small little crush, and they both knew it. The white-furred fae wondered though if her brother knew about Gunnar, and what he'd do if he ever found out. Over the months when she was younger, Enzo had always protected her and kept her safe from the tiniest of things. The young woman sometimes felt that Enzo was a second father.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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