I Burn in a Basin of Fire

Ralla's not permanently leaving the tribe--just going on a sabbatical...of sorts...Forward-dated to November 18 (Nootau: Visible) {Song: Edge of Night from Lord of the Rings II}

What a mess...

The war had finally ended, and Maska was well behind bars with his Guardians. Still, the damage had been done. All Ralla had to do to know that her tribe was still in shambles was see that Dawali remained fixed in his self-pity and that King Vigilante remained occupied as their temporary leader--well, that is until Ulilohi got settled as their next 'leader'. Even still, they were now under a shaky rule, and the tribe could not be called 'autonomous', even if they had not been completely so before. But when Dawali had been leading, it had seemed so. Sitting atop her tree home, the white woman remembered her tribe when it was peaceful and strong; a haven and home for those who sought happiness. She remembered studying so hard to learn their ways, and knowing that the roots were so closely interwoven with her native tribe's that it was just like being home.

She should've known it would be different.

No matter how hard she had tried to, admittedly, replace her native tribe with AniWaya, there were still differences, and she felt terrible that she had attempted such a substitute. AniWaya could never be the Moon Tribe, and before the war, she had believed it better: It was free, accepting, and tranquil--everything she ever wanted in life. But the war had made her question so many things, as she had when the laws of the Crescent Moon Pack alienated her from normal contact. She now questioned the fairness of the old laws that AniWaya apparently held in such high esteem in the Great Tribe, as well as the customs that had gotten her ridiculed by Chitsa at one time. Despite her pride and courage to bear through those accusations, it still stung that, in the eyes of the Great Tribe, she was disgraced--after all she had worked for and given. And never before had she thought that she could muster the will to fight. J'adore had trained her, and the first time she felt her staff connect with the bone of an enemy--the first time she saw blood of a fellow wolf spill by her hands--she felt a part of her inner fire go out. The innocence of war could never be reignited, and her family was scarred by it now, too. Ayasha: So pure of heart and eager to serve her tribe... Ralla wished she could've enforced the concepts of justice to her daughter better to avoid the pain that the young scout must've gone through. On the other hand, perhaps it was Ayasha's naivete that saved her much grief.

Ralla was not given this reprieve.

Strelein had recently stopped by, as Ayasha had told her, to bring back her three youngest ones and Sugar. Ralla herself had not know about the visit, and although Strelein had left before she had a chance, she was planning on dropping by Cour des Miracles on her way to Ichika no Ho-en anyway--just as soon as the tribe was cleaned up that she wasn't needed anymore. But when Ayasha had only come home with two in tow, Ralla had felt the ringing of despair begin in her heart. Alaster had walked slowly up to her with something hidden in his small hands, and even though Ralla was both sad and joyous that her children had learned to transform, her heart had shattered when he showed her the red dream-catcher necklace--of her own making--and spoke the words she never wanted to hear: "Dinadanvtli alenidohv...uyohusv," he had said. Perhaps it was because Ralla knew that he was dead that she took the news much harder than when Kemo had disappeared; at the very least for him, there was hope he was still alive. But to hear from her youngest son that his twin was gone, and so young and after such tribulations... She locked herself in the observatory for the rest of the day, crying. It had all been too much: The pain, the loss of family and friends, and now the moon and spirits had taken away her child...

Nootau had stayed by her side for that time, and when Ralla had finally come out, she had embraced all her children, just holding them for a time. She was so grateful to still have them, and she had to embrace the philosophy she had had for Kemo: Move forward. Of course she mourned--was still mourning--for Ahiga, but the world did not stop for her, and she had to help her tribe rebuild. In the end, she blamed Maska for it all. His radical ideals and Guardians had cost her to send her children away, and while she had trusted Noss and Strelein with her children, it was not their fault: Ahiga had been naturally curious and rebellious--he would've strayed even if she was there. But there was also the assault that the Guardians performed upon her person and family--blood or not. Saxif and Shiloh were no longer in the pack because of that monster, and her dear friend Liliana was dead. Leon was now far away in Anathema--that place where the white wolfess had felt such foreboding--and many more were still yet to return, if ever. There was so much to blame on prejudice and ignorance... Ralla just couldn't abide by the old ways any longer--not all of them, at least.

Back on top of her tree, Ralla remained staring off into the depths of the village, watching as the scarce few that remained milled about. There was a heavy air as they waited for whatever retribution to reach Maska and the Guardians, and Nootau appeared from the misty morning air to perch on her shoulder, silent as an unspoken secret. "You must go soon, if you wish to make good time," he spoke quietly, interrupting her train of thought. A few days ago, Ralla had received a vision from the Great Fire, where she was blessedly allowed close to again, even if she was not formally granted the title of Master Fire-Keeper. She had asked it why it had not protected them, but she already knew the answer: The spirits could not coddle them or protect them from everything--they had to earn their places in the spirit world and prove their worth through trials. You have certainly given us many, she thought stonily. But the fire had blazed more, and in its coals she saw that all would be well again, if they all worked together. But that was the problem: After Maska's cruel raids and actions, the packs were wary of AniWaya now, and it would be a miracle if they trusted them ever again. It was amazing what one leader could do to ruin the name of a pack.

Ralla was no longer a Councilwoman, and did not ever plan to be again. She had her family to care for, and moon willing the Great Fire once more; governing the tribe after such a conflict would only serve to chip away at her heart, and the fire within it had blazed so brightly during the final battle that now it was running only on small embers. No; she would only give advice from the shadows of the Great Fire, where those could find her if they need ask, and likely serve only that purpose forevermore. It was as if she were fulfilling her birth-destiny anyways, despite her running away. But she was alright with that: Ralla had been given the gift of sight, and she could not deny the words of the spirits and moon should they try to reach her people. And it was because of this that she was leaving: The Great Fire had showed her that someone must go to the other packs who were slighted and make amends for what was broken. But there was no one who could be spared but her, and so she had approached their occupiers with her mission. She had met no opposition, and so had begun her preparations. Of course she felt terrible for having to leave her children again, but she was doing them no good in her current state, and she was much more at ease knowing they were in AniWaya...with Maska disposed of.

Jumping down the boughs of the tree, Ralla landed next to Sugar, and petted the quarter horse's brown mane affectionately, securing the saddle bags filled with supplies and peace-gifts securely to his sides. She had already bid farewell to her children, the Great Fire, and those who remained in the pack that she called kin: She was set to go. Tears brimmed and threatened to spill, having to leave her home for the task given her, but she did not let them. She had to be strong, see the mission through, and return home--hopefully with news of success and forgiveness. As she mounted Sugar, more memories bombarded Ralla until she shut her mind to them, as she did to the world while meditating, and knew she could never be the same. It seemed as if she was constantly changing in ways she did not want recently, but knew that it was all inevitable. She began a soft song as she left, going towards the fiery sunrise to aid her tribe in the only way she knew how.

"Home is behind...the world ahead...

"And there are many paths to tread...

"From shadow...till the edge of night...

"Until the stars are all alight...

"Mist and shadow... Cloud and shade...

"All shall fade... All shall...


Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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[Image: Ralla_by_Nina2.png]

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