crime scene investigation

Word Count :: 328 Mommy! x3

The first victim had been claimed by Skoll Haskel.

The teddy bear had definitely seen better days, probably even days with a human child to take care of it. Human children did not have sharp teeth, though, and the small puppy most certainly did. He’d found the bear underneath one of the beds while visiting the Hotel and immediately claimed it as a prize, tugging it along with him for hours. One glass eye and a button nose had already been chewed off, but now Skoll was ready to finish his prey off.

Batting the stuffed animal on the floor, the puppy growled and leaped at it, practicing his wrestling as well as his dominance. He’d occasionally knock the bear down and stamp around it with his tail up and waving—one of his ways to test his limits as the big boy in the litter.

And now he chewed on it, his jaws squishing the soft body. He let out a ferocious growl by puppy standards then placed one oversized paw on the bear’s tummy, grabbing its ears in his teeth. He gave a tug—then another tug, one much stronger than intended. There was a rip and an explosion of fluff, and the boy fell down on his butt, the teddy bear head in his mouth and its decapitated body spitting stuffing in front of him.

Horrified, Skoll dropped the torn-up toy. He might have been excited about being able to change the stuffed animal like this and actually do something, but right now all he could think of was that he’d get in trouble. Quickly, he looked around for somewhere to hide the bear and grabbed it by a leg, dragging it underneath a chair and pushing it with his paws to hide it. Only moments later did he realize that the stuffing evidence was everywhere, and so he ran around the floor frantically, practically using his body as a mop to hide the fluff.

Image courtesy of ilovememphis@Flickr; coding by the Mentors!

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I don't know if You can hear me
Or if You're even there

Word Count → 310 :: Out of Character text

Ayita smiled as she looked at the ever changing scenes of the world. She had gone down to Zafiers grave. She had to make sure that the proud man was still safe in his last resting place. the pups had been so young when he passed not really old enough to remember anything about the normally grumpy male. She hadn't really began to tell them about him if she didn't need to mention him she didn't it brought up rough and still raw feelings. To top it off Amaranth left on a mission to find herself. Leaving the mother of eight to take care of her youngest and stew on her pain.

Pushing open the door to her house an ear twitched as she heard what seemed to be the sound of a puppy. She smiled which child was up making so much noise? Walking slowly she moved into the living space seeing Skoll sliding around trying to hide something. "Ehhm," she said clearing her throat as she crossed her arms lifting an eyebrow. "What is y sun chaser up too?" she questioned as she moved towards him and the mess she saw.

She chuckled a bit as she moved towards the chair that was hiding a very destroyed teddy bear. She looked at Skoll, the boy was such a Catori she smiled looking at him as she bent down and picked the poor bear. "oh you poor thing look at you, the mighty prince has killed you." she said smiling. She remembered being handed down things Zafier had. They were always half destroyed, Skoll was in ways like his uncle. Ayita smiled, "Now how did you beat him? Was it hard to take out such a mighty bear? I bet he was a fierce opponent. Now this bear didn't hurt you did he?" she questioned playfully getting more on his level.

Placing a hand to her cross necklace she smiled thinking to herself about zafier and her son.


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Word Count :: 328 <3

As busy as he was trying to get rid of the evidence, Skoll didn’t hear his mother step into the house. Usually his ears were trained to the door whenever she went out on one of her walks, but right now he was covered in fluff and on the floor. And so when he heard her clear her throat, his heart pounded and his wide green eyes lifted to her blue ones. Her arms were crossed in the standard parent posture, and he flattened his ears in anticipation.

His tail waved once at being called “sun chaser,” but then his mother spotted the torn-up teddy bear. She only chuckled and smiled, though, so Skoll grinned and bounced closer to her ankles. Soon the bear became a fallen foe instead of a ruined toy as Ayita Catori spoke to it before crouching down closer to him, asking him about the details of the epic battle.

The blonde boy tilted his chin up. “I rippa head,” he declared, now proud of his kill instead of ashamed. He frowned and cocked his head thoughtfully. “Bear coward,” he said. “Not like Prince. Eaaasy victoire!” He grinned and pranced around his mother, arrogant but playful.

“I protect Mom from bears!” he added, glancing tenderly at his Catori parent.

Image courtesy of ilovememphis@Flickr; coding by the Mentors!

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I don't know if You can hear me
Or if You're even there

Word Count → :: Raze the sight PP tell me if you want it changed

Ayita moved so that she was on her knees watching the blonde boy. He was so proud of hims self and Ayita couldn't help but feed it. She wanted her children to grow up proud of who they were and being a mother again she found herself being not so up tight. Ayita smiled, "the bear was right to be afraid of you" She said she she put the poor thing down.

She looked at the boy who still had pieces of fluff still stuck to him. "Dear boy look at you your covered in fluff. She said. Ayita couldn't help but continue to think of her older brother. "Do you want to hear a story Skoll?" She asked waving a hand for him to come closer.

Ayita touched the small boy cleaning off the fluff from the bear. "Why don't I tell you the story of two mighty wolves, that were tricked by humans. But in the end they became very famous and the humans wrote stories about them." She said as she smiled at him.


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Word Count :: 186 It's all good!

His mother kneeled, ever so kind as she agreed with his proud words. His tail beat the air a hundred times a minute at her praise, and grinned sheepishly as she pointed out that he was still covered with the bear’s insides. Giving his blonde coat a shake, he came closer and sat down so that she could better clean the stuffing from him.

“Story!” Skoll barked, agreeing with widened eyes. He always loved hearing stories from the adults in the pack, even though it seemed a rambunctious and active little cub like him would be not be inclined to sit still long enough for a tale to be finished. But he did love stories, and he loved acting them out especially.

The small taste of the story proved to be interesting, and so he tried to climb into her lap, as if pressing up against her warm fur would allow him to hear better. “Terra said stuff about ’oomans,” he remarked, remembering the day the coyote hybrid had acted out the story of the humans’ demise with him. “I wanna hear ’bout the two wolves!”

Image courtesy of ilovememphis@Flickr; coding by the Mentors!

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Pp will change if you'd like, Because my mind is butter toast

Looking at the boy Ayita smiled feeling him snuggle in. "the story starts in a lush world so new and almost untouched by human's. the humans were knew to this world for they were the creations of the gods. The sun and the moon rose and fell like it does for us each day. The humans were able to grow and prosper but this was all to change." She smiled looking at him.

All her children were still small enough she could pick them up and move them. Lifting Skoll she placed him in front of her as she smiled. Sitting straighter on her knees. Now the sun and moon began to be lazy. Soon the two never rose or set and played and lounged leaving the humans in turmoil. With out the sun the plants didn't grow, without the moon the tides didn't rise or fall." She used her hands to show him.

"The humans were at odds at what to do. many became weak and they thought they would die out." She smiled. holding up a hand. "The humans were smart they thought real hard and decided to go to the wolf. They brought meat to the wolves and the wolves begged for more. The humans told them that there was more meat where the Sun and the moon were resting." She looked at him trying to keep his attention. The two wolves ran after the Moon and Sun who quickly took off into the sky. But these two wolves were special, they chased the moon and sun ever since then hoping to catch them. Ever since then the humans spoke of two wolves. One the Sun chaser Skoll and the other his brother the moon chaser Hati." Ayita said smiling finishing her tail.

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Word Count :: 266

Skoll’s green eyes never left his mother as she began the story. Ever since Terra told him about the end of the humans, he had wanted to know more and more about the mysterious creatures that dominated the earth before luperci. He didn’t really understand what the earth could be like so long ago, but he imagined everything pure and green as the gods had fashioned it.

The twist came soon, though, and the boy giggled at the thought of the sun and moon being lazy. He wagged his tail as his mother set him in front of her, but then he frowned as she described the plants and tides suffering without the rise and set of the discs.

His tail picked up tempo again as she explained that the humans knew to go to the wolf for help, bribing them with meat. He giggled again, and his eyes widened as she described the sun and moon chasers.

“Skoll an’ Hati,” the Prince echoed, in awe. She had always called him sun chaser, but he had never heard the legend of his birthright. However, this new knowledge only made him grin widely and wag his tail more; he spun around in a circle and ran across the room.

“I chase-a sun,” Skoll proclaimed, finding one of his balls and nosing it around, galloping after it. He paused then, looking at Ayita. “Do they get sleepy? Skoll an’ Hati? I get sleepy.” The little cub liked to think that he could run forever and ever, but he would have to leave that up to the legendary wolves.

Image courtesy of ilovememphis@Flickr; coding by the Mentors!

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Pp will change if you'd like, Because my mind is butter toast

Ayita watched her son as he showed great joy with the new knowledge he had obtained. From the moment she saw the twin boys she knew that they would be blessed under the sun and moon. And both were, Skoll and his sun kissed looks and Hati with his shadowed appearance. She loved them both so dearly and she could not wait for them to continue to grow and get bigger.

"Of course they do, Skoll sleeps when the sun sleeps and Hati when the moon sleeps. She was happy though that the boys didn't sleep during the day. She chuckled, now she should think about fixing the bear and cleaning up the room. "Would you like me to fix this bear make it as good as I can?" She asked smiling.

She picked up the thing and placed it on a chair and looked at her son. "We should play a game something fun something that will use our imaginations? What would the prince like to play?" she asked looking at him as she stood up trying to get all the bear insides into one spot.

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Word Count :: 221

Skoll grinned when his mother explained the legendary chasers took turns resting whenever the sun and moon slept. It made sense. He wasn’t much of a night pup, anyway, though part of that was simply because he was too young to be able to stay up that late—probably much to the relief of his caretakers. He was a handful enough during the day when everyone was awake.

Ayita offered to fix the bear, and the boy lowered his ears with a sheepish smile. “Wait,” he chirped, and he wandered over to the chair where the busted toy was placed. Putting his forepaws on the chair so he could see it, he made little nodding motions as if listening to the stuffed animal then looked over his shoulder at his mother. “Bear say it be good now,” he confirmed; after all, he had to make sure the dreadful creature was reformed before he allowed it in his family’s house. “I no bite no more. You fix an’ make all good’s’new.”

When the Catori woman suggested a game, the boy perked up then scampered around the room without real aim. He nosed some of the fluff into the pile she was making then tilted his head, considering the question.

“Play cheval,” Skoll said, rearing and mimicking a horse’s whinny. “Wan’ be horse?”

Image courtesy of ilovememphis@Flickr; coding by the Mentors!

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