the queen of carthage

Fred! Big Grin

Word Count: 400+

It had been a while since the alabaster male chose to wander out of Cours des Miracles. By a while he actually meant several weeks; regardless, that was a long time for the long wandering male. It felt more natural for the pearly man to wander without the constraints of a pack, and the itch had long returned. So much of his time spent in Cours des Miracles was considering ways to leave without offending the higher ups; Shandom knew, though, that this was probably impossible. It was also a tribute to his ego that he might consider they at all cared; he had never met them, and never really had any intention of doing so. He'd made up his mind after the first night he spent in the Hotel; Shandom Qi'Vaex was leaving. This whole humanized thing was simply too much for the extremely traditional gentleman.

And so he padded outside the territory, though he did not wander far. He stuck mostly to a southern route, though his instincts were calling him northward; Shandom was Northern bred and he would die as far north as he could imagine. Some would find this strange - cool temperatures were not appealing to most - but he wanted the harshness of winter back. Shandom missed the roaring arctic winds, the vicious snowstorms that buried his packmates in three feet of fluffy snow. So far, this had been a fairly anticlimactic winter, reflected by the lack of snow on the rolling hills where he currently wandered.

He was on his four paws, and he was comfortable that way. When he was in Cours des Miracles, the man felt like a glaring wound, an imperfection against the type of life these people tried so hard to lead. It was incredibly rare that Shandom felt like such an outsider, but Cours des Miracles had successfully transformed the typically cocky gentleman into much more of an introvert. When he was in his element, the cockiness returned, but he hadn't yet found that level of comfort yet. The closet wolf he could call a friend was Terra, and her juvenile antics sometimes irritated him. She was a sweet girl, but a girl nonetheless.

Even here, he felt purposeless. Sighing, the wolf climbed atop a nearby rock and sat atop it, a slight breeze rippling his fur. From a distance, he would look quite impressive; regal, almost. Peering through his good eye, Shandom surveyed the dying land. There was something wrong about this solitude, something slightly uncomfortable and unappealing lurking beneath the surface. Such was the change of seasons.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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+6 OOC: Sorry about my sleep-deprived style ramblings...!

She was carrying a heavy heart, and so the journey was taking longer than anyone could have expected. The Caprica who loped ever nearer to her recent acquaintance was not the same Caprica who had originally met him in the maple forest. Now, she believed, she was a girl capable of magic - and black magic, at that, not benign, as she'd originally thought. She was so lost in her shame, that she'd forgotten all the joy and heady excitement of those first few weeks carrying her secret charm, and forgotten the reason she'd begun to think it had worked. But it was also a stronger Caprica, with a thread of steel through her heart that could not decay, even faced with the prospect of accepting a deeply shadowed subconscious mind: a malicious devil within, that she'd never even suspected to exist before. Still, she was stronger than the devil. The love she'd been shown from her family provided her with strength, because they cared for her and always would - so long as she did not become truly evil, and she would never allow that. They would always be there, and she would retain the will to fight, because of them. In some ways, it was good, she told herself, that it had come to this. At least now she knew the challenge she faced, and the pitfalls to be avoided. She would frame her incantations far more clearly in the future, and overturn every shadowy stone in her soul until there were no contaminating secrets left unexamined.

Perhaps she wasn't heading in the straightest of lines for home, but she didn't much mind. The tunnels echoed still with guilt, and it would take some steeling of her nerves to re-enter the world she felt she'd robbed as truly as if she'd been a thief in the night. She would go back, of course. What good would it do them to lose her as well? And she needed Anathema, needed her loved ones. For now, the wilderness of an unknown place was a better place to collect her thoughts. After a time, and veering towards the South and the scent of the ocean, she thought she scented packlands and moved nearer, lifting her proud Roman-throwback muzzle to collect the impression: it was indeed, and a place she thought she could recall the name of, too. As she trotted closer, wondering if she dared call for the one she knew to live therein - but of course, he was not meant for her, after all - Caprica suddenly crossed a trail, the marks vivid against a sea-mist dampened ground. Both her neat, small ears shot forwards: her pace and pulse quickened. She followed, paws unerringly following the fresh and outward-leading trail. Her nose down, she did not see the figure atop his boulder. She merely marvelled at the strengthening of the scent, to the point at which it seemed he could be right in front of her: and then when she found the wall of rock before her face, she lifted her eyes and found that indeed he was. She wagged her tail, but the gesture was quiet and lacking in the exuberance that it might have possessed. It was delightful to see him, but the other was not tinged with the sense of inevitability and destiny that surrounded him before. Now, she knew they were both adrift on the sea of fate and just about anything could happen. All she could do was place herself in hope's way, and see if it came to call. Maybe with the odd nudge, too, just for luck. Not that she was feeling lucky, these days. Perhaps she would have to make her own luck.


sorry this is so awful! D:

Word Count: 300+

He found the silence comforting, a blanket he could wrap around himself and hide from the trivial problems this new world presented him. Though his posture was rigid, Shandom was really quite comfortable; it felt natural for him to sit, perched upon a rock, surveying everything around him. Thanks to his blindness, the male often had to swivel his head in order to fully appreciate his surroundings; it was significantly less dignified than he would have liked. But in his surveying Shandom noticed a midnight wolf moving over the lands, and for a moment his heart stopped: Lea?!

To an odd combination of dismay and happiness, the male quickly registered that the female was not, in fact, Linquilea. Instead, it was the woman he met several weeks ago, the Anathema dwelling Caprica D'Angelo. She hadn't acknowledged him yet - Shandom wasn't sure if she even realized he was there - and so he didn't say anything. He merely looked at her, appreciating her unconventional beauty. It brought a small smile to his scarred face, and a deep chuckle fell from his lips when she almost ran into the rock.

Miss Caprica, he murmured, tail wagging in greeting. It has been too long, my friend. He leaped nimbly down from the rock, landing several feet from her. Shandom inclined his wintry head in a deep bow, his black lips still stretched in a smile. You are far from home, are you not?

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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OOC: Literally the first time I've managed to remember to do account linking properly O.O -celebrates- +3

Ever the gentleman. Shandom descended to her level, and then lower, dropping his head in a lordly bow. She realised then how he always made her feel like some kind of princess, which she knew she was not. She was a flawed creature, and a lowly one. Her mother was powerful, but Caprica was not sure she was anything like her mother. She could only hope that her strength would rub off some day, and then she would deserve such a show of honour as this Arctic gentleman gave. One thing they did share was their size: the ebony lady was used to looking down on others, despite her current low opinion of herself. Shandom was tall, too, though - taller than her, she thought, but not by a lot. She had still never seen him in any other form than the lupus, but now they were both on four legs it was easier to compare. "Yeah, I meant to come find you sooner..." she murmured, regretfully. It had been a more light-hearted time that they had made their bargain, and it felt a world away: so of course it had been too long. "Had a lot on my mind," it was almost faintly an apology, but she was more sorry for herself than him. Of course he hadn't felt the lack of her in any way: it was her misfortunes and preoccupations she regretted, and her own fault she hadn't come to track down the enigmatic white wolf sooner: indeed now she was here, it had been almost a mistake, but there was no need to let on about that. Far from home? "I know... I was down this way visiting my father," she explained. "But we ain't far from yours, are we? I gotta admit - I took a detour when I found your trail..." she confessed bashfully, her eyes lowering and sliding to one side, but the grin that followed these words belied suspicion of any shyness.


It appears I am always apologizing, but sorry for the delay D:

Word Count: 400+

Shandom found he quite liked to look at her in this form. If she had been lovely on two legs, she was absolutely stunning now. A small smile played across his lips as he quietly examined her dark pelt, her muscular grace... Caprica appealed to him, now more than ever, and he remembered why he had not forgotten the female, nor stopped thinking about her. There was something that drew Shandom to her, something that made him forget he was so scarred and terrible to behold... Perhaps it was her similarities to his lost sister, the beautiful woman he fell in love with all those years ago who had been replaced by such a terrible monster. But Caprica did not have any of the madness Lea held in her topaz eyes; indeed, the female before him had eyes a stunning shade of emerald. Shandom found he quite enjoyed looking at them.

It's perfectly all right you didn't - everything has been so busy, and I have been so transitory; had you gone to Cours des Miracles, it is unlikely I would have been there anyway. His words were soft, gentle; his voice, a rich and velvety baritone. I hope everything is okay, Caprica, Shandom said quietly, meeting her gaze with his. But he did not want to burden her, or assume to be her confident; the white male did not implore further, and would not ask again unless she offered more information. It was not his place, and Shandom had never been the type to question further (although he would certainly continue wondering what made her seem so much sadder). She mentioned she was down here visiting her father, and that confused him - did her mother and father not live together in the same pack? He kept the quizzical expression off his face, chalking the new information to the strange nuances he'd been experiencing since finding this bizarre new land. So many times he wondered why he came this far West; Eastern wolves, he'd decided, were much more normal.

If he could have blushed when she said she found his trail and followed it, he would have. Instead, he resorted to giving her a wide, magnetic smile; a smile that transcended his scar and ruined appearance. I am flattered, Miss Caprica he murmured. I have wanted to see you since we met in the woods - you intrigue me, if I am being honest.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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The more he talked, the more words she learned. It was worth finding him just for that. He seemed such a storybook character - intelligent, strong and kind. But then there were those scars, and the hollow sound she occasionally picked up in his voice, tallying with the small amount he'd told her of his life: it seemed bad luck stalked everybody and did not avoid the undeserving. She had deserved everything bad that had happened to her, though. All her luck had been good: it was she who messed things up.

"How come? You said you liked it there, didn'tcha?" she asked, head tilting quizzically. Had things gone wrong for him - dared she hope such a thing, when her foolish selfish hopes had already landed her in such trouble. But if he left, he would need a new home and why, perhaps he would come her way. Perhaps things were working out perfectly after all. It was a stupid hope, she knew. She barely knew him. But it would be nice to have another friend to distract her from her own stupid self. He was always so caring - always bringing the conversation round to her. Seemed he'd noticed she wasn't feeling so chipper this time. "Sure, I'm fine," she murmured, placing the emphasis on the fine. She didn't even deserve to feel pain after what she'd done. And she didn't want to get worked up like a puppy in front of this mature and sophisticated wolf. No more moping, she told herself firmly. It was easy to feel more cheerful when he broke out that dashing smile and offered a little gentle flattery. Far more than she would have dared hope for. It was a double-edged hope: the simple desire to be admired, and the more complex hope that her wish had been granted in a beneficent manner after all. "Well, well, Mr Qi'Vaex!" she exclaimed, her luxurious tail swaying delightedly, and she came forward a little, drawing herself up so they were nose-to-nose. "I only meant that I came for that hunting lesson you promised..." Her smile was devilish. "But please do keep being honest, it's terribly... intriguing." Yes, that was the word he'd used. Her eyes were shining. She found she rather liked being intriguing herself.

Image courtesy of Ant Jackson@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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I have no idea where this monster post came from! Most of it's babble, haha.

Word Count: 600+

Shandom sighed when she asked why he wouldn't be in Cours des Miracles, and mentioned how, the last time they interacted, he said he liked it there. How could he explain to a wolf who, for her entire life, knew the ability to shift? How could he make it clear to her without sounding like a complete imbecile that this advanced, modernized lifestyle was not for him, and never would be? It had been weeks since he shifted out of Lupus form, and Shandom felt more comfortable that way. But in Cours des Miracles, it made him feel like an outsider. He remembered the pretty woman he met, Princess, who wore clothes and stylized fur and thought herself beautiful - Shandom had never gotten past the absurdity of the whole thing. Things changed, he stated simply, though he intended to elaborate. I thought I would be able to adjust to this more... Oh, I don't know, civilized lifestyle. But that's not who I am, and Cours des Miracles has denied me of my inner nature. It is not their fault - they are all good wolves - but I cannot help who I am: a grouchy old traditionalist who prefers life on four paws. Shandom gave her a roguish grin and wink at his little self deprecation, though the male did not mean it. He saw no harm in admitting his true, inner nature. It was a little bit like talking to Lea-Belle.

He would have been embarrassed that he admitted he thought of her if she did not make his heart beat faster with her sass. The half blind male let out a coughing chuckle and wagged his tail as well, resisting the urge to bump his cold, wet nose against hers. Ah, yes, hunting! Shandom exclaimed, his devilish grin growing wider. I completely forgot, I must admit, though I would love to be of assistance to you. I suppose your beauty overshadowed it, in my mind. He knew he was being slightly over the top, but he didn't particularly care. Caprica, like other females, was just that: a female. If there was one situation where the alabaster male had confidence, it was when it came to wooing pretty women. And he would be damned if the Anathema female wasn't the prettiest he'd come across yet - especially when she was in this more natural form. It suited her.

This form - it suits you, Miss Caprica, Shandom smiled. I know it is in your nature to enjoy two legs as well, and you are lovely then as well, but you look especially fine today. A flatterer by nature, the male could not help but pour on the sugar to the sweet girl. She was younger than him, certainly, but she was also mature: he could not help the twinge of desire he felt for her. But Shandom would ignore that, as he thought her to be at least slightly classier than that, unlike some of his more recent conquests. Sometimes the scarred male feared that he was by chance drawn to females in heat, and there were a million little hot tempered Qi'Vaex spawn running around somewhere. Luckily, he only knew of three. Anyway. Shandom glanced away from Caprica for the moment, letting the scent of prey distract him momentarily from the female. I do smell what I believe to be several deer, if you'd be interested in trying to hunt some. Or, of course, we could seek smaller prey, if you would prefer to start small. Shandom did not mean to come across condescending, as he did not doubt Caprica would be capable of either. It was simply a question.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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Lowering her head a little, Caprica sighed intangibly as Shandom explained his reasons for dissatisfaction. She would never think of him as old and grouchy, but it seemed he was undeniably a traditionalist and quite irrationally, she thought. She couldn't understand what difference it really made to behaviour, whether one walked on two or four legs. It was like having a different colour of fur, to Caprica, except that having the power to shift was actually very useful and expanded one's capabilities. She wondered then what life was like as a purely-four-legged creature. If Shandom loved it so much that even the ability to change did not make up for what he longed for, then there must be something wonderful about the life. She hoped she would get a taste of that today. He certainly preferred her like this, and that cheered her spirits, though she still couldn't really see the reason - she wasn't acting or feeling any differently in lupus form. It must be purely an aesthetic thing, she decided. He was an aesthete like her. Perhaps if he could get used to two-legs eventually, they would both be artists. If he didn't convert her to four-legged purism first.

She hardly ever hunted deer, although she adored venison. Her snares were too small for that. The thought of the delicate hoofed animals made her green eyes gleam. "I always aim big," she boasted devilishly. "Deer sound perfect. Let's go."


Fred, I promise I'll respond fast next time. D:

Word Count: 300+

Perhaps there was something inherently sour about Shandom's passionate desire to live on four legs; he hadn't considered that thought, and probably wouldn't give it much credence anyway. Having grown up in a pack where such a thing did not even exist, and was not spoken of, he saw this power as an unnatural thing, and the canines who were born with the ability as almost an entirely different species from himself. All he wanted, Shandom realized quickly after joining Cour des Miracles, was to live among wolves with similar values to his childhood pack. Etienne would never have allowed itself to become so culturally strange; deep set values and adherence to inner natures was just part of life in the wild North Shandom loved so fiercely. Then again, Etienne never had much outside interaction with the other packs in the area. It was fairly isolated, and lived rather contentedly in its own territory; the last time something happened with another pack, his parents were kidnapped. Shandom, when considering this, thought it rather strange he never discovered the circumstances regarding his parents' assumedly untimely demise.

Regardless, he was becoming lost in the past, an awful habit he was wont to do. Shaking his alabaster head, the large white male grinned at Caprica. She accepted the idea of a deer hunt, which was perfect - perhaps after, they would share the meal together. He could not remember whether or not she indulged in the strange art of destroying delicious meat over a fire; Shandom decided he would ask her later. Perfect! the scarred male exclaimed, and he picked up a quick trot, allowing his nose to follow the scents that lived on the wind. It's all very natural, really, he remarked to Caprica as the pair moved along the vast expanse of territory. Especially in the winter - they are fat and slow, and all the easier to catch.

It was not long before the pair came across a small grouping of deer. Shandom could feel saliva pooling around his tongue; it had been weeks since he had a proper meal, instead choosing to sustain himself on much smaller game. Now, what do you think we should do here? he breathed, quiet enough only for Caprica to hear. He was curious about what her instincts might tell her.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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Words: 378
OOC: Please don't worry medear, I'm fine to wait, I do it to people myself often enough <3 Lolol how opposite they are.

It was possible that most of the reason Caprica was enjoying herself so much was simply the sensation of running with the older male, who as a distinguished and seemingly experienced wolf came up to her high estimations, and a little bit to do with the novelty of hunting on all fours, a skill lost to her in practice if not instinct. She matched his trot stride for stride, enjoying the way she could run so much lighter like this, her substantial weight evenly distributed instead of teetering on two legs. Every muscle was taut with excitement, lifting her higher off the ground than she would usually run, and her head and tail flagged proudly high, knowing they looked good together, the dark Anatheman and the ivory Courtier. Even she, with her bohemian love of decoration and ornament, could appreciate the simple beauty of trapping-free fur pelts and a clear snow-patched landscape. When she smelt the deer, though, her thoughts were anything but those of a pure and simple she-wolf: she saw spits and plates and gravy and delicious roasting meat drenched in spice and salt. She could construct all kinds of human-book based recipes these days, and often did. Shandom was inquiring as to her opinion, and she let the thought of what came next swim from her mind. She had to focus on the present moment, because this was a rare challenge for her. She tested the air carefully, figuring out which were young or old, male or female, before looking at Shandom with innocently wide eyes. "Okay, first I stake out a hide in the trees, then I load my sling..." she answered, then dropped the act and smirked mischievously. "No, sorry, I didn't just say that, don't worry. I, I guess we split up and one of us chases them towards the other...?" Her voice was halting and unsure. She knew she couldn't outrun a deer, so surely they had to be a little organised about this, but her mind kept ticking over and considering all kinds of peripheral details when what she should be doing was dropping everything and listening to her inborn knowledge: she would have been far more certain then.


Feel free to PP Shandom, as I just PP'd Caprica a bit. (: It's kinda short, I apologize D:

Word Count: 418+

Shandom was initially quite shocked when Caprica began her response. A sling? he thought, an incredulous expression on his ruined face. For one thing, what the hell is a sling? And what use would it have over teeth? I will never understand these wolves, even if she is quite...pretty. These human contraptions that the dark woman sometimes insinuated were never going to be the norm for him. He was quite content with tooth and claw, the instinctual way of his ancestors. Of course, this lasted only several seconds before a wide grin broke across her face. Caprica was quite pretty, and Shandom found himself thinking inappropriate things. Had she ever been with a man? Did her heart belong to someone; did she, perhaps, have a mate? Or was she lustful and wild, as many girls her age were prone to be? These were all questions he would not ask, at least not until he was a better friends of hers.

Luckily, she was kidding about the sling, and a chuckle fell from Shandom's lips. Good. I was worried you were being serious, and I was going to lose all hope for you. His words were almost silent, lost in the winter air; the male was a master of stealth, but he was still lucky he did not disturb the quiet deer. Caprica seemed to have excellent instincts when she responded, and Shandom nodded. She was correct, though she had not identified a key factor about the deer - not that he expected her to, as the male himself had just noticed it. One of the small herd was slightly lame. A doe, slightly chubby, limped to the outskirts of the group. A feral smile slid across his dark lips, and Shandom turned to Caprica. Did you notice she is lame? the male murmured. We should aim for her, and try to isolate her from her companions. You are correct in that we should attack from different sides; hopefully, she will be slow enough so that we may catch her and have ourselves a nice meal.

Shandom then slunk away from Caprica, sure not to disturb the snow enough so that the deer would be startled. It gave him a better angle from where he'd been with her; the male needed certain positions so that he could fully utilize what little vision he had. He locked eyes with her when they were in position, nodding to indicate he was ready. Hoping she was ready, the male prepared to attack.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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p.template-credit {text-indent:0px; text-align:center; font-size:10px; font-style:italic; width:425px; text-align:center; margin:0px auto;}

OOC: Words: 583

It was fortunate he nodded, because she would have given up hope in herself too if she'd thought the wounded deer was obvious to him as well, but apparently her first reaction had been good enough, and neither of them had spotted the doe's injury - of course, it wasn't really possible to see until she'd moved. So they had a target, now. She wasn't exactly sure what to do next. Shamefully, the wolf had never hunted such large prey with bare tooth before. She always found it so much simpler and quicker to kill them from a distance using her prehensile skills to throw or fire missiles. She'd never had the luxury of a pack hunt to show her what to do. In some respects, Caprica was a very naive young woman. And some things she had lost from her memory, so it was as if she'd never done them. Others seemed as if they had only happened in dreams. Hers was a simple and cheerful exterior built upon confusion and darkness, but a genuine heart. It was beating now as she watched Shandom slip away, and kept low, eyes sharing time between the milk-white male and their browsing prey. As if sensing his stillness, her eyes turned back his way just as his swivelled to meet hers and she felt that electric jolt again. They were as one, now, joined by their maneuver and their goal. It warmed her heart to meet this older, much more experienced wolf on his own level, as an equal. Or, almost. She doubted she had his speed and agility, though perhaps her bear-like strength would suffice to drag the deer down efficiently if she could get hold of it. Her weight shifted fluidly, she could barely hold still at all now. She was eager for the charge, her tongue yearning for the bloody tang of meat. She'd forgotten how much more this form loved to move, perhaps even keened to run. Still crouching low, she stalked forwards a few feet, a black lioness with coiled muscles quivering with anticipation. Surely the countdown to the moment had begun now? The doe was grazing steadily forwards; if there had been an invisible wire between Caprica and Shandom's locked gaze, she was ready to trip it. If there was a way to figure out which direction the deer would run in when startled, Caprica didn't know it. She supposed one of them should go first, and chase it towards the other, but they could not make such a decision soundlessly at a distance. Figuring his stillness meant he was ready, she made up her mind. She burst from her cover at a gallop, huge black paws splaying snow every which way. The deer all jumped frantically in different directions, and the injured one was slower than the rest, but not slow enough for Caprica to catch. She twisted, trying to herd her towards Shandom, but the deer had about-faced and seemed to be trying to catch up with the rest of the herd. Caprica quickly changed tack and blocked its path, keeping it from reuniting with the others, but it turned to dash off in a wide arc and regain them anyway and she had to leap from side to side in order to prevent it getting past. She could surely only keep this up for a few moments before the creature managed to slip by.


Feel free to PP Shandom, as I just PP'd Caprica a bit. (: It's kinda short, I apologize D:

Word Count: 503+

He would like to get to know her better, Shandom decided, after this hunt. Of course, most of his mind was focused on the tantalizing scent of deer before him, fat and ready to be caught with their winter slowness, but the lovely black woman gave him the shivers. She was quite beautiful, and he was quite fond of her - already! As if they had known each other for more than they had, Shandom felt slightly protective of the Anatheman woman. He ghosted her a smile as he crouched, waiting for her move, and hoped she wouldn't notice. The softness Shandom showed was not particularly characteristic of the strange man. It was not to say he was gruff - far from it, really - but he was not one to be particularly available to... well, just about anyone. Caprica, though... She made him smile. Something about her, something about that strange essence she had that reminded him so much of Lea... Save the jade eyes, and the slightly softer countenance, and perhaps the discrepancy in height as well, the two of them could have been twins. The similarities were not lost on him.

Of course, her attack reminded him of Lea as well. Lea was not quick, nor was Caprica; it appeared she moved with intelligence reliant on strength, and he found that to be a nice compliment for what he wanted to do. The pale man shot forward like a cloudy bullet, teeth bared and steps quiet as he flew over to the female. She was doing an interesting move of leaping back and forth to keep the deer distracted, and he supposed that, while an interesting and juvenile tactic, would work. The deer, focused as it was on Caprica, was not too aware of his approach, though as he drew closer the quivering creature grew more focused on the dire situation it now found itself in. Shandom had no sympathy for the animal; it would provide valuable food, and his stomach acids were beginning to gnaw uncomfortably on his liver, which was a rather necessary part of his physiology.

He snapped at the legs of the creature, drawing blood before it spun away from him, lithe and quick. It darted to the right and Shandom shadowed it, snapping and snarling on its frantic heels. The wound was shallow, but enough to slow the already injured deer; this would not be a particularly intense competition. It knew it was at the end of its life, and it moved frantically, desperate to extend its pathetic life even longer than necessary. A low, instinctive growl slipped from his lips as he snapped again at the feet; this time, he was not so lucky, and caught air. Fortunately, the idiotic animal had spun directly to Caprica, and Shandom hoped she would be able to get her teeth in it and inflict a more serious injury; her superior strength was vital to this style of hunting. Soon, he would eat, and he would be satiated.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

.shandom-rainingocean { background-image:url(; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:bottom center; background-color:#d2e9ef; width:500px; margin:0px auto; text-align: left; padding:10px 0px 275px 0px; color:#; font-family:georgia, serif; font-size:12px; line-height:18px; border:1px solid #3399CC; outline:1px solid #000000;}
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p.template-credit {text-indent:0px; text-align:center; font-size:10px; font-style:italic; width:425px; text-align:center; margin:0px auto;}

OOC: Words: 482

One moment it was just her and the deer, playing a childlike but intense game of chicken as she headed it off and it twisted in an attempt to leap past her. Then as if from nowhere the white wolf arrived at great speed, solidifying out of a spray of snow kicked up by a frantic hoof, and she was hugely relieved as the deer was so much faster than her - even despite the great jaws now savaging its fragile legs, it still managed to leap away from her and might have made it past and away - but Shandom was at its heels, and the doe was stark with panic. It seemed almost to have forgotten the black wolf in favour of evading the white male, despite her increased visibility in the wintry scenery. The leap of escape from him was the final tolling of the deer's death knell, as it skittered on lame hooves all too close to Caprica.

The prey animal filled her field of vision and for a second she was as helpless to move as a frightened puppy - not fearful, but indecisive. To make a kill like this, while the animal was still in mid-flight, while she was still out of breath from her last attempts to be agile and fast - Caprica hardly knew what to do for the best, but she knew she had to do something. She could smell the blood and the meat, and she was not used to letting a kill go - mostly because they were already dead when she got to them. She could see the doe see her and felt a sharp pang of recognition of the fact she was going to end the creature's life. It felt somehow right, even as the deer arched her back in a wildly high spring - perhaps desperately trying to get out of reach, but when Caprica was right there... it was a tactic destined to fail. Her clear white underbelly and throat were almost in sight, and all the black wolf had to do was throw herself forward with jaws agape, and she felt her teeth close on throat-flesh. The deer's own jump was its undoing, as the momentum pulled them both forwards but Caprica was a heavy dead-weight, and the pressure was enough to tear the flesh of the throat clean away. As the doe slipped from her grasp, leaving her lifeblood in Caprica's jaws, the wolf feared it was escaping - of course, Shandom would have caught it, but her logical mind had deserted her for something far more primal - and so she pounced again, giving herself rather a surprise when the animal simply collapsed beneath her onslaught, leaving her with nothing better to do than tumble down on top of it herself, almost her entire head encased in a liberal slathering of hot red blood.



Word Count: 317+

As expected, it did not take long for Caprica to slay the doe. Shandom suspected, with the shadow of a smirk on his face, that it had not been entirely finesse that led them to the kill. As she'd said before, Caprica was not an instinctive hunter; her style of food gathering had mostly been of the strange humanized sort, hence this whole affair. Still, though, the white man could tell she still had some wolfish, natural instincts within her. Really, he was being unfair. She seemed plenty wolfish now, soaked as she was in crimson blood, and she'd looked downright sexy going after the throat of the vulnerable doe. The white man was typically the sort to simply turn on the flirt in order to increase the chances of ravaging the woman, but there was something about Caprica that caused him to draw back and, perhaps, consider his moves a bit more.

She was collapsed upon it, apparently not expecting the quick decline of the creature, and Shandom, now significantly more relaxed, trotted towards her with a rather unmanly giggle. Red suits you, he commented, drawing next to the kill and the woman atop it. You did a good job. It seems sufficiently dead, at least, and that's all that matters. It hadn't taken long for the doe to die, once its jugular was cut. A matter of seconds, really, which was all for the best in the grand scheme of things. Causing undue hurt and pain, regardless of the lowly status of the creature, would not please the Gods.

Pools of saliva welled in his mouth, but Shandom knew the appropriate and polite step would be to wait for Caprica to eat first, as she had delivered the fatal blow. Still, he wanted her to hurry up and get on with it. Eat, please, Miss Caprica. It is your right, of course.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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p.template-credit {text-indent:0px; text-align:center; font-size:10px; font-style:italic; width:425px; text-align:center; margin:0px auto;}

OOC: Words: 286

She had no idea of the existence of his thoughts of desirability: if she had, it would have been all the cue she'd needed to instigate her own version of them in reality. But she didn't feel beautiful - with lust for blood lighting her green eyes in a now-crimson visage, she was a technicolour monster: her seemingly enormous body sprawled upon the dead animal, a strange contrast of its light and delicate body laying the foundations for her muscular bulk. She pushed herself into a half-crouch as Shandom came, not wishing to look too much as though she was feeling possessive of the deer when he'd done at least half the work. Still, it was her face soaked in the blood and she could not help but savour the moment - the first time her teeth alone had caught and slaughtered a beast so large, the thrill of the chase still sending shivers down her. She got up fully though, as he spoke, and backed off, suddenly seeming the youthful, playful Caprica again as she laid back her ears and curved her tail from side to side playfully. This form really was good fun - why didn't she use it more? "Aw, honey, you did as much as I. We'll start together," she said, but could not really last the temptation of the meat much longer and plunged her jaws into a haunch, ripping it loose. All she could do was stop mid-motion, with her head on the haunch on the ground and her eyes upturned, hawklike observing him - the moment he began, she would too, and then she would have total satisfaction - at least, of one kind.


Word Count → 328 :: let's wrap this up soon so we can have another thread! Big Grin

Natural beauty would always be the death of him.

The way women worked, the sensuous and supple curves of their body - it was his favorite and most dangerous weakness. The overpowering way he knew he could feel about a girl (even if he knew he would never feel that way every again) was dangerous and terrible; Shandom could remember the way blood felt on his teeth, metallic and dangerous, when it was not the lifeblood of prey. Children tasted different than deer or other such food sources; that blood was disgusting and impure, and Shandom hated it. For a moment, his stomach rolled and the canine felt a stab of nausea; why, in this moment, would he be forced to remember such a horrible thing? The large white man almost stumbled backwards with the power of the memory, but he knew he could not allow himself to lose control and poise in front of Caprica. She had no idea of his dark past, though he'd admitted some things to her he never thought he'd admit to anyone, but the woman had no idea he was a murderer. Shandom doubted he would ever tell her.

She'd plunged her jaws into the supple flesh, and the sounds of lush tearing brought Shandom back to this reality. A wide smile spread across his lips as his mind finally processed what she'd said, and the white male chuckled. She looked kind of ridiculous, hanging over the food and waiting for him to begin. Etienne almost always allowed the females to eat first - the Alphess before the Alpha, the Betess before the Beta. It was not a mark of hierarchy, as Etienne was not a maternally based pack, but instead old fashioned and traditional chivalry. But, if Caprica insisted, she insisted, and Shandom eagerly took a large, satisfying bite from the recently slaughtered haunches. This is fantastic, he mumbled through hunks of meat. Thank you for hunting with me, Miss Caprica.

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art by james, code provided by the mentors!

OOC: Sounds loverly <3 Where and what shall we do with them this time? Words: 603

Caprica, too, appreciated beauty, but her idea of such wasn't exactly aesthetic. She loved things not for their surface or shape, but for what they represented, what they meant. Every item, every animal and every wolf had a story and when she looked at them, she knew what she was seeing was only a shadow of the whole. She hoarded items because she liked to learn them inside out, and imprint herself upon them - burning scented herbs to make everything in her dim quarters fragrant in her own particular way, adding small modifications and finishing touches, like the deer skull hanging over her door, the prongs of his spreading antlers bedecked with her homemade jewellery and other works in progress, carvings littering his face and horns. She could never leave anything alone, nothing was ever finished and if it ever got to the point she felt she could do no more to something, she was as likely as not to take it apart and start again. She admired Shandom Qi'Vaex because his dignity spoke of experience, his solemnity and scars of past troubles that he had overcome, his powerful physique a testament to days of action and deeds of grand proportion. Muscles and speed like that were not developed overnight. Yes, hers was a peculiar form of affection, and quite possibly a more classically feminine one than the supposedly masculine obsession with someone's looks and physical attributes. She was capable of this, too, of course, but such a lust was highly unlikely to grow into an emotion resembling love, for Caprica. Far be it from her to take the traditional road, though. She let the male come forward, so they began their repast at almost the same moment. The food was quite unlike what she was used to, one of her fire-charred recipes which grew more elaborate by the month as she learned techniques and began to gain the understanding to improvise. This food was warm, but it was due to the recent death of the doe and not an unnatural flame. It was savage and violent in flavour, much like the hunt had been. She adored it. Her face, chest, even her forelegs and shoulders were now drenched in the blood, a stain quite shocking in its red intensity. It seemed Caprica could do nothing by halves, wallowing in the blessed brutality of the slaughter. Shandom spoke, his manner equally primal, but his words still flowing and formal between bites. She chomped on herself as she spoke, making a rather unsuccessful attempt at the same. "Don't thank me - s'nothin'! Fanks to yourself for the lesson, Mister Qi'Vaex," she answered, finding herself picking up on a similar formality. He kept calling her Miss - which sounded a little like a diminutive to Caprica, for some reason, perhaps she would have preferred Ma'am, despite her young years and worldly inexperience - but she supposed it was his way of showing respect, so she was appreciative enough. She gave a huge swallow, her stomach already weighted heavily. Now even Caprica was having trouble fitting more in, so she began chewing on a piece of skin, loth to stop enjoying the flavour of their kill - spiced with the sweet flavour of success. She felt suddenly tired, though, and lowered herself to the snowy bloodstained ground, head falling to her paws. Suddenly it seemed almost a question of whether she would even make it home to Anathema before she succumbed to the need to sleep off her full stomach. Green eyes turned to Shandom, wondering what his next move would be.


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