{M} The BFG
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

It was a new month. Not much less cold; snow still fell softly on the ground, but thankfully there was far less wind. Still, it was nice weather for winter. Clouds hung around the sky, but this day had chosen to wear a soft duck-egg blue. The sun tried its best to light up the land, and Sebastian appreciated its efforts enough to go on an exploratory trek.

He carried his quiver, bow and arrows slung across his back and his satchel over his shoulder. Stiletto daggers were sheathed in his pockets. His ear was adorned with a golden loop and the thin silver chain was around his neck. He felt ready. To feel especially ready, he had also brought two bottles of strong red wine in his satchel.

The forest was full of maple trees, branches dipped under snow. Hardy paws carried him far, his bright orange eyes always on the lookout for something to draw. The city limits had been reached rather quickly and now he was in the relative wilderness. He'd caught and eaten a rabbit, taken a gulp of wine and a pleasing warmth had curled in his belly.

It was several hours before he made a find. What appeared at first to be a large log cabin, a human invention. Though wolves were capable of creating such buildings- some of them, anyway- Sebastian was intrigued. Perhaps some human artefacts lay undisturbed.

The lithe Italian padded up the door and pushed. Nothing. He turned the door handle. Nothing. He scowled, put his belongings on the porch and threw his shoulder against it. Aside from a squeak and a bruised shoulder, Sebastian gained no prize.

The lean male stood in front of the obstacle, his arms crossed and his hips leaning to one side as he tilted his head. He could break a window, but that was unnecessary mess. Perhaps he could go down the chimney? Unlikely he would fit. Sebastian's brow furrowed as he considered this problem. He needed raw strength to force this door open.
OOC / +300

It had become a habit of his to come out to the Sugarwoods when he wished to be left alone in peace or simply to search out companies of others outside of the pack. He cared about each member, of course, but at times the same company and tasks got to the alpha and he would take off to the woods for some time to himself. I seemed as though Gunnar had yet to propose to young Fia, though he had permission from himself to go ahead. The father wondered if the boy would be well received by his daughter. With a little luck she would knock some sense into him and they would wait for mateship when they were a little older. It seemed that in his middle age the warrior was becoming more aware of the ways of the world and with that he became more cautious with his children, wishing them to make better choices but unable to stop them.

A banging sound and a squeak caused his ears to flip up in attention and his nose to instantly start twitching. Following the direction of the sound the tall two-legged male found himself staring at a shorter male and a cottage. The expression of clear annoyance was on the stranger’s face. A cocky smile spread across his lips as he approached the stranger a few more feet. “Having issues there?” He teased lightly. There was no telling how the other male would react to Jazper’s laid back and confident speech. It was entirely possible that this small male would challenge him and find the friendly demeanor against their taste but at the moment the Knight could care less, he could use a little action. Decided that he should introduce himself the black wolf spoke up again, his Scottish accent sneaking in, “Name’s Jazper Rhiannon-Knight. I’m from the pack Casa di Cavalieri, little north of here.”

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Sebastian was alerted by the accented baritone before the soft sound of footsteps on snow. He turned around, the expression of annoyance still on his fine-boned face until he actually got a look at the stranger who was now introducing himself. Sebastian looked up. And kept looking up. Right in front of him was a massive black beast, a tattooed wolf of terrifying proportions. He was extremely good-looking, powerfully built and extremely tall. He towered two and a half feet taller than the lissome artist and was far broader, thick-necked with biceps and legs like tree trunks.

Sebastian's jaw dropped a bit, his eyes widening as his orange eyes travelled up the invitingly muscular body to the extremely handsome face of the man he could now identify as Jazper Rhiannon-Knight. The man was a giant. The Italian was abruptly aware of his own small stature, the leanness of his limbs. Despite the strength Sebastian possessed, it was nothing compared to this huge brute.

He stared rudely for a few moments, the simple act of taking in this Adonis taking him longer than expected.

Sebastian closed his muzzle, but couldn't quite keep the look of wonder off his face.

"Uh, yeah," he stuttered for a moment. Then he appeared to compose himself somewhat, his surprise returning to a more socially acceptable look as he tilted his hips to another side, his arms still crossed. He glanced back to the door as he spoke. "I can't get the door to this place open," he admitted. His orange eyes returned to the stunning apparition, an inviting look in his eyes.

"Would you be willing to help?" Sebastian sauntered over to the banister of the wooden porch and leaning on it, grinning at the older male in a friendly fashion. "I'm sure it'll be no trouble to you, and there's wine in it for you." Sebastian arched a questioning brow, curious to see if the dark male with the intriguing tattoo would take him up on the offer.
OOC / +300

There was a certain level of patience one had to have when you looked different. At least in his own case it was a good kind of different, although he would rather not have to deal with staring. The Knight smiled on, waiting for the little red male to react past his initial shock. “Genetics.” He spoke, thinking that if he was lucky enough the other would be book smart and know what the heck ‘genetics’ were and he would be allowed to skip the long story of the Scottish pack and generations of selective breeding for strength and size. It was a story he preferred to tell only when necessary as it usually led to the story of his parents death, and his adoptive parents bickering and split, and now his own split form his ex mate. It was indeed a rather depressing tale that he reserved for friends.

Finally the ginger’s jaw returned to it’s natural position and a stuttering voice escaped before he regained composure and began to speak normally. Glancing at the door Jazper thought of all the doors he had pushed open with little work, the old building doors seemed to get stuck after awhile but it had never been a problem for the large leader. At the proposition for some wine the large male shrugged, “Sure, why not.” He would have helped regardless of anything in return but he was certainly always up for a drink and a chat. Taking the few extra steps he placed a large shoulder against the doorframe and gently pushed, the door popping open with ease. Turning he chuckled, “Now that wasn’t too hard. Don’t see what your issue was.” Taking a step inside the male ducked down, it would be more comfortable when they were sitting. “What’s your name? I didn’t catch it.”

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Sebastian knew what genetics were; he was extremely intelligent and had gone to school. Added to his inquisitive nature and fascination with humans, he had quite an extensive knowledge of homo sapiens. Still, that didn't prevent him from continuing his not-so-discreet staring at the huge male. He had to be at least eight feet tall. He was a skyscraper. If he had been any less friendly or looked much less good, Sebastian would have kept a hand on his dagger at all times. One could never be too careful with such a monstrously proportioned male around. Especially one with those scars.

Oh well. Sebastian liked them tall, scarred and handsome. Jazper filled these requirements very nicely and then some. Still in mild shock, by the time the towering beast had pushed open the door with ease, Sebastian's features had settled into one of appreciation.

He smiled wryly as his new best friend made a comment as he stepped inside and asked his name. Sure, it was no problem when one was at least 350 pounds of solid muscle and mass with the eight feet in height to make full use of it.

"We can't all be massive hulks," he said wryly. Sebastian picked up his belongings and followed the huge male in, getting a good look at that toned backside, hidden as it was underneath too-short pants. Well, it figured; no human could possibly reach that height. Even his giant shirt had to stay unbuttoned.

"I am Sebastian Auditore." He spoke quickly, his words lyrical. He left his bow and quiver of arrows by the door, taking his satchel with him. In a surprising move he made a sudden run forward, arching his flexible spine backwards and sliding on his knees between Jazper's legs until he reached the other side. He stood, spun and turned around, a jester's grin on his face as he made a flourishing bow. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Jazper." Sebastian ambled his way over to a couch and sat, his slim legs tucked against his body as he curled into a comfortable seat.

It would take a lot of wine to get this boy drunk.

Seb reached into his satchel and took out a green bottle, uncorking it with a corkscrew in his satchel and handing the entire thing to Jazper. He got the second one for himself.

The lean Italian took a deep drink of the aromatic drink, staining some of the white fur on his muzzle pink. Orange eyes looked to the giant with a burning curiosity.

"Thank you for your help," he smiled. "Your strength is quite incredible. If I can ask, where did you acquire that accent?"
OOC / +300

At the first comment the male made Jazper chuckled a little, “Nah, I guess not. What fun would it be if we all were giants.” The world was only so interesting because of the different kinds of canines, in his own opinion. Moving further in into the house he looked at the seating arrangements, there was one very large couch and a smaller chair separated by a dully-colored rug. After the introduction Jazper was about to speak but was cut off very quickly as he felt a body slide between his legs and saw the red-coated wolf jump into a bow, a silly smirk on his face. A grin spread across the warriors face, such agility would make for a good warrior if he was willing to learn. “Well we can’t all be circus wolves either. That sort of speed would be useful in a fight.” The compliment was handed out lightly as he walked towards the coach, taking the bottle with a nod of thanks before swinging it back.

Sitting down beside the other male casually he leaned against the back, stretching his long legs out happily. Before his ears perked up and listened to Sebastian’s question. It was precisely the question he had wished to avoid but he could always get away with getting to the point instead of dancing around with details. “You're welcome.” He stated politely. “My parent’s were from Scotland, my dad was the next in line to be alpha after his father passed away but we moved to Canada before that happened. Back there only the largest wolves were allowed to breed.” Taking another swing the warrior was pleased to sit and drink again, no worries. His golden eyes turned to look the younger male over, “Where are you from?” It was always polite to return such questions.

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Sebastian smiled from his resting place where he sat, his legs tucked up neatly. "Hardly a circus wolf," he demurred modestly. "An acrobat, a gymnast, a performer, an entertainer... Not quite a circus wolf yet." Yet being the operative word. He was probably the closest thing that Canada had to a circus wolf. If only he had a few flaming torches and juggling skills. Still, his speed and agility did come in very handy on the rare occasions he fought hand-to-hand. Sebastian was first and foremost a peaceable wolf. A lover, oh god was he a lover, not a fighter.

Sebastian listened with rapt attention as Jazper spoke of his homeland. An explanation for his size and a very brief history as he drank some of the wine, taking two large swigs. Canada seemed to be full of wolves who enjoyed a drink

Then the expected question. Sebastian leaned back, stretching out his legs as the giant had done moments ago. He took another large drink straight from the bottle, licking his lips as the white on his muzzle turned pink from a few stray drops. Orange eyes focused on Jazper's bright yellow eyes and extremely interesting tattoo as he spoke.

"From the city of Sabini, where the humans called Italy. I loved the place; didn't care much for most of the people." Sebastian shrugged ruefully. "Still, I enjoyed my time there." For his next sentence, his words took on a deliberately slower pace. The lithe male's eyes focused on the wine bottle in his hand for a moment before he focused on that sun tattoo once more.

"The thing I miss most," he continued, his smile edging up into a smirk, "is the heat. Snow was once a novelty." Truth be told, Sebastian was unsure how to continue with his gigantic companion. Despite his friendly manner, his towering size was inevitably somewhat intimidating.

Out of curiosity, he stretched his arm out next to Jazper's. Bear-like strength and the lean power of a toned athlete. The difference was not especially flattering to Sebastian, but it did nothing to prevent his desire for Jazper's body. He didn't stop his eyes from wandering up and down that enticingly hulking body as he waited for a reply.
OOC: Put your courser over the Italian for translation Big Grin / +300

The talents that Sebastian listed certainly sounded like those that members of a circus might possess. When he was younger his adoptive mother had often read to him, as well as teaching him to read, and among the books he had quite enjoyed hearing of humans who did flips in the air and could balance on one hand on top of a ball. “Well, if it sounds like you’d be a fine circus wolf if there ever was one.” The giant complimented with a soft smile. Although any dream of himself becoming an agile performer had long ago faded with his bulky form, Jazper felt like it was always best to support the dreams of those around him. As a young pup he had dreamed of becoming a warrior much like his father and it seemed now that this dream was completed. He knew a thing or two about swords and throwing a dagger, and no one would doubt that he could throw a good punch in a fight.

As the ginger spoke of Italy the Knight continued to drink, nearly emptying the bottle with a large chug. “Italy…” He spoke, nodding as though he knew that fate would naturally drag him to another Italian. “My ex mate and alpha were from Italy. Ha una bella lingua.” The Italian words slipped off his lips with ease though in his accent the vowels were spread. Although not fluent in the language he had picked up a fair amount from his time with the Marinos. Ghita enjoyed speaking it to the children when they were younger, and sometime he would encourage them in the foreign language as well.

In his talk Jazper missed Sebastian’s eyes wandering curiously and him in. “That’s all in the past though. She tossed me out of my own damn room after I asked her to start Casa with me. I have much better things to do than think about her all the time but Fenris knows I can’t seem to find something to distract me from her.” Perhaps he need o work harder, work always seemed to distract the mind.

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I don't know how to do that Big Grin

Sebastian chuckled warmly, taking another long drink of wine before he answered the giant. "Perhaps," he agreed breezily. "But agility and acrobatics are not the only things that count in a circus. I'm sure you could do a Strong Man act with ease," he complimented Jazper. If this imaginary circus ever appeared, perhaps the pair could even work out an act together. Such an act would probably comprise of the big black boy flinging Sebastian into the air to perform his acrobatics, which could certainly be fun.

Concordato," he agreed, raising an eyebrow with an impressed look upon his face as Jazper spoke some Italian. His accent wasn't that great, but it was perfectly understandable. Italian was a lovely language, far more flowing than the clipped pace of English. It was a shame that it wasn't more widespread. His eyes wandered surreptitiously to Jazper's muscular torso as the bulky brute spoke, distracted by all that muscle he really wanted to get a good feel of.

But he frowned as Jazper spoke of his wife, and felt a sudden mischievous hope. Perhaps Sebastian could be just the distraction he needed. The lean Italian knew he was very good at distractions.

"She threw you out because you wanted to start a pack with her?" he asked, incredulous. There had to be more to the story than that, but Sebastian didn't pry. It was none of his business, anyway. "Fenris needs to be a little more creative," Sebastian said robustly, placing his bottle of wine on the ground. Even though Jazper had drank nearly the whole bottle, he hardly seemed even tipsy. Oh well; the wine took a while to work, and it would probably take another few bottles to get someone so huge drunk.

The artisan leaned to the side and rested the back of his head in Jazper's lap, tantalisingly close to his prize. A playful smirk was on his black lips as he spoke, his voice huskier and smoother than it had once been.

"Perhaps I could provide a distraction," he offered, orange eyes darkened with lust for Jazper's powerhouse of a body. One coal-coloured hand reached up and idly traced the scars on the handsome man's chest, one claw per scar. His head tilted to the side questioningly, a smirk still on his face.
OOC: If you "quote" my post you can see the coding for how I did the Italian = English hover Tongue / +300

The friendly giant had to chuckle along with the ginger male as they discussed the circus that had forever entertained the human race. He had never seen wolves do a full circus act, though he would never put it past luperci to have a traveling circus somewhere on this planet. It seemed that the older he became the more use to the human ways he became. As a young wolf he hadn’t been able to shift until Lucifer shared his blood with him as a young man, allowing him the gift of shifting. Human pleasures had become the norm for Jazper and it seemed odd to remember his old way of life with his biological parents, living in a cave.

He nodded solemnly as Sebastian inquired further about Ghita kicking him out, It seems we have different values and goals in life. I’ve always known that one day I would leave Crimson Dreams and start a pack of my own, I just didn’t know when. It’s probably for the best that she’s gone now though. It makes it easier to move on. With her so close by he often had found himself thinking about returning to talk to her, see if he could convince her to return to Casa with him, but he knew deep down that it was a hope that was empty and even if they did get back together, even if it was for the sake of their children, he would not trust her and she would not trust him the same way ever again.

The touch and words shocked the warrior as he felt a finger follow along the path of the scars he knew all too well. He finally drew his golden eyes to look at the small male in slight confusion, though his message was clear. Pushing the timber wolfess out of his mind he regarded the ginger with a crooked smile. Maybe. He was certainly not bad looking and Jazper hadn’t been with another male in quite some time. The last male he had touched had a subordination fetish however and Jazper wasn’t really sure how Sebastian would like it. Regardless the giant male decided to go for it. Looking down at the male he lifted his own hand and began to play with the fur on his chest. It may take a lot to distract me though.

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...I haz teh smartz. Thanks!

Sebastian nodded in agreement as Jazper spoke of his ex-mate. Really... It seemed like quite a dramatic response, to throw someone from their room after a simple question. Well, the question wasn't actually simple, but still. It was a ridiculous thing to start a fight over. Calm discussion always fared better in the long run, especially between mates. And then, as Sebastian raised a daring hand and traced the path of a pinkish scar on his chest, Jazper smiled crookedly. He had quite a handsome smile, and that sun tattoo was striking.

Despite his noncommittal response, every other signal screamed Yes to Sebastian. Especially that smile. His own sharp smile grew a little wider and he let out an appreciative purr of a growl as Jazper played with the fur on his chest with one giant hand.

Sebastian put his hands behind his head. He seemed completely relaxed as he looked into Jazper's fiercely bright yellow eyes with his own smouldering orange. The Italian leaned over and gently kissed the dark giant's abdomen, his smooth and supple tongue running over coarse black fur. He kept one hand behind his head and reached up with the other, massaging Jazper's torso.

"I think I can handle you," he purred, his smirk almost challenging the pack leader to rein him in. It was a direct, if playful, threat to the older male's dominance, which he hoped Jazper would reaffirm.
OOC: / +300

Ghita had clearly done the old dog in, leaving him a little battered in his heart and feeling down. He knew that he was pretty handsome male, definitely on the larger and stronger scale to the majority and he even had a good head on his shoulders thanks to his adoptive mothers will to teach him to read. It wasn’t like he would never find someone interested in him, heck he had managed to attract males and females before, but he just didn’t have the heart yet to go out and be wild. No, he would never have gone out searching for love tonight, it was just luck that found him Sebastian, and Sebastian would be the turning point for him, making him feel confident and reassured. After tonight Jazper would be a new man, a new single man.

The man began to play with the hairs on his chest, the same way that Jazper was with his fur, causing the warrior to smile. As he began to purr loudly the Knight suppressed a chuckle, he had never heard that odd sound from a canine before. But it wasn’t until lips were touching his body that he realized exactly where this was going, and immediately his body began to grow excited.

When the words reached his ears his inner Alpha growled, though the growl would be preserved as playful. It was a bad decision, or a good one, to challenge the larger male. With his strength behind him he shifted, grabbing the male as he stood, and pressing him up against the wall. His large body pressed against the smaller torso as he began to run a large hand up and down his thigh and wiggle his tongue teasingly around his right ear. Try me. He hissed with a smirk.

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OOC herpderp? / +yo numbah!

A playful growl, rumbling like a rockslide reverberated from Jazper's chest. Some might not be into that sort of thing, but Sebastian loved it. Loved every sign that Jazper was a big, powerful, dominant man who could handle the fiery Italian. It was part of the reason why he was gay; Sebastian simply thought that no woman could handle him as a real man like Jazper could.

Sebastian let out a surprised gasp as the dark Alpha moved, picking him up easily as he stood up. Sebastian was no heavier than a doll in Jazper's massive arms. He let out the breath he had been holding with the gasp as Jazper pressed him against the wall of the cabin, his muscle-bound body easily keeping the slender, foxy male pinned against the wall. It seemed as though Jazper was a true Alpha.

Sebastian let out a low moan as the massive male licked his ear and groped his thigh, keeping him pinned against the wall as he did so. He's found one of the Italian's weaknesses- his ridiculously oversensitive ears. Then he spoke, his breath hot and heavy in Sebastian's silky, dark-furred ear. The Knight certainly knew how to dominate someone.

Sebastian licked Jazper's throat and chin, an ancient gesture of submission in wolf hierarchy. Feeling dominant, Alpha Male? he murmured, looking up at Jazper with his ears tilted back and his gaze playfully contrite. If he was right- and Sebastian certainly hoped he was- the domination/submission thing got Jazper off. It would certainly be nice. Sebastian's legs wrapped around Jazper's abdomen, his growing arousal pressing into the much bigger male. One of his arms was thrown around Jazper's shoulder, massaging tensed muscles while the other ran up and down his broad side. Lustrous red and shining white mingled with dusty black as Sebastian eagerly pressed himself into Jazper. He gently nipped Jazper's broad shoulders and thick neck, just hard enough to sting before he soothed the giant with small licks of his salmon-pink tongue.

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