Awakening into another dream

Word Count → 332

Her first few days in the Great Tribe dawned with a faint haze in the sky, only adding to the mystery of the place. She had seen it only in their arrival, and felt disorientated enough being in a strange place, not to mention having had no plan to come here until the minutes before they'd set off. Indeed, she'd never even met an AniWayan before. The dark-furred girl had re-hung herself with adornments and swathed the black velvet scarf back at her hips in the same way it had been before. She had brought nothing else with her, after all. It was early, the short days meaning the sun was still low in the sky and the day fairly colourless, but she found her surroundings fascinating and colourful enough even in the dim light, moving through the wood and earth huts of the village and noting the fire burning near one of the largest buildings. The constructions were interesting, not being human remnants, it looked as though these wolves had crafted their homes themselves. Caprica yearned to find out more about their techniques.

It was a beautiful but not large village, and soon she found herself on the outskirts, looking out onto what seemed to be tilled and tended fields and some greener land that looked like the pastures where the horses lived. She headed that way, imagining she would come to the stables and wondering if Frodo was already there. In time Caprica came to the building that housed the horses, but hesitated on the approach to the entrance, fearing entering such a place as an unaccompanied stranger. However she was clearly no horse thief, approaching so boldly in broad daylight with her chains and pendants clinking, so she assumed that short of surprising somebody, it would be acceptable to enter. She craned her head in first, one hand lingering on the frame of the door as she peered from side to side to catch her bearings and inspect for the presence of residents.

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And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Word Count :: 558 Sorry about the delay >.<

Hanging from Buck's saddle were three dead rabbits, the young lad sat upright and proudly upon his steed after much hard work had finally paid off; one kill with his spear and the other two were caught in crudely made traps he'd placed a few days ago. After heading out with the cream and black stallion he had began checking each trap one by one and with each empty trap disappointment struck him until all his hopes had been erased and his joyful mood had be all but erased. As he went to check the area where he'd laid his last four traps he had discovered two empty and two with plump rabbits snared within their grasps; ever since finding them he hadn't stopped grinning like a fool. But luck seemed to be with him that day, for as he began the trek back towards the village he had scented a rabbit and blood.

Quickly he threw himself off the stallion's back, pulling out his spear he had made his way through the brush as stealthy as the young lad could manage to discover a dying rabbit; it's hind legs damaged and blood. After glancing around and testing the scents in the immediate area he couldn't smell what had originally harmed the rabbit, but with no one lingering around to claim the bunny he stabbed it quickly with his spear and ended it's misery; as well as adding to his little collection.

Roughly an hour had passed before the hunting pair reached the village once more and the young Nishant couldn't help with buzz or excitement; he itched to show of his successful hunt to his mother or twin and if they weren't around maybe either Light or Frodo. No matter whom he showed such positive results to he was sure he would receive praise; he'd worked hard and for once he'd successfully managed to catch something instead of returning empty handed.

Allowing Buck to lead them to the stables the young lad allowed for his mind to wonder a little, picturing the expressions of the others as he showed them his kills. Gradually the pair made their way to the stables, Buck coming to a halt as the building came into view, drawing the white males attention towards the stables. There, before them was someone he didn't know and judging by the scents the wind carried the dark female wasn't pack. An enemy? “Buck, what should we do?” he whispered to the stallion despite knowing the horse didn't understand high speech. When no reply came he gentle pressed the stallions sides and the horse proceeded forward, the young boy brought himself up to his full height in an attempt to look as intimidating as possible. “Oi! Who are you ta be snooping round here. These are pack lands and they pack stables” he shouted at the stranger from upon Bucks back, no bothering to dismount to confront her; he felt safer and braver when upon Buck. Green eyes stared at the female, watching her and assessing her every move all the while praying the female had some logical explanation for her snooping and that she wasn't some trespasser he needed to fend of; although he might fancy himself an elite hunter, fighting scared the hell out of him and he wasn't all that good at it either.

Image courtesy of Jeffrey K. Edwards

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OOC: Words: 313

She had heard nothing of the war. Only the faintest of news reached her in her mountain caverns, and the outside world was a void of information. Perhaps this would change now, she had visited another pack and travelled far across strange lands - and she had transport, now, too. That would increase the reach of her current affairs knowledge for sure. It didn't help her now, though, as she whirled to find herself being accosted by a youth riding a patchwork stallion, and shouting. The stable door which she'd opened slammed behind her, making her jump even harder out of her skin. His eyes were green as her own, but his pelt the inverted white; his face utterly unfamiliar. He was not yet a yearling, and so she didn't take his angry tone entirely seriously. "Easy brother. You scared the hell outta me there," came her mildly breathless retort. "I don't mind explaining though." There was a slight annoyance in her tones, but she did understand his defensiveness. She was only shocked, for the other wolf had come up behind her unnoticed - okay, that was her own inattentive fault, but still. "I ain't an intruder. My name's Caprica and I'm stayin' with Frodo Silvertongue." Her breathing had subsided a bit now, but she still regarded him with mild resentment in green eyes. "I ain't snooping either. I'm learning to ride and look out for horses." Now her attitude had subsided a little, she could appreciate the boy as a rider who looked like he'd been born to it, and the very handsome horse he sat upon. "I'm sure in the right place for that... You guys are a whole pack of awesome riders it seems!" she exclaimed, unable to stop herself from sounding enthusiastic in direct contrast to her previous defensive air.


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