holidays forgotten
The petite woman had skirked her duties that morning. The predawn light was just beginning to glow on the horizon as she padded along the trail between the Grotto and the mansion. She had set out to see if she could catch a few of the clan mates before they settled in or left for the day, depending on the schedule they kept. She knew if no one was ghosting along the mansion that she could wander to the guesthouse and end her day at the caverns. It wasn't that she wished to avoid her duties, it just felt like a day where the quiet of the dawn and the silent fall of snow were best left undisturbed along their borders. She knew anyways that there were others who would tend the borders anyways. There always was activity along the edge of their lands, clan and strangers alike. Today though, was her day.

She padded along in her Optime form, a tiny set of pawprints lingering in the snow behind her as she enjoyed the solitude of the lands before the breaking of day. She paused in the woods, her eyes cast across the small clearing where the mansion shood as she seemed to be waiting for a sign of life. She knew where she would rather be going but her heart thudded with alarm at the very idea and she rubbed a hand across her eyes, trying to wipe away the very thought with the motion. A soft sigh fluttered from her lips as she leaned against an old tree and watched the soft snow falling gracefully in the clearing. The start to another day in her world.

OOC here.

Word Count → 336

Angel hadn't begun his training that day. Nor did he intend to, he'd pulled a muscle in the back of his leg while on a run and it was still playing him up several days after. Another irritating reminder that he wasn't as young and spry as he used to be. He grunted and mentally shrugged, disregarding the sour thought and he limped along in his Lupus form. He'd gone a long way to make sure it was disguised, for he did not want people thinking he was unfit to fight. The injury had been a freak occurrence and played out to be insignificant in the grand scheme of the world. A niggling injury was all it was and aside from his pride, Angel didn't put much stock in it after that. He'd decided that he attempt to walk it off, after all it would have done him good to leave his room in the mansion for a plethora of reasons. The few most important ones being, that he hadn't left for sometime, he'd grown lazy and lastly, that Ana was up there. And while he did love her, dearly, he didn't want to spend any more time around his baby sister. Ana had irritated him all these past few days and he had no wish to take his anger out on her.

Besides it was a nice day. Snowy of course, but the sun still peaked through the hazy grey clouds. His lupus form was lower to the ground than any of his others, and while it was still, much, much larger than other's around Inferni, it still felt small and compact to him. And as such more of his legs found themselves submerged in cold. His ankles were frozen and he only found himself wishing that the snow was deeper so that it would freeze the pain in his leg. The injury had made him a little more irritable that usual, but as it was only temporary he was mindful to hold his tongue.

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The small woman was almost tinier than everyone in the clan, even in her optime form. She had been lingering in the woods near the mansion when the sound of paws padding towards her broke her concentration. She raised her grey lavender orbs but was met with nothing for a moment. She frowned in confusion and glanced about, wondering just what sort of trick this was. Her felt her heckles rise slightly and within moments she had made the decision to climb in a very squirrel like manner into one of the nearest trees. Her small frame and lithe muscle tone brought her into the branches in no time at all as she settled into place and waited for the mysterious sound of another to give way to the creature it belonged to.

The sound hinted to a slight henderance in steps, something she had picked up upon in her years of hunting and stalking. Whoever it was was either dragging something or hampered by something. She flicked her ears back as the beast finally came into view. She could catch no visible sign of the male carrying anything or dragging something but the sound that echoed through the snowy winter wonderland spoke to her told her that there was something more to the creature that she spied upon.

Generally Zana reserved her scouting and spying talents for outside the clan lands but sometimes she found herself falling into what she knew best in the mists of her kin and clan mates. She studied him silently for a moment as he walked nearly underneath the tree that she had conquered. Her ebony banded ears perked forward as she quietly contemplated speaking up, instead though the small woman leaped down from the lower limbs of the tree, landing a few yards behind him as she spoke softly. "Why hello..." She was tensed for a lashing, one didn't spend moons in the clan without realizing that the beasts were short tempered and touchy when it came to the sudden appearance of another out of thin air.

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

He'd been unprepared for his clan mates sudden appearance, but it didn't startle him as much as it would someone else. He turned around with speed, expecting to find a trespasser. A disgruntled look fell on his face but it wasn't anything particularly out of the ordinary. This woman... or at least she assumed she was. She appeared fully grown' in a sense, just much smaller. He smiled to himself, handy when one needs stealth... he considered, before replying to her greeting, 'Hola'. His clan mates stealth was something he desired, after all he was a warrior and prefered strength. Though finesse and stealth as something he envied when he witnessed it in others.

Stretching out his read hind leg, he gave the woman a friendly smile, masking the mild pain in his leg. 'Having a pleasant day so far, are you?' he questioned, a largely innocent question, asked with genuine interest for as much as a warrior he was he believed in being pleasant to his fellow comrades. It was all common courtesy to Angel and he was a large believer in karma along side his religion. The cross and medallion still hung from his neck as ever proud.

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She had been waiting for a retaliation of the worst kind but this beast of Inferni seemed to think better of that. She shifted her weight from one leg to the other as the two of them just seemed to stare at one another for a moment before he finally made to reply. She smiled slightly and nodded her head slightly as she asked. "Is something bothering you..." While most creatures wouldn't have noticed his slight favoring she did. It was what she had been groomed for in her position in the clan. She had learned many things in the clan but much of her knowledge had been granted by watching, waiting and learning in the process. She let her fingers roll across small pieces of grass and dirt as she stood up fully. She dropped the grass and dirt from her hands and brushed the dust from her pelt as she padded forward to where the male stood.

"You could say I am.." she answered his question, Her days were generally interesting for it was her duty to see the world through another's eyes and learn something new in every experience. Her grey lilac eyes caught sight of the necklaces around his throat as she flicked her ears back slightly. She had seen others wearing necklaces, even her brother wore one but she had never gathered reason to wear them though she had adored her den's tree limbs in all sorts of shiny trinkets. She tilted her head to the side and asked, "What are those.." in question to the necklaces that had caught her attention so.

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