Reaching Pain
WC: 323
OOC: later in the afternoon :3

Shawchert was left in the middled of the forest, why he was alive he had no idea but here he was bleeding perfusely and his body aching now that his adrenaline had ceased to be. Though as pained as he was, he was glad he survived the vicious attack. It had been a while before Shawchert decided to move. He had been lucky, for Mars was a well trained fighter and if Shaw didn’t know what he was doing, then there were a few times where he waws sure his head would have been crushed or he would be internally ruined. Though he could still be and not know it.

Sitting up he felt himself broken and battered but what bothered him most was his flute. It had been broken in the beginning of the onslaught. He sat looking at the broken wood, his arm hurting pretty bad as he picked up the shattered end. Blinking he stared at it then looked up from where Mars had come. Sighing he checked his injuries, his worst beign to his head, he could feel cuts gashes, but his ear, was now missing a good chunk... it was gone, and it stung like no other in this cold frigid air. Standing on his legs, which were shaky from the whole hordeal, he clutched his belly, feeling pain where Mars had got him around his hips. Shawchert was getting too old for this.... He slowly started moving toward Cercatori where Sky awaited probably waitign with her stitching needle and all. He could hear her now going on another rant about how he should have had a hoard of the pack members with him or something. He didn’t like that thought too much, but she was the only healer he knew and trusted. Taliesin was not a healer in the mans eyes and he was in the very same pack that Mars must have gone to.

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Table by Gen

WC:465+ - OOC blah would go here

The male didn’t like to leave the new pack that he joined and they also had taken him into the fold and made him one of their own.

However the male wanted to learn the path in and out of the lands on his own and it was a great excuse to spend some time with his trusted alley, his bob cat, that he had named Amzi and who he had taken in over a year ago and had worked with her to learn the wolfen tongues, and to be his guide, aid, and help while he was hunting in the kill. It was different in the last pack, if he found a rabbit and Amzi killed it the two could have shared it, and not thought twice. Noah felt the duty to make sure that the three leaders had eaten. Then the females of the pack, and then the pups and if he was lucky he would have the bones that where left. Marrow wasn’t filling but it was food.
The two friend moved thought he pack lands, thought and past more and more neutral lands. The smell of blood hit the two friends as the same time; the cat’s fur bristled while Noah was sickened. The cat snarled and fluffed up her fur as the traveled closer and closer to the scent. Noah could almost taste the blood. The duo of blue eyes glared up on the cat. ”Oh enough!” Noah snapped. The cat had been getting her-self into more and more trouble since they joined New Dawn.

The closer the male got he was able to tell the difference between the blood and the scent of the being that the blood belonged to. Panic, the saw tooth looked at the cat. ”I need sand a..a..and moss. Not gritty sand….s..s..soft sand. Right before the d..d..damp sand. Lots! Oh and Moss!” The Sawtooth male gave the cat a nod and the she cat knew not to mess with Noah when he was like this.

” Shawchert!” Noah spoke trying to mask his terror. The male looked around, taking his claws down the side of the tree picking off a huge chunk of tree bark, pressing it on his wombs. As soon as it appered the bark wouldn’t take in any more blood the male would take another piece off. ”What happened?” The silver male pleaded with him to tell him everything. The more he knew the better he would be able to help him.
The she cat same back with sand in the sea shell that she held in her mouth, making a few trips the silver male looked at her with a nod. Then off she went to find the moss the silver wolf had asked for. ”Please let me help you.”

Image courtesy of SantiMB .@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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WC: 444
OOC: He's a little down but he can still help teach Noah defensive moves after the patch up Big Grin sorry took me a bit to answer

The onslaught of wolf on him was almost too much to bear, but instead of hurting him, though it hurt for the other man who spoke his name, he wasn’t being killed. No in fact if Shawchert’s mind was still in the right spot the individual was trying to help him. Shawchert grunted in pain as he let the other man run to him with the bark in hands and pressed it on his open cuts.

“Was attacked... oh it hurts, please, set my shoulder...”

His mind went back to the seering pain in which had easily reminded him of the large club hitting it and dislocating it. It was painful, though the ear was just as bad, so he couldn’t tell where he hurt most. He just knew he hurt.

“ ‘s good to see you again Noah.... Sorry you had to see me l-like this.”

The bloodied man tried to smile at his friend. They had only met on one ocassion but that was enough for the large brute. Noah had shown curiosity and wariness around Shawchert when first meeting, no hostility between the two men. Shawchert was in far too much pain to smile, but he showed his gratitude by waving his tail back and forth slowly, a trait he learned from his own daughter. Just thinking of her made him want to head home, to let everyone know he was alright, they were probably getting worried about him. They knew that he wouldn’t leave the pack for long. Just thinking about it though.... who would really worry about a no good leader, who couldn’t hold a mate, nor keep his children in line? His thoughts darkened his spirits and he stopped moving again, only to plop down on the ground. Looking at the man helping him he nodded, but wasn’t sure what more to say.

“I don’t really know … I was only walking and I was attacked by... by some jacked up loner.”

He was going to tell Noah who did it, but then thought better of it. If Mars had something against him, something that would make the duo colored man wish to kill Shawchert in the middle of nuetral territory then he would just have to fight his battles, though Mars seemed to have the upper hand.... so why didn’t he finish him off? Whatever the case Shawchert felt this fight was just between him and Mars, and no one else need know. He didn’t like lying, but it was better than a pact between packs to untie little by little because of an attack.

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Table by Gen

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