Big Eyes Bigger Heart
Jan 2

Dalgina had gotten lost. Following the flickering of lights as the sun passed through the trees, she'd found herself far from her house. Worried the black pup spun around, looking for her house. It was nowhere in sight. All around were large trees. Before they had looked warm and friendly, caring giants watching out for her. Now they were monstrous ogres, keeping her from her family. Desperately trying not to panic Dalgina stared around wildly, trying to find out where she'd come from.

At last Dalgina decided there was no way she could get out of there. Sitting on the ground she cried, her tiny puppy howls a desolate thin call through the woods. Curling up in the snow Dalgina dug herself down, a small darker spot in the woods. The pretty light had disappeared as well. All she could do was hope that her [html] mahn[/html] would show up and save her, or maybe her papa would.

Out of Character

Coding by Sie.

WC: 301 OOC: aww poor puppy!!!

In Character

Eclipse was on her way home from the borders after a tiff with a woman she hardly knew, and she was quite annoyed with the woman. But she was calming herself already. A good meditation session would do the young woman good. So she found the best place to just sit and relax, to let her anger flow from her and taken by the wind to die far away from her. It wasn’t that hard to get into the motion of the meditation, even as angry as she was. No it was actually pretty easy. So the anger dicipated from her as she took deep calming breaths.

Her ear twitched. She frowned, something wasn’t entirely right again, her ear twitched again. A sound came through and she opened her eyes. A plea for help, and it was a puppy! She stood up immidiately and headed for the sound, hoping the pup was ok, but it didn’t sound hurt. She hurried anyway, just in case the puppy was in immediate danger. When she got to where she had heard the puppy calling out she could immidiately see where the puppy was. She was the contrast of the the snow, so it wasn’t hard at all to see the puppy. Slowing down eclipse made herself known to the young pup.

“Hey are you alright?”

She asked bending down so she could be closer to to the pup and she feel slightly better to be near eye level with the woman. They had not met, but Eclipse could surely see that it was Jace and Temo’s child. She had met Jace when the older woman was pregnant with this pup, she wondered if she had brothers and sisters or if she was the only one like Eclipse had been.

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Table by Kitty
Her ears twitched as she heard someone approaching. Thinking it was a monster coming to eat her Dalgina screwed her eyes up, keeping them tightly shut. Maybe if she didn't see it it wasn't really there. The noise kept growing closer though, but so did the scent. It was of a wolf, and smelled like the dog she'd met. A friendly voice met her, asking Dalgina if she was okay. Cautiously Dalgina pried one eye open. It looked like a normal wolf. Slowly the other eye opened as well.

I-I don't know where I am. The pretty light went away, and [html] ingali[/html] disappeared. The little black puppy knew that it was probably because she'd moved away, but she really didn't feel that she'd traveled that far. Not too sure if the wolf would be able to fix things Dalgina studied her with large brown eyes. They blinked slowly, trying to measure the creamy wolf's ability. She was definitely tall, but Dalgina found that most grown ups were. She didn't think that made them all friendly and good at fixing things like her [html] mahn[/html] and papa were, but she could be wrong.

wc: 342 OOC: poor puppy ; ;

Eclipse could smell the fear the puppy let out, and it made the woman’s heart melt, there was nothing to fear from her, though the pup didn’t know who or what Eclipse was as she was hiding her head and eyes from seeing what was there, so she was glad when the pup opened her eyes and rose her head. Eclipse gave the girl a warm smile to let her know she was in no danger of the young woman. Eclipse didn’t know it but she had a soft spot for puppies, though it was probably more maternal feelings than anything else, and soon she would start thinking of having puppies of her own, but for now she was intent on helping out the pack with their own pups.

“What light? And if you want I’ll bring you home. How does that sound, I know where your mom and dad live.”

Eclipse said in a calm, soothing voice. She had never really been close to such a young pup it made her nervous and giddy at the same time. She wagged her tail in hopes the pup would agree and she could start leading her home, then it wouldn’t hurt Eclipse to see the poor puppy sad. That was the last thing in the world she wanted was a sad puppy so she would find a way to get her back home, and in good spirits too.

“If you were wondering what to call me, my name is Eclipse. What’s yours?”

She said, figuring a name to go with her face would help the pup out, and though she had heard the names offhand throughout the pack, she wasn’t sure which pup this one was, so it was better safe than sorry to ask her what her own name was. Hopefully she’d return the kindness. Seeing as Eclipse had little to do with pups she didn’t know most of them didn’t have a mean, sarcastic bone in their body until later in life.
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A warm smile met Dalgina's face, comforting the pup. She uncurled from her spot and began to look around again, trying to find where this angel had come from. At least, that's what Honrin had told her mysterious beings that saved others were called. Wagging her tail a little Dalgina listened to the welcoming words. She didn't understand why the other didn't know what the light was. Dalgina assumed that everyone else always understood what she said, just as her [html] talnala[/html] did.

Perked up by the option to head home Dalgina's tail went into a full spin. The light was a pretty thing I saw in the woods. My name's Dalgina. Can we go [html] ingali[/html] now? Feeling fairly confident that everything would be okay now that Eclipse was there Dalgina fully relaxed, looking around as if she expected it to appear at any time.

Word Count » 226 :: OOC: Sorry muse is deteriorating ; ;

Eclipse’s heart melted as the puppy stood up and started wagging her tail ferociously at the mention of heading hom. Though her words confused Eclipse. Eclipse knew there were many pretty things that were in the woods but the mention of this Ingali confused her. She tilted her head but figured she would ask on their way to Jace’s home.

“You are really far from your home. I’m glad I found you. Our pack may be safe from other wolves but you still have to watch out for other predators. What is this Ingali you speak of?”

Eclipse asked as she slowly began walking. Making her way to the home of her friend and her mate. Eclipse hadn’t seen Jace in a while, but she had been busy, both had been busy. Eclipse wasn’t trying to avoid anyone. She just had trouble getting with others around her, but she would at least try to visit, though her plans could be taken elsewhere, for now she was to keep this young pup protected and entertained. That wouldn’t be too hard, Eclipse was playful at heart, It was in her blood, for now they would walk until they got closer to Dalinga’s home

“Oh and my name is Eclipse soulstorm.”

She added forgetting that she hadn’t introduced herself properly.

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Table by Anna
The small puppy trotted next to her large angel, trying to keep up. The snow was deep in some places, where Dalgina disappeared completely as she carved a tunnel underneath to the other side. This was fun! Feeling safe and secure Dalgina had no problems goofing off now that she felt safe. She paused, looking at the snow in the trees and the patterns the shadows threw across the ground. She danced, circling and bounding in a way that she thought looked very pretty. No concerns were there anymore.

She rushed back to the angel's side as she was asked a question. Curious she cocked her head to the side. Ingali is ingali. What other predators? Dalgina had always been safe and secure, no harm reaching her. She couldn't even imagine something bad happening, her life sweet and innocent. I'm Dalgina, Eclipsy. So the name was a little butchered. Dalgina didn't notice in her excitement, realizing her angel might stick around and not disappear afterwards like other angels did. At least, that's what Honrin said.

Word Count » 312 :: Out of character text here.

Eclipse’s heart swelled at the puppies actions. She was so playful. The dark little creature was so tiny though. Eclipse wished she could play with her, but she was afraid of hurting such a small animal. Eclipse smiled as the puppy twirled and danced. She loved how carefree the little girl was, it made her feel like she was really something of a safeguard and to see her so oblivious of danger right after she was scared for her life, well it made eclipse feel she was worth more than anything at that moment. So in light of it Eclipse did a few dance steps around the pup, though being more long legged and older she was only slightly more agile about her dance then the puppy was. Dalgina’s answer didn’t help Eclipse, so she dropped the subject, maybe she could ask Jace what the pup meant. Turning her head towards Dalgina as she asked about other predators Eclipse smiled.

“Well, there are big cats, and then there are large birds too. I don’t want to scare you but they are jealous of us and will steal any puppy that wanders off too far. That’s why you have to be careful, we don’t want you stolen.”

Eclipse explained. She wasn’t going to tell the girl what the other predators would do after they stole her, she wouldn’t even find out herself if she were caught by any of them. Eclipse moved slowly through the snow so the girl could keep up. She was in no hurry to return home and she loved learning about the little girls personality even more. This was what she needed to do, get to know her packmates more. She knew she had all the time in the world now. She didn’t think she would be leaving Nova Scotia for a long time.

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Table by Anna
Dalgina listened to Eclipse's words attentively. Being stolen didn't sound like a lot of fun. Big birds on the other hand, didn't sound very scary at all. She knew a big bird after all, and Grynn was her friend. They played together, and listened to music, and Grynn watched out for her. Grynn was Neela's though, so she couldn't play with the bird all the time. It was a shame, but Dalgina accepted it and would behave. She wouldn't try to take Grynn to come and play with her.

Big cats were a complete mystery though. They sounded kinda fierce, with that sharp kk sound in their name. She pictured a fierce monster, jealous and ready to take her away. Shivering slightly she pressed against Eclipse, letting the warmth of the angel take her fear away. You won't let that happen right? Cause you're an angel, and Honrin says that angels save people. She looked up, her brown eyes glowing with admiration for the wolf walking with her.

Word Count » 337 :: Out of character text here.

She had been called an angel once before, well maybe twice, but the only one that impacted her was her fathers words. It hurt her to think about him and a pang of sorrow washed over her as she remembered the day she found him just gone. No words, no goodbyes, just gone. Looking down she shook her head. Angels were ghosts, and she was no ghost.

“No I’m no angel, but I am family and family always sticks together. I’ll keep you safe and as long as I know you’re safe that makes me happy. I will try to keep the big cats and birds from ever taking you away.”

She said. She didn’t know how satisfactory the words were to a pup her age, but she knew that she would try to be there for the little puppy for as long as she could. She knew that it was hard on a young one when others left and were never seen again, she had been in that situation. She knew what could happen if Dalgina thought Eclipse would go away forever, but that wouldn’t be the case. No, she was going to stay home for as long as she could live. Ichika was her home. They were closing in to Jace’s home, the scent was getting stronger, and with a good few other pups. Even Temo’s light scent was there. Eclipse had met him once or twice, but they had never truely talked before.

“Almost home little lady.”

Eclipse said happily to the tiny girl, wagging her tail, she was sure Dalgina would be very happy to know she was so close to home again. She certainly felt better that the puppy was closing in to being home too, though it wasn’t to get rid of the girl, it was always better to be home that far out into the wilderness, even in a pack. As she said to the pup there could be dangers anywhere.

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Table by Anna
Dalgina listened as her angel denied being one. That was okay. Maybe it was a secret. Dalgina was sure she was right, and no amount of persuasion could persuade her otherwise. She tilted her head to the side as Eclipse said she was something different, a word Dalgina didn't really know. It was funny, but Eclipse promised as family she would protect Dalgina and take care of her, keeping the scary cats and birds from kidnapping her. Her tail wagged softly. It's okay. I keep your secret. What's family?

The scent of her [html]talnala[/html] began to fill the air. Dalgina's tail wagged with excitement. They were so close! Dalgina bounded ahead, following the scent of whatever was before her. Heedless of her path she got tangled in bushes and the like as she tried to hurry, keeping her only a few steps ahead of Eclipse. At last they entered the clearing with the house in it. [html]Ingali[/html]! I'm ingali! She spun around in circles, dizzy with happiness. Turning she faced Eclipse. I show you it. Tail held high she trotted toward the front door.

Word Count » 458 :: OOC: gonna have to tell me what this ingali thing is and if eclipse can see it or not XDDDDD

It seemed the pup didn’t want to believe that Eclipse was just a normal wolf, but that was ok she would learn when she was older, but Eclipse had told her the truth. In any case the puppy gave the girl something to be taken aback by. She didn’t know what family was? But... if she didn’t know what was Jace and Temo teaching the poor girl? Eclipse blinked a few times then came to her senses.

“A family is like your father and mother, and brothers sister, and much more. You can have a family of a person who is in your pack, we may not be related, but I think you are family. Family is real close and they look after one another, teach each other things, watch your back, and defends you with their life. Family is deeper than any friends.”

Eclipse explained. It might have been much for the puppy but the young woman wasn’t used to being near them much less giving them life lessons. She wasn’t as blunt as her leader, but she probably could have made it a shorter explanation that the puppy could entirely understand, but to Eclipse, family was the most important thing, for she had lost her immediate family at a young age. She had no siblings she knew of and her father and mother left her. So when they did she set off to make her own happy perfect family... but before any of tht could be taken away from her she left. She didn’t want her heart broken. But once Saul came, he showed her the errors of her ways and now, she wantd family, and though the ones she had was gone she knew they were still there, if not in person, they would be there in spirit. Looking at the pup, she smiled sweetly and as the hut came into view the girl got extremely excited.

Eclipse couldn’t help but laugh at the energy the little girl had. Eclipse still shared such energy but it was more reserved now for those far closer to her, or when she was playing a game if there was someone to play a game with. She walked at a casual pace as the girl hurried ahead of her. Eclipse knew there would be no danger around the den of a wolf, even if it happened to be a house, for most wolves lived in houses these days. The girl piped up and told Eclipse she would show her the thing that she had questioned about.

“Alright I would love to see it!”

She spoke and made to follow the young pup to where ever she had to go.

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Table by Anna
OOC: Ingali means home in Jace's native tongue. Just hover over the unknown words for translation. Being bilingual means her language is mismatched. She knows what talnala is (family) but doesn't know the english word, and knows Papa, but not what Ghurn means (Papa)

Eclipse's explanation was confusing. It had a bunch of words she didn't understand, though she did pick out father and pack, whatever that was. The part without a bunch of new words made better sense then. Dalgina wagged her tail as Eclipse described them all working together, protecting each other and being deeper than friends. It sounded a lot like [html]talnala[/html] to the pup, though it included canines outside of it. That was okay though, because that meant Eclipse could be family. Yes! We be family! I protect you, and you protect me! I ask if Honrin and Papa be family too, cause they always take care of everyone, even [html]Mahn[/html], and she doesn't need it cause she takes care of everybody!

Dalgina tried to stand up, stretching as far as she could to express everybody, her [html]Mahn[/html] taking care of the whole world. She fell backwards before twisting back around and walking into the house. Inside Dalgina nosed into the living room. There was the big carpet she and Keldava had wrestled on, and further in the stairs she and Pandora had fallen down. Dalgina sat down with a big thump and looked up at Eclipse happily. [html]Ingali[/html]. She waited for Eclipse to look around, eager to show her her favorite place for drawing in the dust, and where all her [html]orej[/html] slept.

Word Count » 317 :: OOC: Poor Eclipse embarrassing herself

Though she had been confusing to the pup, the pup was also confusing to the woman. There was a language barrier there somewhere it seemed. The pup must know two languages and used both as it was possible the pup didn’t know all English. Like the this ingali word, Eclipse thought it was a person. So as they moved through the house and Dalinga spoke of family Eclipse smiled.

“Your papa is already your family, and your mother, and any brothers and sisters you have and you don’t have to ask one to be family. They just are”

Eclipse said, her smile growing as she finished what she had to say. She moved down the hall looking around. She had not been in Jace’s home before, it was nice and cozy and she hoped that the woman did not mind that she was there. Then again she was looking after Dalinga so it shouldn’t have been too much of a problem at all. Then she sat and spoke. Eclipse looked around but could not see it, looking at the pup quizically Eclipse wondered if it was an imaginary friend. Eclipse blinked a little at the pup, not sure what to say, then looked around, not aware the pup was talking about the entirety of the house. She didn’t say a word for a while, then looked at Dalinga.

“I’m afraid i’ve got temporarily blind and cannot find this Ingali, is he or she in another room?”

She didn’t want to move around to someone elses’ room. That would get her in trouble. She would be severely chastised by the pup soon enough, and it would be mighty embarrassing for Eclipse. She just didn’t know this was a part of the language the girl’s family spoke, after all Eclipse knew only one language and had never heard anyone speak anything differently.

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Table by Anna

OOC goes here.

Dalgina blinked in surprise. Papa was already family? He was family without her? Dalgina was family now, but Papa had been family before her! Why had he left her behind? Her ears drooped slightly as they reached the room before halting and letting Dalgina give the tour. Eclipse didn't seem to understand though, asking where ingali was, treating it like a person. That was very silly. Dalgina giggled at her angel's words. That was okay. Her angel was special, and she promised to keep a secret. Dalgina can explain.

We're inside ingali silly. It's not a person. It's where we live! Dalgina bounced up again and scurried to the couch. After a bit of struggling Dalgina heaved herself up. Spinning she looked at Eclipse. I can climb up here! Jumping back down Dalgina rushed over to the corner where her secret hiding place was, a box tucked in the corner with the lid open so adults could still see where she was. Squeezing through the tear on the side Dalgina turned around and poked her nose out. This is my secret hiding spot. Don't tell!

Wagging her tail happily Dalgina looked around before squeezing back out the hole and bounding back over to Eclipse. I show you more. Dalgina bounced over to the stairs and began climbing them laboriously, her tiny body making each step a huge struggle. She had reached the fifth step when she stopped, panting slightly. She turned back and looked at Eclipse. Coming?

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Word Count » 350 :: Out of character text here.

Understanding dawned on Eclipse as the girl explained that they were in Ingali.... home, she hit her forehead to her hand and made an ‘ohhhh!” sound. Shaking her head at herself but she looked up again and smiled at the girl. She nodded now fully understanding what the girl meant.

“Ok, it is a really lovely Ingali. I call mine home.”

She said, looking around at the place and following Dalgina into another room where she climbed on the couch, though with a bit of difficulty. Eclipse didn’t try to help for it seemed the pup wanted to do it on her own as her short little legs scrabbled up to get her rump over the top. Eclipse smiled as the girl looked triumphant. She hopped back down and went to a corner, showing her the spot she hid at and Eclipse put her finger to her mouth and crossed her finger over her heart.

“I promise not to tell anyone about it!”

She said, but it seemed the girl wasn’t done as she said she would show her more. Eclipse couldn’t help but giggle. She followed the girl closely behind her as she went up the stairs, desperately wishing to help the pup up, but could tell it would not be a good choice if she wanted the pup to remain happy.

“Lead the way!”

She said smiling at the puppy, wondering what else there was to show her, and if it was entirely ok for her to be in the house. It was Dalgina’s but also her parents and Eclipse couldn’t help but feel as though she might be trespassing on a neighbor’s home. She knew Jace and hoped it would not put a damper on their relationship, but she would find out soon enough and know not to come again without Jace’s or Temo’s permission, but since she was invited by the pup and was already here she would let her have her fun and put the worry in the back of her head.

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Table by Anna

OOC goes here.

Eclipse broke into Dalgina's tour at all the right places, feeding her pride. The promise to keep it a secret and keeping up with the tiny puppy was all well and good for her. With the angel behind her Dalgina continued her scramble up the stairs. It took a long time for the puppy, stretching into hours. It was only a couple minutes, but for her it was a long time. Reaching the top Dalgina laid flat out, panting slightly. Rolling over she watched as Eclipse followed her up.

Dalgina's tail wagged as she sat up again. Now was the time for her favorite part. Dalgina trotted over to her gjiskala's room, and pushed the door open. She walked over to where the board separated the nursery, keeping them from escape. Dalgina stood up, pushing on it. Keldava! Help! There was the sound of rustling, and her tingla turned up, bright eyes meeting Dalgina's. Okay! Working at the board together they moved it out of the way. Dalgina pranced in, licking Keldava before turning to face Eclipse. This is where we gkasa!

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Word Count » 330 :: OOC: I got a little confused with your post, and still am, especially with the nursery thing lol in any case this is my last post for SSWM Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Eclipse was delighted to see the happiness that radiated off the black puppy. She was glad she was having so much fun and though it took them a long time to get up the steps the young woman waited patiently letting the pup rest when she could, and followed her later as they moved further into the house. Eclipse looked around, envious thinking maybe she should get a house of her own, then she could have the whole thing to herself rather than having to share it, then again she didn’t mind sharing either. Eclipse could only blink as she was confused by what was going on, and even as the young pup spoke she didn’t understand at least for a moment. Then she got a good inkling of the whole set up and smiled. Where they slept. It was a nice cozy spot and well enough for pups for sure.

“It is very nice! Do you and your brothers and sister sleep together then?”

She asked looking at Dalgina’s sister who had helped her. Her own tail wagging at the two. She felt privelaged to be getting a grand tour from the child though she felt she would be overstaying her welcome soon enough and that she would have to go within time, right now she was sure she had a good few minutes before she would have to leave.

“Is there anything else you would like to show me? I may have to get going soon now that you are home safely. I do not want to overstay my welcome.”

She said to the pups, though she wasn’t sure if they would understand why she would say it, and how many questions they would ask just from the comment she gave, but she knew that as a visitor she just wanted to make sure that the pup was safe and comfortable before she went back on her way home.

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Table by Anna

OOC sorry. Basically the nursery's been blocked off except for through Jace and Temo's room. A short board stands across to keep the puppies from getting out, but Dalgina figured out how to get around it.

Dalgina was growling slightly at Keldava, who was tugging on her ear. Playfully she batted her paws at her before the angel spoke again. Keldava let go of her ear as they both turned to face the adult. Wagging her tail Dalgina nodded her head enthusiastically. Yes! All in one big pile! Mahn sometimes come in too! Dalgina loved that the best, when all the talnala was heaped together in the small room. Even Papa got in on it sometimes, though the pups usually just slept with each other now that they weren't nursing.

Hearing Eclipse's words Dalgina's ears drooped a little. Do you have to go? The pup was feeling a little sleepy now, but was still fighting against it. She didn't want to just curl up and gkasa. Trying not to yawn Dalgina stretched, bumping into her tingla. She trotted inside and sat down on the soft pile of blankets. She looked up at Eclipse, her big eyes begging. Please stay.

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Word Count » 218 ::OOC: My last post here, maybe when i get rid of a few more threads they can have another thread Big Grin .

Eclipse smiled at the girl, who spoke of sleeping in a heap with her brothers and sister and she was guessing her mother as well. It sounded generally the same. She had remembered when she curled up next to her mother and father, and had to shake the sad memory out. For it reminded her of her father leaving her and her leaving her mother. The puppy looked extremely disappointed. Eclipse gave her a sad look and shook her head.

“I am afraid so I still have other duties to attend to in our home. If you want to see this place turn green and beautiful in the spring, I have to work hard to do that. Now you stay with your sister, I know my way out ok? I will see you soon, I promise”

The young woman said with a smile and nudged her nose at the other then she turned and left the room in hopes that she was not being followed. She thought of her encounter on the way down the stairs and knew the girl had a bright wonderful future ahead of her. Eclipse would help with that by protecting her. She quietly left the house that was Jace’s, Temo’s and their pups and headed home, quietly contemplating.

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Table by Anna

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