Made of Glass

Word Count » 437 ::Late morning mid afternoon ok? Set for January 8th

So much had happened over the last few days, Eclipse nearly wanted to go straight home, but she wanted to visit something she’d only heard of in rumors and talk. The fabled Halifax city. A place that had buildings far taller than trees and they were still erected. It was something the girl had to find out, and she knew the general direction. So when she had been through with visiting that of her old home she moved eastward towards the opposite shore. It didnt’ take her too long to reach the near area, but unfortunately for her it was nearly too dark for the young woman so she set camp for the night. She had to treat her wound anyway, though it was shallow, she didn’t want it infected. She wanted her arm to be absolutely use able in the future.

The next morning she got up bright and early, finding her barings were off.... she had overshot the whole city... that’s what she got for walking at dusk into night. Grumbling to herself she doused the fire and headed south to where she could start seeing something in the distance as she walked closer to where she was sure the city was. Her eyes widened as she found that the houses in the distance were bigger, and taller than she had origionally thought and soon she was coming closer and closer to the city, her heard beat in excitement and fear at the same time. The buildings were so huge!!! MKoving closer she noticed the old human habitats gerw cloer together and larger, so when she found herself facing a greenhouse she was utterly surprised. The structure of glass was entirely new to the woman, so walking up she wondered how it was made. She moved closer and peered in to get a closer look to see what was in there. To her astonishment plants were flourishing inside, and she widened her eyes, if there were plants and they were getting what they needed, that meant whoever made the place was possibly still alive, but she thought humans had died out a long time ago? all she could smell was that of a passing wolf, or so the thought, as she stared in wide eyed wonder at the plants inside.. She wanted to see what was inside, but then thought better as if they were cared for then there was someone who owned the glass house. She wasnt just going to barge in but she continued to peer inside to see if she could make out whatever she could that was being grown.

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Table by Anna

Word Count :: 512 Sorry for the wait, Shaw. >.<

Finding evidence of her landlord’s nightlife activities was child’s play. The preferred rendezvous point, as she’d come to find out, was generally the fire pit. Just beyond the tree line, just a couple of acres away from her place of residence, lay the area where testosterone-fuelled self-indulgence would arise every so often. Knowing this, she would often scout out the area for any forgotten junk left lying about. The boys generally cleaned up after themselves, hence why she never really complained. A night’s partying supplied by Barrett’s own stash of drugs and alcohol inevitably hindered their good manners from time to time. But having to cleanse their reunion point of any garbage left behind was a million times better than going through the inconvenience of finding Barry mid-rut with one of his... females. That was just disturbing.

The ashes were still warm; an indication that one (or both) of the boys had gone to bed at a much later time than she and little Eli had. It had been a relatively quiet night though, which led her to believe that Hilsburn hadn’t inherited any special visitors. Perhaps they had gone out for some fresh air after a game of cards. Whatever they had done, they had obviously behaved for once. One bottle lay forgotten next to the burnt out logs. The lingering smell of vodka was discerned without much an effort. That’s all they had on hand and to her general knowledge, Barrett hadn’t acquired anything else.

She’d seen both dogs working around the property earlier that morning. Ezra’s door had been closed shut and she had avoided making too much noise when she’d left at the break of dawn. As for her landlord, she assumed he was holed up in his garage either still sleeping off a buzz or trying to usher one of his conquests out the door. With the empty bottle in her hand, Lilin was about to retreat back to her quarters when she caught the pungent waft of a female coming from a little further south. She didn’t think much of it at first; simply assuming the stranger had spent the night with one of the resident bachelors. That was, until she realized that the smell didn’t make it to where she stood. Had the trespasser been an overnight guest, she would’ve had to at some point.

Multiple scenarios formed in the back of her mind, the most plausible one being the possibility that she was one of Barry’s customers. She wanted to believe as much, knowing full well there were darker alternatives: thieves, most particularly. Sharp barks escaped her vocal chords, ringing loud and clear before she reached the intended destination. She knew Axle and Grit were close enough, should it come down to that. Lilin’s easy-going expression melted into a frown as she came around the secondary greenhouse. There she was: a luperci not much older than she was, peering curiously into one of her landlord’s beloved structures. “Can I help you?” Her tone held no hint of aggression but caution was most definitely audible.

Image courtesy of jeremy vandel; table by the Mentors!

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Word Count » 383 :: OOC: Scared Eclipse is Scared!! Tongue

She could have swore she saw a tomato plant in there. Sqinting hard at the glass she wasn’t paying attention to what was around her. Something she probably should have been doing at the start or it would have helped clear any bad situations that might arise. Right now though she was identifying plants she thought was inside this glass building. That was before someone spoke. Eclipse jumped out of her skin, and slipping on some hidden ice the young woman fell. She looked up to see a fascinating face, though right now it was quite scary. Her eyes were wide in fear, though Eclipse hadn’t done anything wrong... or had she? Looking between the woman and the greenhouse, Eclipse tried to look like she was harmless.

“I’m sorry I just saw this building, and saw all the plants. I-I was just looking that’s all. I didn’t mean to trespass or anything I didn’t think a pack lived her. I mean...”

Eclipse stammered and she stayed on her rump, holding her bandaged arm as she had fallen on it to help stabilize her fall. It didn’t work too much, but she felt that it would be safer in a submissive look than anything right now as she was on this woman’s property. Now that she was paying attention she did find the scent of multiple wolves lingering in the area, and now she was scared that this was claimed land and she had trespassed. She had never done any such thing before, but she knew that some wolves were killed or hurt very badly for entering someone else’s territory. Eclipse took a glance up trying to take in the odd but very interesting coloring of the woman. Then figuring it might make things better, she offered her name.

“M-my name is Eclipse Soulstorm. I will go, I just wanted to see what was inside this is all.”

She said, hoping that the woman would let her go. She had seen Naryu’s greenhouse back in Dahlia, and then a new one up in her own territory now in Ichika, but she never wen into them. So how could she blame herself for wanting to go into one that was claimed by another pack? Stupid girl.

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Table by Anna

Word Count :: 500

A series of events unfolded within a matter of seconds: the girl’s initial reaction, her brusque and rather gawky fall from grace and the appearance of reinforcements. It all happened so fast, Lilin wasn’t quite sure which situation needed addressing first. Ichika No Ho-en’s distinct fragrance ensnared her senses, inducing a grimace out of her. Her encounter with their pregnant leader had been one of arrogance and haughtiness; an acquaintance she could have lived without. Sour or not though, the two-toned juvenile saw no need to explicitly take it out on the female before her. Poor thing was doing a good enough job harming herself anyway. Her critical gaze traveled from the girl’s horrified expression to the arm she was clutching, noting the bandage shielding what appeared to be a fresh wound.

An array of excuses rang clear, none of which really made enough sense for her to grant pardon so easily. Movement to the west was irrefutable and when she brought her head up to examine things further, Axle and Grit’s familiar silhouettes materialized over the dead tree line. Her landlord’s two employees had detected the intrusion too. From their hesitance, Lilin could only assume they were merely wondering whether they should interfere or not. With a quick glance back to the trespasser, she released an overstated sigh before giving both dogs a self-explanatory nod. She could handle this one by herself. Uncertainty hung heavy in the air, long enough to instil doubt in her mind. Their loyalty to Barrett was absolute, this she knew. Sharing their scouting duties with the new girl must’ve been a challenge, especially since they virtually had a flawless track record. Grit finally turned and left but Axle lingered a little longer, watching from afar.

“You’re lucky they didn’t find you first. You really need to pay better attention,” she warned, turning her focus back to the injured Ichikan. She didn’t offer a helping hand, knowing full well that her every movement was being watched by the eldest of the two dogs. The way her face was being scrutinized by the other femme was no surprise and Lilin took it with a grain of salt, quite accustomed to it by now. It was the unforeseen introduction that guaranteed a reaction out of her. Her frown stretched into a look of sheer astonishment. “Get up. I’ll escort you off the premises.” This was said with a little more authority, with a pressing tone that left room for no misinterpretations. Her head reeled. How they could have identical family names, especially when she knew that Soulstorm was an uncommon combination of the Soul and Stormbringer bloodlines, she couldn’t understand. Clearly they didn’t have same parents. Had their lineage been combined more than once?

“I’m Lilin,” she said quietly, waiting for the stranger to straighten up. Normally she would have skipped introductions, not caring much for formalities. But the cult heir now had ulterior motives behind her civility. “Soulstorm.” This was a small world indeed.

Image courtesy of jeremy vandel; table by the Mentors!

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Word Count » 323 :: OOC: Silly Eclipse is Silly

Eclipse couldn’t help but follow the two toned female’s glance. There were two men there and they were watching from afar. One left after the strange woman nodded, the other however seemed to want to watch. Eclipse turned back to the woman as she spoke. Maybe it was a good thing, they might have hurt her more than her pride, as that was what she did when she fell down. Eclipse blinked at the woman’s words after she introduced herself. She got up and wiped herself off, the sheer urgency confused the girl. Then the woman introduced herself, and Eclipse froze, her mouth hung open. She had never heard of another soulstorm? Did her father have mor children with her mother, older ones? Whatever the case she was sure she was still being watched by the man and she started moving to walk out of their territory. Eclipse had so many questions but she wasn’t sure where to start.

“You are a Soulstorm? I thought... I thought I was the only one, my mom and dad mixed theirs.... are your mom and dad Conor and Bris?”

She asked, the most important thing.... was she a sibling. Eclipse had always wanted a sibling, but seeing as Conor would never return and she didn’t know where her mother had went, she would be the only one of a kind, but now... she might not be! This excited her, though she was wary as the woman didn’t seem to want to bring attention to the male that watched them so she held any thoughts or excitement inside her body. She was still scared but not of the woman, not anymore. She may have just found a family member she never knew about... were there others? There had to be, how many though? That question would probably not be found out, and she would be content with the family she did find.

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Table by Anna

Word Count :: 304

Due to the girl's swift compliance, Lilin found herself pleased enough to grant her additional time. Irises of Mediterranean blue remained sternly on her younger relative, assuming their introduction and her brusque tumble must've resulted in confusion and a loss of bearings. In all of her clumsiness, the last-born Soulstorm was alert enough to notice Axle's reticence. Explanations were unneeded and Lilin could only appreciate that. Once the initial shock passed and the Ichikan had brushed herself off, the Hilsburn resident began her trek toward their western border. She almost laughed, noting the comically agape expression on her newfound relative. An entertained snort escaped her parted maw instead. Given the situation, she should've been the one interrogating but it hadn't quite turned out that way.

Eclipse's relentless assault of inquiries coaxed a sideway glance out of the eldest of the two women. She understood the girl's need for answers; Lilin felt a certain need to satiate her curiosity too but it was nowhere near as strong as the other female's. "I don't know who Conor and Bris are." she admitted with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. She already knew they were too distant of relatives to know anything relevant about each other. Although she'd never heard of the previously mentioned, much less seen them, Lilin safely assumed that Bris was the one who hailed from the Stormbringer clan. Her name was norse in origin, a common liking on her dam's side of her family. "My mother's name is Lillith and-" she paused, recollections of her afternoon encounter with a ghostly elder resurfacing. "A male named Haku is my father. He's dead, though." A solemn nod was given then, as if the extra confirmation would be needed to support her remark. "Unless you know anything about my parents, I doubt we'll get anywhere today."

Image courtesy of jeremy vandel; table by the Mentors!

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Word Count » 300 :: Out of character text here.

Eclipse’ excitement fell a little as she learned she did not have a sibling, not any known ones at least. She sighed slightly, then listened as she stated her mother’s name, that did not help her at all, she did not know such a name, but.... but the Haku name it rose a memory. One of a woman who seemed to come to Eclipse and told her she had the blood of Haku.... how strange.

“I I heard his name. A woman I met, she knew him. She said he was a great man, that he was god like. She said that his blood runs through me. But I don’t know how...”

She was hesitant at her words for she did not know Haku, and just saying he was a relative as well confirmed that this woman also was a relative, though she didn’t know what kind and since she was not a sibling it mattered little anymore. No Family was family no matter if it was sibling aunt, cousin, they all shared something, though hidden. She let her feet move and her mouth stay closed. Her questions still burning, but being as young as she was, she couldn’t keep her mouth quiet.

“Did you know your dad at all? Or your mom? My dad is dead as well. I don’t know how though.”

Eclipse said, doubting this would have much of an effect on the woman before her. There was so much that Eclipse didn’t know and now she wanted to learn. So they were connected somehow through family and she was determined to find out how. If not today than soon. Maybe Saul would know, since the woman shared the soulstorm name her mother must have been a stormbringer.

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Table by Anna

Word Count :: 480 Wow. I fail at replying. I'm so sorry Shaw. I'll try getting my ass in gear. wotd: cant

OOC Ending: Eclipse reveals that a woman by the name of Eris knew her father. The two keep on discussing what they know of their lineage and they part ways after some time.

She would have been content with the minimalistic aspect of their relationship; the two Soulstorms were related but in no direct manner. Lilin knew nothing of the girl's parents and it should have been reciprocated with similarity. She wasn't the ideal candidate for cant talk; her interest slipped with Eclipse's unfamiliarity - that is, until Haku Soul's name was mentioned in a whole different light. It was a little unnerving, the fact that a younger kin knew more about her sire than she did. What struck a chord was the manner in which his name was uttered, the fake aura of godlike superiority shrouding his name. She listened, ears pricked and alert for whatever information Eclipse would provide from here on out.

For someone of Lilin's background and peculiar history, hearing talk of Gods and spirituality in general was far from strange. But for her father to be considered one not only came into conflict with the information she'd obtained from the ghostly female that day in Halifax, but it was also preposterous! To think divine beings would walk this earth with mere mortals went against core teachings. Even a believer such as her own dam had never glorified a man to that extent. Ahren de le Poer had been the only soul she'd spoken so highly of and even then, she had referred to him as a prophet and not a God. She had two versions; one from a lady who had provided sufficient proof against her father, sustaining the idea that he indeed was a murderer hated by the general population. And now, a second theory: one a little nonsensical but interesting nonetheless. "Who is this woman you speak of?" she questioned with a wrinkle of her nose, wondering if this person with peculiar beliefs held the answer that would unravel this mystery.

They weren't siblings but they were somehow bound by the same blood - the very same blood that had once flowed through Haku Soul's veins. Not of the same generation, obviously, but close enough for Lilin to wish no ill intents to the younger femme. "I just recently got separated from my mother," she revealed then, adopting a tone short of a growl. "But I've never met my father. I'm pretty sure I was never meant to. She chose him for his strong genes, perhaps. I'm not sure." A shrug was provided then, as such was probably the reality. In another life, one where Lillith Stormbringer would have gotten things her way, Lilin could have been of de le Poer blood. But as it was, Lillith had settled for the next best thing, the only strong male worthy of reproduction alive at the time. When Eclipse announced that she hadn't known her father or how he'd passed away, Lilin merely replied with a nod. "That makes two of us, chickie. I'm sorry to hear, though."

Image courtesy of jeremy vandel; table by the Mentors!

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