messed up generation'
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The evening was fresh. It was young. The sky was just beginning to lose its colour, the sunkissed crimson paling to velvety azure as the sun sank reluctantly towards the horizon. The great pool of colour was clear, free from clouds and freckled only by small clusters of birds, drowsy and homeward bound. Well, almost only. Drunk on the crisp air and tickled by the warm southern breezes, a single figure cartwheeled through the sky. Leather wings hugged the wind, spiralling across those invisible currents with delightful ease. Snufkin's eyes remained closed, his lips parted to let the pubescent essence of the night swell in his throat, teasing his tastebuds with the scents it carried; smoke, grass, damp leaves. Oh, how delictable.

Snufkin, so absorbed in his airbourne dancing, had quite lost track of his place in the world. He'd wandered far from the little nook he called home and yet his mind still wandered further. So he followed it. "Twinkle, twinkle little bat, how I wonder what you're at," he began, dropping a few feet so he could feast his eyes upon the craggy back of the caverns below him. They reared up at him, their mouths open and gaping. How invitng they looked. Snufkin paused for a moment, lips frozen in the shape of his next words. They curled at the corners, stretching towards his last ear in a lopsided grin. "Up above the world so high, like a teatray in the sky!" And then the teatray dropped, spiralling towards howling caverns with a shrill giggle.

Glimmering eyes fell upon a friendly looking ledge that protruded from the lip of one of those yawning mouths. Within seconds the little bat had latched on, claws digging into the rock to secure a foothold. Snufkin ruffled his fur, showcasing his monochrome palette to the cave. "Its impolite to yawn in such a ghastly manner," he mused, nose quivering as it drank in the strange musk that laced the opening. It seemed to him that someone...he took another sniff...or rather someones lived here. He tilted his gilded head to one side. "I appear to have stumbled upon the abode of several someones. Hello in there! Have you been swallowed up by this cavern here? Did you stumble into its ghastly jaws?" He peered into the gloom, eager for an answer.

Talk! Think! Walk!


Just so you know, I think there's a rule about bats using high speech ^^ I may be wrong, but you might have to look up the speech guide in the rp guide, or talk to a mod about it. Unless you've already got permission, in which case ignore me Big Grin word count: 664

The large pup bounced around her new home quite happily. Well, she didn’t exactly bounce, but she was happy enough. Though clever enough not to make too much noise. She knew as much, from certain experience. The serious people of Anathema didn’t appreciate little children running around, causing a ruckus. At least, she not the ones she’d met so it seemed. Though her new friend…or someone she thought could be a future friend, Severus, apparently made trouble all the time. With a little frown, Aoi hurried along, swishing her fluffy tail from side to side. It had been a busy day, and she would think about going to bed soon. Or at least, someone would be sent to collect her into bed by force. But for now, she was enjoying staying up a little past her bedtime; she found the fresh dark exhilarating and exciting and new.

Pushing off on her clumsy paws, she scooted along passageways and chambers like a pro. She’d always had a good memory, and it seemed also that she had a fantastic sense of direction. Moments had passed in silence before someone intruded on her dream-land, a crow by the name of Saigai. The hooded bird grappled its way onto her head and she shrieked in alarm, tossing her cranium back and forth rapidly until the equally alarmed bird let go and soared a little way in front. You be in bed? Now? asked Saigai in broken high speech. He still got a little confused with words, and always would probably, being a crow. Aoi scowled and tossed her head in the air, trying to skirt round the bird. Go away, I want to go outside. Exploring. she lifted her brown eyes up to the sky and sighed dreamily, but an impatient squawk cast her off guard. You get lost. Dang-e-roush outside. Saigai saying no no.

Defiantly, Aoi gave a puppy snarl and batted the crow down, placing a firm paw on its tummy as it wriggled on the floor, pinned. Saigai! she exclaimed. You’re meant to be my pet! Now be quiet and keep watch for adults! Aoi said, and then wagged her tail briefly before hurrying along to one of the openings. She couldn’t remember exactly how she’d got inside the caves, but she definitely had an idea. Determined, the strong puppy skulked along each winding passageway until she saw light up ahead. Saigai flew above her head, apparently listening to the authoritive pup for once. You mad at Saigai? asked the bird. Aoi sighed and gave in, nudging the crow down to her level while it still hovered. She smiled admiringly, slipping him a lick on his black head. I could never stay mad at you. the mature puppy said, and then she halted at the lip of the cave.

Kindness flooded her gentle brown eyes, and the pup looked left and right for signs of danger. Dusk had fallen and already it was quite dark, but this wouldn’t stop her. Wolves had the upper hand at night, for they could sense things better than most creatures. Her mother had told her that. Yet suddenly, she heard some kind of voice, or at least a communicating noise, directly above her head. Jerking back in the cavern, she squealed, startled. What could it be? After a while of calming herself down, she approached the entrance once more, ever-so-slowly slipping back outside again. When she got outside once more, this time she turned her body around and found herself locking eyes on a bat. Aww! Isn’t he lovely, Saigai? asked Aoi, and then she managed to find a platform to climb up on. Wobbling a little, the pup soon came face-to-face with the bat, on the outer ceiling of the caves. Saigai huffed at being out-cuted, but followed Aoi obediently. Hello little bat! Such a sweet little thing! she gasped, reaching down her head for a better look.

Aoi Itou

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Someone responded to his calls. Or was that something? The language certainly wasn't his own, it was garbled and carried an air of sophistication. Perhaps, once, it was not very much unlike his incessant twittering, but, over the years, it had flowered into something more astute. His ears flickered, drinking in the feminine hum the cave sang out to him. His lips peeled back into a vibrant grin and his little body began to quake, shivering with anticipation as the mysterious creature neared the light that failed to touch the recesses of the cavern. Footsteps now. Almost there. He craned his neck, desperate for a glimpse. The something started to emerge from the gloom, its figure slowly starting to take shape in the evening light.

A wolf? Snufkin's eyes lit up. He twittered excitedly to himself, shuffling impatiently along the lip of the cave. He'd never seen one this close before! And it was getting closer. It seemed the female had taken as much interest in him as he did her and the two sized each other up as they drew closer. Snufkin flexed his wings, grappling at the rock with his single, hooked finger until he found a suitable hold. He pulled himself upright just as the she-wolf poked her head over the craggy ridge. Their noses bumped lightly together, his deliciously warm against the cold wetness of hers. "By Jove!" he exclaimed, snout still pressed to hers. "I don't mean to alarm you, my dear, but we appear to be quite stuck. I've never been attached to a creature like you before, you'll have to excuse me."

He was well spoken for a small creature, that was true, but unfortunately his manners were quite lost. The boundry between low and high speak distorted his words and no doubt the young wolf could only hear a string of excited twittering. The occasional word might have come through, but the little mammal was speaking so quickly and with such vigour that even these were probably difficult to pick out. Nevertheless, he continued on, quite oblivious to the barrier that seperated their worlds.

Talk! Think! Walk!


:3 he's so cute! word count: 340

It was hard to describe her feelings when she bounded into the snuffly nose of the bat. The fey yelped in surprise, but held her ground funnily enough, staring down at the little creature in befuddlement. Oh, my! Aoi exclaimed, dark brown eyes flashing huge and wide. The femme stared down in utter disbelief, blinking long eyelashes and breathing heavily through her mouth. It was quite a shock, to be so up close to a creature that had only ever run off before. To her amazement, the little thing then proceeded to chatter something in low speech..something she could barely understand! And that was odd, because Aoi had been brought up with little animals such as himself, and so was almost fluent in low speech, except his own low speech was highly intellectual, and intelligent. However, she managed to make out the gist of what he was saying, due to her quickly-adapting brain.

It's fine. she managed to squeak in low speech, a series of yelps and grunts. Not stuck, little bat. Turnips. she wasn't exactly perfect in talking low speech as much as she understood it, but that was only to be expected for one so long. With a gentle smile, the femme simply tugged away from the quivering nose. Her own wet, velvety one inhaled the fresh air as it was brought to freedom, and amused, she sat on her haunches and looked down on the creature. While she was awkward and shy with luperci, she was bubbly and excited with low-speakers. I name Aoi. Name for you? she managed to ask, tilting her head in question. Low speech mainly consisted of body language, so it wasn't that hard for her to emit...on a good day. Aoi just could not believe how cute the little bat was, all gangly wings and warm nose. For a moment, she wished they were touching noses again, but instead she settled for a nuzzle on the top of his head. Grinning, the femme continued to stare down, beady-eyed and amused.

Aoi Itou

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