[J]My Blade, My Blood and My Honour
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Regner Vilhelmsen
Check my vitals signs and know i'm still alive
Word Count :: 521 =O You mean Regner can actually be forms other than Optime? Well not today! XD. Takes palce at midday.

The scent marker loomed up ahead, a invisible wall with no substance to it but nonetheless, to any canine with a functioning nose it was a wall all the same. A statement of intent, that any who passed beyond without permission would be attacked, driven out and even possibly killed. Even to Regner, hailing from a nomadic pack that rarely made use of permanent scent marks, the border was a heavy thing.

Regner intended to cross this border today, but not in a way that would make him an enemy of those who dwelt within but which would instead meld him into their ranks, the last shred of his old pack torn away from him as he accepted membership into a foreign pack.

There was temptation, in Regner's mind, to leave Adelle at the borders and leave. Let the pup grow up with a family that would be there and let him die as a Broderskab but the thought never made it into Regner's conscious mind; even if Adelle hadn’t been ill Regner could never bear to leave her, not when she was all that remained of his family.

Regner stopped a few metres away from the border and prepared. His shield, along with the sack of belongings that Regner had kept hanging underneath it, was lowered to the ground along with Adelle and temporarily reclaimed from the pup, Regner fastening the heavy fur around his shoulders with a regretful glance down to her. His axe remained on his belt, there were very few situations which required that to be removed in the Broderskab etiquette which Regner still followed.

If Adelle felt the increased cold she showed no sign of it. The puppy seemed to have sensed that something important was happening and stood stock still, her tail and ears raised excitedly and her muscles coiled. To those seeing her for the first time she would look full of energy, to one who knew how much energy the puppy actually had such as Regner she looked half asleep, her runny eyes and nose still betraying the cold which sapped her strength.

Regner was proud of his granddaughter, proud of how she had weathered her illness and proud that she was even standing at the moment. Unless something went drastically wrong with the upcoming meeting, shelter and rest would soon be available for her to enjoy.

Not wanting to waste any time Regner raised his head and called into the territory. Regner was incapable of howling exactly like a wolf, his wolf blood too diluted and his canine blood not of a breed which could. Instead the sound that issued forth could be described best as a roar, though it lacked the aggression typically assigned to that sound it was no less fearsome. At the side of him Regner could hear Adelle adding her own voice to the call and he quietened a little bit, allowing the higher pitched tones of the puppy to become audible as an accompaniment to his own deep contribution.

After several seconds Regner stopped and lowered his head. He then leaned back against a tree and waited.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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OOC Sorry again for the wait! / +300

Things were interested within the pack right now. Lorenzo had found a girl apparently, which Jazper was thrilled about, but her entrance into the pack had not been a happy occasion but instead out of refuge status as she was most certainly in need of a safe haven right now. With Juliet so fragile and his son so tense and on edge it seemed natural for the father to roam the boarders of his territory, his halfling form moving slowly between the trees and almost unnoticeable in the shadows of the trees. In this form his body was quiet thick all the way around, and firm muscle displayed itself to the world. Perhaps the most interesting thing about this form was the thickness of the fur around his neck, which almost puffed out in a mane like fashion around his large head. The only part of his body that would give him away in the darkness of the forest was his bright yellow tattoo.

His mind turned around the thought of the poor girl who had been raped and now stayed under Casa, and his son Lorenzo’s, protection. Should he be concerned that this sort of thing could happen to his own members, it was so unlikely an occurrence but still, as a father, his blood boiled at the thought of someone touching any fae. A sudden howl cut through the air, interrupting his deep, and somewhat darker, thoughts. His ears perked and a smaller higher pitch of a small pup joined in, the deeper fading until silence was all that remained. He only knew of one pair that it could be, the old man Regner and his granddaughter Adelle whom he had met a little while back in Halifax.

Picking up his speak into a light job he made his way towards the two who he knew would stand by the boarders. As the duo came into view a pleasant smile grew on his face, he had always enjoyed any time he could get with pups. “Long time no see.” He chuckled lightly as he came to a stop, looking up at the old golden male and then back down to the little lady at his feet. Leaning down so his butt stuck up in the air and his jaws touched his front pays he wagged his tail, “You called wee lass?” His Scottish accent easily rolling over the words.

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Regner Vilhelmsen
Check my vitals signs and know i'm still alive
Word Count :: 757 I am aware that Ovcharkas aren’t the only large canines out there, Regner either isn’t or chooses to ignore the others out of pride >.>

Regner let out a soft woof of greeting as Jazper slid out of the trees. The wolf was in his impressive Secui form, Regner took a moment to look the leader over as he approached, remarking over the leader's size and strength. If not for a few subtle things that marked him as a pure wolf and not a hybrid like Regner, Jazper could have passed for one of Regner's kin, even now Regner still found it hard to believe that the large wolf didn't have at least a little Ovcharka blood in him, despite the clear signals his nose gave him to the negative.

Regner inclined his head minutely to the wolf in response to his greeting, his deep voice rumbling out of his throat, "It is good to see you Jazper." The old wolf intoned as Jazper's attention flickered to Adelle. Normally Regner would have been annoyed to be passed over so early in a conversation but instead the sight caused him to smile, remembering his original reason for seeking out a pack. Namely Adelle, if not for the little pup Regner would have happily lived the rest of his days alone, it was his desire to give his granddaughter a lasting family that had driven him here, not any desire for his own comfort.

So in that respect the sight pleased him. While he was aware much of Jazper's playfulness came from Adelle's young age it was still a good sign that the leader seemed mildly fond of the girl, as could be seen by the large wolf lowering himself into a play bow facing her. For her part Adelle managed to contain herself for roughly three seconds before she bounded forward from her place at Regner's side, skidding into a stop in a play bow to match Jazper's, her fluffy tail wagging furiously. The young girl had been born in a pack of canines where Jazper's size wasn't entirely out of the norm and showed no fear as she gazed at the large male, only excitement at seeing the same stranger for a second time.

Adelle instantly started "talking", the puppy vomiting forth a mixture of high pitched barks, puppy speak and broken Danish. With little companionship other than her grandfather the girl's talking had developed slower than her body, though Regner hoped that this would change now that she would have a wider variety of canines to talk to, and he himself more energy to talk with her.

Jazper's friendly behaviour, while highly welcomed, left Regner uncomfortable in that his instincts were screaming at him that the situation, his joining a pack, required submission of the highest degree, yet the leader's friendly posture did not seem to demand it overly much. Regner compromised and lowered his ears against his skull but little else; a small sign that wasn't disruptive and didn’t require Regner to irritate his aching leg, but still signalled that if Jazper wished for submission then it would be offered.

After leaving Adelle to her play for a few minutes, the girl had started darting towards Jazper and flicking her tongue at his muzzle before dancing backwards, Regner started to speak, the hybrid's words formal as always but a happy undertone present in his voice "When last we met you spoke of this place Jazper, your pack, you sounded proud. I did not wish to commit myself to any this early but the situation has forced my action." Before Regner could explain further Adelle, somewhat helpfully as it was, interrupted the conversation by bursting out coughing, the small puppy being mindful enough to back away from Jazper before doing so. In an instant Regner was over by the two, his hand dwarfing Adelle as it ran down her spine, "It is no serious illness she carries, but it is an illness all the same. Warmth and rest are the best cures for her, neither of which I can provide while wandering as I am now." he continued talking, his voice now grim.

"We wish to join your pack, this place you are so proud of. I am an old man, too slow to hunt and with little skill beyond my healing but Adelle is young and from a fine pedigree, she will be a strong warrior and a capable worker when she grows, an asset to your people." Adelle didn’t quite understand the words being said but she did recognise her name and let out a yip, this time quieter than before due to her now sore throat.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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OOC We can keep going if you want or close this up, either way Big Grin +300

It was true that Jazper was normally a little more resolved, but having met the little girl before he was drawn to her. There was just something about little pups that made his heart gush. At Regner’s greeting he stood tall for a moment, his tail and ears perking up in a comfortable but dominant way, knowing Reg to be more of a formal old man in their previous meeting. It’s good to see you too Regner. He hardly got the words out of his mouth before The little matching girl took a bow and then broke out into puppy gibberish which the large alpha simply could not decipher for the life of him, be he smiled and listened non the less, she would learn to speak well enough in time and she knew how to be polite enough so no one would dare harm the little one.

As she started licking his jaws and Regner’s deep voice began to speak the father was torn between playing and his leader duties. He was a strong man in body and soul but everyone in the pack knew that he was a softie in one way or another. However, regardless of how much he wished to allow the pup her happiness he raised his head fully, his chest extending and shoulder rolling back into his full height. In his halfling form no one could dispute that he could handle himself and a pack with his strength, but his posture was not meant to be taken as unfriendly, but as a formality.

His ears perked forward listening intently while he spoke of their last meeting where Jazper had explained Casa, his home, and their goal to keep peace and safety to all who looked for it. Adelle’s coughing fit was something he had experienced before and had taken note of in their last meeting in the city. A worried eye wandered to her instinct wanting to comfort her as her Grandfather did, but it was not his place. The large dog continued, confirming what Jazper knew, the girl clearly was ill and would do better in a warm home. Before the old man could speak the warrior knew what was coming and had already decided in his mind to welcome the two with open arms. Your skills in healing are much needed in Casa as most of my members only hold basic medical skills. Looking down to the girl he added, You’re family is strong and she has a sharp mind, I have no doubt that she will grow into a wonderful young lady under your guidance and we will offer her a mentor in a couple of months to assist her growth. Smiling he motioned for the two to follow him into the pack, Please, let’s get you two out of the snow.

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