Above this world, now back again
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Date: Early January

Time: 7am
Drifter Bay

This is the Sequoia raid thread #1! Members of group 1 should be the only ones posting here. We'll have one round of the Sequoians and then one round of the Salsolans. The Sequoians will be led into the territory and try to free the slaves. They'll be lead by a ghost coyote for the beginning (which is how they will breech the borders) but after that, Salsolans are free to discover them.

The first to reply to this thread are the Sequoia group members, Vesper, Éloise, Angel, and any other Sequoian who hasn't posted in one of the raid threads.

So the order is: Tayui -> Sequoia -> Salsola -> free replies between the two groups

This thread is backdated to the beginning of January, around the first week. Feel free to adapt it to your timelines so it fits!

NOTE: Powerplay approved by Shannon.

[/html]Despite the conflicts and the clashing points of view, they were here. In all fairness, Tayui had been glad to see everyone speak up. This wasn’t about her revenge anymore; even if it had started as such, it was now something much bigger than she. As Noir, the leader of this motley crew, she’d be all too happy to give up the fight once she was able to lead the Sequoians to victory. Oh, she still wanted Eris dead, but she knew there was more at stake. She could not jeapardize this mission. So, she had decided it would be her going at it alone. Once she was certain everyone was safe, she’d find Eris. She knew none of her comrades were too fond of the ghost coyote. He had been hurt by their comments and had not shown himself until the previous evening.

It wasn’t quite dawn, which meant it was time to go. She didn’t want to make a long, winded speech, so she figured it would be best to defer to the group leader.

“Okay everyone,” she began slowly. “We’re going to do something good today. Everyone stay strong and stay safe. We all need to be in one piece. I’ll be with you, but you’ll be with Zana this morning. She’ll see you through this.” She nodded to the small coyote, uttering, “Zana,” before stepping back to let the woman take charge and lead them in. There was no going back now. She quietly slipped away to see to the other group. [html]
[/html]Zana's words were quick and efficient. She addressed the group with little to say, but her emphasis was clear: get in, get out, and leave with something to be proud of. Tayui had nothing else to say, so once Zana finished, Tayui followed the group into the territory.[html]

Hopefully we can get this thread rollin’ now 8D Feel free to beat up Eloise pretty bad…. Like, short of killing her, Salsola, ya’ll can do whateva.

Éloise hadn’t been accustomed to doing anything with or for her sister. The two had never been close, and even now, the ashen wolf felt some sort of disconnect from her. And yet it was that weighty feeling of family that kept her here, with a small group of random wolves Tayui could find to help her accomplish her revenge. The old woman hadn’t been surprised to find out that Tayui had hid the real reason for the attack from her comrades… the news had done nothing but put a smile on the woman’s face. For some reason Éloise wanted her to fail.

The small creature that Tayui had put in charge had spoken, but the older woman wasn’t really listening. She was brooding, thinking. She wanted to steal whatever she could from this pack while she had time, because there was no real reason for her attacking them other than her ‘loyalty’ to her sister. The tiny woman finished speaking finally, and the group crept into the territory, quiet as a mouse. Her sister wasn’t too far away from her, yet the old scrooge of a woman refused to look at her. The group kept walking despite the sister’s invisible quarrels.


Vesper is involved in different thread here, so I'd like it if she only received minor injuries: small lacerations, bruises, et cetera. Autohitting minor things like bites is fine, so long as she isn't forcibly grabbed or knocked down. She's got to be able to slip away during this.

Word Count → 300+

Blood thundered in the coywolf’s veins, her heart twitching a rapid tempo as nerves took hold of her lithe, mud-coated body. This might have been fatal to any other wolf, any green whelp rushing into this fight with inflated ideals and no experience, but she controlled that hammer in her ribcage, shielded her mind from that fire surging through her veins.

Balance. Deep breaths. Separate ice and fire.

Keeping her composure while flitting over the border into the Thistle Kingdom was harder than she thought; every instinct screamed at her to retreat from this land that was not hers. Her blue eyes remained locked on the ghost as they crossed, however, and from there slid from Tayui to small Zana. The fact that another one of her comrades—and one that she respected—was here as well calmed her a bit. She was not alone in this plight of justice and disobedience.

Get in, get out. Leave with something to be proud of.

Vesper heard the instructions, but in the back of her mind, she knew that she would more than likely be doing this thing on her own. The trust that she had placed in Noir as a leader had withered, and while it would be hypocritical to dislike the woman, she knew that the only canine here she could trust was herself. She paused, turning her head and sniffing herself critically, hoping strongly that the reek of the various substances she’d rolled in would cover the smell of smoke and coyote that was so crucial to her clan’s scent.

Gauge the situation. Listen for the Salsolans. Trust only yourself.

Ears swiveled, eyes darted, and paws treaded just lightly on the ground. Deep breathing soothed her nerves and brought in the rich odors of the territory. Once they were in, once she had a chance, the hybrid would slip away and see what she could do on her own. She’d never worked well with others; this was the only way. She glanced at the dusty-colored woman and the pygmy and the rest in their group, hoping they would be able to hold strong while she worked her own goals.

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feel free to inflict all sorts of minor to medium wounds on my dear Angel here~

Word Count → 000

Angel had prepared himself for the past week, building up more muscle and working out until he nearly collapsed from exhaustion. Ana had questioned why he had been doing this, he'd replied simply that it was good to work out. Something he would actually say. Leaving her with little to doubt. She'd wheeled away easily enough, while usually interested in her hermano's work, it had become repetitive and distressing to watch him exhaust himself time and time again. His shadowy secui form proved a daunting sight, even for the bravest souls. In. Fight. Out was the motto that flashed around his head. He didn't care that he was in pack lands, the adrenaline had gotten to him and the thrill over powered the fear.

Not that there was any of course, Angel was scared of very few thing in this world. After all, when you consider how dangerous everything is, nothing is really frightening at all. He wasn't daunted by the obvious risk of wounds. He healed easily and there was a skilled medic back in Inferni, so he had little to fear. Creeping in past the pack lands, he slid in next to his group members, Zana and Vesper he knew, both clansmen, or more correctly, clans women of his. The others, aside from Tayui, were unknown to him. Taking a deep breath, he readied himself for the oncoming storm.

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Feel free to get some nice bites out of his legs, or perhaps his throat :> ! But he is going to be raging, so nothing severely hindering, please! >> wordcount: +3

Pre-dawn glow cast an eerie pallor over the thistle kingdom. Mist rolled in from the turbulent ocean, weaving bony fingers through knoll and hillock, through gnarled branch and spiny bracken. The King awoke with a start, venomous eyes staring out at the bruised light beyond his chamber door. Large ears were lifted high, seeking a sound that might have startled him, while mind searched for the remnants of a dream that lingered in the shadows of his sudden consciousness.

Uncertain as to why he had been pulled so suddenly from his slumber, the dark man rose from his piles of luxurious pelts - furs of mountain goat and soft dappled doe, silky fox hides and the infamous plushness of the bear, slain many moons ago now. He left the comfort of this silky, warm cocoon, instead breaching the crisp, frigid air with a wariness that shivered in his hackles and brought alive his cold blood.

He was four-legged, a form not often taken by the peacock monarch. The Revlis man had a preference for his more civilized, more genteel two-legged body; None who knew him were deceived, though, for Sirius was surely a predator and a monster at heart.

His lope was long and effortless, for the Hunter had been born with an endurance and a speed taken from both sides of his blue-blooded heritage. While tall, taller than most wolves, Sirius had the undoubted lankiness of a coyote, with long, lean-muscles limbs, and a ribcage that was never quite rounded no matter how much he feasted. It gave him a sharp, angular appearance, like a tall dark slash cut into the surrounding palette of blues, grays, greens and browns.

The air was still; No birds stirred, in spite of the growing light to the east. An instinctual wariness took over his form, and relying on the knowledge of ancestors long gone, Sirius followed it to his borders. Everything was still; Silent. A fake peace which quivered with its wrongness. His hackles rose, and the large, lanky brute took on a prowling form, slinking in the shadows and ever-watching with glowing eyes of pea-green and acid.

Enlightenment came when an unfamiliar scent wafted past his seeking nose. There, ahead, was a small group of invaders, infiltrating the depths of his beloved kingdom. A rage rose swiftly within the cold-blooded King, and from his writhing black lips came a sounds most terrible. The growl vibrated deep within his chest, which had begun to change; A new form took shape amongst the shadows, much larger and more deadly than the last. His Secui body was ghastly in appearance - A lanky form now became an exaggeratedly nightmarish one, with a huge shaggy mane and skeletal ribcage protrusions. His snaggle teeth seemed much larger, much more saber-like. From the darkness lunged this beast, with a blood-curdling howl that shattered the silence of Salsola. Intruders! Intruders! His leap took him directly into the path of the small group, huge claws digging into the soft soil to purchase a grip.

Only a moment was given to the fools who dared to enrage him so - A moment, so that they might see the wrath of the King approaching them, and perhaps know what kind of mistake they had made. Jaws opened wide, yellow teeth glinting in the half-light, as the wicked monarch lunged for the leader of their group, the small female in front.

Sirius Revlis
Hail the Conqueror Worm
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(328) I'll be NPCing Larkspur for this; Alaine has my permission to do so as well. Larkspur can take a lot of surface wounds; he'll be trying to get between Sirius and anyone who goes after him. Siv is going for Éloise, so I suspect her wounds will be less dramatic; some light ones on her face are okay.

The dream came again, as it always did in these moments of danger. He sensed it, waking from some nightmarish world, orange eyes gleaming in the dark. Larkspur sensed the very palpable change in the air. His body responded subconsciously, muscles shifting and changing as he stood alone in the center of his home. What remained was a massive beast more bear than wolf, nearly three-hundred pounds of fat and muscle coated in thick, black and white fur. He stood almost four and a half feet tall and moved with the lumbering gait of the animal that had left deep teeth marks on his haunch.

He had not gone far when another figure, much smaller, met him. Siv had risen to hunt but, like the Arbiter, sensed there was something wrong in the air. She accosted him with sharp eyes, a low and wordless whine asking what he did not know.

The answer came in a cry that made every hair on Larkspur’s back stand on end. Sirius; intruders. He did not hesitate and plunged towards the origin of the cry. Speed hindered as it was, it was not long before another massive shadow rose at his side. Siv was smaller than the male, but her speed greater and her drive equally made for such a command. Salsola was home; those who threatened this threatened her and they threatened her child.

It seemed they were the first to find their King, in a fray of unfamiliar shapes. Larkspur bellowed; it was a roar in truth, an earth-shattering sound that was echoed by the speed of his charge. He flung himself to Sirius’ side, looking for the largest threat and intent on destroying any who would harm his alpha.

Siv, in contrast, looked for the easiest prey—she found it in a grayish-white she wolf. Age was apparent in her frame and this would be her downfall. Rushing forward, the woman hurled herself low and went for the throat.

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herpaderp its weird playing both sides of the attack, I didn’t mean to sign up for the same raid thread twice >_> And I don’t want to get Maggie roughed up too badly, but a few cuts here and there isn’t a problem. Also, PP has been approved by bobbi-san. ALSOOOOO Magz is going after Angel.

When the call went out, it instantly roused the Confidant out of her sleep. She gasped at the news that came along with Sirius’ call; how had intruders got in? She thought the traps she and Denver now routinely set would have been enough, but apparently not. She also felt immense guilt… this was her job to protect the pack, and she had let them down. But there were multiple intruders… hopefully Sirius would not be too disappointed in her. Maggie wouldn’t be able to handle her pack being disappointed in their vendettas.

Adrenaline shot through her body as she raced to wake up both herself and her horse who was asleep outside. She made sure he was conscious before hopping on his back, kicking him into an uneasy (she was still not used to riding) gallop towards Denver’s residence.

Luckily the wolfdog’s home wasn’t too far, and as his familiar home approached she let out a piercing howl to get the man’s attention. She jumped off Jasper’s back in a hurry, ran inside, screamed, Denver! Get up! Sirius needs us! she shook him as hard as she could to get him up. Soon enough, Denver awoke and followed her out of the house. It’ll be quicker to get the borders this way, she said, motioning to the horse. Without waiting for a response, she pulled her partner onto Jasper’s back, and kicked the horse right into another gallop.

She urged the horse on, and with her heart racing, got to the borders as quickly as possible. During the last leg of the trip she had followed her leader’s scent, panic rising in her throat. The group appeared through the morning glow after what felt like forever. Some of her packmates were already there which made her feel a little better. She dismounted quickly, pulling off the chain around her throat that had Foxglove’s dagger on it. She let out a menacing snarl, brandishing her dagger towards the enemies. She stayed close to Denver, closing in on her prey…. A dark-furred creature that was the closest threat to her. Despite being in her two-legged form, the girl lunged with her knife, intending to inflict as much pain as possible.

Image by Sean McMenemy, table by Tammi!

feel free to PP Angel, though bearing in mind he has a history of fighting and is very large/muscled

Word Count → 000

And so the games began. Icy blue orbs swivelled as the leader of this prison pack lunged for another member of his group, and to another female heading for someone else. Their marks were not recognised by Angel, who was a machine, now in battle, he only saw the oncoming attacks before he himself was targeted. His attacker was another female, young, nothing he could not handle. She came at him with knives and with a solid swing of his head at the right time, using the bulk of his head and neck to deflect the blow to the side. Of course, there was some injury too, streaks of blood dripped lightly from where the knives had impacted. But Angel didn't feel the sting as adrenaline had sealed his nerves. Obviously for the better.

Recovering quickly from the attack with a few deep, hurried breathes, he leapt forward at the girl snapping his teeth at her aiming at the legs to hopefully disable her for a moment, but missing most of the time, despite his closeness. Angel swiped his claws at her too, some hit her and some missed thought even though his aim had been direct, the impact had proven very little.

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The tiny woman had brought them into the lands with the aid of the ghostly creature. She was surprised at how far they had come this time before they were discovered. Her mind was absorbing the scene around her as all of a sudden it seemed that all hell had broken loose. She kept her eyes and ears open, watching for her clan mates to make certain they weren't in any certain danger. Her grey lilac eyes shifted though as it seemed that the enemy had arrived finally. She bared her fangs as she wrapped her fingers around the shaft of the staff she always carried these days. Her eyes were cold and harsh as the bull of a male barreled towards her.

With a quick flick of her wrist the bo seemed to split down the ends as she twisted the very wood of the staff. Thin whalebone blades sprang from both tips as she snarled. He was enraged but she was calculated and cool as she slide to the side out of the reach of his massive fangs, letting the blades of the staff swiftly race along the side of his body as she dared to try and wound the bastard that believed himself lord over the lives of another in this warped fantasy he lived.

TL;DR: Zana's staff cut into his foreleg semi-deep, and he's whipped about and followed her, trying to leave not enough space between them for her to use the weapon. wordcount: +3

He felt the presence of Larkspur, rather than saw - The predator's eyes were narrowed solely on the presence of the little she-devil, not for a moment splitting to seek out his kin and subjects. But Larkspur's presence was undeniable; The monarch felt earth rumble beneath his Goliath's paws, and knew that they would surely be victorious, as they had been with the bear. None would meet Sirius and Larkspur in such battle and know an easy victory.

The arrogant thought fuelled his pulsing blood. As he rushed the woman, the largeness of his form was powerful and new - Sirius had never been a warrior by trade, but a hunter, and thus his first offensive attack was more a judge of his own capabilities than a flawless leap. The small woman met his charge, and as his huge fangs clamped shut with a hollow clash on nothing but air, the King was already aware of her own smaller, more lithe form darting past, equipped with some strange spear. His body, enlarged by the genes that could produce this vengeful form, twisted with a panther-like grace in the air; but such ballet could not evade the bloodthirsty edges to her weapons. They bite into the flesh of his foreleg - Sirius felt only a dull acknowledgement of pain, and nothing more. Deep crimson blood spilled from the laceration and ran in rivulets down his foreleg, and smelling his own blood, the peacock lord's black lips writhed, and a snarl ebbed from the deep cavern of his chest.

He landed gracefully, slightly favoring the wounded fore-limb. Wickedly curved claws bit into the soil, granting him the ability to whip about and face the small woman once more. His wet nose sought her scent, but it was hidden, confused, and the pack of the infiltrators remained unknown.

Now that the surprised of her weapon had been revealed, she would not so easily strike the King again. His dark, venomous mind hissed menacing thoughts, the genius within forming strategical plans hindered only by the unhesitating wrath of his fury. The Hunter's narrowed pupils darted over the weapon she brandished, now christened with his own blood - It was long, a staff tipped with deadly blades. If he was close enough to her, its own length would prove a downfall, and he would be able to pin her down without much further trouble, surely. Thoughts of death curled icy tendrils in his mind - But, lo, whilst he might have burned to kill these foolish invaders now, his cold blood would allow for the survivors to serve some purpose first.

The thoughts moved about in his mind within instants, and barely a second had passed before the muscles in Sirius' hindquarters bunched, his entire form gathering to spring after her. He feigned to the left, before aiming low; Fangs sought her ankle, knowing a weakness there, as there was in all prey beasts. His teeth sought to grab her ankle and drag her feet out from under her, most probably mauling them in the process; unable to stand, the woman would surely find her staff to be useless.

Sirius Revlis
Hail the Conqueror Worm
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Apparently suicidal Ves is having a go at Larkspur. xD Trying to spill a little bit of blood at a time, but I doubt she'll do much damage to him. She'll likely leave in a few posts. :3

Word Count → 407

The bodies of the Sequoians moved around her, weaving around obstacles and through vegetation as they trotted toward their destination. There was quiet for a moment as the stealthy intruders moved forward, each with their own thoughts and motives and mantra to keep themselves calm and focused. Vesper sniffed the air again, paranoid, her full ear twitching in the direction of the others. She found herself wondering, just for a second, if someone would die today when a territorial howl burst through the tense air.

Smoky hackles rose, teeth gnashed, ears tucked close to an angular skull. Her sharp blue eyes turned forward again to see a rangy dark brown shape on the horizon, followed closely by a pair of darker and a pair of lighter shapes. The Salsolans were coming to defend their turf, and the sight of them caused Vesper to freeze. Finally, faces to put to the hatred that boiled in her breast the moment Tayui spoke of the pack. They were on par with rapists, forcing their blood into that of the untouched, forcing the defenseless into the dirt to do whatever tasks asked of them.

Suppress your hate, Vesper thought, and she surged forward with a growl once she saw the two sides locked in combat. Her eyes darted to Zana, who was trying to fend off the aggressive, tailless Salsolan with a bladed staff. Despite it all, she knew that she wouldn’t forgive herself if her pygmy comrade was seriously injured. As much as she wanted to move on, to work alone, she had carried bonds into this that she wasn’t going to ignore.

She sprinted toward the brown wolf, only to skid to a halt once she saw the monstrosity at its side—a black secui beast, jealously guarding the lankier brown’s flanks even as Zana was being pursued. Had she been another canine, she would have been terrified of the ursine wolf—but she saw balance between his shape and hers.

A sharp yap left her narrow jaws as she darted toward the salt-and-pepper wolf, using her agility to jump around him. His left haunch bore scars, and it was this side she launched herself at. Her teeth would doubtless be unable to pierce deeply, but she tried to bite him either way before jumping backwards again. She danced, keeping as much space between him and her as she could until she could figure out where to strike next.

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so sorry for my late reply... >< I didn't notice this thread was up! @_@ Denver joins Maggie to attack Angel! Tongue

Sirius' call had vaguely roused Denver's brain, but it was Magnolia's shrill and urgent voice in his ear, and her heavy, careless shoves that finally had him up. Pale blues shot open as he sat up, grabbing his jacket, dagger, and lasso as quickly as he was able. Outside, Maggie mounted her horse and Denver stared at it incredulously, a thick knot formed between his brows as he considered his options. Salsola needed him, but his mind told him to stay away from this massive cloven creature. The thick lump in his throat only got larger when Maggie pulled him up onto the pale stallion's backside. He rocked uneasily, grabbing a tight hold of Magnolia's thin waist as she hurried off towards the sound of the alarm.

By the time they arrived, his stomach was rolling. He very nearly wretched as the horse came to a sudden halt, but he covered his mouth with a sickly burp and tumbled off of the beast as fast as he was able. The more distance the better. But now, he was in the midst of a battle, and his head had to be clear. Dagger in hand, Denver assessed the situation as he stalked around, keeping close eyes on Maggie. Their intruders were four: a tiny, fierce midget of a canine with a long, sharp weapon, a much larger, dark brute with pale eyes like his own that made Denver uneasy, a mottled, scarred coyote, and an older, pale wolf. Instantly, Denver spied their King Sirius, his tan secui form dancing with the tiny beast holding the poking stick. Beside him, though, stood Larkspur; the epitome of strength in his own hulking beastly shape. Denver felt inadequate on two legs, but knew that he could not waste the time or energy to change now.

Finding the rest engaged in battle, Denver turned to defend Maggie as she lunged for the ebon beast with icy eyes. The Confidant was furious and shocked that any had dared to cross their borders. They'll all die today, he told himself, and he hoped it to be true. Gripping the sharp-bladed dagger tightly, he too struck out at the secui form of the dark intruder, snarling as viciously as a wolfdog was able as he tried to pierce the thick flesh of his neck, or cut open his stomach to spill his filthy entrails. Their enemies would not win today.

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PPing with El; Bobbi PM me if you want anything changed. ;-;

There was a crash of bodies and the scent of blood became overwhelming. Snarls ripped through the air, sounding off from all around. Siv connected with her target, throwing her over with a strong blow from her shoulder. The woman yelped and Siv dove for her throat, missed, and received a blow to her muzzle. She shook her head but refused to give her room to flee; in a fury she launched herself after the gray ghost again, and this time latched her teeth onto the woman’s scruff. She shook her bodily and forced her to the ground, but was yet unable to connect to that sweet, pumping vein she so sought.

Larkspur’s mind had deconstructed to the simple combat behavior of a true wolf. He was to defend his alpha; as it had been with the bear, his duty was to ensure Sirius lived. What happened to him was irrelevant—he could weather wounds the Boss could not, and his bulk was thick and hardened by muscles and fur thick with winter’s breath.

A coyote rushed at him and Larkspur snarled, but he did not move to attack until she threw herself at him. Teeth connected with the leg wounded by the bear, but he wheeled and snapped for her flank.

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