[M] [AW] I never thought I'd be in bloom...
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

OOC:: Soo Ciara's in heat for the first time! I'm hoping for a few things - a male taking interest (Augustus maybe, but whoever), a wolf to tell her what's happening to her, and maybe an Alpha to explain the rules. Anything else is welcome too! Hoping for multiple posters Smile WC: 570

In Character

The seasons were changing.

Ciara, having been curled up in the den, woke with a start and snapped her head up, her tawuny ears pricked, but turned to the side a little anxiously. She’d been dreaming of a battle, of fighting off some threat to the pack that she’d found at the borders. The newly appointed Epsilon had been laying on her side with her front paws curled to her chest, her back legs kicking occasionally and her teeth baring. Unbeknownst to her, each time she kicked or moved her tail, a strange scent had wafted from her, lifting into the air with each movement of her body. Eventually, that smell had drifted its way to her own twitching nose, which had caused her awakening.

The Epsilon blinked a few times, giving a rough shake of her head. What is wrong with me? she questioned herself quietly. Her golden, mismatched fur bristled for reasons she didn’t know. She felt on edge, vulnerable. Every touch of her body against something fuelled a new energy within her, some new kind of longing. All at once, she didn’t like it. Had she eaten something that would have caused this? The girl couldn’t remember the last time she’d sniffed at a strange plant, so that couldn’t be it. Was it a case of bad meat? No, it couldn’t be – she and Augustus had cached the left over deer and it was still frozen with the ground.

Irritated, and worrying, Ciara stood up and shook her fur out, bounding from the den more noisily than she’d intended. The female was uncomfortable in her own body. She felt trapped within crawling, sensitive skin and heightened senses. Crouching, the mottled female dug her paws into the snow and dirt beneath her and took off at a sprint. Surely, running would help? Evidently not. She let out a snarl as even the wind in her fur felt sensual, caressing her lithe body until her snarl turned into a whimper. “What the fuck is going on,” she growled to herself, tail moving to hug her legs as she turned back to the den.

In a disgruntled and worried state, Ciara flopped into her little nook. Her every movement sent the wave of pheromones, the scent of her predicament into and around the den. The Epsilon didn’t know it, but her body was broadcasting things she’d never expected to happen so soon. She tipped her head to look at the salt-and-pepper ball that was Augustus. The normal leap her heart gave at the sight of him was different now, too. A helpless, quiet whine split from her when she realized that it had morphed into a fire, tickling at her already hypersensitive and irritated frame.

Surely this was some cruel joke from someone, a hazing for her new rank, perhaps. All Ciara knew was that it was hell, and that it was changing her. The golden flecks in her eyes glowed as she looked at Augustus, seeing him in a different light, and finding her mind reaching places that had her blushing beneath her fur. She forced her eyes to close, dipping her nose between her paws and trying to force herself to sleep to no avail, hoping that when she woke, it’d be over.

What Ciara didn’t understand was that she had entered her first heat cycle. To the rest of the pack, however, it would be abundantly clear.

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OOC: || WC +601

He was sleeping more soundly than he had in a while. All the business with the cougar, Ciara’s injury, it had all proven too much for him in the end. His shoulders were heavy and sore with the weight of the burden. It was hard on him, harder than he dare say, but he was happy that she was well enough, and would recover quickly. He’d been sure to adjust his placing in the den so as to be near to her in case her health were to take a turn for the worse, or if she were to need him in any way. She was fully cemented in his consciousness now and all he cared for was her well-being. His eyes opened briefly as she tossed and turned, but they soon rolled back into his head as his lids slipped closed again. His sleep was dreamless for the first time in days, and he hardly stirred, immobile until she made a sudden movement or cried out. He was weary, so very weary, and her sounds never fully roused him. It had been agonizing for him to watch her as she cried out in pain, but whatever Deuce was doing it was helping. If he wasn’t already grateful to the elder woman he certainly was now. Her healing salves and restorative touch seemed to be doing Ciara a service. She hadn’t been terribly wounded, still fixable, not like Terra, but the coy wolf was recovering as well, much to his dismay. He had been fully content in her suffering. It was Terra’s fault for what happened to Ciara, and his hatred only seemed to be growing. If she hadn’t riled the cat Ciara would be whole now. He could not wait for her to leave.

The mutant black male had established himself her protector, but the man needn’t have bothered. He would not have harmed her, not after Zalen had commanded that she be healed. Besides, he had his own concerns. Even his anger seemed to have taken a backseat, but it was not diminished. It still flared to life every now and again whenever he saw the ugly brute, Shadow, in fact. He watched him closely whenever he was near, ready with a raised lip and glaring yellow eyes, but he would not often leave Ciara’s side, unless she were to leave the den herself. The incident with the cougar was not without its bright side. It had led to her promotion, and now they were on level footing. He could look into her eyes now, if he wished it, although he could not yet bring himself to. He did not know what it was he would see there. It made him feel vulnerable. If eyes truly were the window to the soul would she see the darkness inside him as well?

Finally, her persisting whines and cries drew him from slumber. He blinked once, twice before finally lifting his head from the warmth of his white tail. As soon as he withdrew and heaved a breath her scent rose up like a brick wall. His eyes widened, a shiver traveling down his spine. Their gazes met, the same emotions of longing and desire mirrored in both brown and yellow. He found he could not look away, despite his former misgivings. He rose quickly from his place and strode slowly and deliberately towards her as if by a magnetic force, his eyes on hers all the while. He licked his lips as he drew closer. Ciara… He muttered, his voice a guttural rasp emitted from deep in his throat.

template by revo. <3

It was the masterful and incommunicable

wisdom of eternity laughing at the futility of

life and the effort of life. It was the Wild, the

savage, frozen-hearted Northland Wild.

Word Count → 231
Zalen’s a creeper, don’t mind himBig Grin

Zalen had been watching her, his apple green eyes tuned to every moment of her suddenly attractive body. She was in heat, and the musk of it prickled his skin and caused his fur to stand on end, but he lay rooted to the spot beside his sleeping mate. But every twitch of her sleeping form seemed to drive him to madness in his own half-awake sleep, until finally the spell was broken when her head shot up and, with a confused and agitated look to her, Ciara bounded out of the cavern.

Zalen gave a nearly audible sigh of relief and went to rest his head against his outstretched paws to see if he could recapture his nap. But it was not to be so, for the dusty gray of Augustus’ form stirred, and he too moved out of the den, obviously in pursuit of Ciara’s tantalizing body. The Alpha huffed out I frustration, and forcibly removed himself from Titania’s warm side. He shook himself, and slowly trotted to the edge of the cave, peering out just enough to see what would transpire between the two. He did not want to interfere in any kind of blossoming romance, but he knew what the heat-scent could do to a male, and he wanted to make sure that Ciara’s honor remained intact, even if he had to fight the male Epsilon off.

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OOC:: Va-va-voom. xD WC: 748

In Character

It was pure torment, being stuck this way and not knowing at first what was wrong with her. Soon after she’d returned to the den and flopped back down, she figured it out. Having laid her head on her paws and letting out an irritated snort, her brown gaze had fixed in front of her. She took the time to narrow down the possibilities, perhaps secretly knowing what the matter was but not wanting to address it. She’d ruled out food poisoning, herb poisoning, bad water. She didn’t think she was going insane, even though she felt like it. Perhaps a fever was setting in, resulting from her injuries? The broken ribs still pained and made running, eating, practically everything difficult. Deuce’s remedies were working, surely, but she was still prone to a dangerous turn.

As she thought on fevers, she remembered something her mother had told her when she was a pup. Ciara had, of course, been too young for the awkward discussion of the birds and the bees but her mother had done her best to explain what the “special fever” felt like. Perhaps the alabaster female had known she wouldn’t be with her pup for long, especially with the ever-present threat of Ciara’s father. Pushing the thought of the male from her mind, she returned instead to what her mother had said. Heightened sensitivity? Check. Aggression? Check. Irritability? Check. Increased interest in males? Uh-oh.

Her gaze snapped to Augustus as soon as the realization hit her, only to meet his yellow gaze. She swallowed, visibly, and her ears twitched for a moment. It was their first time exchanging direct eye contact, and while she’d dreamed about him looking at her full on with obvious interest, she hadn’t expected it to be this intense. His eyes seemed to burn right through her until a whimper left her, head lifting from her paws as her tongue came out, licking at her lips. Then, he was moving towards her. Augustus was coming at her like a wolf stalking his prey, and she felt a spark of anxiety even though she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. A moment later, that was gone, and she was rising to meet him.

Her ears pushed forward, and she took one step so that their snouts were close. Delicately, she gave a single testing lick to the corner of his mouth. After that single touch, she was no longer governed by her mind, but by her hormones. In any normal circumstance, she would have worried that Augustus found her silly, or disrespectful. She would have kept her behaviour in check so as not to offend or disappoint him. The regular Ciara would have scoffed at the loss of control, but this Ciara, a different Ciara, revelled in it. This new version of the golden Epsilon was a flirt, even so far as to call her a tease, and she acted accordingly. After that lick had made its mark, Ciara walked forward as close to Augustus as she could get without knocking him over.

Her golden fur meshed with his black and white, until she could almost feel her bare skin on his. Not only had their fur mingled, but their scents as well. Hers was doubtlessly intoxicating to him, and she gave a soft rumble of pleasure at the thought. Instead of worrying over what he was thinking, the hormone-driven female was excited over the reaction she was getting from him. When she came around to his other side, she rubbed along there too before dipping her head beneath his chin. A nip was placed to the white fur there, normally a submissive gesture, but this time a flirtatious one. Occasionally, Ciara would return to her wits and panic over what the hell she was doing, but then it’d be right back to that sultry satisfaction.

After rubbing beneath his chin, she turned to look at him over her shoulder and flicked her tail up. Gently, she allowed the tip of it to flick across his throat briefly. Then, her eyes caught the candy green gaze of their Alpha. She was so caught up in her heat, and in the heat she was causing within Augustus, that she couldn’t bring herself to act immediately. Her ears twitched a little, and for a moment a smirk formed on her lips before her expression grew more serious. She knew that mating was forbidden without permission from the Alphas, but was she still allowed to flirt?

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OOC: Apologies for the shortness || WC +548

The burning desire reverberating through him that very moment was almost too much to bear. It was a furnace inside him, a heat growing and devouring him, starting up from his very core and working downwards. All he could think of were her curves, how alluring she was as the two strode towards one another. Their steps seemed to mirror each others, and their eyes. He could not let her gaze escape him, his yellow, green-flecked pools seeing nothing else, and her scent. The usually salty sweet smell of the ocean on her fur was replaced by something else. A perfume, sweet, and seductive, subtle as sin. A shiver went down his spine, as his slow deliberate steps finally brought him to her. He was rigid a moment, unsure of how to proceed. Her warm tongue tasted the edge of his lips and he closed his eyes, her very touch seeming to stir something within him. A part of him that had been long asleep. His body was alive, his skin shifting and shivering with the caress of her warm breath on his fur.

He’d never been around a woman in heat before…it was intoxicating, he did not know if he would be able to control himself. It seemed all intelligible thought was lost to him. He hardly knew what he was doing, what was going on. His tongue rose up to meet hers after her first testing lick, his tail in a slow and deliberate wag. He licked at her muzzle, almost tenderly. His ears lay back to his skull, and his eyes slowly closed after his long stare. The fact that she had not shied away, not hidden from his gaze did nothing but to encourage him. She looked upon the darkness and did not fear it. There was nothing more to restrain him, nothing more that he need worry from her.

Then she was there nuzzling into his chest. A gesture he might have indulged for a moment before setting out on some self-appointed task, but this time he leaned into it. He nuzzled into her fur with his head and chin, reveling in the feel of her warm body beneath him. He growled and whined with pleasure, as she worked her way about his body. Every part of him seemed to come alive at her touch, or even the thought of it. He was an animal, not a thinking, reasoning being, and he wanted her. Her tail caressed his chin and he rounded on her, standing tall before her, face to face once again.

It was terribly hard for him to focus on any other scent besides her heat-scent, but when he inhaled deeply he noticed a trace of someone else. Someone familiar was watching, and his head turned in alarm a moment, only for his eyes to rest on sable pelted Alpha. His senses started to return to him. No, this was not right. What he was feeling inside, it could not be. Ciara was not his mate, he could not have her, but that did not mean he did not want her. She was…irresistible, to him, and with a pained whine he returned his attention to her and the seductive scent of her heat, his body now in conflict with his mind.

template by revo. <3

It was the masterful and incommunicable

wisdom of eternity laughing at the futility of

life and the effort of life. It was the Wild, the

savage, frozen-hearted Northland Wild.

Word Count → 202
Oh god, I’m so sorry about the wait here guys D: Zalen now will leave you alone

Despite his trying to keep out of sight, it was only an eventuality that they would spot him. And they did, both looking upon him with pleading eyes, Ciara nearly jittering out of her skin to touch Augustus and he looking ready to burst. It was obvious the two wanted to be alone, and though Zalen’s mind and the selfish, male part of him wanted to take Ciara away from the male Epsilon and hoard her, he knew this was a silly and animalistic thought and one he could not harbor. So with a sigh and a flick of his tail he looked to Augustus with a sharp glance, I will know. Was all he said, making it clear that if the male did in fact copulate with what was not his, the Alpha would smell it upon both of them, and wrath would surely rain down upon them.

But, he trusted his subordinates, and would allow them their romantic play, as long as they kept it decent. So, Zalen turned away from them and re-entered the cave to snuggle up once more with his sleepy mate, making sure to snuff out the musk of heat-scent from his snout before doing so.

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OOC:: Sorry it's so short! Sad WC: 400+

In Character

Ciara was frankly amazed when the sable Alpha moved away from the pair. Even in her lust-drunk haze, she still knew that there would be consequences for the two being so close. They weren’t a mated pair and they certainly didn’t have permission. Why had Zalen been so lenient on them? She’d fully expected to be chased away from Augustus with growls and snaps, but it seemed that Zalen was letting them decide what to do on their own. That trust quelled any rebellious flare within the new Epsilon. If Zalen had forbidden them outright, or had been harsh, the calico female might have been inclined to disobey him just for spite, for the heat hormones were indeed making her spiteful. But, since Zalen had left them be, she knew she’d feel too guilty if she did what she wanted to do Augustus.

And did she ever want to do things to him. Her earth coloured eyes glanced into his fiery ones for a moment, making a lasting eye contact that rivalled the one of a few moments prior. Then, that gaze trailed over his scarred snout and down the full length of his large, muscular body. Even with the scars on his face, he was a very handsome male, very strong. Her instincts were screaming at her that he would make a good mate, would give her strong and healthy pups as she knew she could give him. A soft whimper left her throat as they were left alone, and she was left to these thoughts.

Slowly, she moved closer to Augustus and dropped the flirtatious vixen act. They wouldn’t be allowed to do anything, so there was no point trying to entice him. Augustus put his duty first, Ciara knew that, and she wanted to do so too even though she was nearly burning with desire for him. It was then that the Epsilon realized she was embarrassed of her state. It was a natural thing for females to go through, but knowing that every male – and female – within a wide radius could smell what she was going through? That was a little too much for the woman. As she pressed into her Epsilon, nosing at his throat, she wondered if she shouldn’t leave the pack lands for a few days.

She mulled over that while waiting for Augustus to say something, anything to ease her embarrassment, and the tension between them.

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ooc Sorry for the wait, and I love exploring this side of him, don't see it often enough xD. WC: 683


The pressure of the Alpha’s eyes upon him sent an unexpected chill down his spine. If he were to lose control, the consequences were clear and he retreated a step back from Ciara, however reluctantly. Her tantalizing scent continued to plague him despite the move and he found himself pulled towards her again. But how nice it would be to lose control…just once…Her eyes met his and his fur bristled. A shudder ran down his spine and suddenly it was his gaze retreating. It withdrew to the earth below them, remaining there even as her gaze wandered the contours of his body. He was conscious suddenly, turning the grisly side of his face from her. The wounds were old, but no less ugly, not less extensive. The fur had grown to try to reclaim them, but they were wide enough not to matter. The fur would never fully conceal them. Perhaps they were a good thing, the trademark of a monster, a constant cautionary sight screaming at her to ‘stay away.’ Whatever happened between them, it would only end in pain. He knew it, he would hurt her, whether he wished to or not. He was relieved when she no longer advanced on him so aggressively, and tried to keep his breathing under control, shallow for the sake of her maddening heat-scent.

He was a beast of restraint, where it mattered, anyways. Duty first, always. His obsession with Ciara had to come second to the needs of his pack, but their needs were now the same, both Epsilon’s. He began to realize that he could no longer use his rank as an excuse. He shuffled his paws in discomfort, before reclining his haunches and sitting. He felt her nose in the thick fur of his throat and turned head to nuzzle the top of her head, his eyes closing a moment. He withdrew again, unable to fully turn away, but unable to act on his desires, either. He lifted his head to gaze imploringly at the moon, hoping its silvery form would grant him clarity. An ear twitched and he was soon turning back to her. To his surprise he enjoyed having her so close, despite her alluring scent and the call of his instincts. Her company…it was comforting. He no longer felt so alone. Though he was a part of a pack, and important one at that, he could not help but feel isolated from his brothers and sisters from time to time. He was different from the rest of them, purer, but also wilder. He couldn’t help but feel that they watched him closely, like he was a ticking-time bomb ready to go off at a moment’s notice, and he surely felt that way.

“Ciara…” He sighed finally after a long silence. It was clear what they both wanted, and there was no better time to address it. She did not tease him any longer, and that made things easier for the both of them. Perhaps they could talk now. They had been silent on this for too long. “You don’t want me.” He started. “I’m…I’m a monster. I’d only hurt you, not intentionally, but somewhere down the line…” He turned his face away, but the words did not cease. It had been too long, he turned to face her again. “But I want you…and I can’t resist you forever.” He poured out his heart to her, his face grim and sad. It was clear that it pained him to say these things. “You deserve someone better. No matter how hard I try I am my father's son, I know that now, and sooner or later I'll do something terrible. I don't want you to be dragged down with me." He’d never spoken of his father to Ciara, nor anyone else. But now, should she still want him he would have to tell her. The things he’d seen his father do, and the things he wanted to do. He was no better than Lionel in many ways, though he strived not to be. There were some things that would not change.

Table Template by the Mentors!

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Forest Dawn Table

Word Count :: +700

OOC: L-BOMB WARNING! ._. Let me know if it`s too much.

She’d finally been able to quell the raging hormones inside of her, summing it up to being the fault of Zalen. Perhaps the comforting light of the moon helped as well, or maybe it was the warmth of Augustus’ body against hers. She nuzzled to his throat, and moved her jaw down to lick beneath his chin for a moment. Then, he began speaking, breaking the awkward silence that had grown between them. She moved away just enough so she could face him when he began to speak, but suddenly wished she hadn’t. He would definitely be able to see her earthen eyes widen at his words, ears swivelling to pick up each phoneme of the words she’d been waiting to hear for so long.

At first, his words were confusing. Why did he think she didn’t want him? The calico female had been struck on him nearly from the first day of her arrival in New Dawn, and every moment they had to bond had just strengthened that girlish crush until it had changed uncontrollably into something much more mature, and strong. She opened her mouth to protest, but was cut off when he kept talking. A monster. Eyebrows raised at that, but she kept silent, letting him finish. She always had the sense that Augustus loathed some deep part of himself, and this was it – the explanation. He blamed himself for his father’s sins, and thought that he would end up being the same. Ciara couldn’t imagine the stoic, snowy male every harming her, and even if he did hurt her, as long as it was unintentional, she was sure they could work past it. Next, he said what she’d been waiting to hear.

He wanted her! For a moment a smile broke out on her muzzle, and then she frowned. Did he want her for her, or was it just instinct? Just the hormones that were calling them both to do what they were forbidden? If that was the only way he wanted her, Ciara didn’t know if she could stand it. She knew the male was capable of more, and knew that she deserved more. The calico wanted nothing more than for the Epsilon to want her for who she was, not just because of the season. Those insecurities put a damper on what should have been an ecstatic moment, and she knew she’d have to voice them to him. He was opening up to her, so she’d pay him the same courtesy, whether it made them both uncomfortable or not.

“Augustus,” she began her tone both sombre and soft. “I don’t believe that you are a monster, and I don’t believe you capable of hurting me in any way that couldn’t be fixed. You care about this pack; you put yourself in danger to ensure our safety. No monster would be able to do that. I’m not saying you’re some kind of golden hero, because that’s unrealistic, but you’re a good wolf. You have a good heart, and strength that I only wish I had.” She kept her eyes focused on his fiery ones, not moving any closer just yet, in case he pulled away. “Warning me of danger isn’t going to stop me from…from loving you,” she said, her eyes dropping immediately. It was hard to get those words out, hard because she was afraid that he would reject her, that when he said he wanted her, he’d only meant her heat. After a few moments to compose herself, she gained the strength to continue. “I’m not going to ignore that just because of something that might happen, and I’m not going to stop wanting you.”

With those words, she moved forward and once again tucked her nose to his throat. She had never felt more vulnerable than right then, waiting for his answer, for his rejection. Her slender body was tense as she expected him to push her away. Everything to do with her heat was all but forgotten as she waited, holding her breath. These next few seconds could change her life, either for the better, or for the worse. She tried not to get her hopes up. Augustus could find someone a thousand times better than her.

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ooc It's quite fun, actually. WC:: 898.


His eyes were elsewhere when he spoke to her, unable to bring himself to see her face as he did so. He just wasn’t there. He hadn’t planned on bearing his soul this way, in fact, he’d never planned on bearing his soul, but the words just tumbled out. When his eyes finally turned to rest on her face, her eyes, wide, brows raising caused his ear to twitch dismissively. He was what he was, why was she so surprised? He’d admitted to her that he wished to end Terra’s life, that he hated her so completely now, and for what? Just for trespassing? But betrayal was betrayal, no matter how slight, and he still wished to stain his muzzle with her blood. Her presence in the den had become nearly unbearable. His pelt bristled whenever he glimpsed her ruddy pelt, and he had to bite his lip to distract himself. His lower lip was not bleeding now, but it was split from this destructive interpretation of control. He was just so full of anger. What if one day he turned it on Ciara? Sought her as an outlet for his bloodlust? It may not be intentional, but what if he were to lose control, and attack her in a flare of rage? He’d never forgive himself, and despite her dismissal he doubted there was a way to overcome that. He’d seen his own mother emerge from the den to greet the dawn, her body battered and beaten. Paru had been a formidable woman, and would never have admitted to any abuse. She continued on, daring anyone to question her about her injuries, no one ever did, but that was his mother. And she was no normal wolf. She and her father had partnered and raised the pack from nothing. She was an Alphess of note, having beaten and slain challenges from wolfesses younger than she. He doubted Ciara would be able to do the same, but as he looked at her, he knew he would strive to see that she’d never have to face what his mother did. She seemed so sure of him.

His ears twitched to her words and she began to talk. She did not heed his warnings, and he hunched his shoulders and sighed. “This is my pack, and to defend them is my job, nothing more.” He inserted into the pause between her words. “I do it for no other reason.” He was being untruthful now. He did, indeed, care for his pack, but he had to make her see somehow, that he did not deserve her. She was too innocent, and he was neither charming or affectionate. She needed someone who would care for her deeply, someone who would live only to see her happiness, not sulk shouldering a burden of things past, too concerned about himself to take her own concerns into consideration. He was far too selfish, and had little love for even himself. But he could not stop caring for her, in some small way at least, as conflicted as he was. Then, she said it. The words slammed into him like brick wall. Winded, his eyes widened before he flung his head to the side, eyes on the ground. Love? She loved him? His brows furrowed. It all made sense now. But did he love her, truly? Was this the reason why he’d been so adamant on her recovery, why killing her had never crossed his own mind even as she limped in agony at his side. Was this the reason why his eyes longed for hers, why he’d insisted on being there throughout her recovery, why he was loathe to leave her side for even a moment. It was a heavy blow to his already scarred heart, but somehow he’d been yearning for these words. He’d longed for them, selfishly so. That someone could love him…Him! It was so unlikely, so unexpected, and that he loved her in return…Wait, he loved her?! The realization was another blow.

His eyes were wide, was this what this was, what it all came down to? Perhaps this was why he’d wanted so desperately to keep her away, because he actually cared for her, despite telling himself otherwise. Her nose was in his throat then, but he made no move towards her, still in shock. The words did not come for a long while, and he sat stiffly with the very object of his affections at his throat. When he finally regained himself the words still seemed to stick in his throat. He forced himself to swallow, to lubricate his vocals and finally say what must be said. “I will not be the mate you deserve... But if you will have me, I will do my best to make you happy, to love you as much as you love me. I swear to protect you from any danger, even from myself if need be. I- I love you, Ciara.” He pulled away from her, searching for her eyes. “If you’re with me, you’re with me…There’s no turning back.” He spoke one final caution, before he crossed the bridge. “Ciara, bind yourself to me, if you must, but let us end this torment one way or the other.” He set the ultimatum before her, a test for the both of them, but either way this was the point of no return.

Table Template by the Mentors!

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That was a beautiful post! I'm really, really glad he accepted her. Big Grin

The long moments as she waited for Augustus’ reply were almost more painful and terrifying than the entire ordeal with the cougar. Her throat was tight and dry, her stomach sick and her head dizzy as the silence grew more and more ominous in her mind. In her panic, she began to berate herself. Why did she have to be so forward? She should have waited for Augustus to say something first instead of piling her love on him! He was definitely going to reject her, or push her away for awhile at least. If she hadn’t been so nervous, she might have laughed at the way he tossed his head to the side almost shyly, but she was panicking, and figured the head toss had been in disgust. Of course he didn’t love her back. Distraught, the golden Epsilon was about to pull away when Augustus, not knowing the power he held over her in this moment, finally began to speak.

For the few moments before he pulled away from her Ciara kept her nose pressed firmly to his throat, using that pressure to ground herself. The moment he began talking of mates, her heart leapt, even while he was still warning her that he wouldn’t make her happy. Once again, she didn’t believe that he wouldn’t be the mate she deserved. She opened her mouth to argue, to say that she didn’t deserve him. She wasn’t as strong a mate as he needed, for she imagined him with a wolf that had the makings of an Alphess, something Ciara didn’t believe of herself. Then, the husky tones of his voice brought her the exact words that she was yearning to hear. He loved her, too. With those simple words, the phrase so short and yet so powerful, all of her insecurities vanished. She knew in that moment that, as long as Augustus was there loving her, she could get through everything.

He pulled away, and she was glad for it, wanting to look into his eyes just as he longed to see hers. Even while his voice was serious, sombre, Ciara had never felt so happy. “No turning back, Augustus,” she said firmly, locking earthen eyes with his orange gaze. “I am with you, now and forever, as your mate and yours alone.” Her words were strong, clear and determined so there would be no doubt in Augustus’ mind that she meant them. “Just as you swear to protect me, I swear the same to you. I will protect you and fight for you with everything I have. And I’ll be true; you are the only wolf I will ever want.” It was difficult to keep her eyes locked to his during the last legs of the speech, not because she was insincere, just that she was in lack of a better word a maiden.

When her vow was finished, Ciara couldn’t stand it any longer. She was too happy, and too relieved to sit around talking like they were walking each other to their graves. They were going to be mates. She was going to have this strong, stoic, loyal and handsome male by her side for life, and she’d be damned if she wasn’t going to celebrate. Without permission from the Alphas, she knew that they couldn’t celebrate in the way they both obviously wanted to, so Ciara opted for a more playful route. Suddenly, she lunged at Augustus, hoping to knock into him. If she succeeded, then she would stand over him and lick his face until he either growled and shoved her off or let out something remotely close to a laugh. After awhile she looked at him again, allowing a grin to grace her features. There was only one thing holding them back from being mates, and the calico Epsilon didn’t expect too much of a problem.

“We should probably call for the Alphas and ask permission,” she said, sounding a little sheepish. “We can’t mate without their blessing.” If Zalen or Titania refused them now, she didn’t know what she’d do. The Epsilon couldn’t see it happening, though. She expected that the pack would be joyous that they’d found each other, at what prospects it would bring to New Dawn. She had the vague suspicion that Zalen adored puppies, and maybe with luck she and Augustus would be granted permission for offspring as well as becoming mates.

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OOC Why thank you, xD I enjoy these threads very much myself WC: 686

It was bittersweet, this confession. He knew he was not worthy of her. She did not know what she was getting herself into. Yet she was so sure, so solid in her belief of him. It was heartwarming, but wrong. He knew it then, knew that one day the both of them would regret this, but he was terribly selfish. He had to have her, no matter the cost. That she was so sure of him, so convinced that he was worthy of her almost made him believe in it himself…almost. He was a grim figure, scarred and colored by a past that still haunted them, even though the major shapers of it were thousands of miles away. They were opposites, truly. Her golden fur and his black and white pelt were striking in contrast, and the scars from the cougar would fully heal he was sure. He was not so fortunate. He looked over her scars out of the corner of his eye. His handiwork as much as the cougar’s. He should have tried harder to get the cats attention. The guilt felt bitter in his mouth and he shook his head to rid him of it’s taste.

This time they had together, these moments should have been joyous for him, a celebration. But even now they were soured by his grief and his guilt. He raised his eyes to the moon again in silent prayer that she would heed his final warning. But it was not so. The bridge was burning and they were plummeting into the abyss below them, head first. There was, indeed, no turning back. His eyes found themselves drawn back to hers, pulled there by an unseen force and he was lost in their depth, his breath at a sudden standstill. It took him until her last words for him to regain himself and then he sighed, Ciara… And suddenly it was him nestling his muzzle into her fur.

He was lost and she with him, but he would not caution her further. It was done. The unexpected happened and drew him from his thoughts swiftly. Her sudden pounce caught him off balance and he was falling to the earth. His eyes closed and his breath huffed out of him. He opened his eyes after the impact, gazing blankly for a moment before giving his head a solid shake. Her tongue was at him and he deflected as best he could, pushing at her with paw and nosing the advances away with his muzzle. It was of little use and as she continued the assault he completely lost what it was he’d been thinking about. The thoughts were fading into the night like shadows, elusive and forgotten. It was neither growl nor laugh that escaped him then, but a melding of both, a silly grumbling sound like a rockslide. His lips were not so grimly set anymore and the ends began to twitch until finally stretching into a reserved grin, then fully transforming, miraculously so, into one of his first truly genuine smiles.

He reached his forepaws out, attempting to pull her downwards upon him and lunged the upper portion of his body to snap his jaws playfully at her ears. His black dusted tail thudded against the ground, and finally his stoic façade seemed to crumble. He was enjoying himself for the first time in a very long time, but he was also losing control. His body seemed to work against him as having her this close brought attention back to the call of her heat-scent. Things were stirring inside him, feelings long dormant. His eyes widened in alarm. No, he could not…But her heat called to him, and he was ensnared in a feeling of deep-seated instinctual lust. He was pushing her away then. Her words drew him away from the thought altogether. Yes, there was something more important that they should be doing, but he wanted her, now, more than ever. It had to be done now. Otherwise he would surely give in. He nodded shortly and tried to regain his feet. Call them. He said, breathless.

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Me too! I'm absolutely loving these two.

She hadn’t just pounced him out of her own need for a more light-hearted moment, but because she sensed that he needed one as well. Augustus always seemed so serious, and so haunted by his past, that Ciara reaized she’d rarely seen the male smile. The one time she could remember was when they had killed the doe together, while it lay bleeding at their paws. The golden Epsilon was beginning to realize that it would take a lot to part the fog in Augustus’ mind his past had created. She grew determined, then, to do her best to bring smiles and laughs from him, to make him forget or at least concentrate more on the present. She would be the beacon in all his darkness, guiding him from it and bringing him towards a happier future.

Little things like the smile that day on the hunt, his gentleness with her after she’d been injured, and the way his nose was pushing through her fur gave her hope. He could have his dark chains broken, he could find relief from his past and his father’s cruelty, and Ciara would be the one to free him. She resigned to love him into happiness, to try and tap into the more playful and joyful side of him. Her pounce seemed to do the trick. He was shocked for a moment and Ciara let out a laugh when he shook his head, then positively grinned at the strange little laugh/growl that came from his throat. Minutes later, she had her first prize. A smile A real smile.

When the male’s paws moved up and wrapped around her, she let out a playful yelp, feeling the claws at the sides of his paws dig in gently and pull her forward. She released happy whines and yipping laughter feeling his jaws at her ears, and twisted her head from one side to the next in a playful attempt to get away from him. Her own jaws nipped at his exposed throat, her nose pushed through the fur on his chest and inhaled deeply, memorizing the scent of her soon-to-be mate. Then, nature set in again. Just as she was drawing his scent into her nose, Augustus was once again being tormented by her heat-scent. Even as she let out a whine and went to stand off of him, he was pulling away, putting a distance between them that they both knew they didn’t want.

The hormones seemed to come back and smack her full force. It was as though her body knew that Augustus would soon be her mate, and it screamed primal thoughts at her. Images of Augustus’ fangs clamping over her scruff, holding her as he mounted her flashed before her eyes and robbed her of her breath. A flame built inside of her again and caused a whimper to leave her throat, one paw lifting from the ground as though she wanted to move to him. Ciara found herself wanting, needing Augustus to take her, and if something didn’t happen to come between them soon, she knew that they would both be lost.

Cautiously, Ciara took another step back from him, telling him with her eyes that she wanted to do nothing but be close to him, pressed into his side, against his fur, under him. Anything but the distance that was now between them. They had to get permission from the Alphas, they couldn’t go against pack law, or deny the Alpha’s right to decide on mates. With another soft whimper, Ciara tipped her nose to the sky and let out a howl. Her tones were husky, and while she tried to keep her need absent from the song she was creating, she knew that the others would hear it. It was no longer controllable. They needed to make this happen, now.

Zalen, Titania. Alphas. she sang, allowing the earlier feelings of joy to integrate with the melody of need. Please come, Augustus and I need you. Ears flattened to her head for a moment as she brought her nose back to a parallel level, earthen eyes staring at Augustus. She stood, shaking her fur out and beginning to pace while giving impatient and anxious whimpers. “What if they don’t let us?” she asked Augustus, turning to him and needing encouragement. Then, she forced herself to sit close to the male, and turned her eyes back towards the mouth of the den, waiting desperately for one of the Alphas, or both, to arrive.

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It was the masterful and incommunicable

wisdom of eternity laughing at the futility of

life and the effort of life. It was the Wild, the

savage, frozen-hearted Northland Wild.

Word Count →
Psychic alpha is psychic. Congrats! Big Grin

Zalen had fallen easily back asleep and resumed his star-running dreams when a feminine howl burst forth through his subconscious. Olive eyes flicked and he raised his head to look out of the den, confused for a moment before the preceding events came to his mind. Removing himself from his mate once more, he trotted out to see what was going on, and came face to face with Augustus and Ciara once more. This time they sat next to each other, flanks touching, and Zalen immediately recognizing the aura that was radiating off them both; love.

His tail immediately began wagging and he walked over to both, nuzzling them in turn. Ciara’s scent was intoxicating so he would not linger, but he could already smell Augustus’ musk mingling into her coat. He gave them both a smile and a nod, and then retreated back to the den, his heart full of joy.

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OOC Yay, xD WC: 677

Her heat scent was intoxicating, overbearing her usual perfume. Though its call was no less appealing, it lacked a certain subtlety. He missed her normal salty sea smell. It was refreshing, something he could never tire of, and although it lingered still, it was diminished in the presence of her estrus. Her heat made his body come alive in ways he never thought possible. A simple touch sent chills down his spine. It made the hairs all over his body stand on end. It was threatening to drive him insane, yet he wished her ever closer. When she buried herself into his chest he nuzzled into her, breathing just as deeply, though he soon regretted it. He did not want to push her away, in fact he only wished to pull her closer, but there was a mental wall that would not yield. He could not take her, not for as much as he wanted her. It could not be. A coupling would result in pups, and was he truly ready for the responsibility? Could he be a father when he was so fearful of taking her as a mate? The answer was clear.

Her whine was heart-breaking, and he regained his feet swiftly, releasing a whine of his own after he had righted himself. He strained his neck towards her, reaching for what he would not take. It was by far the hardest thing he’d had to do. He was thankful when he finally heard her voice ascend, and out of habit emitted a note of his own, detailing his urgency. When he cries ceased his eyes darted quickly back to her, not wishing to leave for a moment. He could not take her, not physically, but his eyes could do what his body could not. They watched her curves, witnessing them in their full glory. Her golden pelt seemed to shimmer in the moonlight and he shuffled his paws to see her so anxious. Worry laced her vocals when she spoke to him and he was relieved when she finally returned to his side. He turned to face her and lashed his tongue at her cheek, but all he said was, we will see. He was as eager and nervous as the woman beside him, and would not elaborate for fear that his own concern would unsteady her. A small part of him wanted to be rejected. He did not think himself worthy, but it was only a small part. The rest of him was determined. He’d set his sights on her and would not let her go so easily, no matter the cost.

His heart leapt when Zalen’s sable form finally emerged from the cavern. It was time to put this matter to rest, to end their torment once and for all. His eyes lingered on Zalen’s visage, though never reached the man’s eyes as he tried to determine the meaning behind his expression. As the man stepped into the moon light Augustus caught sight of a long shadowy appendage beating back and forth at his flanks. It was a moment before he finally recognized the gesture. Zalen knew and he approved. Augustus felt elated, and his tail began to beat furiously behind him. His tongue rose up to meet his Alpha’s chin as the black male nuzzled him and Ciara one after the other.

There was nothing said, but his movements were powerful, and his grin unmistakable. It was finished, they were mates in the eyes of their pack, their family. In that moment he could not have been happier. When Zalen’s form disappeared back into the den’s mouth the black and white male leapt to his feet, threw his head back, and howled. His body cried out in release as he exhaled all tension into the sky. When he was finished he gave a brief glance to his mate before turning and leaping into a sprint. He shook his fur out as he ran with his ears laid back to listen for the echoing footsteps he knew would be soon to follow.

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OOC: Sorry for the wait! Sad Thesis = no muse..

Anxiety was the only thing she felt when Zalen appeared from the mouth of the den. Nervously, she pressed her slender form in against the larger one of Augustus. A pink tongue flashed against leathery black lips as the Alpha approached. With her ears twitching, Ciara then folded them down and bowed her head as Zalen drew closer. She was too busy fretting to see the wagging of the sable male’s tail, but soon her earthen eyes caught sight of it and an elation she’d never experienced before filled her. When Zalen nuzzled her briefly, she let out a happy whine and licked beneath his chin in thanks, before turning to bury her nose against her mate’s fur. They were officially together in the eyes of their pack, the eyes of their Alpha, and Ciara could think of no way to express her happiness.

Then, Augustus found his own way. Shivers went down her spine as his joyful song sprang into the air. It was catharsis, the release of so much built up tension and before she knew it Ciara was tilting her head towards the moonlight and adding her own course. Her voice was light and joyful, all of the love and excitement pouring into the melody and turning into the longest howl she’d ever sung. When she finally tipped her nose back towards her mate, she moved to lick over his face repeatedly, more happy whines spilling from her throat as her tail lashed behind her at a happy velocity. Then, the pale form of her mate suddenly sprung away from her.

A laugh bubbled from the Epsilon’s throat as the ghostly figure of her mate was illuminated in the light of the moon. She wasted no time taking off after him, paws pounding into the earth below. Her heart was soaring as she caught up with him and ran at his side, the golden hue of her flank brushing his white and grey as they flew over the thawing ground. She was filled with a renewed energy that had nothing to do with her being in heat, but the effect of pure happiness. Having never thought that she’d find a mate to call her own, much less one that she looked up to as much as she did Augustus, she was absolutely overwhelmed and running with him brought her back down to earth. She would run at his side like this forever, if he let her, because when she swore herself to him she did so for eternity.

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OOC WC:: 451

His ears twitched to the sound of her voice joining to his. He felt contented, maybe this was right after all? It certainly felt so. Perhaps, he could be happy? When their song had ended he felt the caress of her tongue on his face and his closed his eyes and turned his muzzle this way and that, a rare genuine chuckle escaping him as he did so. When her heat scent had become too much to bear he sprung from her side, releasing that pent up sexual energy in the only way that made sense to him. He was exultant in the drumming of his paws, feeling the strain of his muscles as they propelled his powerful frame forwards. His ears twitched to the echoing footsteps in the distance. They soon caught up and the two wolves, gold, and grey ran in unison. The sounds of their steps became one, just as their hearts beating in their chests. He did not know where his paws were taking him, but he did not care. His claws made small clipping sounds as he passed over the abandoned highways. It was little more than rubble now, weeds and grasses peeking out from rifts in the stones, but it was solid enough that his paws did not fumble.

The boundary of a forest loomed tall and imposing to their left, but he paid it no heed. His steps did not cease and he did not turn. He lengthened his stride and his shoulders surged forwards as he raced towards an unknown destination. It wasn’t until the briny scent of the ocean began to waft towards them that he knew where it was he’d been heading all along. As his paws met the sands he began to slow. The moons light was refracted millions of times on the waves as the water was ever churning. His tongue lolled happily from his mouth and he finally reached a stop at the waters edge. It rose to greet his paws, lapping at them. The chill was sensational, a reminder of the winter that was beginning to recede. His tongue retreated into his mouth and the tundra wolf reclined to his haunches, glancing briefly at his new mate, before starting out to sea.

It was an uneasy sight, an entire ocean of turbulent motion, appearing solid, but being far from it. He’d never known anything like it, not until he met her. The smell of the sea was deeply embedded in her fur. It was a part of her. He himself knew little of the sea. It made him wary, and he feared it, reverently so. He feared it just as he feared what his future would bring…change.

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OOC: Poor scared, innocent Ciara. WC: 5+

Ciara couldn’t help but be surprised when her mate led them across the abandoned highway, an obstacle the calico yearling often avoided. Her paws felt strange as they passed over the concrete, her own nails making the same clicking sounds that her mate’s great white paws were making. She was so confused and curious by the thing that her steps nearly slowed, but she knew that it wouldn’t take long for Augustus to get ahead of her, so she sped up instead. Soon enough they were off the pavement and Ciara felt relieved to be running over familiar territory. Though she seemed so open to change, it did make the golden female uneasy, even the change of taking Augustus as her mate. What if she couldn’t make him happy? Worse, what if she made him unhappy or became annoying to him?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the familiar scent of the ocean, an aroma which eased her almost instantly. She kept her pace with Augustus until he slowed down, earthen eyes turning to the ocean before them and a smile breaking out on her muzzle. The sight of the full moon hanging over the ocean, making it glitter like a thousand tiny diamonds on a blanket of obsidian, was very beautiful. When Augustus reclined to his haunches, Ciara sat back too, brushing her flank to his and sitting close enough that their fur meshed. She was still uneasy about being so forward or at least what she considered to be forward, with him. There was still the fear that he would pull away or become annoyed at her closeness, and the girl was constantly on guard.

Her eyes remained mostly on the ocean in front of them, but she often took a glance at her new mate out of the corner of her eye. He was being quiet again, and cryptic, clearly lost in thought. Her mind was swimming as well, thinking of all the things that their mateship came with. She had no problem with being devoted to him for life, no issues loving him forever or supporting or protecting him. While she loved the thought of pups someday she was sure that she wasn’t quite ready for that, and their relationship was so new that she felt uneasy at the thought of pups. Ciara knew that she and Augustus would have to grow closer and more comfortable in their bond before that could happen. The thought of pups, of course, brought a whole other thought to her mind. Sex. The whole reason she was in heat. The fantasies she’d been having outside of the den had vanished and she was filled instead with a girlish shyness at the thought of them performing the act. Would it be good for him? What if she was bad at it? Did she even have to do anything to be considered good, or basically just stand there? The thoughts made her nervous, and she bit back a whimper, moving instead to push her nose into the thick fur that surrounded her mate’s throat.

If she could survive telling Augustus how she felt, she could survive eventually mating with him physically, as well. Or at least she hoped so.

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OOC WC:: 380

He was hardly aware of the cracked asphalt beneath his paws even as he raced over it. It rarely crossed his mind. It was one of the more obvious mars on their lands, and the male hated it, but his paws had a mind of their own and he soon felt the soft caress of the grasses again. When the reached the shore and he sat down he took the time to look over his mate. She seemed so at ease here and a small smile crossed his face as he glanced out to sea. Gradually her comfort with the waters before them became his comfort and he allowed himself to relax. He was enjoying the feel of the waters gentle touch as it filled in the gaps between his toes. For once he was not thinking about his flaws, he had not a worry or care, and he sat in silence, content and at peace. It wasn’t until he felt her muzzle in his scruff that he shifted slightly. His brows knitted together and it occurred to him that his silence might seem unsettling to her. He curved his head towards her and lapped at her shoulder in a gesture that was meant to be comforting. The strong salty smell of the sea seemed to override the alluring aroma of her heat and allowed him to remain in her presence without the constant worry that he would spiral out of control, and take her before she was ready.

He gave a nudge to what he could reach of her, urging her to look at him. He was hardly even aware that she sat on his scarred side, something that would have caused him discomfort before. When he felt her withdraw a smile spread across his features which had become uncharacteristically warm. He looked her up and down, in awe of her beauty as the moonlight seemed to make her guard hairs shimmer. She seemed to outshine the waves and the moon above and he knew he had made the right choice. His eyes searched for hers. What did I do to deserve you? He pondered softly. You could have had any other, but you chose me…why? He was sincerely curious, and his black-rimmed ears perked, eager for her answer.

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OOC: Finally had muse to reply. xD WC: 500+

Ciara was attentive to what she could visibly tell the mood of her mate was, and she felt instant relief when a smile crossed his muzzle and he seemed to relax as she was. She moved to brush her fur in against his then, pushing her nose to his scruff for a moment before dipping up to lick at his muzzle gently. Under the moonlight, and with the ocean spanning out before them, the silence didn’t seem quite so bad. The golden female felt her own muscles relenting and a general peace fill her as she put a little of her weight on Augustus, a smile etching across her own muzzle.

Her eyes had been peeking at the glittering ocean through the soft whiteness of his fur, and she’d been distracted by the sight when suddenly his tongue laved over her shoulder in a delayed return of her affection. A sort of pleasure separate from her heat soared within her at that simple show of love, and a happy whine left her as she returned a few gentle caresses of her tongue to his throat. Ciara was perfectly content to sit there and curl into him, but soon she felt her mate nudging her, and lifted her earthen hues to lock with his fiery ones. Her head cocked to the side, ears perking as she assumed he was about to say something.

His question threw her off-guard. It both warmed and worried her that he wanted to know why she chose him. His modesty was cute in a way, the fact that he seemed he wasn’t good enough for her, or that he had been an unlikely choice. She took a moment to scan his face, scars and all, before locking her eyes to his again. “I chose you because I’ve been drawn to you from the moment I came here,” she began softly, her voice holding all the tenderness she felt for him. “You’re different from all the other males, serious and stoic, but mysterious. I know there are parts of you that you’re hiding, and I just have this need to know every part of you.” Her eyes dropped then, and she blushed a little beneath her fur – she’d meant both emotionally and physically, but didn’t know if he’d pick up on that. “I just feel like I’m supposed to be your mate, and besides that, I just want to be.”

She scowled then; feeling like her words didn’t make sense. Love confused her still. She wasn’t sure what one was supposed to say to their mate, or how they were supposed to justify their love. What if her words made him change his mind about having her for a mate? Come to think of it, why had he even accepted her love? She had been so sure that he would turn her away, that when he returned the words she had nearly fallen over in shock. As the seconds passed, she found herself needing to know more and more. Her eyes locked on his again, eyebrows creasing quizzically.

“Why did you choose me?”

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