in the night, i hear 'em talk
the coldest story ever told
Word Count :: 466

Paws beat the ground at a tireless pace as the coywolf loped northward into the mountainous region of Nova Scotia. Her thoughts still danced with the words of the old white she-wolf, and they branched outward toward memories she preferred to keep hidden away. She thought of Juniper (dear June, I am not a demon), of Blind wandering forever with her sweet chirping voice and her mismatched eyes, of Myrika telling stories with auburn hair set aglow by fire. She thought of Tayui and the scars across her head, of Kiara and her pup-swollen belly, of the mysterious woman she’d lain with by the beach.

These thoughts added up to several different directions, north and south and homeward bound, but Vesper had chosen to move up into the mountains. Halcyon was second only to the woodlands and Inferni when it came to her favorite haunts, and she picked her way easily through the foothills and the rocky slopes and at last the cliffs still dusted with snow.

Her steps were guided by more than just a whim, however; a dark bird flapped overhead, a silent presence but one that she felt heavily. Perhaps Stark thought that she was going to Salsola to wreak havoc, or New Dawn and Ichika for friendlier purposes. Nevertheless, the raven refused to head back home even when she’d snapped at his tail feathers and threatened to stage an accidental death for him. He’d only gone sullen and silent at that, the arch of his wings seeming more hunched, his sleek dark body older than she’d thought it was. As many times as the creature shadowed her on her journeys now, she didn’t know him at all.

“Goat,” Stark croaked now, looking bored as he swooped lower. She could sense his hunger, however, and her stomach echoed his suggestion. Goat. She remembered chasing the creatures dumbly the first time she’d crossed this region, but now she darted among the brown rocks and spring snow near invisibly. She blended in well here, with her dark-dappled tawny coat and pale underside, and as she pressed close to the rocks, she made it silently to the herd of mountain goats. A few pregnant ones grazed at the center of the group, nibbling lichens and the conifer needles from low tree bough.

It would not be a simple task to hunt, however, and Vesper settled down on her belly among the vegetation, blue eyes watching them idly. Her feathered companion made a few sweeps of the area, silent as he rode the cold winds. Her only option would be to distract them, to chase them on more level terrain. She was surefooted, but the cloven-hoofed beasts were even more so, and they could scale angles and perch on outcroppings where she could never hope to go.

somewhere far along this road, she lost her soul.

Image courtesy of ChainBound

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Cerberus had spent a fair amount of time sleeping since the attack, and that was exactly what he was doing now. Napping under a decent-sized tree, he stirred only when the cough of a raven tickled his ears, and finally the great beast rose to his feet with a stretch and lolling tongue. After giving his weak body a gentle shake, he carefully adjusted his weight so as to avoid putting too much of it on his injured leg, and then strolled along the hills in search of something to eat. His stomach gurgled in order to confirm this decision, and he lifted his torn nose in a sniff. Ceri’s tail flicked absentmindedly behind him, and the scent of a herd of mountain goat made him stop in his tracks and tilt his head toward it. He hadn’t dared hunt anything as large as a goat as his leg had been attempting to heal, but having missed breakfast, he was awfully hungry and ready for a good meal. Twisting his ears back and pressing his tail tight to his ankles, he trotted toward the scent until the creatures skittered into view, and then he paused in order to analyze the situation and choose the best method of attack. Any other practiced hunter would have done the same, so he knew that he wasn’t wasting time by watching the creatures for a minute or two. But the scent of another predator suddenly caught him off guard, and his heart picked up into a gallop as the threat of losing his meal loomed nearer.

Trying to pay as little attention to the other hunter as possible, he lowered into a crouch and let his body melt into the thawing grass. The smell of warm flesh was nearly drool-inducing to the poor hybrid, and he could hardly contain the urge to bolt out into the herd and take down the first creature his jaws latched on to. But he kept calm, and when the moment presented itself, he lunged forward and aimed his slender body at a young female. The frightened animal put up a chase for a moment, but just when Cerberus thought he had her, his injured arm gave out and he came tumbling to the ground in a daze. Dozens of hoofbeats vibrated against the terrain as the goats scrambled away, and he soon found himself lying in a patch of flattened grass only a few feet from his competition. After a moment or two of staring stupidly at the sky, he rolled over onto his belly – his now-shaking limb would not allow him to stand just yet – and he glanced over at what looked to be another coyote hybrid. But if the similarity of their species wasn’t enough, this creature also seemed to be splattered in scars and missing half of an ear just as he was. A stitched brow cocked in question, and he stared at the canine for a moment just to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating, as the pain of his wounds so often forced him to do. Then he did something he perhaps wouldn’t have done in any other situation: he laughed hysterically, and then rolled over onto his back again like a crazed pup.

*shivers with demented excitement* I may have power played a bit, so if you’d like me to fix it I can.

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the coldest story ever told
Word Count :: 466
Aw, sucks this will turn depressing. I had fun reading your post and writing mine.

Even as she lay in wait, pale blue eyes fixated on the grazing creatures, claws came down to tug the silver ring in her ear. She thrashed her head then froze as she realized that small movement could have given her away, but none of the mountain goats seemed to notice. Her lip curled back, revealing a tooth to the raven that had swooped down to bother her, but Stark only hissed. “Wolf coming, hunting goat. Boy watching. Getting easy meal, eating leftovers.” He hobbled around at her feet then flapped off again, leaving her to ponder his suggestion.

Spoken like a true scavenger, Stark, Vesper thought with a crooked grin. She was an extremely proud creature, but her vanity did not inhibit her survival when it came to getting meals. Spending half her life as a loner taught her not to turn her nose up at abandoned carcasses. Perhaps for the first time, she wished whoever the “wolf” was luck in catching a meal.

Destiny was not kind to her or her fellow hunter, however. A tan-white shape burst from the rocks and flew toward a smaller goat, and the silent watcher almost thought he’d be able to catch the surprised nanny. However, his foreleg crumpled underneath him, and he went tumbling down the slope, his body landing in the grass only a few feet in front of her.

A pair of hot-colored eyes stared at her as she stared back, and something about his gaze was funny because her stomach clenched. When he rolled over and started cackling for no reason, however, the female leaped onto all fours and snarled, his senseless mirth spiking her fur up.

“Well, I’m glad you think it was funny,” the Optio scolded darkly. “You scared all the goddamn goats off so I can’t even get a bite.” She snorted and looked up at the circling raven, knowing that Stark was probably amused as well. Had she not put so much faith in the stranger, she would have been ready to burst from her hiding place and capture the goat he’d chased toward her.

Angry at herself, the rotten featherbrain, and the lolling male before her, the slender coywolf stamped out into the grass and plopped her rear down stubbornly. She doubted someone who was getting in a giggle fit over such a grand failure would be a danger to her. Nonetheless, she found her gaze flicking back to him, noting traces of coyote in his features and noting now the scars that adorned him. He looked like he’d gotten into a really bad scrap; something had raked blades or claws across his face and injured the leg that had betrayed him.

“You get those sliding down similar mountains?” she asked, just because she was grumpy and not thinking.

somewhere far along this road, she lost her soul.

Image courtesy of ChainBound

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Cerberus noted the fae's upset and retreat with an oddly heavy heart, and as a result, his jaws immediately snapped shut. He felt as if he'd offended a very dear friend and had to make amends right away, but as far as he knew, there was no reason for him to be feeling such things. Sitting carefully upright, he nursed his affected arm with a gentle tongue and then gazed off in the woman's direction. His mismatched eyes remained on her scarred face for quite some time before he decided this was not a woman he should attempt to court, so he resorted to absentmindedly nudging his nose against her mottled shoulder instead. My apologies miss, he said, a short chuckle trickling out after his words, I didn't mean to scare away your lunch, and CERTAINLY didn't mean to scare away mine. He stared off in the direction the sheep had fled, and then lazily looked back on the other hybrid. With visible interest, she inquired of his injuries, and Cerberus felt his heart nestle down into his stomach. For a moment, he'd actually managed to forget the whole ordeal. But he knew he didn't have to explain the whole situation...he could be brief. That is, if his emotions would allow him to keep them bottled up and keep his tongue tied.

With a dismissive wave of his untainted paw and a light haughtiness to his voice, he said, Ah, just had a bit of a run-in with a cranky mother bear. You don't go sniffing around her children if you don't want to end up like this. He chuckled again, though this time in a conspicuously half-hearted manner, and Ceri immediately averted his eyes. He knew, of course, that he had been very lucky to end up the way he had. But Blind...ah, what a terrible idea it was to even answer the she-coy's question.

The boycoy's chest tightened and his torn face contorted as he used every ounce of will power he had to keep from crying. Men don't cry, men don't cry, he repeated in his mind. But men could cry, if they'd formed such fast friendships with such unforgettable creatures and lost them soon after. With a perturbed flick of his tail, he faked another chuckle and peered down at the woman's feet. He hardly knew this canine; he wouldn't crumble in front of her. What about you? he asked, trying to change the subject. His voice cracked at the end of his question, however, and he hoped the fae wouldn't notice. You look like you've been in far worse scuffles than I. A thick swallow slithered down his throat then, and he shifted his weight as he slowly regained his composure. Thank heavens for his ability to dance around the truth, he thought.

Yes...yes indeed.

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the coldest story ever told
Word Count :: 420 I love Cerberus and I love your writing.

Vesper was still not quite used to random physical contact from strangers, but she had at least gotten to a place where her response was not immediately bared teeth. The nose to his shoulder caused her to tense, but she looked more carefully at him—at the old scar on his brow, at the freshly healed cuts across the rest of his face including a tattered ear. His somewhat disorienting eyes regarded her as he spoke, and she found herself ignoring his words in favor of staring at him.

His eyes—his eyes, not exactly the same color. Mismatched again. She’d thought they were both wolfy amber, a mixture of their true hues, but one was honey-yellow compared to the scarlet-orange fire of its twin. Ironic. She could not smirk, however, for the toil in her stomach. It was always the eyes that got her, and only because of his scruffy boyishness she was not immediately drawn in. Take away a pretty girl’s face, and the spell was broken, letting her true feelings of unease show through.

His apologetic but casual demeanor collapsed when she asked the question, and for a moment, she was looking at herself—arrogant, dismissive, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t hurt me a bit. Her head cocked, and she found herself smiling at him as if he were a friend she wanted to comfort. She never smiled for strangers. “No, you don’t. But you survived, and you’re all the stronger for it.” She was secretly relieved when he averted his heterochromatic eyes, but then there was a slight pinch of his brow, a crack in his voice. Was he still afraid of the attack that had rendered him injured so? Was there something else wrong?

“Perhaps not worse, but probably more,” Vesper answered honestly. She looked him over. “Mostly luperci, teeth and knives.” Plunging into her again and again, tainting her blood. She forced a chuckle, drawing out a memory that made her happy yet uncomfortable at the same time. “Though I’ve fought a bear before. I plucked its eye right of its head. It was foolish, and I would have run away had I not been protecting someone.”

She paused, looked at his troubled face. They could be brothers, she thought.

“Do you…want to talk about it, kid? It helps. Lets you know that it’s really over, talking about it, even if it’s not easy to get the words out. I owe you that much for bringing it all up anyway.”

Vesper was getting soft.

somewhere far along this road, she lost her soul.

Image courtesy of ChainBound

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Word Count :: 408 Hehe oh thank you ^^ As I’m writing this, I realize that Ceri really is the boy version of Vessie. I didn’t intend for that to happen, I swear!

It amazed Cerberus that he could already feel so comfortable in the presence of a true stranger. However, one wouldn’t know they were strangers, for they looked so similar to each other that anyone could have guessed they were related somehow, if not direct siblings. His mismatched eyes seemed to struggle to find a place to rest as they now danced about the woman’s body, but eventually they paused on her own mangled ear. With HIS ears he heard her words, but it wasn’t until she mentioned trying to keep someone safe that his stood truly attentive. He had been doing the same…and he hadn’t succeeded. Suddenly he wondered if this woman had done what he had failed to.

I, uh, he began, I suppose you’re right. I’ve been keeping it bottled up for so long, it’s been eating away at my insides. His eyes flickered to hers before they fell to the ground, and then he continued: I, too, was trying to protect someone. She was packmate of mine; beautiful and odd in an alluring sort of way. She seemed so alone when we first met, so naturally I stuck beside her, and we ended up becoming good friends. One day I offered to take her out hunting, since she had a bad leg that had prevented her from learning how to properly. Everything was going fine until that blasted bear came along…I told her to run…she just stood and stared at it. I tried to keep it away from her, but you can see how well that worked out. She…she ended up dying by the monster’s paw… He trailed off, his brain nearly vibrating as the scenes from that afternoon flickered past in frantic spurts. His heart was beating wildly now, throbbing even, and he could barely catch his breath. Then, in a muffled sort of whimper, he said, Foolish Blind…why didn’t you just run?

Ceri’s head drooped shamefully and the tears didn’t hesitate to fall down his cheeks now. He didn’t care if he hardly knew this woman. He didn’t care if he looked like a weak and sensitive whelp. He didn’t even care that the pain had grown to such a level that it was practically forcing his body to shake from it. He had failed to protect his dear friend, just as he had failed to protect his dear brother. Two wolves had died because of his sluggishness. Who would be the next?

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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the coldest story ever told
Word Count :: 361

At some point, the raven had flapped off, and Vesper was glad that the burden of his gaze had been removed. She did not know how serious the bird was in reporting her for her various “misdeeds,” but she was sure he could warp the story if he wanted to make it sound like she was fraternizing with strangers for some ill-guided purpose. However, she was not, and Stark knew that, and she doubted deep in her heart that he wanted her to get in trouble. In his own strange way, she thought that the stupid bird cared about her, but she dismissed that thought. One shouldn’t care for lower animals, no matter how useful.

She was distracted by her quick search of the sky, so when the male began to stammer out his words, she almost missed them. Her ears swiveled forward again, and her heart went out to him as the story began to take shape. She remembered wanting so hard to protect Juniper way back when, back when she was only a girl, back when she killed for the first and only time. Only this attempt had resulted in the death of his lovely friend, something she doubted she could cope with; it was commendable that he’d managed to hold up under her interrogation.

He mentioned a bad leg, and her stomach did that little flip it had when she’d noticed his eyes didn’t exactly match. But she listened to the rest of his tale politely, open sympathy in her expression, until the last words broke from his lips and dropped into the thawing grass.

Vesper stared at him, her chest constricted, her stomach dropping. She rose onto all fours and stepped backwards, putting distance between the words he’d spoken as if she could outrun a black epiphany. Her tongue floundered in her mouth like a bone-dry fish before she spoke, four words wriggling from her mouth and floating terrified in the cold air.

“What did you say?”

Her ears snapped forward suddenly, and she drew her dark-tipped tail up. Her quiet little whisper reformed itself as a snapping demand.

“What did you say? What was her name?!”

somewhere far along this road, she lost her soul.

Image courtesy of ChainBound

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Word Count :: 226 *snatches a box of tissues* Sorry, lamely short.

Cerberus sniffled and sputtered here and there, but otherwise didn’t bother to hide his sobbing. The truth of the story weighed heavily on his shoulders now; death and despair followed him everywhere he went. How could he have allowed for such a travesty to happen? How could he have failed so miserably to save such a young and innocent wolf? Both now and way back when, the dread and sting of loss reared its head like a black stoat in the stark-white of Winter, and Cerberus could feel the pain chipping away at his seemingly-rough exterior. But it wasn’t until the she-coy stood and demanded he speak her name again that he snapped out of his demented reverie. Had she known his friend?

Blind, he repeated. Her name was Blind… Did you know her? He almost dared not ask, for the utter horror clouded so darkly her intriguing features that he almost assumed them to be sisters. Her rigid frame, her dagger-like pointed ears; it was almost frightening the way she stood before him now. Then his tears ceased for only a moment as his blood ran cold, and it suddenly dawned on him that this was the ‘spunky coywolf’ that his packmate had talked so incessantly of. The scars, the tattered ear, the punch in her voice… She was…Vessie, he whispered. Oh dear, you’re Vesper.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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the coldest story ever told
Word Count :: 505 Holy crap I almost cried writing this I never do that.


Blind, Vessie thought. I’m here, sweetheart. She stared at the male, at the dual tones of his eyes, at the realization on his handsome face as her identity became clear, whatever that meant to him. It was a realization overshadowed by hers, by the confirmation.

For her mangled ear and her deafening heartbeat, she had heard correctly. Blind had fallen under the monstrous paw of the bear. She had fallen again, crumpled against a tree perhaps, little and bleeding like last time, like last time, but she had not gotten back up.

Blind died.

No. That was impossible. Friends did not die. Friends went away on fool journeys, friends abandoned her, but friends did not die. A world without the dear girl smiling somewhere in its four corners was unfathomable. It would be like a world without a species of bird or flower—able to turn, but missing something beautiful, missing that key something that one only noticed when it had vanished, that piece that made your soul complete.

She’d always thought she could go back to Blind. Someday, if she ever changed her mind and wanted to leave, to risk the branding of traitor, to pursue a life vastly different than the one now—she could find her, eventually. Her heart would tell her where she was, and the girl would come to her call, and they would be able to run somewhere new, always, forever. But now that was gone, an option she may never have considered for the rest of her days, an option she saw flash before her eyes and fade out like a winking star.

No, no no nonono, she was not dead. She was not dead. The boy had faltered in protecting someone else. Not Blind. Not her. Not her dear girl.

Denial gave way to anger.

Wickedly sharp teeth flashed as she lunged forward a step. Her growl exploded from her chest in gnashing, drooling snaps, her blue eyes narrowed to slits of blame and punishment. “It’s your fault she’s dead!” Vesper shrieked hoarsely. “You fucking coward, you could have done something to protect her—you could have done something!” She nearly wheezed, her scarred body quivering with fury as her tail lashed, as her ice eyes melted in the heat of hellfire, burn sinner, burn. “She could be standing here instead of you, she could be here and you could be rotting like you deserve. She’s done nothing wrong, nothing wrong in the whole world; she’s pure and perfect and you could have protected her!” She moved swiftly, her weight shifting forward, as if she were going to lunge for his throat and throttle him with her jaws.

But the coywolf only collapsed, crouching low to the earth and shaking as her words continued to spill out of her mouth. “You coward, you fucking coward, you could have done something,” she gasped, and she knew that she had never been addressing the male at all.

Vesper began to sob.

somewhere far along this road, she lost her soul.

Image courtesy of ChainBound

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Ha, I almost cried READING it!.;width:400px;height:150px;border:1px solid black;">

The tears began to fall again as Cerberus watched the woman crumble before him, shaking with fury and sputtering with disbelief. He opened his mouth to argue, to defend himself against her accusations, but his words failed to pass his lips. She was right. He should have done something. He should have died instead of her. It didn’t matter in the slightest that he’d nearly lost his sight and hearing in one ear, or that he’d almost been rendered lame like the fragile princess he’d failed to save. He was a failure. He was disappointment. In a sense, he was a murderer.

He snapped back into consciousness only long enough to scramble out of the snarling hybrid’s way, and then he stood in front of her, head lowered and body quivering like a newborn colt. It hurt him even deeper to see how much this woman cared for Blind displayed so permeably on the surface of her patchy fur, to see how greatly it pained her to know her friend was lost; it almost put Ceri’s pain to shame. And he WAS a shame. His parents would be so disappointed. His brother would be so disappointed. Why had he not died so she could live? All he could do now was nod. He agreed with every word she said, because he believed so deeply for it to be true. He had not only failed as friend, but he had failed as a man in general. What kind of mate and father would he be if he couldn’t protect the ones he loved?

It seemed like hours had passed as he stood there, watching the poor she-coy sob and whine before him. After shaking away the dampness of tears on his fur, he took a tentative step forward, and then another until he was finally at the woman’s side. He then lowered his body to the ground, and licked her ears a time or two before draping his neck over hers. You are absolutely right Vesper, he muttered. It should have been me. What I wouldn’t give for it to have been me. But you should know Blind cared for you deeply. Very, very deeply. He flicked his tongue out once more, this time across her neck, and then sat upright in case she decided to lunge at him again. Though he doubted he could dodge a second attack – his leg was already aching from unexpectedly avoiding the first. But he didn’t care. He would readily submit to the punishing teeth and claws of this woman…this woman who he had unintentionally made suffer as much, if not more, than he.

the coldest story ever told
Word Count :: 542

It was her fault; it had to somehow be her fault. She paraded around claiming to be sinless save the dark mark that was her first and only kill, but Vesper had driven the dear girl away again and again. She’d tested her own loyalties and found the she-wolf not worth it, but that was unfair to say about a creature. Was she simply strong to turn her shoulder on Blind? Or was that some hint as to the cruelty lying underneath her, lying dormant in her jaws that had strangled Oliver. One should never sacrifice everything for another on a whim…but how could you deny a living creature what would make them happiest?

The scarred woman crouched and trembled and coughed when the sobs stuck in her throat. She was unaware of the male, involved only in the thoughts that made her fiercely ache. She couldn’t help but feel responsible, but at the same time a small voice in her head was calling her ridiculous. Grief was grief, but it should not overtake a soul completely, and she’d bite anyone who broke down in front of her as she was doing.

More justified anger toward herself rose from forgotten depths. There was nothing else she can do without throwing away her happiness. And she was selfish and independent. She cared for survival overall. However, just as she formed this conclusion and began to rise, a tongue fell on her ears and a warm body pressed close to her. And then she remembered how much she hated the suffering of others and began to cry again.

It was his muttered agreement that drew her back out of herself, and Vesper gave a shake that would dislodge the other hybrid. But he was already pulling away with another lick, one she would have considered inappropriately intimate from a male in any other situation. Looking at his mismatched eyes, innocent yellow and ember red, dispelled that unease and caused her to sigh and poke her nose against his chin, hoping to turn those eyes toward her so he would heed her words.

Vesper could not speak when she opened her mouth, though, and it was a few false starts, a few stifled pains in her chest, until she murmured, “None of it is your fault, and I’m sorry for ever snapping.” It was at herself rather than him she was yelling at, but he probably didn’t know that. “It’s just—I feel—it’s just unfair. Rogues like me who’ve tempted death several times get to live while the good souls fall like autumn leaves.” Her blue eyes lit with a sort of understanding as she spoke these words; it put her fury and grief into perspective. She wept for more than Blind, but Blind had been the one to symbolize her beliefs. And Blind had been sweet and endearing in every way, and…

“I wish… I wish I could have been there. Even if I couldn’t have prevented it. I don’t think anyone could have. But I wanted to say goodbye, and be there so she wasn’t scared…”

She looked at him, her face open and vulnerable and unlike what she had shown anyone before. “Did it take very long for her to die?”

somewhere far along this road, she lost her soul.

Image courtesy of ChainBound

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Word Count → 000 :: OOC

Cerberus stayed unusually still as he watched the hybrid recompose herself after crumbling. He did, however, allow Vesper to turn his head toward her, and for a moment he thought such an action might drive him to kiss her. But why would he do that? He truly didn't know - his emotions were so screwed up at that point that he hardly even knew how to smile, or when. He imagined that eventually time would heal these wounds, but unfortunately his way of allowing time to pass meant turning to stone after he'd given in to his urge to cry for a bit. He never understood why he reacted to grief this way, but he supposed it was better than wallowing around in self pity for days on end.

Vesper mentioned she wished she had been there, and he almost felt like laughing. He wished he HADN'T been there, but then again, he was glad it was he who found and buried Blind's body instead of her being left to the bear's demise. She died rather quickly, he said in answer to her question. Bears don't waste their time dealing with a threat, especially if it means they might get a meal out of it. Ceri's face contorted in a grimace then, and he realized that that was a terrible thing to say. Quickly, he added, But I made certain she didn't become lunch. Okay, so that wasn't much better. But again, he was a mess at that moment.

Resolving that he didn't want to risk making things worse by speaking again, he decided to forgo reforming his statement and touched his forehead to Vesper's cheek instead. He wished he could talk his way through this like he usually did, that he could comfort this woman with a mere grin and a wink. But it was becoming very clear to him that charm wouldn't always get him out of sticky situations, and the best thing he could do right now was just be there for this grieving creature. As his mismatched eyes clouded over with sorrow once more, he lowered to the ground and laid on his belly, peering up at Vesper once he was situated. What can I do to help relieve some of the pain? he asked, pleased that he'd finally said something sensible. I know that I don't know you very well, but I'd like to help in any way I can. I feel that...perhaps, Blind would have wanted it? Perhaps she would have wanted us to be friends? And there went his sense again.

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the coldest story ever told
Word Count :: 473 Wrap-up? <3

A raven’s cry, more of a croak than the distinct caw of the smaller crow, drew her large ears up again. Of course, her winged shadow would never leave her completely alone on this mountain, as vulnerable as she was with this stranger she found herself wholeheartedly trusting. However, annoyance was not her first emotional response to the dark scout’s presence. He was just a bird, an annoying bird, but Stark made her feel safe right now. She lowered her ears again and looked at the male.

He reassured her, and she nodded dully, glad that Blind hadn’t lingered in the world with agony and terror. His remark about a meal caused her brows to pinch together, her face turning sharp and icy, but he corrected himself swiftly, and she closed her eyes.

Maybe I will see you again, Blind. The thought came out of nowhere as her beliefs stirred in her chest and spirit. You will find favor in the great cycle. Your ashes will flame again in a glorious life.

It was rare that such thoughts trailed actively through her mind; reincarnation and her other beliefs were usually tucked away, never acknowledged. They simply existed, as she knew air existed although no one could really see it. She didn’t think about air as she breathed it in. But when it was fading from her convulsing chest, when she was gasping desperately for breath, needing that reassurance, it came. And she needed the reassurance of her beliefs in that moment.

Soft fur brushed hers, and Vesper opened her pale blue eyes again. She did not pull away from the touch, not until he settled down closer to the earth and began to ask how he could help.

Bring her back, leap into the twilight between life and death and snatch her, at least tell her what I think of her.

Aloud, she said, “Nothing.” And then silence dropped after he talked about them being friends. Her gaze flitted across his scars, the facial structure that just spoke of coyote, of kin, while he was very wolf. She trusted him, and he was kind, and there was just enough life in him that spoke of mischief, of something she could connect with. She considered him quietly.

“Perhaps,” the coywolf murmured vaguely. She looked across the mountains, south toward home. “But right now… Right now I don’t think I want to see you again for a long time.” She rose stiffly, her slender and scarred limbs quivering. The raven flapped down and landed on her shoulders, and somehow the added burden of the bird gave her strength. But she did not acknowledge Stark in the least.

“Tell me your name.” Vesper looked at him with a sad, soft smile. “I’ll try to remember it when I’ve healed and we see each other again.”

somewhere far along this road, she lost her soul.

Image courtesy of ChainBound

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Sounds good! I’ll have him exit here then :3

Perhaps Cerberus should have been offended at Vesper’s words of not wanting to see him again for a long time. But, truthfully, he understood how she was feeling, and therefor couldn’t blame her for OR be offended by her desires. Instead, he rose to his feet just as she did, offering a gentle smile in return after shaking clinging blades of grass and dirt from his ivory fur. That’s alright Vesper, he said, bowing his head ever so slightly, I understand. Take your time to heal.

Ceri eyed the raven on the hybrid’s shoulder before peering up at the sky where it had seemed to materialize from, wondering if Blind was up there listening in on their conversation at that very moment. The clouds slugged along in their blue abyss, taking on obscure shapes until Cerberus thought that perhaps he did see a she-wolf smiling down at him. But the vision was gone as quickly as it had appeared, and he lowered his head again with a somber look on his face – he knew it would not be easy to get over the passing of such a special wolf.

My name is Cerberus, he said in answer to her request. I am a member of New Dawn, and you are welcome to come calling for me any time you may need. The mottled coywolf then turned his back on Vesper, peering over his shoulder one last time with the words “Take care of yourself,” before he skittered off over the hills.

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