[M] Watch what happens when I lose control
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Three legs stood firmly upon the ground, the silver male looked at the mouth of the cavern. The tripod monster looked into the mouth as he lowered his head and walked into it. The male did not care if he ran into a ghost, it was a part of the pack that no one would think twice to look for the one member in the pack that was lost in this lifetime as he was. He hated how he hated everything about everyone, however he knew that by being this way, he would not have to subject himself to the pain of finding someone he loved and then having them walk away, it had happened to him to many times and after the last go around, of him trying to find Rendall but running into one of Jace’s kids. Yes he understood why the punishment happened. Though no one ever really bother to figure out why he had went to the pack that he had left like he had. No one ever thought to question the motives of a man with a broken hearted monster. He knew no one could ever love him. He knew that really he was worthless, worthless as a pack member, worthless as a son(thanks to his mom for pointing that out), worthless as a lover, he was just plain worthless. The male sighed as he walked further into the the caverns.
She roamed around, still avoiding the den where the pack slept. So far her mate hadn't come in search for her and she was wondering if he really did care like he said he did. When they were around each other she didn't question it, but when they were apart, it felt like they were never again going to see one another. He stayed away for weeks, and months...and so far nearly a year. Was this the kind of mateship she wanted? No. She knew that, she wanted a male that never wanted to be apart from her, and so far Ookami said he didn't and sometimes acted as though they didn't, but his actions said otherwise.

Adonia again moved around the packlands familiarizing herself with the land. It was around the caverns that the scent of Noah again filled her nose. She stopped in her tracks, ears going back and she licked her lips nervously wondering if she could duck away before he noticed her. Her head lowered and she began to move silently as best she could moving slowly away from the cavern thinking he must be in there. A harsh wind flooded the area and blew at her and toward the cavern. Her ears perked, her scent and the smell of her heat surely flooded in there.


The male moved further and further into the mouth of the damp cavern, the silver male licked his jaws as he moved further into the blackness on an unknown depth. The silver male looked up as a whiff of something strong, something alluring, and something intoxicating. The male snarled as he spun around, there stood a she wolf, and she wolf that he knew. The Sawtooth male looked over to the wolf dog.

He licked his lips, as he turned around walking over to the female; he knew her and knew of her mate. Though frankly…he didn’t care about who she thought she belonged to. She was in this pack now and she was in heat. It really wasn’t his fault if he offered to fix that for her now was it? The silver monster walked towards the female dipping his maw at her, in a informal greeting. ”You’ve joined the right pack.” The silver male lowered his head as he softly bumped her shoulder.

He wanted her; he should have taken her when he had chance. The silver male stopped with his head into her leg, breathing in her mind altering sent. The silver male whimper softly as he brought his head back up licking his lips. He reach up to her and licked at her face and whimpering. The male then nuzzled into her licking her face, and softly nipping at her ears.

Just before she turned her head away from the cavern entrance to continue her retreat, the male she hadn't seen since Phoenix Valley came out. He looked worse than when she had last seen him but his words were smooth. There was no stutter and he had more confidence about him. In a way it perked her interest, and had her stunned. She was impressed. Her eyes large with curiosity and with shy fear. She knew that her heat had to be influencing him a little and again the warning from Augustus rang in her ears. Where was Ookami!? He needed to be here, she couldn't ward off every male that came her direction, and her hormones couldn't be baited back forever.

He closed the gap quickly and his head bumped into her shoulder, her ears folded back and her tail almost tucked a little as a soft nervous smile formed on her muzzle. "..hello, Noah.." He whimpered and it wasn't the first time she heard a male whimper in her presence. She wondered if that was her scent. Was that why they whimpered? The scent bothered them that much? Her ears perked as his head came up toward hers, his tongue grazing along her fur and she didn't know what to do, so she let her instincts to the responding. Her eye lids closing half way and she let out a soft smile lightly pulling away. His licks insistent and he nuzzled his head into hers again licking her and nipping at her ear. A light giggle came from her.

"..Noah." She pleaded, "...I'm mated.." She wasn't sure he knew that, but she wanted him to know, figuring he would respect that as the other males had. She remembered how kind and sweet he had been back when she first met him, and that was the image she had of him. Granted he had changed a lot since then. He was more confident, and he was now well spoken. He seemed to have changed for the better, but still she had so much more to learn about the new Noah.

She made space between them, not much, just a few steps to great a gap. Her eyes looking him over, now that he was closer. Her heart heavy with so much emotion and lustful thoughts...but those were a constant for her in this state of being. She had kept them controlled though, and wouldn't let too much waver her. If the thoughts wanted to be there, she let them happen, but she wouldn't do anything to ruin her and Ookami's relationship-no matter how pathetic it was.


The male wanted to be with her in so many ways. The silver male lowered his body over his front paw, the looked back up to her, almost trying to start a play. He hoped that she would allow him to have just this one night, one time. He did care that there was some time that had passed between the two of them, however he wanted to ignore all of that and have this time with her. ”Are you happy?” The silver male asked truthfully as he stood up, moving away from the wolf dog female.

He would not take her free choice away; he could not be his father. In a way he envied him because of the pups, however Noah knew that he could not be like him taking that away from her. He looked at her in a pleading manner with his good sapphire blue eye; his milky blue eye shifted oddly from side to side taking in the dark hued shapes.

”Don’t lie to me.” The male pushed out, as he looked at her with the same begging eyes that has asked her if she was happy. He could hold for a no, and could hope that she would give into his wants, and her needs.

She watched as he went into a play bow and her ears flicked intently forward. Her tail lifted away from its protective position wagging freely and heavily downward. She almost wanted to go into a playful bow back, but as he stood he asked her a very simple question. The question, thought simple, was hard to answer. Yes, she was happy with Ookami--when he was around, but he wasn't always there for her when she needed him there. How many times had he left her high and dry? How long had it been since last they talked? A month since they joined New Dawn. Her eyes lowered away from him and he said in an almost stern tone 'don't lie to me.' Adonia never lied, she may with hold information, but never would lie...intentionally.

She waited and then spoke, "...I am...when he is around...but when he is gone...I feel alone." Her eyes never meeting to his feeling his gaze burning on her. She sat down the weight of her words hitting her as she thought hard about them. Ookami..where are you? Why are you gone from me for so long? Her ears swiveled at the sound of grass rustling. Her head lifted and she turned to look back at the sound. It was her eaglet. He had been trailing behind her and finally caught up. During her season she had been so restless she hadn't sat still much making it hard for him to stay on her back, and around her for that matter. She was beginning to feel real bad about it. Her ears going flat on her head as she stood up, her body turning, her back to Noah without much thought in her actions.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" She bowed then laid down promptly before anything could happen. Her nose coming to touch her bird's beak. He was still so young, but his fluff was slowly turning into real feathers, he peeped out a few protests before giving a soft, but stern nip on her nose. "..I really need to name you.." Her head lifted and her eyes finally met with Noah's seeing their blue hues, "..this is my eaglet...I've had him for nearly a month now...Ookami has yet to meet him...I was hoping he would help me name my bird.." Her head again lowered. She shouldn't reveal these things to other males'....really it was no ones business if Ookami and her were doing great or sour. Adonia's emotions were held out, though. It was hard for her to just ignore how she felt, or for her to not spew what thoughts, or plans came to her mind.


The wolf dog female that had had known for many of moons was up front with her information, she told Noah just what he had asked of her and did not in any way act upset that he wanted to know this information. Though how he wished she would have had said no and would have begged him for him to give into his felting self control over his mental state. The male made a sound like a human making a “hrumfp” sound as he stood up and back away trying to put that distance between them. The silver male did not want to take away her choice, that was all he could give her, was her choice and his protection from others till she was willing to submit that fee choice to whomever she so pleased.

The lady shifted turning her back side to him, leaving it opened and exposed to him, like she was begging for him to do or say something. He growled and lowered his head down and pushed his nose under his paw in hopes that she would get the hint and face him or walk away maybe. ”Name him Shitface…Because that what he looks like.” Noah snarled coldly under his arm.

Her body shifted turning slightly her tail wrapping over her legs as she laid on her side. His words upset her and her ears perked eyes softening in a hurt expression, "Noah! Why would you say such a thing!?" She moved her paw bringing her bird close. "You weren't even looking at him!" She crawled over a little seeing him with his leg over his nose. It was then she realized she had totally wafted herself in his face. That was probably why he reacted as he did. "...oh! I-I am so sorry!" Her eyes no longer feeling hurt thinking he only did said what he had out of frustration of her and her naive behavior. Her ears went back and her head lowered beneath his. Still laying down she 'army' crawled closer to him and licked his muzzle in a friendly gesture of apology. "I'm still not familiar with how strong my scent is...I should have thought about my actions before I exposed myself..please don't take it out on my bird..he's still young and has to grow into his plumage."

Her eyes looking up in a sweet innocent manner as a small smile formed on her muzzle, "You know..I probably should keep this to myself...but you're really cute when you snap like that.." Her tail fought its wagging as she smiled more. This time she fought licking his muzzle again. She didn't want to be too affectionate, she didn't want it to be translated into anything, besides it would probably be inappropriate of her to be so affectionate toward another male while she was in such a state.

I told you he was mean! WC:3+

The silver monster was really trying hard not to snap at her. Though, in all truth and fairness, he was not trying all that hard. Maybe he if actually did cared if he upset the others that he came into contact with, he would no longer say such fowl and hateful things. Though again, it would be far less fun to be able to say these things that really did say what was on his mind.

Maybe at one point others had expected more from him, but back then he had the love of the pack and loved the pack back. Now the silver male felt like he was just a small blemish with in any pack that he went to. The silver male was lucky to have a pack that he could live in, since really on his own he could not make it.

The silver monster watched, as she tucked her tail and then lower her head, spinning around after he had spoken so harshly to her. The silver male watched her closely move closer and closer to him, as she army crawled over to him, daring to get near him. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth, the male began to snarl like a manic to her. Quickly, the silver male got to his feet and moved away from her. It wasn’t her, it wasn’t her scent. The silver male did not want anyone touching him after the punishment that Zalen had inflected upon him. ”Well till I see something otherwise out of that...that thing. I am calling it Shitface!”” The male snorted as he made sure to keep the distance he was most comfortable with. The silver male snarl again at the once again pack sister, just for that extra push to warn her to stay away from him.

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She wasn't sure what had upset him, had he always been this adverse to being touched? He was willing to touch her, but she couldn't touch him. Her ears perked as she remained laying down, he moved away and let out another 'stay away' snarl. She remained still. He spoke and she sat up the bird going beneath her, finding security between her legs. Her head dipped down looking as he forced himself to fit. A light smile came to her muzzle, "Fine..as you wish, Noah..." Her head moved to a 60 degree angle from her neck, eyes looking over to meet his gaze.

Adonia was oblivious to the harsh treatment others had given him. In Phoenix Valley everyone was so kind and loving toward him..and when it changed to Ichika the attitudes were really no different. There was a loving nature about the pack. This one seemed to have a kind nature, but a harsh structure that she had yet to experience. If anything, it was neutral. "..so, Noah...why did you leave Ichika?" She was honestly curious, and she wanted to know what had happened to him from then, to now. Her ears moved willing to listen to him while she kept her bird....shitface, as he'd like to call him, close to her.


He was not one for touch, he did not want any others to touch him, or even try to come into his bubble. He was fine if he was the one doing the touching, but for others to do it upon him it was not something that he wanted, nor would he be allowing any time soon, if ever. The male was fine with keeping others at bay when it came to touching him; it was his way of keeping him-self from hurting physically or even emotionally any more. No one was going to make him change his heart of ice and coldness, and he was not going to let any female make pretty eyes with him and make him fall in love with her. Maybe a one night stand, he would more than willingly do, but give his heart away to anyone no. No longer.

What he wished for was not to call the bird a stupid name like “Shithead” as such he and given the bird, What he wished for was to lay there with her, resting his head onto hers eating that stupid bird. The male snorted, getting that thought out of his head, pushing him-self mentally to recall the advent where he was pushed down into the mud and made into a public laughing stock to the whole pack and another pack.

The silver male rolled his ear forward, still in rather foul mood the male sneered at her pointless question. Looking at her with his eyes narrowed down at her, what did it matter why he was or wasn’t with a pack any more. That pack was no longer apart of his life. That chapter and that Noah was gone, shut, locked and burned. Never ever to come back, even if a part of him really wanted to bring the happiness back out that he locked away. ”My loyalties where to Jefferson, Jefferson left.” The male kept it short and sweet. That wasn’t really the answer why he left but it kept her from know that the white Delta was his mother, the one that was mated to his father, the once living and breath terror upon all pack lands rapist. That monster was dead, and left this one for the world to be worried about, and wonder when he was finally going to stop trying to play nice all together and finally blow his top and kill everyone within sight. Oh what a sweet dream that would be.

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She perked her ears watching him, something said she needed to keep her bird safe, and so she made sure the eaglet stayed tucked beneath her. She was a sweet and gentle female, but could turn nasty if Noah dared to touch her eagle in a fowl manner, she wouldn't bother correcting his attitude toward her bird, he could say all he wanted about 'shitface'. Anything beyond words and Adonia would show him just how ugly she could be, otherwise, Adonia was patient and gentle toward the battered male before her. Her eyes reflecting her sweet nature. Her two-toned blue eyes meeting his narrowed gaze, she let his attitude roll off her as if he wasn't being rude at all. She listened to his curt response. Obviously, he was in no mood to speak, "Well, Noah, I have to admit, it wasn't the same without Jefferson, and I wish he didn't have to go from Phoenix Valley. I didn't stay there long either. I didn't like how my role as horse caregiver was changed to butcher....I left shortly after having to kill one of the animals I took the time to nurture....it is just different. I can easily kill a rabbit, deer, or fish...but having to spend time and effort in raising something from a baby to an adult just to end it's life...it bothered me."

She spoke freely, not caring about if he would spat or laugh at her feelings, or words. Surely, he would. He was so rough around the edges anymore. It bothered her, but he wouldn't open up to her. Standing again, not wanting to stare into his harsh stare, she looked at her bird making sure he remained protectively beneath her. "..well, since it seems I am being a bother to you, I'll head on my way..I need to feed 'shitface' and myself.." She remained still, almost hoping for a glimmer of that sweet stuttering fool he once was, then she stepped aside, pivoting to have her side to Noah, her mouth gently moving to grasp the eaglet gently in her mouth but the body. It wasn't often she did this, but until he could fly, she hadn't much of a choice. Her mouth was gaped open to fit around his growing body. It was a soft bite, just enough to grasp gently. 'Shitface' made a small protest, and then Adonia lifted and began to trot away. It was time to go, Noah's patience seemed thin, and she wasn't going to risk having her bird around him too long.


The monster could care less if she thought it was heartless to kill the cows. It was them very cows that had forged a friendship with the other packs; it was them very cows that provided the members with furs to lie down in their homes, as blankets and rugs. Though on the other side of raising them she had to clean up after them, milk them and the other entire small task that would make her bond with the animals. The silver male could full see now after thinking about it, how she could not stand to have such a job there she was in charge of killing the very thing she had raised. Both sides the male could see from.

Watching her stand upon her four solid legs, Noah was able to get another nose full of her scent. He grunted, the temptation was too strong and his mind, well...his mind was officially lost within the depth of his own natural perversions. He felt a soft grow rumbling with in his chest as he lowered him-self to the ground, no caring about that stupid bird at this point the male moved upon his legs like he was going after a kill. The silver male followed the scent, following with his own natural wants and desires.

Finding him-self at the tail end of Adonia, the silver male lowered his head down as he nosed around, lifting his head up little by little hoping to find just where that wonderful, scent that he was drunk on.

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Adonia had begun her trot away from the silver brute when he moved toward her, more specifically, toward her tail. Her ears swiveled back as she suddenly heard him and stopped for a second, lowered her head and let the bird go. In stopping Noah caught up and his nose found her tail, nose seemed to root around. Her head shot up and she twisted her neck to look at him. Her tail almost wanted to move, but she willed herself, no matter how hard it was, she stopped it. Her body tingled at the touch. It didn't seem to matter who went to touch her, her body reacted in a way she couldn't control. Her mind was not in control, her bodies urges always fought for control. A soft whine was muffled as she spun around, tail tucking and wagging as she faced him, ears back and body low to him, almost like she was being submissive, but in a way she was silently pleading for him to not go down that road.

It was hard enough to turn down another male, she didn't know if she could wind that battle against a male she knew. Let alone, at one time Adonia thought she had feelings for...and still thinks...she might. He had changed though, and for better, she wasn't sure. The wolfdog had to stop herself from licking him, or touching him as she saw what happened last time. Moving herself to have her side showing she kept her body between her and her bird, who was beginning to move away, almost gracefully. The eaglet had moved to a low branch that he could hop onto with the aid of flapping his wings a little. Almost like using the branches like stairs he moved himself away from the two and up onto the tree, a bit out of reach for a four-legged wolf. In Optime, Adonia could reach him.

Adonia looked, not watching Noah for a moment, finding where the bird had gone. It was good that now she didn't have to worry about the bird, even though now Noah seemed more interested in her scent than he had before.


With the black cold, and wet nose finding the one thing that he was trying to find the subord whimpered he wanted to try to take a small lick of it, to try to find out what was making that wonderful and yet ever so intoxicating. She stopped for the second to allow him to get his nose further up under her tail. Noah gave another whine. Then she tucked her tail and moved. With a grow the animal followed her, trying to get back to where he was, and frankly he was happy being, even if he was going to be brave and try to maybe take more of her gift then what he should. She turned around looking at him almost showing him the submission that one would of a lower rank. The male knew why she was doing this, asking him not to push her further. The silver male just wanted to put an end to that fire that burning so deeply inside of him.

The silver male lowered him-self down to her level as he whimpered, understanding just what she was asking of him, he did not want to listen to her unspoken request, however because she did ask, and because he was not his father he licked his licks as he lips as Noah watched her turn her back and use the branches of the tree like steps inside of a home to get to where she was going. He knew he could follow her, however she did make it as clear as she could that she did not want to have Noah mount her and help her with that burning feeling that she too must surely have inside of her.

The silver tripod monster watched her slip away to find that bird that Noah would much rather find and turn into a meal, but he would let her go. Maybe he would find someone that was willing to flag their tail so he could fix his needs that needed to be filled.

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