pay no mind to the rabble

Bringing a pNPC with me. :>

art by crypsis

Max’s opinion of Salsola was based entirely on what he had heard from others. The two girls he had met, while pretty, didn’t seem to be highly intelligent and soft in more than just their bodies. There was a reason for them being here, of course, and like it or not he would do as bid. That was the will of his leader, and as Hydra, he had to obey. The title and new rank were earned by right, and he was thrilled to have them. All of his life had been dedicated to fighting for the clan, and now he would do so.

Four legged, his shape was more dog than coyote, and it showed. He was massive, larger than even some wolves, and bore fresh wounds from combat. His pale fur had been mottled by dirt and soot, though these were patchy areas in a would-be camouflage that served only minor purpose. While he was a keen tracker and ranger, he was also capable of holding his own ground. Col was with him, and the drab-gold male was impatiently watching the borders. They were at the southernmost edge of the forest. It was unlikely the attacks had come from a neighboring pack, but the area between Inferni and the eastern seacoast was vast—he was willing to bet they had hid out in the Dampwoods.

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Ithiel is by Raze!

Though his body ached and he was not fully healed, the dusky coyote was determined to set out on this scouting expedition. It was, after all, his specialty, and some part of him burned to find these wolves and exterminate them. They had threatened him and his ilk, and his oath bade him protect this clan. Lystra moved beneath him, her injury healed enough to permit riding, and even she seemed eager. Perhaps that was just the corral and the stable; she probably had extra energy to expend.

The dust-furred hybrid was armed, arrows and dagger, but more prominently, on the rear of his saddle, Zedekiah rode. The bird hunkered against him, grumbling unintelligible complaints -- presumably about the pace of the ride -- all the while. As they neared the edge of the clan's stake, the hybrid sighted a pale form and a tawny one, and directed his mount toward them, bringing her to a slower pace as they neared. He paid no mind to the trickster Col and nodded a hello to Max, half-turning in his saddle to offer Zedekiah the perch of his arm, which the bird took eagerly.

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The last encounter had left Denver more cautious than ever. There had been numerous attacks now, and although they had managed to kill a few, it was not enough. Maggie had done the deed on that young wolf, and he'd been nothing if not impressed. The Confidant had helped, of course, but it was her blow that had let the pale recruit fall to the ground.

Now, though, Denver needed to be the one doing all of the fighting. He would not subject Maggie or their unborn children to this madness, and he had bid her to stay far away. Today was scouting only; Denver hoped that it would not come to violence again, but he'd come prepared nonetheless, his freshly sharpened dagger wrapped snugly about his ankle. He carried his lasso slung across his body as well, just in case.

The woman who was to accompany him was one he had yet to meet, as many of them seemed to be lately. She was a dark lass with strange, cryptic facial markings. He tried to tell himself that it was just her coloring, but his heart still sped up whenever she turned to face him. Nonetheless, Denver gave a courteous nod to her as they set off, their path taking them wide around Inferni's borders and down through the woods that bordered it. It was sometime later that they arrived at the agreed upon spot.

Sirius' trust and growing relationship with the neighboring coyote clan had admittedly made Denver nervous at first. Coyotes were known for being tricky and back-stabbing, and the Confidant wanted nothing to do with that type. But it seemed that the Boss had found a use for their wiles, and now the two groups walked together, seeking out one common enemy. So long as their goals were aligned, Denver would not balk at the group.

An ivory hybrid stood on four strong legs, joined by a pale yellow coyote. The one that made him nervous, though, was not the hulking mutt, but the slender, red-eyed warrior on horseback whose arm bore a vulture, hulking and dangerous. Hey, he offered gruffly, nodding his head again in greeting. Denver exchanged glances with the others, trying not to feel inadequate. I don't need a horse or a bird to see things for me, he reasoned, shifting the length of rope across his shoulder defiantly. Pale blues stared around the landscape, and pink nose worked hard to try and get any lead on the violent wolves who were almost certainly sheltered here.

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Alessandra Von Sin,
Still my heart slowly beats. Sometimes life gets complicated, Still the world around me sleeps.

It had been a silent ride thus far, her companion not really making much in the way of conversation. Her pack had been strangely secret to her since she had joined, apparently the secrecy and privateness extended into the heart of the place instead of balking at the borders. The ebony woman wasn't one to actively seek out companionship usually, but even the apparent coldness of her pack had her on edge. As she rode forward beside the dog, her tail flicked in the saddle, almost annoyed. The recent attacks on her home, and Inferni apparently had everybody on edge, and rightly so. It was but a few days since she had led the defense on another wave that had penetrated the borders, and luckily they fought them off without too much injury to be had through the three that were involved.

Sometime later they arrived, all coming to the spot seemingly at the same time. Good, they hadn't been waiting long then. It was silent for a few moments as they all appraised eachother, her companion already sniffing around. Valhalla snorted at the other horse and the strange creature sitting on the dusky-furred coyote, not entirely sure what the hell that thing was. Shaking his head, he flicked his long wavy tail and waited for his masters command. It seemed none of them would speak, so she would. Clearing her throat, the ebony temptress began. " What can you tell us about the wolves on your end? " She asked, rather gruffly. Though she was mostly coyote herself she wasn't sure if she trusted these men.. Then again, Salsola was rather untrustful as a whole.

If their thistle king saw reason to trust these men, then she would do her best to comply. It was for the good of both of their packs thus far. If they wished information from them, Alessandra would grant it. It wouldn't be sensitive, but about the attacks in general. There was no reason to not share information, save for protecting whatever pride either packs had. " I'm Alessandra. " She followed with simply, a skeleton-esque hand running itself over the smooth fur of her war-horse. Her appearance might be strange, but for the sake of her companion she had left the skull attached to her belt today, resting gently against her shapely hip.

word count - 000. ooc - RAMBLE RAMBLE RAMBLE

template by revo, image by ems. <3

art by crypsis

Before long, the sound of a horse reached him. Max turned his head but was unsurprised by the rider, the dusky half-brother of the Aquila. They looked quite different, but then again, Max looked quite different from his true siblings. He lacked knowledge of genetics and knowledge of any true heritage beyond the brother and sister pair of de le Poers. Had he realized Ithiel was closer to the true lineage, he might have thought Ezekiel the peculiar looking one.

As they waited, the arrival of others became apparent. A two legged dog with a weapon and length of rope around his shoulder. He stared openly at the woman, mounted on a black horse and painted up like a skull. Max frowned at her tone, and his muzzle crinkled in an unfriendly manner. Was she daft? They were not here to speak, but to find the damn animals.

“Max,” he said flatly. At his side, the leaner coyote shook out his neck and stretched. “Col. I think we know just as much as we did before, right?” He snickered and flicked his tail, amused by his own antics.

“The other group,” Max began, and glanced to Ithiel for confirmation. “Is moving further north. We’ll head south.” Without waiting for approval or argument, he began doing such a thing. With both himself and the sandy coyote on four legs, they would need to act as the noses for the group. For now, though, the idea was just to move away from the borders.

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Ithiel is by me!

The dust-colored coyote had no desire to work alongside these wolves and half-breed traitors. An aunt, half-aunt, or cousin -- something to that effect -- ruled in their neighboring pack, but Ithiel had heard nothing good of Salsola, and neither did he think particularly highly of them. They were wolves, through and through. This much was clear to him. Still -- Ezekiel clearly saw an advantage in their alliance. Ithiel had been commanded to do his duty, and this was therefore all he could do.

Shifting his arm closer to him, he brought Zedekiah nearly to his chest. The bird was heavy and awkward to hold. Muttering wordlessly, Zedekiah blinked a black eye at Ithiel and then looked to the sky. There was no longing in him -- though the dusty Praetorian had been taught birds were smart, he did not think Zedekiah was particularly bright. Vultures could not be as smart as hawks or even ravens, after all.

When the first Salsolian arrived, Ithiel gave him a quick appraisal and a nod of his head, appreciative of the man's brevity. The dog stood out most clearly in this one's blood, and Ithiel therefore found him more likeable than he might have a wolfish companion. The second to arrive seemed more coyote than wolf, and for this he was glad -- at least the pack had chosen to send them acceptable escorts.

Ithiel. The fool is correct, he said, sparing not so much as a glance toward Col. We know nothing. Perhaps we will by the time the sun sets, the hybrid said, shrugging. His red eyes followed Max and Col's departure, and he took only a moment to extend his arm, putting his heels into his horse to help the vulture launch into the air. Lystra snorted her excitement and Zedekiah's wings flapped once, twice, and he was in the air, beating furiously until he reached the open skies. There, he spread his massive wingspan and simply seemed to float upwards, riding invisible updrafts until he was little more than a blurred speck.

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