[M] make your mother sigh
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.


Word Count → 399 :: ooc text

It was time, Ataxia figured. She had prepared for this day by moving her few meager valuables away from her mother's den, and now all that was left do was to tell her. The more she waited, the more she worried. The arrogant girl was actually afraid that she might chicken out and never tell her the news - this, of course, was unacceptable to her. Coward was not the word she would use to describe herself, and yet the girl could think of no other reason she would move out of her mother's home without a word.

The hybrid was sitting in her mother's den, in front of the firepit. A basket full of seashells lied beside her. A few of them had been placed on her father's grave, while some had placed inside Tlanti's old residence. The remaining were to be given to her mother, which she hoped would distract her long enough to prevent her from becoming angry.

The girl fiddled with a shell in her hand. Eris's slave was curiously absent and had been so for a while now, and it felt strangely empty without her. Ataxia had never bothered to ask her mother why she had disappeared, as she thought it might upset the grieving woman more. She shouldn't care, it was just a slave after all, but now that she was alone and waiting for her mother to return she was suddenly very aware of how quiet it was.

She wondered if she should ease the news with something less obvious than a gift. Idle chatter? Ask about the weather? No, her mother wasn't stupid; that would make it more obvious. Ataxia's mind tried to find some topic they could discuss, and drifted to their differing views of religion. It meant she was unable to tell her mother about her concerns regarding Momoztli. What was it that he required of them? Sacrifice? More purification?

Sacrifice. That she could talk about, as long as she phrased it in the manner of 'more power for Salsola' and did not mention her god's name. Along those same lines, she could bring up her interest in scarification. The latter had prompted her to consider become the pack's Segna; perhaps it was time to mention that to her mother as well. She thought she might approve, although it was hard to predict her reactions while she was still grieving.

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Eris is by Kiri!

Precious little pleased Eris in the world anymore, but alcohol was one of those things she'd discovered something of a liking for in the aftermath of Larkspur's death. It was sour on the tongue and burned the throat, but it gave way to blissful carefree ignorance, and eventually, even more blissful sleep. Eris could not pilfer so much from the storage that the supplies would be missed, but neither was she so prolific with this newfound habit she required an especially large accumulation of liquor. She'd only just finished the first bottle, and this second she carried off into her den would last her many weeks.

The den seemed eerily still and quiet as she made her way toward it, hurrying along. The dusky-furred hybrid was in no mood for the company of an up-start Associate or some other seeking her favor; her only desire was the blessed oblivion waiting for her in that vile liquid. Stepping into her home, the hybrid was immediately aware of Ataxia and peered at her with a forced smile. It was for her daughter's sake alone this smile was given; other intruders into the solitude of her den were met far less warmly. Only her children retained these rights, and only the youngest. Ataxia, she said, setting the bottle down in an alcove. Is all well? Something in her silvery daughter's demeanor seemed especially nervous, or so Eris thought.

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Word Count → 296 :: even though technically the thread where she got the shells is more than a week away from this one, you could say some of the mussels in the shells are still alive and can be eaten? Ata wouldn't know how to open them or realize that they could be used as food, she'd just pick them up because shiny. Most of them look like this: blue mussel shell

Ataxia's lips started to twitch into a nervous smile, but she stopped herself before it appeared. Her fear was more obvious that she wanted it to be. Of all people, her mother was the most likely to notice it, but it seemed like everyone could see through her attempts to hide herself. She wanted to be strong, emotionless and able to spin lies like a spider could spin web. She was not there, not yet.

"Just thinking about the future," she said, which was not entirely a lie. "I have some shells for you." She pushed the basket toward her mother. Inside was a collection of shells of different shapes and sizes - one or two were large spiraling things that wrapped around themselves, while the majority were oval and in various shades of blue. Some shells were opened, some were not. It hadn't occurred to the girl to try opening them; she just picked it up, cleaned it off and placed it in the basket in whichever way she found it.

There was a pause as the hybrid considered her next words. All sorts of possibilities swirled in her mind. "I was thinking another sacrifice might be appropriate..." she looked away briefly, "since so much has happened recently. It might help for the coming battles." Her tail twitched behind her. "I also thought I might become the Segna. I like the power scarification gives me, and sharing it with the Family seems... appropriate." In actuality, she wanted to cleanse Salsola of its wolf blood. She, of course, couldn't say that. "I think it's time I undergo the Cotona ritual."

All that information at once was probably too much, but Ataxia thought it would distract her when the next bit of news came. "Also, I'm moving out."

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Eris is by Kiri!

The dark-furred hybrid leaned over the basket, appraising the gleaming shells with a smile. They're lovely, my dearest, she purred, tail swinging a slow arc behind her. She moved to place the basket in her alcove, the same place where she'd stashed the alcohol, but paused to pick one up, testing its weight even as Ata began speaking. The dark woman glanced back toward her daughter, setting the oyster back down. She turned, perplexed with the sudden torrent of speech from the young woman's mouth. Both ears pricked upward and she appeared near dizzied with the influx of information.

Where are you going? the hybrid asked, more curt and demanding than she'd intended. Fear rose in her -- perhaps Ataxia intended to leave Salsola altogether, staying away just as Wretch did. She would lose another of her children, and so soon after Harrow and Basilaris. Would you leave your pack, your family? She was aghast at the possibility, both ears now nestled in the wild tangle of her hair. Something wild and fierce glittered in her eyes, some twisted mother's instinct to protect gone awry.

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Word Count → 224 :: ooc text

It seemed like it was all going smoothly, at first. She smiled at her mother's praise; it seems she wasn't wrong to think a gift would distract her. However, it appeared shoving so much information towards her at once did not have the effect she intended.

Ataxia panicked when her mother's voice took a demanding tone. Her eyes became wide and her ears flattened, pressing against her head - afraid that she'd already figured it out. The girl hadn't realized that her mother was acting on fear, and hadn't even made the connection between her and Tlanti. "No, no, no. I'm not leaving. It's only... I know you didn't like her, but I don't see why that means I can't take her residence." Unconsciously, she moved away from her mother. "I'm not going to follow her to Eterne, of all places... I can't even pass for a coyote." She paused just a little too long. "Not even if I wanted to."

She took a deep breath, and tried to calm herself and banish her racing thoughts. The young hybrid hunched over, placing her elbows on her knees and her head in hands. With difficultly, she was able to come up with a reasonable argument. "I wanted to go through the Cotona ritual. Why would I mark myself as one of Salsola and then leave, mother?"

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Eris is by Kiri!

Tlantli. Why hadn't she seen this? The dark woman recoiled with the realization, withdrawing to lean back against the stone wall, the back of one hand pressed to her forehead. Chartreuse eyes were squeezed shut; it felt as if her head was preparing to rend itself into two separate halves. The coal-furred hybrid breathed out in a huff, her hand falling back to her side. I should have known she would poison my family from afar. I should have guessed it would be a target less obvious than her brother or her mate, more prized -- my own child!

She breathed again, a larger and deeper inhale, and exhaled more slowly, peering at her daughter with more collected chartreuse eyes. Eterne would cast you out and laugh at you, laugh at you like they laughed at your dearest mother, she hissed. If you were lucky and they were merciful, that is. You might be enslaved or killed before they laughed. The dark woman stood and straightened, dusting herself off as if her momentary fear were a thing to be physically shed. She extended her arms to Ataxia, shaking her head. No, no. You won't leave mama, she purred, wriggling her fingers and demanding her hug.

When will you mark yourself and where, my darling? she inquired, eager to brush aside the subject of her once-sister and Eterne. Unspoken, unmentioned, the flaxen woman could not harm her beloved family.

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Word Count → 225 :: ERIS HARASSMENT

Ataxia paid no attention to her mother's warnings of Eterne. Traveling to the desert empire wasn't her goal at all - it was simply to cure Salsola of its wolfish taint and to attain Momoztli's approval so that they might have better luck. The knowledge that Eris had traveled there did pique her curiosity, but something told her not to ask right now.

The girl peered up when her mother announced that she'd never leave. The young hybrid felt a sudden surge of rebelliousness rise in her. Not that she really wanted to leave, she was just... bothered that Eris sounded so certain of her fate. She gave a slight pout at the sight of her mother beckoning to her for a hug. "Maybe I'll mate with a coyote, mother. What will you do then?"

Ataxia broke out into a grin, and then jumped forward to hug her mother before she could react to the question. It was meant as a joke, but she was still curious as to how she would react. Nonetheless, she went on speaking as if she had suggested nothing out of the ordinary. "As for the ritual... today, and on my hand... or my wrist. That way I can cover it up with gloves." The only problem with that plan was that she lacked gloves, but such things could easily be acquired.

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(--) Marked it M for the language. 8B

Eris is by me!

The dark woman snorted. I'll just be thankful you can't have children yet, she retorted sourly, her ears -- the most coyote feature she bore -- flicking to a half-mast position. She'd deliberately misinterpreted the question -- somehow, it was less offensive to think of her daughter fucking a coyote than it was to think of her daughter loving a coyote. Though her banter was harsh and the premise was one hitherto unconsidered, the dark furred Auxiliary did not think she would attempt exert such control over a daughter's choice of love. Surely, she'd be displeased and offer protest, but in all truth, the dark-furred woman would prefer to see her bloodline continue before she'd be so picky about who it continued with.

The dark woman held her child for a moment before releasing her, stepping back and listening intently at the youth's proposition. She nodded and a smile spread across her wolfish muzzle, the tip of her tail wavering. An excellent place, she said, lifting a wrist. Both of her wrists were covered with the Salsolian markings. Eris rarely ventured far out of the territory these days, and thus had nothing to cover them, but the same principle existed for her own scars, should she choose to hide them. So -- it will be my duty to mark you? she asked, pleased with the prospect. She was not their Segna, of course, but she had done the scar time and time again, and thought herself perfectly capable.

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Word Count → 239 :: This still counts for one part of the Segna challenge, even if Eris does it, right? Also, hope that last paragraph doesn't sound stupid. >.>

Her mother's retort to be thankful that she couldn't have children yet made her grin, as if she planned to do that as soon as possible to spite her mother. In truth, Ataxia was still too much of a child to even think about having her own. There were a great many things she wanted to do first, one of which was becoming a high-ranking member of Salsola so her children would aspire to be great in the way her parents had inspired her to be the same. For all that she may have disagreed with her mother, she still owed her a lot. The girl wouldn't have been half as arrogant if she'd been born to a member of mere Family status.

"Yes." She looked at the marks on her mother's wrists and nodded, glad that she approved. "I know you've done this for others too, and there's no one else better to learn from." For a moment, the young hybrid forgot that her mother might have missed the mention of wanting to be the Kingdom's Segna, and assumed that she would know what she was talking about.

Ataxia padded over to the firepit, and sat in front of the logs. She propped her right arm on the log, exposing her wrist. She didn't think she was wrong in assuming her mother had no plans to do the ritual in some place other than her home.

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(--) Yes, I'd think so! And no, but I'm going to pull some magic and say a slave brought the obsidian dagger here earlier, since it's kept in the storage room now! ;D

Eris is by Poppz!

The dark-furred hybrid nodded, glancing toward the alcoves filled with little trinkets. She ran a hand over them and went for the obsidian knife. It was brittle and difficult to sharpen, but she had commanded one of the slaves to see to it, and had needed to inspect it prior to passing it along and back to the storage area. So what if she wanted to keep it an extra night, just for old times' sake? The shadow-furred hybrid was clingy with her possessions, and this was one of the ones she treasured in particular.

Smiling a toothy smile, she turned back to Ataxia and settled down to the earth next to her. Though Eris was not an expert at much in the world, her hands were steady and sure in this ritual. It was one they had performed even as far back as Eterne itself. Do you know where this tradition comes from, my dear? she asked, voice silken and low as she traced the outline of where the marking would be. Much of the girl's fur in this chosen spot was shaved away, almost down to nothing, leaving only fuzz behind. It wouldn't do to have the fur interfere with the wound and make it infected.

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Word Count → 184 :: Out of Character text

It hadn't occurred to her that her mother would need to get the dagger from storage first and she felt somewhat stupid when the thought crossed her mind. Fortunately, it seems her mother was keeping it close now, so she needn't have worried. Still, Ataxia hoped she was not so forgetful when it was her turn to perform the Cotona ritual on someone else. Otherwise, she would look like a fool. Her ears gave a nervous twitch at this thought.

The young hybrid pushed those thoughts from her mind, and turned her attention to the smiling Eris. It was rare to see her express happiness after her father's death. "Uh..." She hesitated on her question. She wasn't sure if her mother meant where the concept of scarification had come from, or the origin of the Hand itself. "Eterne?" She guessed, if it was the first. She had not heard where the Hand had come from, but she suspected her mother had to have either designed it herself or named it. That it was called the Hand of Eris made her think as much.

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omg eris y u suk

Why, yes, she purred, sliding the knife against the silver-hued woman's bared skin now. Eterne is where the tradition came from. My spiral was the first amongst Salsola's canines, she said, although this last was only somewhat true. Her spiral had come with her all the way from the south, and therefore predated the pack by some years.

She did not warn her daughter as the knife slid into flesh, a quick and fast slash which exposed a bloody red curve of the Salsolian mark, the first. Pressing her hands so the wound wound not weep excessively, the hybrid held her hand there a few moments as she continued to prattle about the mark and its history. In Eterne, they believed you could purify yourself with these sorts of marks. The spiral was to cleanse me of wolf blood, she said, plainly, and smiled again, a venomous sort of smile which exposed the yellowed tips of her teeth alone.

It did not work, plainly. With such wolfish children, how could it have? Were there any power whatsoever in the ritual, her children would have been floppy-eared coyotes, despite Larkspur's obvious wolf purity.

Eris is by Alaine!

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Word Count → 340 :: well now, this is interesting :o

She gasped when the first mark had been made, though it was from surprise and not pain. Scarification was something she was used to, and she gained some tolerance to the pain she inflicted on herself. Her ears gave a twitch when her mother started to speak and reveal a fact she'd already known - one she'd heard from Tlanti. The smile her mother gave revealed that this wasn't idle chatter - she was trying to prove a point, perhaps lecture her on what she'd done that was wrong. Ataxia was beginning to regret being so honest about her interest in coyotes.

She did not reply to the refutation of her beliefs, at least not at first. Ataxia knew she would have to speak carefully, as her mother could be cruel while she made her point - she was essentially held captive here, until the mark was finished. The young hybrid didn't think her mother would hurt her to the point of injury, but she could take the chance to be less gentle with the cuts than was normal. Although she was used to pain, she wasn't entirely sure how much she could take or what her limit was.

When she finally spoke, her voice was even. She phrased her sentence in a way that she thought would not reveal her beliefs. "If you do not believe your marking has any power, why do you keep it? Why bother any of the practices from Eterne?" It would take more than her mother's word to convince Ataxia that she would not one day be able to make herself coyote. Even if she figured out that she would never became a coyote despite her efforts, she would not abandon her faith. She had seen Momoztli in her visions, from the mushrooms her mother had introduced her to, and in her dreams thereafter. Knowing that she could never be a coyote might spur her to reach higher for his approval. She was not one to give up easy when faced with a challenge.

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Eris is by Kiri!

Eris learned forward after a moment and lifted her hand, inspecting the new wound. When she found its bleeding sufficient, the dark-furred hybrid prepared to make another cut, positioning the knife so it might make the straight line down the center of the mark. Before she could, however, her daughter spoke and the hybrid looked up, peering toward her with curious yellow-green eyes. They glinted with apparent merriment at the question, as if she was glad Ataxia had followed this train of thought -- and truly, she was.

I keep it because it is mine, she said, and this was the simple truth of it: she had scarred her flesh in such a way that the spiral marking would never go away, at least not without intense pain and suffering. She might be able to brand or burn it off, but this would leave her with a scar-bared shoulder, fleshless and burned red. She would not sacrifice her shoulder's fur and give such pain over for lack of belief -- her comfort was far more important than things as transient and mutable as beliefs.

Just because part of something is false does not make the whole of it false, she asserted, leaving Ataxia to pore over this as she returned her attention to the cut, repositionining her knife. The bright red trail it left behind intersected with the first, which began weeping blood anew.

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Word Count → 274 ::

And yet it marks you as of Momoztli, she thought, but would not dare say such a thing out loud. Ataxia envied her mother's scar and wanted it for herself - and yet, she couldn't for it'd be obvious why she wanted such a thing. Perhaps if her mother were dead... No. Not even she was selfish enough to wish her mother dead, over something so little. She would wait until the day she was high enough in the rankings that her mother's displeasure wouldn't matter.

The young hybrid turned her gaze from her mother, to the bleeding wound. There was pain - a stinging sensation, but not enough to qualify with a reaction. She had an urge to lick the blood away, but that might actually help the healing process; if the scar healed, she'd have to do it again. Perhaps deeper next time. The thought of making a deeper scar might please for it would purify her blood, but then it would undo all the work her mother had done. Even though they disagreed, she still valued what connections she had to her mother and the rest of her family.

Her mind turned to her mother's words. Perhaps she could accept somethings about her faith were untrue. Maybe. However, her faith in Momoztli, the coyote god himself, was not one she was willing to reject without a fight. "How do you decide what is true and what is false?" And what makes you the arbiter of truth? she silently asked, but did not say out loud. Her expression was guarded as she did her best not to give her way her thoughts.

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Eris is by Kiri, a gift from Sylvey!

Oh, it's very easy. The hybrid bent forward to inspect the newest mark and pressed her hand against it, regarding her daughter with a smile. Eris thought she knew all the secrets of the world -- and why should she not? Her image depended on others understanding this very thing, that she had the connection to the otherworld, and did understand things that others did not. You make your own truth, my dearest. Did all need agree on truth in order to validate it? Eris thought not: in her estimation, truth was as malleable and changing as morality, different from one canine to the next.

I learned all I could learn in Eterne. Did they know all? No, of course not. But they had some truths. I took these truths that I understood to be true, as I took truths from other places and things, too. Eris lifted her hand from the cut and inspected, and then bent to make the next one, positioning the knife. Her hands were steady and she did not flinch with this cutting ritual, even at her own daughter's flesh. The knife made its sliding motion. Your truth may be different from mine, but are either less true? She shrugged.

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