M- the path of a lightning bolt
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.


11.06.2012 . 9pm . jordheim . optime form

Saul Lupus is by Alaine!

It had been five days since the incident that had thrown everything into such perspective for the young leader. Their trip had started as a nice and pleasant exploration of Amherst, although Lilin had been impatient and she'd gone ahead. Saul didn't know how long he had kept her waiting, but the scene he arrived to was one of tension and anger. The flash of a sword had plunged his body into freezing temperatures, the thwack to Lilin's head was sure to have killed her. He'd found her alive but unconscious and it had taken everything in him to reign in the anger and take her back to Jordheim. He'd managed to rouse her and after giving her something to bring out the swelling and reduce the pain, his admission of love was returned. He recognised now that the timing hadn't been good, but desperate times often brought those deepest secrets forward when they could have been easily said elsewhere. For the most part, the young Stormbringer was relieved that she now knew the extent of his feelings for her and knowing that she reciprocated was a joyous thing to hear.

Of course, Bran had caved and revealed that he'd accompanied Lilin to the borders just the day after the attack. The grey man had remained quiet as his cousin informed him of the new joining members Harrow and Hael. That, of course, was good news. The bad news came from Bran's admission that it had been Lilin who had accepted the pair into their home. He'd given his cousin a reserved sigh and thanked him for keeping him up to date, before he'd turned back towards his house. It would do him no favours, going over to her house and telling her, once again, that it was dangerous for her while she had a head injury. It would fall on deaf ears, he just knew it.

That didn't stop him from seeing her altogether and he really felt as though they should sort their relationship out. They had admitted their love for one another, but this did not make them mates, did not tie them together. He'd left it a couple of days, engrossed in building and integrating the new members of Vinátta. He'd woken this morning and told himself he would see her today. Night rolled around and he informed Temeraire that he was going out. His son didn't question where he was going and Saul was glad he didn't have to lie to the boy. He had no idea what his son thought about his relationship with Lilin- he knew Niernan approved but that might not apply to the rest of them.

While darkness had settled around them, a cozy blanket of black, he saw clearly where he was going. The space outside his own house was perhaps the largest and for now would serve as a meeting place if they needed it. He was thankful that Lilin had chosen to settle just a few houses over and after manouvering his way through the swathe of trees that blocked his view of her house, he spotted her abode. While he'd never been denied access to any home she had had, it still felt rude and he knocked quietly on her door, hoping she was home and feeling better.

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(407) wotd fantast. and I lied, this sucks ;; -fails-

Her injury was progressively getting better over time. It protruded a lot less, the concealed lump shrinking noticeably with every passing day. Lilin could tell just by running her fingers over the area - it had matured into a solid mass, unlike the soft cushiony surface Saul had initially been so concerned about. The headaches and bouts of dizziness would still come, just as frequently if not more, but they would last no longer than five to ten minutes. She could definitely live with that – they weren’t debilitating to the point where she could not function and perform her daily tasks. A break here and there did not hinder her responsibilities, border duty included. Of course, she knew her pack mates and family likely would not agree with her – Saul being the first. With Bran’s partnership during her last undertaking, she knew her beau would undoubtedly be informed sooner or later. Her co-leader hadn’t sought her out as of yet, which was a surprising thing in itself.

Lilin was still mulling over it all when a knock on her door redirected her attention to her impromptu guest's probable identity. Assumptions were usually best avoided but in this case, there were no doubts in her mind that her visitor was in fact the man she’d been thinking about. For a fantast such as herself, it was not unexpected. Pack members did not impose themselves this late, with the exception of the Godja who was comfortable enough to just waltz on in without announcing herself.

The Soulstorm heir had been sorting through her collection of fabrics, developing a preference for the softness of the silk linens she’d found in a residential area of Amherst a day or two before the assault. She’d placed her velvety smooth treasures on her straw mattress, atop the pelts she already owned. Like most decorative items, her materials never failed to catch her interest. Not many people could easily pry her from her self-obtained fabrics; Saul’s beckoning, however, was plenty enough to make her drop everything. She was at the door within seconds, opening it just a crack to peer outside and plunge into the verdant hues of his irises. “Yes...?” she responded haughtily, biting down on her lower lip to keep herself from smiling. Lilin had never been a fan of rules and regulations; her beau’s knocking was unnecessary; as unnecessary as her snooty performance.

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shush you! <33

Saul Lupus is by Alaine!

Standing outside her door, the young male couldn't help glancing around surreptitiously around himself. He and Lilin had announced nothing yet and there was a certain amount of taboo about their relationship that it presented itself as the forbidden fruit. It was for this reason that a smirk refused to shift from his lips, his tail swinging back and forth as the thought of being caught washed over him. He felt, for all intents and purposes, like a naughty pup doing something he knew he shouldn't do- sneaky away from the pack lands, seeing a friend who had been deemed a bad influence. Of course, the situation was slightly reversed- he had no-one to answer to except the female behind this door. A deep chuckle escaped his nose and before he could cover it, the door swung open. Her haughty 'Yes' was a surprise, before the press of her teeth into her bottom lip revealed her attempt at holding in her amusement.

Good evening, beautiful. He purred softly, tail picking up tempo as he stepped forward and attempted to kiss her. It seemed not seeing her properly for the last couple of days had made this meeting sweeter, because he could feel a playfulness wash over him as he stepped inside the house. She didn't need to invite him in and he didn't look for permission- she'd opened the door to him and that had been invitation enough. Green eyes adjusted to the dark room, nose twitching at the influx of her intoxicating scent. He turned around once more, a half smirk playing on his lips.

How are you? He asked, his voice filled with hidden meaning- she would know that he didn't just mean her general health, he wanted to know how her head was and everything else that had happened to her. Standing across the room from her felt wrong, so he crossed the room, attempting to wrap his arms around her waist, the playful mood unable to dissipate. He grinned once more, dipping his head down to attempt a nibble along her shoulder and up her neck before licking softly beneath her ear.

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(658) maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajor pp, my bad! ;>

''Evening, handsome.'' Her response greeted his instantly, mimicking the same level of enthusiasm granted to her by flicking her brushy tail in a matching cadence. Her performance was clearly short-lived; her conceited exterior melting with the lasciviousness fueling his flattering words and his ensuing kiss. They hadn't seen each other in some time now, safe for a few moments that required their objective attention as leaders and not forbidden lovers. It was incredibly hard to keep herself from reaching out to him whenever they crossed paths, out there where they could be seen. Darkness was a newfound comfort to the dichotomous female; secrets came out of hiding, and sins were camouflaged under a heavy blanket of shadows.

Only the dim light of a scarlet lampion burning in the bedroom served as a light source; a discreet way of illuminating her dwelling with different hues. A few candles of the sort had been salvaged from an old catholic church in Amherst. She liked the variety they offered, often matching the silks and linens on display. Lilin had also found several incense sticks - she didn't particularly know what they were for nor how to use them, but the fragrance emanating from them without the use of fire was both subtle and lovely enough. The Soulstorm heir had willingly moved aside when her companion had wordlessly expressed his desire to enter, closing the wooden door shut behind her.

She couldn't help the anxiety that surfaced at that moment; rarely did they meet under her roof, secluded from the world, far from prying eyes or little Teme's presence. Their only immediate threat was the Godja's inattention, fixed easily enough with the antique lock adorning the door. She did not move to him immediately, allowing her back to press against the pinewood while inwardly debating whether to use the locking mechanism or not. Her beau, however, took on the role of the decisive one by sparking a conversation and closing in on the distance between them. ''I'm feeling better,'' she replied truthfully, pairing her affirmation with a persuasive smile.

Details would have been provided too, if only he hadn't dissuaded her from doing so with a simple touch. His arms found their rightful place around her waist, awakening a yearning all too familiar within her - she wanted to return his attentiveness by asking how he'd been too but with each nibble deposited on her body, the Virding found herself becoming very, very selfish. "I can't-" she paused, the rest of her sentence catching in her throat as his tongue collided with her ear. Lilin found herself clinging to him for stability, returning the gesture by aiming a lick at his chin. "I can't stop thinking about you." Her declaration was hushed, scarcely above a whisper - it took every bit of willpower to pry herself from his embrace, knowing they would never move away from that front door if she gave in to his caresses immediately.

"Come." It was an invitation, yes, but with an authoritarian glint in her mediterranean eyes. Her hands found his and she gave them a small tug, guiding him to the illuminated room where she would be able to clearly see his face. She had no ulterior motives; Lilin yearned to see a variety of emotions wash over him, fueled by her very own actions. It was an empowering feeling, one she enjoyed far too much. How far would he allow her to string him along before his own dominant side took over? This was a game of sorts - how far was too far? It wasn't long before Lilin had her back against the mattress, amidst the silks she'd been sorting through moments earlier. "I remember that night-" she murmured, blue irises fixated on his still standing silhouette. Her right hand began snaking down the flowy material of her cerulean pareo as she spoke, tracing and accenting her every curve. "when you asked me to dance for you, the hunger in your eyes. Do you remember, Saul?"

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slackerslackerslackerslacker then BAM, hit with a brick to the penis >>

Saul Lupus is by Alaine!

Her response was met with a crooked grin and the automatic rub of the heel of his hand over her hipbone. He couldn't help it, bringing her closer and dipping his head down to capture her lips in his own. It was as natural as breathing, moving their lips together, sliding tongues over one another and away once more, to travel back and take another shot at the delicious nectar in each others mouths. It was a primal desire that drove Saul to hold her tighter, kiss her just that little bit harder before she pulled away. He was sincerely grateful she'd pushed the door closed behind her- his son would have been traumatised if he'd caught sight of the wood between Saul's legs at that moment.

She remained at the door for the moment, a fact of which Saul would be eternally grateful. He had no desire to terrify his belle either and if he didn't get things under control, he would scare her. Taking a deep breath, he'd turned and crossed the room quickly, wrapping her up in his arms and dropping his head to her shoulder, the soft licks and nibbles just starting when she replied that she was feeling better. He replied with only a crooked smile, sent in her direction with the slightest raise of his eyebrows. He was glad she was feeling better, but the feel of her body pressed against his was divine. Her silence at that moment was enough to tell him that he was along the right lines and he smirked softly before applying just a tad more pressure to a nibble on her neck. Her next words almost made him pause, but the lustful sigh they were delivered with, accompanied by his actions, convinced him that her words were not negative.

He was not disappointed as her sentence finally escaped and his heart slammed into his chest, blood pumping to more vital parts of his body and making their current embrace a little tighter. He once again did not reply- he did, however, allow a low and rumbling growl to escape him, sultry and demanding. He couldn't help the tightening of his hands on her waist, the almost insistent stroke to her hips that was stopped when she stepped away, catching his hand in hers and giving a small tug. Her commanding word was accepted and he responded without thought. His paws moved, following after her as he tried desperately to remain a safe distance from her. This was overwhelming for him, but he knew he wouldn't be able to stop. Green eyes darkened significantly as he watched her climb onto her bed, rolling over so that she was on her back once more.

Lili He groaned softly, just before her sweet murmur caused him to grow still. Was she deliberately trying to seduce him? The way her hands ran down her body was certainly a distraction. Despite the shock and lust freezing him, he allowed a slow nod to dip his head. I remember He almost purred, his knees hitting the bed as he allowed creamy paws to fall and support his weight on either side of her thighs. He hovered over her, a grin etching his lips before he leant down, salmon tongue flashing out to wash against her thigh, swiping upwards slightly so that his kiss just touched her inner thigh for a second.

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(396) asfhajksfhakf. -fails some more-

Nothing could erase the memory of that night. She remembered everything - the crackling fire, the alcohol, his piercing stare through the flames; all of which had caused her body temperature to rise even higher. She'd even come to terms with her aversion for vodka after tasting it on his tongue during their first, forbidden kiss. There was no way she'd ever forget any of it and she sincerely doubted he would either. It felt like they had been thrown back in time, several moons ago when they had still been in denial; struggling to stay away from one another. The intensity in his eyes foretold greatness- Lilin knew that he would cave in shortly; not only did his gaze betray him, but the manner with which he'd uttered her name was a testament to the tangible tension separating them.

It took him a lengthy moment to respond- long enough for her fingers to hook the hem of her pareo, sliding it up her own thighs. They had seen each other without clothes on before; their evening swim at the lake was one instance when they'd left their garments on the sandy beach. She hadn't felt the slightest hint of timidity then, but the circumstances had also been different. This time, her beau's restlessness and passion were indisputable and quite evident. Lilin's azure irises could not divert from the faint outline in his cut off shorts; proof enough that he hadn't stopped by for a casual chit-chat. She was about to deem herself lucky, silently thanking the Gods that her arousal was nowhere near as apparent as his - that is, until he allowed his body to encase her lower half.

The Soulstorm heir caught her breath, noticeably taken aback by his initiative. Her hand froze mid-movement, releasing her makeshift dress right above the sensitive region resting mere inches from her co-leader's face. Their roles had been reversed in one swift movement; Lilin could only watch on propped elbows, catching the mischievous grin adorning his face seconds before his tongue came into contact with her inner thigh. It was only then that she released a frenzied exhale, her body animating with a head-to-toe shudder. Her head fell back against the silks with a longing whimper and her fingers found and twined in his hair. ''Gods help us,'' she pleaded quietly, both afraid and enticed by what would come.

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Saul Lupus is by Alaine!

Green eyes darkened perceptibly, the pupils widening and the emerald colour literally darkening until they were a dark forest green. Conscious and rational thought fled from his mind and a primal, feral gleam washed over his gaze. His eyes flickered, constantly back and forth as he caught the motion of her hands. The soft, silky stroke of her thigh as she slid up her pareo resulted in a very low, rumbling growl from deep in his chest. He hadn't come here with this intention, but now he found his arousal too much to bear and he couldn't hold back any longer. He'd fallen forward, his torso pinning her legs underneath him. Hands hands up against the outside of her thighs, gripping tight enough to keep her still.

That first, tentative lick to the inside of her left thigh caused another rumbling growl to escape him- he was completely unable to form words, his body had taken over. Cinnamon backed ears did catch the hitch in her breath however, followed almost immediately by an exhalation that tickled his hair. The mischevious grin had turned into something more feral, an all consuming crooked smile that didn't lessen as her hands came up to dig into his hair, twining around. The tweak to his head was painful, the shock came in that the tingle of pain washed over his body and settled in his groin. He enjoyed the tug at his hair and he rumbled once more. Her words were, for the most part, ignored as his sights set on his goal.

With a deep chuckle, he glanced up through his lashes at Lilin, mouth moving to nip gently at the soft flesh of her inner thigh. It took him less than a minute to move upwards, nipping and licking in a tantalising move. He could smell her arousal and it drove him mad. With a final nip to her inner thigh, he allowed his tongue to flash out, his head levelling at the apex of her thighs, aimed directly at the most sensitive bundle of nerves. The taste of her arousal was a sweet ambrosia and with a final rumble, Saul pressed his face further into her, tongue lapping slow and languid.

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(320) loveme?

Lust and love were united inexorably - it was all so overwhelming, exhilarating and too much to withstand all at once. Lilin was well aware of the change in ambiance, in their perspective of each other. There was no shame, no fear, no feelings of inadequacy. Here, lying on the bed and pinned under his powerful yet loving embrace, caution was thrown to the wind. The lecherous manner with which Saul applied his weight to her body only served to trigger a provoking resistance from the Soulstorm heir. The tighter his grip got on her thighs, the harder her fingers held on to his mane. She too could hold her own, rewarding him with some gratification even from a disadvantageous position. She was beginning to understand what turned him on; the wordless rumbling in the back of his throat a sure indication of his appreciation.

Her beau's relentless nipping coaxed consecutive low-key growls and a twitch of her tail, thumping softly against the straw mattress. Never would she have expected they would make it this far; it was endearing and wherever they were headed, she didn't want him to stop. They were almost at the point of no return. Neither she or him could think objectively. Lilin currently breathed solely to please the object of her affection, to nurture their relationship further and to hear the guttural sounds emitted with his growing arousal. Aside from skipped breaths and hushed whimpers, she had remained relatively discreet up until the moment where he'd willingly pressed his face into her, his tongue winding up and around that tiny bud. It was then that her first true audible moan echoed throughout the house. With each flick of his tongue came more of them, gradually diminishing in power until she strenuously got them under control. She didn't care who heard or the fact that the overhead window was open. The Virding was at her co-leader's mercy.

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Saul Lupus is by Alaine!

He could feel the iron grip with which she held on to his hair and he couldn't drag up the courage to admit that he liked the pain of having his hair tugged. Perhaps she would work it out. The crushing embrace they held each other with was never too tight for him and there was no verbal or nonverbal complaint from his belle to tell him that his grip on her hips was too much. The thump of her tail on the bed was a good indicator, although its movement was mostly brushed aside as his face pressed against the apex of her thighs and he allowed himself to taste the sweet nectar there.

His long, languid movements appeared to be hitting the right spots because after a few moments, a loud and vocal moan came from his belle. He couldn't help the lip-curling grin that slipped across his face, even as he tried to keep concentration and rhythm. He could tell she was trying to contain her vocalisations- her moans were suppressed until they were just breathy whispers. That wasn't going to sit well with him. Green eyes looked up, feral and mischievous. Whilst trying to hold her gaze, he allowed his right arm to loosen around her thigh, bringing his hand around her thigh slowly.

With slow movements, Saul allowed his finger to slide up her thigh, his tongue halting for a moment so that his tongue could follow the same path. It wasn't quite enough though and on another circle around that sensitive bud, he slid his finger lower and in. Automatically he flexed his finger, curling it slightly as he leant back down, a soothing lick aimed in a smooth motion up the apex of her thighs. Disjointedly, he thought to himself that he could spend his life exploring Lilin like this, if only she'd let him.

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(431) --

Undiluted pleasure ripped through her body - she trembled with his actions, lustful shudders running over her entire physique. Subconsciously, she writhed under his attention, occasionally shying away when his touch became too insistent and then moving closer to meet his hot breath once more, instigating a retaliation from his probing tongue. She murmured his name between spasmodic breaths, allowing both of her legs to tighten around him when more pressure was applied. Lilin couldn't possibly absorb all of the sensations, the feelings coursing through her body too wonderful for anything but senseless rapture. Her beau had taken her to paradise, a place foreign to her until this very moment.

It was a bittersweet moment- she was lost in a moment of pure ecstasy and not knowing what would come next drove her wild with anticipation. One of her beau's fingers glided between her folds, dipping inside before she could even react. It was an awkward feeling at first, a new experience the Soulstorm heir would have deemed uncomfortable had she not been ready prior to the intrusion. But her uncertainty was forgotten when his tongue brought about the additional comfort she needed to relax. She had to remind herself to breathe from there on out, unable to think or act coherently. Her tight grip on his hair loosened momentarily, and she brought one of her own hands to the moist area being pleasured. The Virding had an immediate need to feel the moisture created by her own body, to touch her excitement while Saul worked his way around her womanhood. Her fingers brushed his for a moment and a flick of his tongue indirectly washed over them.

Her sparse moans became continuous and more insistent. This all felt too good to be true. She did not hinder him longer than necessary, bringing her hands back to their original place where she could pull and tug at will. Never in a hundred years could she have foreseen what came next- her dichotomous receivers perking with a call she'd thought had been a figment of her imagination. But then it rang again, louder and more insistent. ''Dad?'' Temeraire's beckoning caused her entire body to freeze, chilled to the bone by the Aeska's presence in the vicinity. ''Saul!'' she exclaimed after half a minute of silence, pulling away from her lover until she was out of his reach. With her back pressed against the wooden headboard, her mediterranean blue orbs sought his in a moment of panic. ''Go,'' she murmured in between heavy breaths, her mind reeling from the sudden interruption.

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-snort- and you all thought they'd finally get there! oh no! ending here <33

Saul Lupus is by Alaine!

He could, perhaps, admit that this was absolute bliss. The months they'd spent, at first cousins and good friends, developing attraction and trying to deal with the guilt and often revulsion because they were related. The acceptance of what this was, that searing, beautiful kiss and the weeks of being ignored. They'd fought hard to keep this quiet but it seemed common knowledge. Lilin's attack and the admission of love that Saul hadn't known had existed until it bubbled from the surface and out of his lips. It had been bad timing, that was a certainty, but there was perhaps something desperate about the way in which he'd said it, as if his admission would help her heal. He didn't think it would ever get this far- he never would have imagined in a million years that he would be lying here, lapping at his belle's most sensitive parts.

He perhaps would have been able to believe it, had her own hands not snaked down to her womanhood. Shock registered briefly, before the overwhelming arousal of her touching herself as he licked at her razed through him. Another wordless rumble sounded deep in his chest as he curled his finger inside her once more, picking up a rhythm there alongside the teasing strokes of his tongue. His tongue washed over her finger and he gave a grin, nibbling her finger softly before she removed her hands altogether, returning them to his hair- he couldn't quite decide where he preferred her hands. The growing moans from his belle were encouraging and he had soon mastered the art of synchronising the rhythm of his finger and his tongue.

He didn't hear it, buried so deep in his belle's legs and not really having a care in the world. What did register to him was the frigidity of Lilin's body, the utter silence despite his ministrations continuing. Something was wrong and Saul looked up, green eyes still darkened with lust. Seeing the near horror on her face, he glanced around and heard his son shout for him again. His own body was plunged into icy waters and he withdrew swiftly on hearing his name hissed from his belle. Her next word was harsh, but he understood the need for it. Perhaps feeling daring, the Virding pitched forward, sliding a kiss onto her lips before retreating. I love you He whispered, before silently exiting Lilin's house and trying to convince himself that his sons life was precious and that he loved the boy too.

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