[m] [p] there's a price you pay
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

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Setting Location Form
Location: D'Neville Mansion, Inferni

Date: 19 June

Weather: Thunderstorm incoming!

Time: Afternoon


Myrika is by me!

Myrika stood on the D'Neville porch, leaning haphazardly against one of the tall supporting columns. The once-pale paint was chipped and cracked, streaked almost black with dirt and grime in some places, and yet it was still a solid enough building. Certainly, parts of it were in worse disrepair than others, and there was a distinctive scent of old within the mansion, but that was nothing an open window couldn't quickly fix. The schoolhouse was her home, but she spent enough time here, poring over the books within the library or otherwise sifting through their storages to keep them neat and well-ordered.

Kaena had always been plain with the idea that Myrika ought to continue the family's lineage, but it was only in recent months the old woman had become almost demanding on such an account -- Myrika rebuffed her each time, providing all sorts of reasons as to why not. They still needed to care for Halo and her children; Eira was close to foaling; she didn't want just anyone's children; she didn't have a mate. She'd even tried to tell the old woman she didn't even like men, but she'd stopped at the last moment, providing some other excuse. Just now, the mansion was providing respite from her grandmother's badgering, too.

The tawny coyote's eyes and attention were on the skies, watching the afternoon's thunderstorm rolling in from the west. It was a devilishly dark sort of gale, though Myrika knew from the looks of it, whatever rains came would be short-lived. This kind of storm burned itself out quickly; the world would have only the briefest respite from the afternoon's humidity and heat. Lightning lit up the horizon, a brilliant streak across the green-gray skies, and a few moments later the rolling growl of thunder followed, low and long in the western sky.

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Jacinto Lykoi


Word Count → 380

Pumpkin eyes turned to the sleeping individuals sprawled on the bed, Omni and Sina so perfectly--Perfect. No other words could so easily describe the beauty of bonding son and mother. Since André's appearance on the borders, it had the Lykoi descendant on edge for a long time. The threats hadn't been lived up though, as the dark hybrid hadn't come back. Which in its own way was relieving, a dead lover and son were not something he intended to have to bury, or mourn over for that matter.

Large ears swiveled as he heard the boy snort in his sleep before returning to a happier, more content slumber. Just adorable. But soon, the boy would have to prove himself. Have to start a path, and when old enough he could pursue a good rank. That would make daddy proud, that was for sure. Grinning from ear to ear, Cinto reached into his pants pocket for his paper and weed, he'd need it for a little later. Possibly. As his long fingers felt the dry little leaves, his day couldn't get any better. At least Omni hadn't smoked the last of them. The little lighter he had found was flicked idly with his thumb, then placed back into the deep pocket on his jeans. The russet-hued man decided to leave quietly, slipping out quietly and careful as to not disturb his sleeping family.

Jacinto didn't approve of his own smoking in the room, it was his choice to harm himself with it. But if the price was to harm his boy, and possibly get him high....It wasn't a great idea--And leaving on such a pleasant night wouldn't be such a pain in the ass, in fact it would be almost dreamy. He took a second to roll a quick joint, throwing it gently into his pocket.

He stepped out onto the Mansion's porch, the rolled cigarette pulled from his pants pocket with the lighter. He shielded the wind from the roll, flicked the lighter. But before it could light, he noticed a long russet frame settling near. He knew this woman, the one that had helped welcome him home to Inferni to his family. Cinto had seen her around on occasion, but no actual interaction seemed to take place. "Oh! Sorry!" With the joint still hanging out the corner of his mouth, the tan and chocolate man sputtered for words. "Just came out to--Y'know. Have a ciggy." Not all appreciated the happy-incense, and his worries stated that maybe Myri wouldn't either. "Little bit of a habit." Pausing, his words more calculated and thought out, "How've you been?"

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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(366) Wheeeee sorry for the delay. >_> I have been a busy Sie!

The tawny-furred woman was content to watch the storm roll in. The porch leaked in places, but there was plenty of dry cover. Even if she did get a little damp, Myri did not mind. Rain felt good, and this storm was shaping up to be an intensity. The air was still, but just moments later, the winds blew strong again, carrying the dark and rain-laden clouds ever-closer. Noises from inside the mansion caught her attention, and the woman twisted her head to watch Jacinto Lykoi emerging from the innards of the big house, cupping a hand over a flame to light a smoking stick. The sharp tinge of the smoke told Myrika what it was well enough, and she inhaled curiously. Ezekiel smoked this -- she had never been brave enough to ask him for any, however.

She grinned at his surprise and shook her head, still smiling. No, it's okay, the hybrid said, sidling over towards him. I was just watching the storm, she said, eyes on him. I've been pretty good, actually, since the end of those wolves, she said, shrugging a big shoulder. It wasn't an enjoyable thing, killing and fighting, but with the threat gone, we can all relax, at least. She didn't know Jacinto well; it occurred to her she hadn't really even spoken to him since he'd even joined with the clan. Guilt flickered through her, and her ears turned downward, half-mast with this realization.

I guess it's not really either of our faults if we haven't talked since you came to Inferni. Stuff's been busy lately, right? she said, nudging him with an elbow and smiling. How have you been? she asked. A crackle of thunder caught her attention and she looked toward the skies. The trees were swaying with the wind, the occasional leaf and other debris hurtling through the air. Though it was an impressive sight, the winds weren't strong enough to carry anything heavier than a small twig. Perhaps branches would fall, but at least the D'Neville was safe. Most of the biggest trees were far enough away from the house.

Myrika is by Nat!

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::crap post right here  

A storm seemed to be threatening the lands, the grey of the sky was enough to give the man a headache in a way, but at least it was pleasant enough to stay outside until the downpour. Orange eyes settled back onto the porch, flicking the ash from his cigarette off the side with a tap of his finger. It seemed it was not a problem for his friend, which was received with a grateful smile and a small swish of his tail. "Thanks Myri." Sometimes he simply had to get out, get some air and some time to think, the storm was coming in soon, a refreshing new start for them all. He shook his head as a small droplet of water fell upon his nose, still curiously listening to the  rusty-furred woman's words. The conflict with the wolves had sure been a downer, but hopefully now--There would be no fighting for a long while. Jac had never actually understood the meaning of fighting...Didn't see the point. But sometimes people just did what they needed to survive. Maybe that was just a key point in their instinctual structure. He feared for his son growing older and falling in battle. Often times Sinatrai would reflect on how much he wanted to be like his uncle Helotes. To be another Hydra. It was worrying, to be honest. But children would always be like that. The hybrid admired how the young ones idolized the strong. Although, with his antics--Cinto doubted any child would look up to him. The musician nodded quietly, agreeing with the higher-ranked coyote. "I just hope it's all over. Everyone was so strong here...All I have is my guitar I guess."

It was good, to be able to speak with the Tears woman again. They had gotten along famously when he had joined up in search of Helotes. Their conversations felt real, the branded man was happy to call her a friend. Inhaling the smoke again, he laughed softly as her elbow connected teasingly and gently with his ribs. "Yeah, I think everyone's been a bit distracted with stuff for a while. Sinatrai's getting big and Omni has--changed. I guess. Kinda different now, but maybe that's with all couples after a while."  The coyote shrugged it off in good nature. At least it wasn't really getting him down. His ears pressed back as the sky cracked loudly, thunder rolling in. Storms didn't frighten him, and the light that accompanied the sky's roaring was fascinating in many ways. It had been a while since his last storm, too long indeed. "Sounds like we're in for a big one."


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Myrika is by Aly!

The redhead smiled as he mentioned his guitar; she enjoyed music, although she suspected she lacked any sort of talent for it. Her howling voice was a crackling mix of coyote and wolf, sometimes distinctively one and sometimes the other, but always muddled. Her singing voice was no better; she couldn't hold a tune. The mysteries of music were something she felt best to leave to others.

Anyone who stayed is strong. I'm sure it must have been difficult for some to stay, knowing children and mates and family are in danger, she said. For her part, she had wanted to run away -- she'd wanted to run away very badly, in fact, but duty had held her in place. Now that it was over, she was glad she'd stayed. It was no easy thing, fighting to defend her home, but the alternative was -- what? Wandering forever without a place? Inferni and its history was worth a little spilled blood, she thought.

Ah, she said, not wishing to pry too deeply into his personal matters. Still, a concerned look was given, allowing her cousin to speak further on such matters as his woman if he so desired. We can go inside, if you want, she suggested. If... it's okay with you, I'd like to try that, she said, almost shyly. But only inside, and only if you won't tell anyone. She felt comfortable asking Jacinto: it wasn't like he was Ezekiel. She could have plucked her own from the garden, but she did not want to try it around Kaena for the first time, or risk being found by Amnesty and Oblivion. Neither did she wish to experiment completely alone, either.

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