[p] to him was given the key of the bottomless pit
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Setting Location Form NPCs
Location: D'Neville, IF

Date: ~27 June* (Backdated)

Weather: Muggy, damp

Time: Late afternoon


Ithiel is by me!

The dark-furred coyote clutched the books protectively in his hands as he strode toward the mansion. The trader promised the bible was complete and correct -- Ithiel had spent some time comparing his copy to this new one, and found it appropriate and acceptable. There were no missing or damaged pages, and the wording was only just slightly different in one place to the next. Better, the leather of this new copy was in better condition than his own. Darker in color than Ithiel's bible, its smooth surface was unblemished and lacking in any cracks or other time-damage. It was fit for the D'Neville library, certainly.

Stacked along with this biblical contribution, Ithiel also held a book which proclaimed itself to be a cookbook. It was the only other book the trader had of any value whatsoever -- Ithiel was entirely disinterested in novels and other entertainment reading. Facts and practicality interested him alone. Sliding the books into a spare space in the shelving, the dust-colored hybrid stepped back, his crimson-eyed gaze roving over the shelves. There were more empty ones than filled, of course -- the coyotes had no expanse of written word, but this was a good start, all the same.

His eyes lingered on the pamphlet from the Boreas wolves. He recognized its type, and he scowled faintly. Myrika would have been better off off burning those, he thought. They served no purpose but to enflame coyote blood.

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Word Count → 000

Angel's fingers moved almost lovingly over the cover of one of his books. A Shakespearean novel, Macbeth. It was from his large collection, antique style with a thick leather cover that was nearly in perfect condition. Of course, this was hardly a full collection. Some of the lesser known titles from the Englishman's pen were missing and, due to the dark Spaniard's current distaste for the tale, Romeo and Juliet. The title soured his thoughts an he found it was better off not on his bookshelf. The majority of other books on his shelf were practical things, atlases, local maps, religious literature and survival guides. Don Quixote was another title he praised, finding amusement in it's amusing moments. Moving out of his room finally, it was his Don Quixote novel that he took with him. It was written in Catalan, his mother tongue, and amongst the best kept of his collection. It deserved to be, as it had been a gift from his adoring father.

He made his way briskly towards the library, naturally wanting space from the confinement of his small dwelling. The library was usually quiet and it was made for reading books in, so naturally that was the first place that came to Angel's mind. Moving into the room, his blue eyes found Ithiel's form. 'Buenos noches' he said, his natural tongue rolling forth. 'Terrible weather, si?'

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Ithiel is by me!

There were creaks and groans within the mansion, evidence of someone's wakeful state and presence. The dusky-furred hybrid hybrid cocked an ear to listen, and found he could not determine who it was moving about. Some he could identify by noise of footfall alone -- Myrika was one such, and his grandmother another. The latter was identifiable only because of her step's uniqueness: dragging ever so slightly, a slow and shuffling sort of walk indicative of the woman's age.

The noises grew louder, and before long, Ithiel found Ángel amongst the quiet shelves of the library. The man greeted Ithiel in a strange tongue, to which the hybrid bobbed his head, assuming it was some kind of greeting. Yes, he agreed. No good for the books, no good for the wood, and no good for coyotes. The summer's swelter was well and truly upon them, though Ithiel was not one to complain about it overmuch.

The dust-furred hybrid nodded to the volume in the darker coyote's hand, red eyes flickering over the title. He could not read it. What's that? he inquired, mildly interested.

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OOC sup bitches? / +yo numbah!

Angel nodded in agreement, a simple 'mhm' of acknowledgement coming out of his throat. The Spaniard settled himself on a chair nearby, looking up to regard the other male as he asked what the book was about. He'd asked the same question as a child, much younger than he was now. His father had not told him however, merely handed him the book and said 'read it and you'll see'. And so he did, however this was months later when he'd gained the ability to use a pair of hands and when he'd gained the drive to settled down and focus on a book. He didn't, however, give that excuse to Ithiel, who he assumed wouldn't read the fictional tale. 'Don Quixote...' he announced, after regarding the other male and opening the cover, showing the Picasso drawn Don and Sancho Panza. 'It's about a man, who spends all his time reading heroic novels until his mind finally snaps and he ends up with the delusion he is a knight. And he goes off on all these adventures...' he smiled fondly, 'It sounds stupid, but it is very amusing'.

'My father gifted it to me as a child. But I didn't read it until I was older. I didn't have the hands nor the focus to do so'. His eyes swam around the library, taking in the room before sailing back down to his book. The anti coyote literature lay aside on one of the surfaces. Angel huffed to himself over such dirty words.

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Ithiel is by me!

Ithiel, too, took a chair; he did not seem to notice Ángel might be seeking isolation rather than companionship, having come to the library with a book. He leaned forward with the name and appraised the drawing, surprised with its simplicity -- though crafted with thick lines and seemingly sketched rapidly, the dark-furred hybrid was able to make out the figure of a man on horseback and what seemed to be a second figure. He nodded his approval at the drawing -- while it was not a style he knew, the dusty-furred hybrid knew better than to question what was and was not art. That the drawing was not as detailed or fine as the ones within his own bibles meant little in the question of whether or not it was art.

I needed correction to focus on reading, as well. Ithiel was thinking of the stout, mean-faced women of Scintilla who had instructed him on reading; he could still feel the stinging slap of their hands against the sides of his skull.Does it have a... moral? he asked, uncertain whether he was using the right word. He preferred stories with an over-arching theme -- simple, clear, obvious. It sounds as if it does, Ithiel said, eyes following the pale blues of his companion to the things he'd wished to burn not too long ago. And even if it does not, it is better than that. There was a half-hearted toss of his muzzle toward the pamphlets and the dusty hybrid acquired a dark look.

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Angel though for a moment, leaning back in his chair and putting a finger to his nose thoughtfully. 'I suppose it does...' he mused, smirking slightly and glancing towards the bookcases. 'Don't read so many adventures and forget about the real world. However disappointing and complex it may be'. He'd had his fair share of complications, especially recently. He'd yet had time to find Emmanuelle to apologise, but he'd find time to before long wouldn't he. After all, he'd had time to think about it closely, to consider the two points of his religion that caused a commotion in his mind. Yes, children and sex before mateship was a sin. But so was abandoning your family. What was he to do? The Spaniard had made his mind up before long. And it had been based on the fact that, the former, he could do little, if anything about. But the latter he could hopefully redeem himself over. And perhaps, one day, if they grew close enough. They'd be mates.

Though, after his clear distaste in public (however mild it had been) made have pushed it a little far.

Ithiel spoke vaguely of the disgusting literature and Angel scoffed. 'I dare say burning it wouldn't even suffice. Douse the things in holy water and then burn them, we'll see how their God favours that...' Their religion wasn't the same. Far from it. The believed something much, much different.

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Ithiel is by me!

Ithiel nodded in response to the dark coyote's statement, though he was not entirely sure what it meant. Perhaps Ángel simply meant to reinforce the notion that Myrika had first attempted to lodge in his brain. He decided that was the case, and a faint smile came to his lips. Yes, he agreed. The real world is rarely as simple as the books would lead us to believe.

The same could be said even of the Book, the one he valued so. Ithiel thought he understood now that the right thing to do wasn't always completely right; sometimes it might be necessary to break his word in order to keep his greater honor. It might make him a pariah and outcast, to be sure, but the dust-hued hybrid thought he could handle being ostracized.

The dusky coyote again smiled as his dark companion spoke, though this time a more eager smile. And bury the ashes in the earth, he said. You follow the faith, as well? Holy water, God -- Ithiel recognized these terms well and he was surprised to realize another in his own clan believed the same as he did.

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'If only the real world were as simple as in books. Well, most books at least...' Angel commented with a light chuckle, the accent in his voice thick even in the humour. 'Fairytale endings, valiant knights...' Both were a rare thing too find, even though the existed. Happy endings were never as simple as they were in children's stories and valiant knights, while a commoner sight, were still less that valiant as they appeared in books. And that's why Angel like Don Quixote so much. Truthful and simple, a tale of a man who read to much. 'Luckily we have other things to keep us sane enough' Angel added, a sigh parting his lips.

He'd kept his mind off of Emmanuelle as much as possible. But with her lack of presence in the clan (though it had been explained to him it was a small excursion) was uncomfortable. Because as much as the wrongdoing was his, he still wished to keep an eye on his new 'family' of sorts. And he still needed to apologise too. Ithiel spoke and Angel let out and agreeable hum, then turned to the male. 'I do' pointing to the dual chains around his neck, partially hidden by the thick chest fur Angel possessed due to his doggish blood.

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Ithiel is by me!

The dust-furred hybrid could commiserate with his dark clanmate. If the world was as it was in books, he might never have to face a choice such as honor versus loyalty. Even now it seemed a choice he could not make. Ithiel could not understand the repercussions of living in a world like the books -- he could see only the good, and not the bad. Myrika would see more -- she would understand the implications of such a thing, to be sure, and she would dismantle that idea as easily as she'd dismantled his ideas of morality.

Hm, Ithiel mused, studying the man. I didn't know there were others in Inferni, he said, pleasantly. We live amongst heretics, sadly, the dark-furred hybrid added, shrugging both shoulders. It was not in his business to pry about others' faith, but he was curious and it had been some time since he'd discussed such things with others. If you don't mind the question -- what is your favorite part of the book? Ithiel thought it a relatively good indicator of character to ask such a question.

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OOC sup bitches? / +yo numbah!

And if life were as it were in books. Perhaps this whole thing with Emmanuelle wouldn't have happened. And he'd be back in Spain, with Maria. But, alas, it was not so. A grimace fell upon Angel's lips as he considered what could have been. And perhaps Ana wouldn't have been as head strong and loud in books. Perhaps she would have been quiet, studious, well behaved of all things. Ana, well behaved, of all things. He mentally smiled, but his face remained placid. Like Ithiel, he failed to see the downsides of living in a written world. After all, you could write anything in a book. And given the right material, it was possible to erase what had previously been scribed.

Angel nodded in joint sympathy, humming along an agreement too. 'There are a few. My sister, though her faith is not as strong. Ezekiel was also, I think. And Gabriel, his father, as far as I can tell. The faith, I am not sure of, but it was similar to our own I think' he mused. 'And the healer, Enkiel. He followed the religion from Egypt, I think'. He'd only met the medic once or twice. And the time he'd visited with his sister had been more or less focussed on her wrist and healing it. Blue orbs flickered up to red ones, cogs in his brain turning to find an answer to the question. And it came soon enough. 'The beginning. The creation. When everything was simple and pure'. He, of course, believe in the sciences he'd read of behind the creation of the world. But even so he believed it was divine intervention the made it start.

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Ithiel is by me!

The dusky-furred hybrid listened with pricked ears as the shadow-furred coyote listed names. He was familiar with most, but it surprised him to hear Enkiel's name on this list. One brow quirked and Ithiel contemplated this -- he'd never discussed religion or spirituality with the healer. Had he missed it? There were no signs of the faith that the jackal bore openly, but some were more private than even Ithiel. Though he was not one to speak of his beliefs without prompt, he wore symbols of the faith all the same -- his earrings and necklace proclaimed him for what he was. Then again, there were always those who appropriated symbols without knowing what they stood for.

Gabriel and Ezekiel, of course, the dusty hybrid said. Both got their faith from my homeland, if I am understanding their history correctly. He wondered if Ángel knew the relation Ithiel bore to both Ezekiel and Gabriel, and decided it was better if Ángel -- and others of Inferni -- did not know or forgot his connection to their previous Aquilas. It was better to be known as Myrika's cousin as of right now, rather than son and half-brother to old leaders -- one of which had abandoned the clan entirely.

And then Eve bit the apple. His voice was a musing rather than a proclaimation, but he nodded slowly. Yes, the beginning -- before we knew death and disease.

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wash the blood off your hands


OOC:: bad post~


'Simplicity is a thing of the past unfortunately. Look what happened to the humans when the complicated things, science. And that was not our God's wrath either'. Angel strongly believed that the human's undoing was there own as opposed to God's anger against them, because he was not solely a man of religion. Science was something he was aware of and believed him. But, still his belief was that God created the sciences and so both theories were in fact correct. Angel relaxed back into his chair with a sigh. 'So many times I have wished to rewrite my past, especially now. As you can imagine'. The war was only half it too.

'Gah...' the Spaniard scoffed, 'Women. Can't live with them, now without them. A thorn in a good man's side usually'. His troubles with women were endless, four individuals had caused him grief one way or another. Ana, his sister. Emma, Amy and Maria, all his more important flings and his mate. 'I was raised with my faith. It spanned across the whole city. We had a beautiful church, enormous, yet... Unfinished...'


this time she won't understand



Ithiel is by me!

Ángel spoke of humanity, and Ithiel found himself agreeing. Surely, there were believers and faithful among the millions of dead. They had not all been sinners, but they had all needed to pay up for their follies and complications of the world. On the other hand, the dusky-hued hybrid found he could not agree with the dark coyote about the past. There was nothing regretted or shameful in Ithiel's past -- he'd been a good son, a better trainee, and a world-class soldier in the ranks of Scintilla before his second birthday. Nothing needed changing, in his view -- but Ithiel decided it was best not to share that.

It is their place to serve and follow. Eve proved the woe a woman can bring on the world when she steps outside of her place. The dusky hybrid shook his head, reaching up to scratch gently beeswax-stiffened hair to relieve an itch. Scintilla had a church. Magnificent, all of them -- from the smallest chapel to the most grand churches, they are all places of faith and worship. He'd seen derelict churches, but even they seemed to hold some power, still. Inferni ought to have a church, he mused, twitching his shoulders in a shrug. They had no buildings to spare for such an adventure, and Myrika would call it folly to waste their time on such when they might build stables and useful structures instead.

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this would be an awesome plot 8|

Word Count → 000

Ithiel's last words struck a cord in Angel. Inferni should have a church. While only a small majority of the clan held such beliefs why couldn't the faithful have a place of worship even so? At the very least it could be a multi use place, a chapel were all religions could use for worship. Perhaps others would say it was a waste of space, better things where to be built, stable stalls, storage, etcetera. Blasphemy, all of it. The Spaniard's mind sparkled with ideas, wouldn't it be grand. Of course, having little experience with Northern American places of worship, his mind was full of Gaudi mosaics and pale stone work. Large wooden beams for crosses and rich cloths for altars.

Crystal blue eyes blinked the male back into a reality after a brief moment. 'That would indeed be a glorious thing' he commented, nodding. 'Though I can imagine the non believers would have a field day trying to cancel such plans however. We could use a spare room in the mansion, of course...' Angel had taken to praying in his room, but it was no chapel.

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(--) Let's do it? Big Grin Myrika can be all "grr waste of time" grumpy or something... hehe.

Ithiel is by me!

While Ithiel might have preferred a specific denomination, he could be convinced of a space for open worship. Some beliefs were better than an outright rejection of faith altogether, wasn't it? Perhaps they might eventually convert to righteousness. He thought over their words and considered Ángel. While he'd been imagining something grand, a separate-standing building, the mansion had many empty rooms. Who would care if one was re-purposed as an area of worship?

I think we might be able to pull it off, if we're only using a room rather than making a new building, he said at last, nodding slowly. He plucked at a loose thread on his chosen seat, twirling it between his fingers as he spoke. No one would have cause for complaint, especially if we welcomed... all beliefs, the male said, albeit hesitantly. Ithiel knew it was blasphemy, but the truly faithful were few within Inferni. A space that served all would be more welcomed by the coyotes, he thought.

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homg yus!

Word Count → 000

'Exactly...' he hummed with a gentle nod. There would be nothing anyone could pick at, no seams left untied. And although it was a horrid thing, letting non believers pray in the chapel directed to their God, but if it meant they had somewhere proper to pray then Angel, and by extention he assumed Ithiel, would grit his teeth and be accepting of it. And if Myrika still had problems with it, perhaps there would be no problem in sliding in the fact that it could offend such beliefs by not lettingit be practised after all. Surely she wouldn't want a rift.

'Yes...' Angel nodded solidly, a small grin on his lips. 'And if we must suffer, albeit by sharing our chapel, then so be it. After all, plenty enough have sffered for our faith, si?' he concluded, leaning back in his chair satisfied with his good deed for the day. 'It won't be spectacular by any account, but the fact that we have one will be more important than it's splendour...'

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Ithiel is by me!

The mansion was not in the best shape, but there were still plenty of rooms to be used. Ithiel might even try to placate Myrika by attempting some repairs elsewhere in the building -- but he was not an accomplished craftsman of any kind. His hands and arms were most useful for only pursuits of manual labor. Still, that might be the thing to get this project of theirs accepted with the least fuss. He peered toward Angel and nodded. He, too, seemed hesitant about the allowing of other faiths, but Ithiel saw no other way. They must allow any denomination access, or they would never be allowed to do anything. And if they did it in secret, Myrika would be angry -- and rightfully so. Ithiel could not imagine doing such a thing surreptitiously, without the endorsement of his Aquila.

We'll make plans, then, he said. I'll talk to Myrika. Can you write? Ithiel could not, but if Angel also could not, he would speak to his cousin and request her assistance on at least this small part. They'd need a plan of sorts -- various things needed to be done. They'd perhaps need to take a scavenging trip to Halifax, even. A faint smile appeared on Ithiel's face, evidence of his excitement.

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