M. Twilight [Death]
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Dated the 10th

Word Count :: +501

Regner awoke to pain and confusion, a searing pain in his chest causing him to instinctively try and curl in on himself and an odd wetness to his muzzle with no cause that he could think off. His chest had been hurting for quite a while and he had been expecting some extra pain from the blow he had taken the day before but he wasn’t prepared for the sheer intensity of it, causing even the hardened warrior to cry out when he shifted badly.

His eyes flicked downwards and filled with a rising sense of dread as he beheld the section of the bed where his muzzle had rested; completely soaked in blood. Even as he tried to think, figure out what was happening and how to cure it a series of coughs splattered the rest of the bed, the red liquid flowing easily from his mouth as the coughs came.

Regner tried to leave the bed but fell unexpectedly to the floor, he was in Lupus form – he didn’t remember changing forms before he slept – and the angle of the fall made him land straight on his chest. Regner blacked out from the pain that now welled up, body dropping onto the mercifully soft material of his bed.

When he came to his mind was fuzzy but one fact was clear, he was about to die. This wasn’t the slow, distant sense of his own morality that he had gained the last month or two but something more immediate. Regner tried to ignore the blood pooling where his muzzle had lay and forced himself to his feet. He didn’t want to die inside, the thought pushed itself into his addled mind, cementing itself there and giving him motivation, he wanted to die outside in the sun, not trapped inside some human structure.

It was a testament to Regner’s will power that he managed to make it outside of the courthouse. The day was in that middling time where it was too late to catch the morning rush of wolves but too early to catch those who returned for dinner so his path had been clear of anybody else, though the trail of blood he left behind him would make it easy to track. Somewhere along the road his mind had chosen the river as its destination and he forced himself forwards, teeth grinding together at the pain every step brought.

Eventually enough was enough and a scarce few feet away from the river a jolt to his ribs sent him sprawling on the ground. Regner tried to move but he suddenly felt tired and his legs refused to respond no matter how much he strained to move them. Defeated Regner let his head flop to the ground and whined, eyes gazing longingly at the water just out of his reach. There was little he could do to reach it though, or indeed do much else, so Regner just lay there, broken chest heaving and blood bubbling from his mouth.

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He wondered if this was how it felt to be tossed into the Christianity worshipers hell and left to rot like an abandoned corpse. Horror and guilt burned him up from the inside out whilst he followed the blood trail as fast as his secui legs could take him. He panted uselessly, there was no air for him to breathe in, no relief from the burning fever that gripped his heart. This was his fault, all his fault, he deserved every bad thing that had and would happen to him. His fevered heart beat at triple time and had nothing to do with his physical exertions.

He should have said no, should have refused the old warrior but then how could he have. How could he have sent away the slowly dying man. He had seen it even if Adelle had not, he had not revealed Regnar's well kept secret to her either, it was not his place to. Stumbling the man tripped and growled as he tugged his paw from the tangle of vines ruthlessly, uncaring of the thorns that dug into his fleshy pads, drawing bloom. The scent of blood grew stronger, thicker and the sounds of the rushing water filled his ears.

Then there he was, body splayed like a sacrifice, broken and spent. Lorenzo whined in distress, and anguish, the sound desolate, feeling so much for this male he barely knew. He moved closer, catching the barely there rise and fall of his breathing. He moved closer, uncertainly and hesitant to approach. He whined again and licked the old man's cheek, staring down at him with wide, guilty eyes. This was his fault, he was a murderer, he had killed a pack member.

"Regnar. Ah ahm so sorry." Lorenzo's accented voice was so soft, a whisper that was torn away on the wind and he didn't know if Regnar had ever heard it. The warrior was straining towards the water which lay just out of reach, Lorenzo moved his shoulder against the skin and bones male, pushing against him to push him across the grass and sandy bank so that the tips of his splayed paws dipped into the lapping water, he made sure however that his nose and mouth were free of the water.
There was so much. At first Adelle hadn't believed what her nose was telling her. When it finally registered that it was indeed Grandpa's blood she had broken into a run, crossing across the land. She needed to fix this. Needed to see this for herself. Grandpa couldn't be hurt. He was invincible. The greatest warrior to ever live. He'd always been okay, been strong for her. What had happened? She followed the blood trail rapidly, coming across the stream where Enzo stood near him.

She wasn't thinking as she barreled in, trying to wedge her body between Grandpa and Enzo. [html]Holde sig væk![/html] She didn't notice the change in tongues, teeth flashing as she fought against him. [html]Grandpa, hvad skete der? Hvorfor blødning? Vi skal at rette det.[/html] There was nothing else going on in her mind. Desperately the large pup licked at him, trying to bring Grandpa back. Trying to make sure that the one living relative she had would stay with her. She didn't want him to go anywhere. She wanted him to keep living, to stay and not have any injuries. Part of her realized it was fatal, but she just kept trying, unable to stop.

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