For your Honor!
WC: 508 OOC: Everyone is welcome to come and join in with a feast. Please allow Saul to be the first on to post after me then it's free posting from here on out!

It was the middle of the day when she got to the pack of her family. She and the horses were tired, especially since Grace herself was now dragging a full grown deer on a Travois, though she only had to drag it a few miles. Eclipse didn’t start to hunt until just before she came to the boarders, that way it would be easier to get the carcass to where she wanted. Then there was a matter of a second hunt which was fine with her she would help drag that one, she knew from Sauls’ letter that there were many in his pack. So once she got to the edge on the boarders she was greeted by the man enthusiastically who helped her bring in her prize catches, both shot down with the skills of her bow and arrows.

Eclipse was shown where to settle down to get started, which was just outside The meat was skinned and prepared, the pelts saved for whoevever wanted them. Eclipse had no experience in leather crafting, just taking off the skins. She was a cook after all. And she prepared and cooked the meal out in the open. Letting those help her in the smallest of ways but initially making it her own project because it was them she was here to celebrate. There was now a great big bonfire and the smell of cooking deer meat. she was covering it in its own fat to give it more taste, mixed with different types of herbs, though she left many portions uncooked as well as unseasoned. Most wolves had a wide veriety of taste and she would not force them to eat her cooking. Saul brought out a table so that she could lay the meat for anyone to grab and take. Also she lay out various gifts of all shapes and sizes from jewlery of all kinds, neckleces, bracelets, earrings, rings, as well as leathers of many shapes and sizes, as well as many different working and fighting tools that one could use. Not to mention medicines and different medicinal stuff that one could use to help with a wound. There were many things available and they were free to the public of Vintatta She was silent as she worked and by the time she was done the sun was beginning to set and the fire itself was the largest souce of light in the vacinity.

As Eclipse was no good at speeches she didn’t even bother to make one, Saul could if he wished but all she had to say was.

“Your food awaits!”

To those who were there and she would allow Saul to do what he needed to, to let others know of the whole festivities. She was proud of herself in the whole time it took her just to get from her home to here and to be able to cook a fine meal. She would have been selfish and just got something for her own family but that would have been a slap in the face, so she felt it best to do it for the whole of the pack.

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Table by Sunny


14.07.12 . 8pm . jordheim . optime form.
This is a nice pack feast for everyone, so drink up and enjoy! This thread is OPEN POSTING and you may post as much or as little as you want!

It had been a week since that terrible call had risen into the sky, followed just a few minutes later by Lilin's commanding summons. They'd arrived to find Colibri curled up against her sister, broken and terrified. Her attack had been random, but dangerously close to home and the young Virding had picked up his slack on patrolling the borders. Niernan had been a good support and Bran had been more than happy to help out. No-one else had been attacked, but he found himself watching Coli carefully from afar. She'd changed the 'F' on her chest into a Norse rune and Saul had found himself proud that she'd been able to make the mark her own.

In all the 'excitement' Saul had forgotten about the letter he'd received from Eclipse a few weeks ago. His own had been enquiring after her health and where she'd settled- her answering words had spoken of a visit. The morning had dawned bright and Saul had moved to the borders for another patrol when he'd found her. Despite his joy at seeing her, he'd been worried about her hunting in the area and had filled her in quickly on what had been happening. Despite their increased patrols on the borders, there wasn't much they could do outside Vinátta and he'd warned his cousin firmly that she wasn't safe.

Eclipse had never been one to worry however and it seemed to roll off his daughters back as they'd made their way to Jordheim. He'd been unsure what his cousin had seen when she'd come through her last month so he'd shown her Jordheim, the houses they lived in. They'd gone and settled Grace up in the stables and turned her out into a solitary paddock- he wasn't particularly interested in breaking up a fight with Mai, who was downright vicious most of the time. The youngest Soulstorm had gone to work when they'd made it back to Saul's house- it was easiest to set up here because he had the largest clearing outside his door.

For the most part Saul had tried to stay out of her way, but he'd watched from inside the confidence that she exuded. He was pleased Eclipse had settled and he was glad she was in Cercatori- Jace was there and she was sure the female would look after his family. Royal blues had begun to stain the sky when Saul moved the table out and Eclipse had started setting things out- darkness had completely descended by the time she was ready. He'd taken the opportunity to give a summons, if the smell of cooking deer hadn't been enough to gather his pack.

When those who had gathered were standing before him, Saul allowed a smile to be given to each other them. Eclipse's short words were taken with a smile before Saul addressed his family. "Welcome, my family. This is my cousin, Eclipse Soulstorm. She has come from Cercatori to lay a feast for us. In light of recent events, we will need to take turns patrolling the borders tonight, but I bid you enjoy yourselves, gorge on the food Eclipse has provided, and celebrate our continued existance." He offered, green eyes turning sympathetic towards where he thought Colibri might be. He knew she would be uncomfortable and he gave her silent permission to leave when she wished. With a small smile, Saul swept his arm towards the food, attempting to catch Eclipse in a short hug of gratitude.

word count → 582 ;; image © Fir0002/Flagstaffotos ;; table by lin
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WC:: 911 - Derpy boys

In only one week Niernan had circled the pack lands more times than he cared to count; his patrols had been stepped up a level. He and his brother had become nigh on inseparable as he found that Bran was the best patrol companion for him. His brother had really stepped up to the plate after the attack on Colibri, committing himself to the patrols and the protection of the Aeska, while still maintaining his happy attitude, helping to bring cheer to others in the pack. Nier couldn't stop the smile that spread across his muzzle as he and Bran strolled back to their houses after their sweeping circuit of the packlands. Not long ago their noses had been set twitching by the smell of cooking meat, both had figured that someone was preparing a cooked dinner for once, but when Sauls howl rang out the boys glanced at each other. Bran shrugged, "I say we go in a sec, I need to change out of these shorts and splash some water on my fur." Niernan nodded, padding through the opening his faded yellow front door usually shielded, as Bran pushed open the flaky green door directly opposite. It took Niernan mere moments to strip out of his grey shorts, kicking them aside as he scooped up the battered wooden bucket that he had commandeered from somewhere. The bucket was filled with water which sloshed noisily as he made his way to the front door again, he stood just outside his house and upended the bucket over his head. He sighed happily as the cold water soothed his hot skin, icy rivulets running through his fur. He rubbed his hand-paws through his now wet fur, shaking free droplets that glinted in the fading sunlight. A shiver overtook his body and he shook, sending water flying from his fur, his wooden pendants clacking together.

Bran emerged from his house dripping wet, it seems that his brother didn't think exactly like he did and had doused himself inside the house. Brans chocolate coloured hand-paw shot out and a pair of denim shorts flew at his head. He snatched them out of the air and sent a grateful grunt his brothers way. They both stepped into their shorts and fastened them before both setting off at a jog towards where Sauls call had come from, the smell of juicy, cooked meat dragging them onwards. Ciaran shot out of a stand of trees, joining the Stormbringers as they jogged, the cat expertly avoiding Bran by dashing across his path and settling in to trot at Niernans side. Bran had lunged forward when he had seen the cat, his brown foot-paw aiming for the dark tabby. Niernan aimed a punch at his brother, landing it on his muscled arm. "I thought I'd broken you of that habit." He half snarled at Bran, his cyan eyes furious for a moment, he allowed a growl to rip from his throat before he shook it off and continued his jog, Bran unusually silent for a moment.

Before long the Stormbringer brothers entered the clearing where the tantalising smells were coming from, Niernan noticed Saul and immediately bowed his head and moved forward to greet his cousin and leader. He offered the others a genial smile while Bran laughed loudly and announced in his strong Irish tone "Ah! Nobody worry; the Fun has arrived!" Niernan rolled his eyes and shoved his brother playfully. Bran shoved him back and the brothers started a playful tussle, Niernan leaped on Brans back and clutched his legs around his brothers waist, his hand-paws ruffling the gingery-brown head fur between his brothers ears. He was still on his brothers back when Saul spoke up, introducing the young female that stood by the meat. Both the boys let their mouths fall open; neither had noticed the stranger in their midst and both looked as if they had been pole-axed. Niernan rested his chin on top of Brans head, his arms circling his brothers neck and shoulders, Brans arms had come down to support Niernans thighs and his tan foot-paws now dangled by Brans legs. The next shock for the boys was revealed in Sauls words; his cousin Eclipse. Two pairs of eyes, one pair cerulean, the other mahogany, flicked to the slender girl illuminated by the firelight before turning to Saul, looking for confirmation that this girl was family.

Bran moved forwards, taking Niernan with him, the older Stormbringer was aware that they were acting like clowns, but that was part of their roles in the pack; if they could still act the fools then the pack should be able to rest easy knowing that the boys were happy with their security. They stood a short distance from the slight female, "Eclipse?" He asked from Brans back, waiting for the female to respond, his heart pounding in his chest. He could feel Brans heart racing too and he knew that the same question was racing through his mind; was she another member of the extended family? For that moment all thoughts of other things fled his mind, the almost constant presence of Grace within his mind was gone, as were his thoughts on patrols and security. Family was so important to him and Bran, and to find another member of their family was a big deal to them, especially with the impending threat of a Dawnrunner invasion that could shatter the happy family environment they had found for themselves.

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WC: 752 -party down! =D

Today marked one full week since the attack. Coli's body had healed quickly, the minor abrasions and lacerations no longer visible through her fur. The Norse rune carved into her chest was now shiny pink scar tissue, knitting together healthily without the cover of a bandage. Her headaches had lessened, and she was more steady on her feet, but all was not normal; she felt ill, constantly fatigued and frequently nauseous. Every time she saw the lake, she felt the compulsive need to wash herself, even if she had already done so the same day. Sleep was fitful, as she would wake up sporadically many times during the night, filled with an icy dread she could not explain but was desperate to escape. Something was deeply wrong with her, and she could not figure out what. She was starting to think she needed to see Saul about it, but she was afraid he would ask her questions she was not ready to answer. Instead, she forced herself back into her daily routine, tending to the flowers around her house, the herb garden outside of Jordheim, and the apple seedlings she planted beside the vineyard. All of the walking, carrying wineskins of water, pulling weeds, it was exhausting to her, and that was what kept her mind from dwelling on the black dog's threat.

Saul's summoning howl resounded clearly through the evening air, drawing her attention. Coli touched the wooden Frithr pendant she wore around her throat for comfort, peering in the direction her leader's voice had come from. He did not sound upset or even particularly commanding, which relieved her initial anxiety; there was no threat at their borders tonight, nothing she needed to fear. Curious, she rose to her feet, brushing the soil from her knees out of habit. It was getting too dark for gardening anyway, and she wondered what news he wanted to share with them. She could use some uplifting words, something to look forward to. As she slowly made her way through the quiet village, her questing nose caught the aroma of cooking meat, a rare treat. Was it to be a feast? The thought invoked a flicker of excitement, and her bobtail stirred behind her, quickening her pace. She had not been eating well lately, having felt too sickly to shift down and hunt properly for herself. She hoped there would be enough meat for her to partake in the meal; the pack's population had surged recently, and many of the formerly empty houses she was passing by were now claimed by new residents.

Coli saw the merry light of the bonfire dancing in the shadows, and knew she had reached the gathering. The scent of venison was everywhere, herbs and roasted meat making her mouth water. Whoever had done the cooking must have been at it all day, and they had a wonderful talent for drawing out the natural flavor. Coli had not partaken in deer for many seasons; as a small lone wolf, deer were too dangerous for her to hunt, not to mention her own personal feelings about them. She liked deer more than any other animal, but she was not above joining in this tantalizing feast. As she made her way to the table, she caught a glimpse of their chef, and her face brightened into a wide smile.

"Eclipse!" she called out, waving to her niece as she approached. Conor's daughter had kept her promise and returned to visit! Not only that, but true to her word, she had brought her talent for hunting and cooking to share with them all. It was a relief that she had not been accosted in the neutral territory; had the threat vanished? She fell silent when Saul rose to address them all, bridling with pride when Eclipse was introduced. It seemed she had chosen the Cercatori pack after all; they would have to catch up later, once there were not so many others around. Saul caught her eye sympathetically, and she smiled meekly at him, appreciative that he would think of her even now. She wanted to spend as much time with Eclipse as she could, though, even if the gathering got as noisy as she expected it would. Bran and Niernan would surely enjoy the festivities, loudly and boisterously as was their nature. It was good to just have a break from her own thoughts, the darkness that had been creeping into her daily life. An unexpected reprieve was just what she needed.

Table by Alli!


Temeraire Lupus is by Alaine!

Despite being asked to stay out of Eclipse's way today, Temeraire had found umpteen reasons to walk past her bonfire, watch her cooking, wondering why she did this and how she'd done that. His cousin, as all were referred to who shared his last name in some form despite Eclipse being his second cousin once removed or something equally as ridiculous, was an enigma to the boy. The Solbjorg did not exactly exist in his mind- his family were here and the Stormbringers stuck together. Many times over the past hours he'd wished to ask her why she didn't live with them, home was with family. He figured it might have come across as rude though, so late afternoon had found him wrestling with Elias to see if his rust coloured friend could tell him. Eli didn't really understand about big families- for as long as the boy could remember it had only ever been him and his dad.

Darkness descended on Vinátta and the boys were close to the lake. Their splashing play was beginning to cause shivers over their bodies and it was perhaps the best thing that his fathers howl rung clear. There was no urgency in his fathers voice and therefore Teme deduced that it had everything to so with Eclipse and the meal she was creating. With a mischievous grin sent towards Eli, and a boyish 'Cummon!' the toy raced towards Jordheim. Despite being the younger of the two, by a good few months as well, Temeraire was bigger and stronger than Elias and reached the humped houses with his friend trailing behind. The dark boy glanced back, a playful yip escaping as he darted down to snap at his friends paws before moving on.

He reached the clearing outside his house just in time to hear his father giving a more formal introduction to their cousin. Temeraire allowed his scraggly tail, now in the stages of actually looking like a tail and not like a whip, to wag back and forth, a grin on his lips. It was several seconds before the boy spotted his Uncles and gave and excited cry as he saw Niernan jump onto Brans back. With a toothy grin, Temeraire launched his teenaged body forward, wrapping himself around his Uncle Bran's leg, determined to bring him down.

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WC::188 - This is a terrible post

If Bran and Niernan had wanted to hear a reply from Eclipse they couldn't have if they wanted to as Temeraire bounded into the clearing and pounced on Brans leg. His brothers knee buckled as Teme barrelled into it, taking both Bran and Niernan to the floor. Nier managed to roll away from his brother, avoiding being caught in the pile of Bran and Teme. He laughed loudly and jumped on top of his brother again, wrestling with the caramel coloured man. Bran protested with a whine, "Why are ya beating on me brother? It was Teme that tripped us!" Niernan shrugged, and said, "'Cos I like beating on you brother, it's fun." With that Bran rose up and tossed Niernan away from him, he pounced on the darker Stormbringer and they rolled on the floor together, trading light punches and letting little growls rumble from their throats.

Niernan called a sudden halt to the play fight, raising a hand-paw in the air, "Wait! his cyan eyes met Brans mahogany and he nodded, both boys turned their attention to Teme, each of them scrambling to pounce on the boy.

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WC: 318 OOC: Wewt! Look at the family!

Eclipse supposed it was good that she decided to come and make this feast for it seemed the pack needed it and Saul’s explanation and worry only made Eclipse smile and reassure him she was fine and would be. She could defend herself well enough and had learned how to hide herself from prying predators especially when it came to getting close to Salsola or any other place she deemed worthy of hiding from. Once Saul gave the howl many came to the open area and she noticed two men playing around that she hadn’t met before and then Colibri, then the pup she almost didn’t recognize came to view and she grinned heartily when the pup bounced on the men and again started the play fight. She smiled and waved to Colibri. She watched as the boys had their play fight and was giggling. It seemed there was at least a bit of a show as well.

“It is good to see you again Colibri, enjoy your food I know we have much to catch up on.”

She said then turned to the men who were taking a break from their wrestling match.

“It is good to see you Temeraire, the last time we met you were only just a little puppy!”

She said in surprise as the boy had grown quite a bit since she saw him last and it was amazing to see how much he had grown. It was amazing and made her wish she had been around when he was growing up. He still had growing to do but she knew that she would be in Cercatori living her own life. She looked over at her “father” and grinned.

“I think I came at a good time. I am happy I did decide to come now.”

She said with great satisfaction.

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Table by Sunny



Sura spent some time in the garden with Colli here and there, but mostly she kept to herself, liking her status as the rambunctious horrible little girl who know one really knew existed. If Sura had known the circumstances of her birth - incest - she might have any inclination to participate in the pack at all. But as it was, when Colli packed up and left the garden after a howl, Sura took notice, setting down her pet rocks, and stalking the woman in the shadows, keeping Colli at a safe enough distance that she had to squint in order to make her out.

As she drew close, the smell of roasting meat entered her nose, cluttered with the scents of many more that she didn't recognize. Frightened, she did her best to hide behind a tree, and at last, eased herself from a comfortable distance where she could watch - hopefully unnoticed.

"Wasties weasties, dey wuins it." (Translation), she mumbled to herself in an inaudible whisper. From her hiding place, she could babble a running commentary on how meat was best uncooked, how herbs were too expensive and dainty for canids, and how sitting cross-legged supposedly made one bi-sexual. At least, those were the ramblings of the slaves that she had been surrounded by, and whole-heartedly believed, including the story about how clouds were really marshmallows. Her complaints surely made her sound like an elderly man on his last legs who hated everything.

A far distance from the crowd and hidden in her bush, here, she felt safe. She really, truely, didn't want to get any closer or even join in. It was hard for her to explain why, but it seemed to be a mix of anxiety, distrust, abandonment, distaste for cooked meat, and general crankiness. She hoped no one would bother her, she hated it when adults did that.




WC: 525 This is weird for a vegetarian to write. xD

Coli could resist no longer; her stomach was rumbling with anticipation, and she had not eaten since yesterday's slow moving lemming. Smiling at Eclipse's response, she quickly excused herself and moved along the length of the table. Her nose sampled the air, leading her from each neatly butchered portion, tempting her with various herbs and spices. She noticed that their wonderfully talented chef was thoughtful as well, leaving some cuts of the roast unseasoned, and in one pile, the meat was still red raw. Perhaps the Aeska puppies would like that, since there were marrow-filled bones to chew as well, but Coli was drawn to the acquired taste of the herbs. She claimed a shank of venison, its aroma rich with woodsmoke and the perfume of rubbed sage along the crispy outside. Carrying the warm slab gingerly in her hands, she edged back from the gathering near the bonfire, choosing to stand off to one side while she ate.

Colibri was a reserved and shy female, but etiquette had no place in devouring prey. She dug in ravenously, voracious hunger causing her fangs to tear off chunks of cooked meat and swallow them whole. The buzz of conversation faded out as she worked her way through the large piece of venison, licking her greasy fingers clean as she finished. It was delicious, the best meal she could remember ever partaking in. Like most wolves, her prey was consumed as soon as it was caught, raw and furry. These days she rarely caught anything larger than a rabbit, so this was really special. She hoped there would be leftovers, so that she could come back tomorrow and get her fill again. It was only once her stomach was heavy with food that she let her surroundings filter back to her senses.

Bran, Niernan, and Temeraire were roughhousing around in the grass, booming laughter and playful growls attracting a lot of attention. Coli's ears flicked, and she thought she heard another little voice further from the clearing, but it was too faint to make out the words. It reminded her of the youngest addition to their pack, Sura, whom she met several days ago when she wrecked the herb garden. Surely the energetic pup would enjoy a meet and greet like this. Coli peered out into the pine trees, but did not see any black and white fur peeking back. The table had been festooned with gifts of another sort, hand crafted jewelry and leather trinkets to name a few. Perhaps she would pick of some of the shiny ones as a gift for the puppy; they usually liked pretty things to wear around. She could also look around for Ciaran, Niernan's faithful cat, and see if he would take meat from her hand. It seemed like his wolf partner was a bit preoccupied at the moment, and when they were first introduced, the young cat had taken a nap and had not really interacted with her. Feeling a bit more sluggish now that her hunger was sated, Coli moved back to the table to take a closer look at the offerings from Cercatori to Vinátta.

Table by Alli!

WC:: 482 - Silly Bran and Nier. Everyone feel free to play with Ciaran, for this thread you can freely reference him, play with him and have a full on conversation if ya want. He is fluent in High Speech now.

Air was forcibly pushed from his lungs as Bran threw him forward and he landed hard on his chest in the dirt. His muzzle hit the floor just after his chest, the impact closing his jaw with a clearly audible click. He opened his eyes as the dust cloud settled around his head and his cyan eyes were left peering into the bushes at the edge of the clearing. His eyes widened initially as he saw a clump of shadows and light with lilac orbs before he realised that it wasn't some unusual beast, but their newest Aeska Sura. A crushed grin spread across his muzzle, the grin somehow squished by his position on the floor. "Sura! He cried the puppies name, hoping that he could entice her to play, he knew from experience that pups liked to play. He thought quickly of a way to get the pup interested, he remembered that at their first meeting she had babbled a load of nonsense, but he also recalled that she seemed to have an amazing imagination.

Bran seemed to have the best timing or he could read his brothers mind, because he leaped on top of Niernan, sitting on his brothers back, pinning him to the floor. Niernan raised his cyan eyes to where the pup was hidden, "Sura, help me! The Bran-beast has me." He didn't know if his strategy would work, but he hoped that it would. Bran caught on to his ploy and started making strange growling and snuffling noises, running his wet nose along Niers spine, this elicited a peal of laughter from the darker wolf, the action tickling and sending a shiver through his entire back. Bran then raised his head and started making muted howling noises, taking on the role of the Beast with vigour, his tongue hanging from his mouth and his eyes as wide as he could make them. Nier had to stifle loud laughter at how ridiculous his brother looked, attempting to play along, "Nooooo! He's mad! He's gonna eat me!" He cried, little giggles still escaping through the Irish lilted words.

Bran continued his act and Niernan flailed feebly, waiting for the puppies reaction, but this little window of time allowed Niernan to have a quick sweep of the clearing. He felt a proud smile slip onto his muzzle as he saw the small gathering of his pack. He was even prouder when he saw that Ciaran was approaching the shy, timid Colibri. He remembered Coli's first meeting with Ciaran and Nier, recalling that the cat had slept almost the entire time. He was glad that the cat was choosing Coli's companionship, knowing that Ciarans laidback attitude and soothing presence might work wonders for Coli. The sweep also confirmed that Grace and Lilin were nowhere around. His spirits fell a little, but he knew that his golden lover would be back soon, hopefully unscathed.

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His glance was given to Eclipse, a silent wish for her not to be nervous. Temeraire had left his new found cousin alone in the later hours of the afternoon and Saul had been more than content to allow his 'daughter' to do as she wished. Saul himself had had a few things he'd needed to catch up on, updating his list of to-do's, crossing off those that he was pleased he'd done. As a leader, he had duties, but in himself there were things he needed to do. Like practising skills he was shaky on, including his weaving abilities and his archery could always use honing. He also tried hard to schedule in times where he went out to visit Hermes and Artan, made sure to groom and fuss them as well as take them both out for a ride. It was difficult to find time with Eirias sometimes, but Saul knew he should spend more with the bird.

His thoughts, so often turned inward, were dragged out as his cousins burst into the clearing. Saul flashed the boisterous boys a toothy grin as he stood by the bonfire. He could always count on Niernan and Bran- he'd come to this realisation not too long ago. They weren't going anywhere, despite their original plan of meeting new family and perhaps travelling onwards. He was tempted to join the boys antics when the adolescent and no longer small body of his son flashed out from one of the houses surrounding them, heading for Bran's leg. With the added weight of his not-so-small son, Bran tipped forward towards the ground, Niernan still perched precariously on his back. Saul himself allowed a full bodied laugh to escape him as the brothers recuperated and centred their attack on the boy simultaneously.

While he probably could have watched his cousins and son play forever, he knew there were others arriving. His sympathetic smile in Colibri's direction had been accepted, after Colibri had spotted Eclipse. It was only then that the connection was made- Coli was Connor's sister, making Eclipse her niece. The realisation made his eyebrows rise softly, it was a small world afterall. It seemed Eclipse remembered her chocolate Aunt, replying in kind to her greeting with a promise of a catch up. It was a beautiful evening and Saul knew he was going to enjoy himself. Eclipse greeted Teme then and Saul smiled softly- he remembered introducing Eclipse to her newest and smallest cousin, he'd been just a few weeks old and still seemed to fit into Saul's palm when he'd handed the dark bundle over to his 'daughter'.

Her soft words were directed to him next and he glanced over to catch her grin. A swift nod caught him and he returned her grin. "You are always welcome here, Eclipse. These are your family. But I am very glad you came now, we needed something to distract ourselves and you have provided it perfectly." He answered with a chuckle. Green eyes turned to watch those gathered, spotting Colibri's descent on the food. With a last smile to Eclipse, Saul went to join the timid Hollr, selecting a dark haunch of meat and allowing Coli to retreat to her solitude. A cry came up from behind him and he glance back to see Niernan almost peering into a bush.

Green eyes danced with humour as he tried to make out what was going on, ripping into his meat as he did so. Bran had informed him of the youngest Aeska they'd recently acquired, who happened to be a relative of Nahyt and Hael. He wondered where they were- he didn't see much of them around Vinátta. As Bran played along with Niernan's fictitious game, Saul turned back to see Coli being approached by the not-so-kitten Ciaran. "I think he likes you Coli." Saul chuckled, green eyes sweeping the gathered for the black and brown of his belle. He could see none and could only assume Lilin hadn't made it back in time. Disappointment wedged in his gut, but he wouldn't let it spoil a good night. With a smile, he ducked back into the house and grabbed a bottle of wine before emerging and taking a sip before offering it to Eclipse.

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Temeraire Lupus is by Alaine!

His giant body smashed into his Uncle Bran's and it was evidently clear that Temeraire wasn't really aware of how big he'd grown. He was, for all intents and purposes, still used to being small, hurled around by his Uncles, running into things and having them stay still. He honestly didn't expect his Uncle to topple, the brothers breaking apart at the last moment so that they did not land in a heap. His loud laugh was still a little high pitched, the excited squeak of a puppy while he was considered an adolescent now. His whole back end seemed to wriggle from side to side as he pounced forward, puppy growls trying to permeate his Uncle's rough-housing. He was more than happy to gang up on one of them when they were beating on each other- he'd heard Niernan's words about him being the one to have tripped them before Bran attacked him again.

Teme was more than happy to continue this game and pounced after them, nipping at a toes here, tugging on the end of a tail here. It wasn't until both brothers paused their rough play at Niernan's command, looking at each other conspiratorially that Teme paused. As they turned, almost in unison and entirely creepy, Teme froze, ears slicking against his head and tail tucking as both males pounced after him. He gave a playful yelp, trying to scrabble away before Bran caught him around the waist and tossed him up in the air. His long, gangly legs scrabbled at the air, almost trying to keep him aloft as he fell back to the ground, landing with a harsh 'oof'.

He sat for a moment, dazed at his fall back to the earth. White rimmed ears caught his own name and he looked up, catching Eclipse's comment with a proud yip. I'm allll grown up now! he declared- he didn't want to admit to her that he didn't remember her, he couldn't remember ever meeting her before. He'd just been informed that this was he cousin Eclipse, which he'd accepted with a smile and a nod. Bran's growls and muted howls brought his attention back to his playmates and he glanced over, confusion marring his face for a moment before he heard another name, Niernan's pleas of help.

He'd met Sura about two weeks ago, and he thought she was a bit strange. But his Uncles were trying to involve her, so he figured he might as well go and help. With a playful growl, the boy launched himself forward, large paws hitting Bran's back as he collided once again with the caramel Stormbringer. I'll save you, Uncle Nier! The boy declared, a giggle racing from his lips at he slipped from his precarious position on Niernan, behind Bran. In reality they just ended up looking like a black and brown ball of fighting Stormbringer, just the way he liked it.

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From where she hid, it seemed that she wasn't safe, as an unfamiliar voice began to call out to her. She turned instinctually to see Her eyes widened in horror as a stranger pleaded for her to come help him not be eaten by an invisible monster. As he did, more wolves seemed to help, their rumbling and wrestling seeming more of a blur than anything else. She wasn't sure what to do, but it was clear they were going to eat each other, and the monster, and the cooked meat which she didn't like merely because she felt fussy. What blood splatters there would be! The boy that she remembered joined in as well. She didn't care if he died, honestly, he was rather rude and mean, as all boys were.

Colli was here, but everyone else were basically strangers. The realization dawned on her that there was no place to hide, and that she would have to join them, perhaps sit by Colli's side. But the feelings of angst, tiredness, and moody grumpiness did not let up. Turning, she bolted as fast as she could, headed for the house where she stayed with her relatives. As she ran, thoughts of her bed and going to sleep early felt soothing. Tomorrow she would come back and help the others bury the monster and the wolves that fought, but tonight, she had to run away, so she could be the last female to help re-populate the race. Yes, that was a good excuse for her coward flight...

-- exits --



Late Ezra is late.

The husky had been brooding again. The summer had never been easy for him, with his heavy double coat that never seemed to full fall off, and his inability to catch bigger game without the help of his mate anymore. Ezra’s size had almost fully returned to its size since he was in the Kingdom, he wasn’t starving anymore; the pack had helped him and his son nourish themselves and their skeletal frames had disappeared months ago. But still, the male had found it hard to eat. Coli’s attack had done a number on him both in his head and to his body. He had spent more time than he had ever before in any pack patrolling the borders for any sign of strangers. When a joiner appeared, however, he let the higher-ranked members take care of that. He had no interest in acting nice to those he was unfamiliar with. Ezra was paranoid for his son, his friend, his pack. Ezra wouldn’t let himself get hurt again by anyone.

But now, he sulked in his home, not even lifting his head after hearing a stranger’s call. The secui sat hunched as he always did when he brooded, his back against the wall. Eli was out and about as usual, so the cynical man had been by himself for most of the day. He hadn’t hunted since the day Coli was attacked, and admittedly the man’s stomach was growling at the thought of a pack feast. He sighed, curling up on his bed of furs again. His mind wandered back to the love of his life, the woman who betrayed him. Her silver fur glinted in sunlight, but her face was slowly slipping away from him. The coy-wolf was now barely a memory in his skull, yet still he harbored all this hate, hate that prevented him from joining his comrades in a feast.

Ezra, you’re being an idiot, his mind said to himself, and the hybrid couldn’t help but agree with that voice after minutes debating whether to go or not. He was starving, and more than anything he hoped he could see how Coli was feeling. After some time, the hybrid raised himself from his bed (though slower than usual, his joints had started hurting recently). He trotted over to the source of the commotion, following the scent trails of those already there. Eli’s scent was in that direction as well, so the Hollr quickened his pace.

Most of the pack members he knew were there already, including some strangers. The feast had already started but Ezra knew that and would wait until those who got there first were done, including Eli. The soft-spoken male nodded silently to Lilin and Saul, and said a quiet Thank you, to the brown woman who seemed to have the seat of honor here. She smelled like a Stormbringer. This brought a small smile to the quiet man’s maw as he finally took his place next to the carcass, scarfing everything down with the ravenous pace of his packmates.

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This thread will be closed and archived on 30th July, so get your last posts in, claim a present from Eclipse and eat some more!

The commotion that Niernan, Bran and Temeraire seemed to carry with them at all times held Saul's attention. He couldn't, at first, figure out what was going on. He had heard of Sura, but he had yet to meet Nahyt and Hael's young relative. The way Niernan and Temeraire were trying to lure the pup out was comical at best and Saul could feel a soft laugh escaping him. He once again felt a pang of longing- Lilin wasn't here and neither was Grace and he knew they would have liked to have joined them. Passing the bottle of wine onwards, Saul took a deep breath and picked at the haunch that he'd chosen. Most of the meat had been devoured, but there was always things to gnaw on.

His attention was distracted then as the black and white dog that had been almost missing from Vinátta for the past few weeks. Saul would have been seriously worried about his friend, had he not scented the dogs multiple lines across the borders. Ezra was patrolling like the rest of them and Saul was grateful for this silent support. He couldn't help but notice the tension in the males shoulders, the faraway look in his eyes as he looked up at Eclipse, a rough 'thank you' given. Saul allowed his tail to swing back and forward, green eyes watching with worry as the male began to gorge on food. It seemed his pack members were suffering- both Ezra and Coli had been ravenous.

"Ez, I hope you're well? He called out, green eyes hopeful that his friend would come and join them. He didn't want to be a neglectful leader and that included the wellbeing of his pack members. It took him a moment, and Temeraire huffed frustration to realise that the pup tney'd been attempting to lure from the bush had gone and he gave his son a pitying smile before he turned back to the rest of his gathered pack.

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WC:: 885 - eeee. Nier's a sucker. 7 pts

With Sura's swift exit Niernan let out a half huff, half whine, letting his body go limp under Bran and Teme's weight. He was still for only a second before bucking wildly once, Bran lifted off of his back for a moment allowing for him to roll over and launch himself at his brother. Brans back thudded against the ground and a harsh breath escaped him, his mahogany eyes questioning. Niernan shrugged, laughter bubbling from his lips, "I'm hungry." He stated simply. He gestured towards the food, noticing that most of it was now gone, taken in their extended playtime. The dark Stormbringer stood then, pulling his brother up and motioning to Teme, "C'mon you two, let's get some food and check out that table of stuff, I thought I saw some pretty cool things there."

He and his brother strolled over to the meat, both selecting cooked hunks and tucking in with gusto, it seemed that their patrol and then playtime had made them ravenous. They remembered their manners enough to not descend into beastly food lust, but the meat did disappear at a record rate, both boys reaching for more once they had munched their way through their first pieces. Nier had unwittingly chosen a seasoned piece this time and felt his taste buds explode as he bit into the haunch. His eyes rolled up and he couldn't help the moan of pleasure that erupted from his maw, he looked at his brother meaningfully, "You have to try this!" He said, holding out a second hunk of the seasoned meat, Bran took it and gave his brother a sceptical look. Niernan laughed as Brans face transformed utterly. He knew that if he had been so affected by the heavenly taste then Bran, with his shapes, tastes and colours would have an other-wordly experience.

Niernan left his brother after finishing his meal, moving over towards the goods that Eclipse had left out for them. He scanned over the leathers, he had no need for leather right now but he never knew what the future held. He shook his head and forced himself to move along the table, pushing his hoarding traits to the very back of his mind. His cyan eyes fell on the jewellery then, he flicked his eyes over the beaded items, they weren't his or Brans taste but he thought that Grace might appreciate one of the bracelets or something. His eyes were drawn to a bracelet beaded in three colours, a deep blue, a dusty red and a blonde wood. The colours recalled Grace's dreads to him and he smiled, this was the gift he would give her. He reached out and plucked the bracelet from the table, examining it with fondness in his eyes. He didn't want to shove it in his pocket so he slipped it onto his wrist, liking the way it looked against his brown fur, his tone was darker than Grace's but he knew from seeing it on his wrist that it would look much better on her.

He moved along the table then, he noticed necklaces and earrings, he longed to get his ear pierced, but since he didn't have it done yet it would be useless to claim one now. He also passed over the necklaces; he had enough of those. His hand-paw rose to his throat, fingering the leather cords and wooden charms that hung around his neck. He flicked his eyes further along the table and noticed the leather jewellery, this was more his style. He scanned the wares and found two braided bracelets exactly the same, both were braided with a caramel and charcoal coloured leather, his eyes widened and he glanced over at his brother, this was just too good to pass up. He grinned as he scooped up the bracelets, stepping over to his brother, "Hey, Bran. Look! These bracelets match the colours of our fur." He held out the braided leather, and Bran smiled "So they do brother." He winked at Niernan, "I'll tie yours if you tie mine" He chuckled. Niernan gave his brother a smack, "Don't be daft and give me your wrist." He laughed, grabbing his brothers arm so he could tie the bracelet on. He gave it enough room that it wouldn't snap if Bran shifted to Secui, but tight enough to stay on his wrist in Optime. Lupus was another issue, they'd have to leave the bracelets off in their smallest forms. He felt Bran tug at his arm and he lifted it, allowing his brother to reciprocate with the tying of bracelets. The brothers grinned at each other and a thought passed through Niers mind then, "Ah, we better go thank Eclipse for all of this." He said. moving towards the petite fawn form of the Soulstorm, bowing respectfully. "Eclipse, I'm sorry we got cut off earlier. I'm Niernan Stormbringer and this is my brother Bran. We wante to thank you for all of this." He said, sweeping his arm out and indicating the feast and the gifts. He tilted his head to the side then, remembering Sauls words from earlier. "Saul said you were his cousin, we're also cousins and we were wondering if that made you our cousin too?" The question hung in the air as the boys waited for a reply.

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