[m] the evening primrose opes anew
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Thread Information
Date: Forward dated July 18th, 2012

Setting: Sacred Grove

Time: Night

Form: Optime



The night was alive with summer's starlight casting beacons of pallid blue through the thick branches overhead. Lilin always took advantage of those rare times when her sight was not hindered by a veil of darkness - where she could see Vinatta's beloved grove in a different light, pure and surreal. Over time, her visits had become more frequent. At first it had been through the Godja's immediate influence - a period of time when Lilin was still being taught the ways of Norse paganism. Her very own beliefs had been born from Miskunn's wise teachings, eventually flourishing into the concrete opinions of a true believer. Once upon a time, she had been intimidated by the idea of visiting the sanctuary without her relative's companionship and guidance. Now, however, things were different - no longer was she plagued by feelings of inadequacy. When the pack's priestess had retired for the night, the Virding had taken the initiative to spend a few moments in the grove by herself.

With an uncharacteristic level of timidity, Lilin stood before the recently constructed hörgr where she deposited a late blooming primrose on the topmost stone. The flower had been found a week prior, in the shade of a fully grown poplar tree; a rare discovery, considering the fact that primeroses were early spring bloomers. The Soulstorm heir had identified it right away, recalling the flower's association to Freya, Goddess of Love. Lilin's fondness for Freya was particularly strong, as powerful as the love she shared with her beau and as everlasting as the unconditional love she felt for her kin. There she knelt before the stone shrine, silent and unmoving, whispering pleas and prayers to a deity worthy and deserving of so much more. Alas, this was all she could offer for the time being.

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If I had words to make a day for you,

I'd give you a morning, golden and true.

I would make this day last for all time,

Give you a night deep in moonshine.


The young males visit to Amherst the previous day had been enlightening, his encounter with the blind Torok had ironically opened his eyes to the harshness life could throw ones way. It had certainly made Saul appreciate his life, his family, his pack much more. And all he'd wanted to do was find Lilin and scoop her up in his arms. The thought of never being able to see her again, physically see her that is, was a terrifying thought. In a mostly silent and completely unexpected way, Torok had pushed Saul over the edge. He hadn't know what he'd wanted to do, but meeting someone who could not perceive the world around him, and he was still so optimistic, really brought things into perspective for him.

And so, over the day, Saul had made his decision. Inwardly he berated himself for the weeks spent dithering, beating around the bush, just simply procrastinating because he was unsure of where to go. He should never have doubted her, doubted himself. With this decision, there was a lightness about him, a weight from his heart lifted. There was, of course, not much point in sitting around grinning about this decision and he knew that tonight he would seek his belle out and ask her the question that had bubbled to the front of his mind and his tongue. It rested there, unasked, as he tried to go about his normal routine. It was certainly difficult when he couldn't contain the grin to his lips.

Nighttime fell and he could hold still no longer. With a last goodbye to his son, Saul was out the door. As if by instinct, he moved to the forest, towards the Sacred Grove. As he grew closer, his nose began to twitch and he caught the irresistible, intoxicating scent of his belle. Stalking through the woods, he emerged into the Sacred Grove to find her kneeling and the sight turned sexual in his mind. Firmly, he told himself no- he had to have an answer to this question before he took pleasure. With a soft hum, he announced his presence. Good evening Lili, my love. He murmured, coming to stand a few feet away from her kneeling body, pent up energy almost making his body shake.

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With eyelids shut, her drowsy thoughts fluttered from the worship of Freya and her blessings, to memories of times spent with her lover. There was a calmness about the night, with only the warm summer breeze winding its way through the branches of every tree- the sound of leaves rustling rang in unison with the baritone croaking of tree frogs and crickets chirping. Rare were the interruptions. With the Godja catching up on some well-deserved sleep, the Virding had blissfully thought herself alone in this neck of the woods. That was, until her lover's scent was carried over to where she was kneeling. His approach was quiet, blending with the sounds nature had to offer, and Lilin allowed herself to smile in response to his soft greeting.

"Evening, handsome," she replied just as faintly, opening her eyes and turning her body in his general direction. Even in the dark, his emerald irises shone bright with adoration. Lilin did not rise to meet him, not immediately. She provided him with a sideway tilt of her head instead, an open display of her surprise and curiosity. It was her first time seeing her partner in the grove; although Saul was a believer, he was nowhere near as deeply involved as she or Miskunn. "Were you looking for me?" she finally asked, unsure of whether it was her company he sought, or something else. Secretly, Lilin hoped it was her he'd come for- a lot had happened since they'd last spent the night together. How she missed him.

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If I had words to make a day for you,

I'd give you a morning, golden and true.

I would make this day last for all time,

Give you a night deep in moonshine.


Her body remained unmoved for the few seconds that he'd entered the Grove. It was not unknown that Saul had spent almost no time in here- in fact he thought he'd only had glimpses every now and then. His beliefs were still mostly atheist, but he caught himself every now and again, sending a prayer to Thor or Odin, Freya or Loki. His time with Miskunn had been short and it hadn't escaped his notice how much Lilin spent with their relative, learning, converting. There was no doubt that Lilin's belief had changed, which he supposed he was glad for. A belief was better than being lost, he thought.

The faintly murmured words, their traditional greeting given in place of his own. He grinned and watched as her body twisted, remaining on the floor while managing to face him. He saw the surprise on his belle's face and allowed a self-conscious smile to slip onto his lips. Without really thinking about it, he sank to his knees and shuffled so that he faced her. Her question caused a soft nod to dip his head, silently confirming that it was she he sought. His next words were perhaps rushed, the anxious bubble in his stomach gurgling as he took a deep breath.

Lili, I know this is sudden... and perhaps not the best timed. But I love you, with all my heart and soul. I cannot live without you by my side and we haven't had the opportunity to simply revel in our feelings for one another. I want to spend the rest of my life with you... will you be my mate?

The question came from his lips, not as a rushed and anxious question as he thought it would, but a rough caress, a gentle stroke of her cheek, the absentminded curl of his hand around her ear as he tucked a stray curl away. It came as a shrouded embrace, smothering both of them in their little bubble in front of the Hrogr. Green eyes shone with an equal mix of anticipation and axiety, love and lust, hope.

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He closed in on the distance between them and dropped to his knees, mirroring the way her own body was arranged. Even from a kneeling position, Saul was still at least a head and a half taller than she was. With her muzzle pointing down and her mediterranean blue irises gazing into his viridian orbs, Lilin awaited the explanation that would surely come. Even the most unobervant person could have easily picked up on the anxiety enshrouding him in its embrace. "Are you alright?" Her body was responding to the tense atmosphere, her heartbeat accelerating as her mind perused what could have been the culprit of her lover's strange behavior.

Her name, spoken softly, was the prelude to his announcement. His first words were enough to force her dichotomous receivers into submission. For a fraction of a moment, the Soulstorm heir braced herself for the worst possible scenario. Her brain heard and processed his love declaration with an uncertain smile, awaiting an impending "but" to rain on her parade and shatter the moment. Their love for one another was no secret anymore; she could not fathom the reason for his nervousness. There was a brief pause, during which Lilin subconsciously held her breath, followed by an inquiry that outright stunned her. She blinked; once, twice, then everything came into perspective.

Her worried frown melted into a smile, far too amused for the sincerity of this moment. She had to purse her lips in order to conceal it and regain her bearings. "Yes," she conceded finally, pressing the tip of her nose against his. "You had me worried for a second there!" It was then that she allowed a lighthearted laugh to escape her throat, cleansing her body of built up anxiety. Her salmon pink tongue darted out briefly, brushing against the side of his maw in a greedy manner: she was his, and he was hers.

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If I had words to make a day for you,

I'd give you a morning, golden and true.

I would make this day last for all time,

Give you a night deep in moonshine.

<333 awww, they finally made it!

The anxiety rolling off the male was practically palpable and it wasn't helping matters much. He could see the worry on his belle's face, but there was literally nothing he could do to relax his shoulders, cease his stomach churning, remove the anxious look from his face. Ears lay at half mast and his tail swept behind him in a nervous manner. His whole life depended on the question he was about to ask- her quietly asked question was answered only by the slow close of his eyes for a few seconds, before he opened them once more. He didn't need to comment, to answer her at all because he would be absolutely fine once his words had been said. That being said, he would definitely not be fine, at all, if Lilin's answer was anything other than affirmative.

Green eyes were a darker shade, the tension between them ruining the mood of the Sacred Grove. The atmosphere was nothing compared to the seconds after his declaration- he'd noticed her ears flashing back, the tense way with which she held herself before an uncertain smile slipped onto her lips. His request, however, seemed to catch her completely off guard and for a few seconds, time stood still. He felt as though he could hear the bat of her eyelids, once, twice, before her uncertain smile morphed into something brighter, something altogether spirit lifting.

Her nose pressed against his as she spoke the word his whole life had been hinged on. His breath had been unconsciously held for so long that he gave a stuttering gasp, choking when the air whistled down into his lungs. Green eyes filled with tears, although whether this was from the fact that Lilin had agreed to be his mate, or the stinging sensation in the back of his throat. He was definitely going to go with a natural reflex if she asked him about it. Her soft words, followed by a lighthearted peal of laughter, caused an answering grin to catch his lips and before he could help it, his grin stretched from ear to ear, tail thumping behind him fast and insistent. He didn't need to say anything to her, but the words bubbled up unbidden.

Thank you. He whispered, so softly she might not have been able to catch the words- she would have seen his lips move however. Her swift kiss to his muzzle caused a soft rumble in his chest and he shuffled forward once more. Hands came up automatically to encircle her waist, gripping hard as he dipped his head in for a hard, passionate kiss.

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She had known, for quite some time now, that her beau was more tuned in to feelings of love and compassion. Lilin, on the other hand, was naturally inclined to stifle them. It was a bad habit, one she had learned to occasionally discard with Saul's unfaltering love and commendable patience. Without his support and her relentless efforts, this moment would not have come to exist. The Soulstorm heir was not the least bit surprised by his sharp intake of oxygen and she only acknowledged it with an insistent rub of her muzzle against his. Lilin saw it as great strength of character, comprehending just how difficult it must have been for him to pop the question; leaving their couple's fate in her hands. For an instant, she'd had the power to breathe life into their relationship or destroy it.

His gratitude went unnoticed - her focus was everywhere else; on his body language and the manner with which he'd responded to her caress. She did look up in time to see the ear-to-ear smile present on his face, followed by the repetitive thud of his tail against the earth. The Virding was no stranger to the rumble that erupted from Saul's maw as she brushed the side of his face with a fleeting lick. She knew its meaning well. Her dichotomous receivers had perked at the sound, displaying a particular attentiveness to the actions that followed: his shuffle closer and the assertive grip around her waist. Not a word needed to be said. The fur on her back already bristled with anticipation and as he zeroed in on her lips, his newfound confidence outweighing his earlier anxiety. It was a crushing embrace - Lilin's tongue darting out and exploring the edges of her co-leader's lips, grazing his own whenever access was granted.

Her fingertrips dug into his shoulders as she positioned herself on top of her significant other, straddling his lap. It was only to catch her breath that she broke their kiss first. "Love me," she whispered breathily, hoping he would assimilate its meaning. Lilin was hell bent on making him understand her desires, and she urged him on by pressing against him; starving to be touched and aching to feel his contained arousal through the fabric of their clothes.

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If I had words to make a day for you,

I'd give you a morning, golden and true.

I would make this day last for all time,

Give you a night deep in moonshine.


It had never really escaped the young Stormbringers notice that Lilin was the more reserved of the two. Occasionally, when Saul was feeling particularly insecure about their relationship, poisonous thoughts would settle in his mind. She seemed indifferent most of the time, what if she was just enduring his attentions? Of course, he never failed to cover these thoughts with images of his belle, his mate writhing beneath him, underneath his wayward tongue. She couldn't deny her feelings for him, even if she was nowhere near as forthcoming in reminding him often that this was where she wanted to be. He would just have to accept that fact, and remind himself that he didn't need to tell her every time they met that he loved her.

His fleeting thoughts were brushed aside as her attention turned to his body- he could see her dark blue eyes flickering back and forth. The soft, rumbling half growl in his chest caused her ears to flash forward and he felt the cocky grin slip over his lips just before he kissed her. With arms encircling her waist, it was easy to lean forward, pushing more of himself in to her. She managed to hold her own, tongue twisting this way and that with his own. He felt another rumble just before she pulled away, her fingers digging into his shoulders as she clambered onto his lap.

To say he was pleasantly surprised would have been an understatement and he gave a harsh sigh as she settled over his lap. He could feel the heat she radiated, pulsing through the rough material of his shorts and down onto more vital parts of his anatomy. Once again, arms came to hold her to him and as he did so, his hips thrust forward simultaneously with arms pushing her body down. It caused delicious friction, but it wasn't enough. It seemed she had the same idea- her whispered words were taken with a throaty, low chuckle as she pushed herself down on him. He shifted his body, swinging his legs around and forward so he was sitting more comfortably on his bum than resting on his knees.

He didn't need to sat anything to her, didn't need to ask her permission for this. With a wicked grin, he moved one of his hands that had encircled her waist, up her back before untying the scrap of material that covered her body. As he released the tie, the cloth pooled onto his lap and he absently pulled it out and away from them. With reverence in his eyes, contradicted by the feral grin on his lips, Saul allowed worshipping hands to slide up her stomach, gripping tightly until he held her firmly in place. Dipping his head forward, he gave a low rumble as his searching tongue moved against her breast, seeking her nipple.

It wasn't enough to stop there and while he tongue continued to lap, lips teasing and teeth nibbling occasionally, his right hand slid back down his mates body. Green eyes darkened with lust as he plunged his hand between their almost conjoined hips, stroking her softly twice before plunging his fingers in, ragged breathing currently the only sound in the Grove. He knew this time there would be no interruptions and the very thought caused his already erect manhood to twitch in anticipation while his fingers increased their speed, curling around inside her. This was how he would love her.

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Her beau was just as hungry, just as desperate - she could feel it every time he repositioned his hands on her body. It was not the gentle caresses he usually exhibited in the face of uncertainty. This was primal attraction and Lilin's body betrayed her willpower by quivering uncontrollably, already defeated by the lust dictating the rhythm of their foreplay. Her skipped breaths struggled to maintain the tempo they had set for themselves. Saul's hands would scarcely release her for more than a few seconds, as if afraid there was a possibility that she could change her mind. The Soulstorm heir allowed him to be as forceful as necessary, to grip and hold her however it pleased him. With that one single thrust of his hips, Lilin couldn't help but release a shuddering breath. She could already feel his arousal pressing against the fabric of his shorts, and it was only then that she realized just how eagerly her own body responded to the anticipation.

The slight shift in positions was gladly accepted. From her new vantage point, Lilin had wrongly assumed that she would get to control the cadence for some time. Her mate's determination, however, instantly proved her otherwise. His release of her waist was only meant to accomodate their need for unhindered proximity- before she knew it, the entirety of her pareo fell on her lap where it rested for half a second, only to be promptly removed by Saul's impatience. Mediterranean irises watched in silent awe, taken aback by the hint of glorification in his gaze. For a moment, as bold as the thought might have been, she felt like the embodiment of Freya. His grip did not loosen as one of his hands roamed her bosom. Her own fingers had already begun their journey down south when his hot breath and consecutive tongue swipes connected with her breast. The Virding couldn't help the way her eyes rolled back before closing briefly in a head to toe shudder.

Saul must have recognized her readiness - he did not linger too long before sliding his fingers in and picking up where he'd left off last time. A stray whimper passed her lips in response; she had to focus on her task at hand not to lose herself in the moment. Her fingers fumbled there for a moment, thrown off every so often by the happenings inside of her. She did succeed, however, in unzipping them and exposing him. It was her turn to smile as she gently gripped him, tentatively rubbing her thumb over the length and tip of his organ. This was new to her but she needed little to no instructions, Saul would guide her and put her on the right track should he deem it necessary.

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If I had words to make a day for you,

I'd give you a morning, golden and true.

I would make this day last for all time,

Give you a night deep in moonshine.


He didn't need to think about what he was doing, the instinctual grip of her hips, her waist, her ribs, anywhere he could touch her. Despite the fact that he wasn't technically a virgin, his son accounted for that, it had been once and his inebriated state had rendered him almost completely useless. That encounter really taught him little, and the automatic way with which he touched his mate was something far older than experience. He didn't need to think about it, the knowledge seemed to be already there, tucked away in a corner of his mind until it was needed to move his hands, legs, hips. He couldn't, however, keep the grin off his face even as he sucked against her breast again, surrendering to her sighs and moans.

He almost didn't notice her own hands descent as he slid his fingers into her. The low rumbling growl that seemed to directly relate his pleasure came forth as he felt her strong shudder, her body shaking deliciously between his fingers and his tongue. Anxiety, nerves, worry, they seemed foreign concepts to the confident ferocity with which Saul ravished his mates body. He caught her whimper with a dark chuckle, teasing her by sliding his fingers very slowly out of her before plunging back in. It was his turn to pay attention now however as he finally felt her hands fumbling at his own shorts. With a grin, he removed his left hand from her ribs, mouth still firmyl attached to her breast, to lift his hips off the floor as she managed to get his button and zipper open.

His arousal was evident as he wriggled his body, sending his shorts down to his ankles before he kicked them away. Lilin wasted absolutely no time, her dainty hand clasping around his length in an eye-rolling grip. He grunted, desire rolling from his lips as he swiped a kiss from breast to neck. His fingers had stilled inside her as she'd gripped him and he suddenly remembered to move. Wrapping his left arm back around her waist, he pushed his fingers up into her with more force, showing her just how good her ministrations felt. He gave a low growl, accompanied by the shudder of his body when he felt her thumb swipe over the tip, green eyes opening, pupils dilating as he leant up and caught her mouth in a kiss.

Their panted breaths mingled together desperately as he moved his fingers swiftly in and out of her, hoping she would reciprocate the movement. His groans seemed to rumble together as he felt his hips thrust upwards again, his manhood now in the confines of Lilin's fist. The friction was bliss and he had no control over his hips as they thrust up again, his arm a steel band behind her, keeping her in place.

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Pleasure came crashing into her like a tidal wave - escalating and pulsating closer to rapture, before quelling with each back and forth motion exerted by his fingers. Her brain had no immediate control of her body; her inner muscles flexed with each thrust inside her. She took the opportunity to catch her breath when the intensity of his plunging motions lessened, giving way for a shaky exhale. Lilin was thankful for the help he offered by lifting his rump off the floor and wriggling his body to rid himself of the clothing. While her movements showed no hesitation, she was terrified of doing the wrong thing. His grunt resounding in the darkness caused her to look up for a moment, catching the expression of euphoria on his face. It was a colossal relief, and it infused her actions with renewed confidence.

His fingers seemed to pick up on the same vibe, reanimating with tenacious vigor. Lilin froze momentarily, focusing on the feelings rippling through her body and absent-mindedly accepting the kiss deposited on her lips. Being relatively new to this, accepting and providing at the same time proved to be a challenge- especially when the tempo accelerated in such a way. Her spare hand caught his working arm shortly thereafter, diminishing the pace and moving with him for a minute; accustomating herself to his devotion. She did not forget him and she too, worked on picking up momentum, learning and readjusting with each thrust into her palm. Lilin soon came to understand the fundamentals of pleasuring him; the way his hips bucked after a long stroke, the intensity of his groans whenever she slowed or picked up the pace. Her fascination grew exponentially when the inside of her hand became moist- she released him then, bringing damp fingers to her lips. She tasted him, allowing her tongue to wash them clean before craddling his face in both of her hands.

She'd had every intention of telling him how much she loved him, how much she wanted him. But the words caught in her throat and instead, her hips moved away from his hand hard at work - away from him. Lilin didn't need words for this, she waited him to understand and reposition his hands elsewhere before she pressed down on him once more - feeling his untamed arousal rub against her womanhood. The prospect of having him inside her nearly drove her mad, and she couldn't tame the loud, breathy moan that escaped her at that moment.

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If I had words to make a day for you,

I'd give you a morning, golden and true.

I would make this day last for all time,

Give you a night deep in moonshine.


It seemed that just a few short seconds later, Saul and Lilin clicked in to place. The age old push and pull, the rhythmatic wave of pleasure that seemed to pass straight through their skin to the other and back again. In the few moments that their touches were accepted and revelled in, they began to move in synchronicity, sliding in and over at the same time, pulling out and up together. Their panting breaths were ragged and harsh, occasionally interrupted by a wet kiss given between them, the almost constant whimper, moan or sigh from either of the enamoured pair. The soft rumbling groan that came from his chest was almost constant, accompanied by the crooked grin that had lifted his lips as he'd plunged his fingers deeper.

He couldn't have closed his eyes in rapture even if he'd wanted to- green bore into blue, grazed over peaked nipples, ravished the sight of her hand held in a fist over his manhood. What he did not expect was Lilin's next move. The lubricant that had been coating his length had been noticed and he watched with delight and shock when she removed her hand to swiftly lick her hand clean. He groaned, his fingers digging into her. Ah fuck Lili He couldn't help the whispered curse as her hands moved to cradle his face. He leaned in to her, relishing her treasured touch.

With his face cradled in her hands, he could only look at her imploringly as her hips moved, a whimper escaping him as cold air hit his wet fingers. He couldn't quite resist raising his fingers to his lips, staring into her eyes as he licked himself clean. Of course, she seemed full of surprises tonight, because the absence of his hand between them allowed her space to move and she thrust her hips forward, his erect manhood swiping up the length of her heat. Eyes rolled back in his head and his breath caught in his throat, before more primal instincts took over. With a growl, he shifted, his movements strikingly quick as he leant up and rolled over, arms cradling her so that his weight did not crush her.

She was beneath him now and he was pleased to see he'd remained between her thighs in their roll over. Forearms rested on either side of her head, hands plunged into her curls as he bit softly at her neck. It took him just a few short seconds to acclimate to their new position, green eyes searching blue. I dont want to hurt you Lili... tell me to stop if I do. He whispered urgently and with one last search of her beautiful face, he thrust his hips forward, pushing into her and groaning loudly at the feeling of his manhood surrounded by her heat. His hips refused to stop their movements, but he managed to reign himself in, pulling himself out slowly before moving in again, looking for any signs of discomfort from his mate.

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Knowing one's own mind was a formidable asset - this night had broadened her horizons and knowledge of her inner self. It had provided a deeper understanding of what stimulated her senses and turned her on. Dirty talk, as it turned out, was strangely exciting. Profanity was not part of Saul's common vocabulary and the idea of him going completely out of character in response to her actions was rewarding in itself. She adored this hidden side of him; the dominance unleashed whenever things got hot and heavy. Her tongue darted out almost immediately when his fingers followed suit, stealing a taste of her own nectar in one opportunistic swipe. Her senses were so heavily intoxicated by their foreplay that she barely even noticed a discernible taste.

A conceited smirk found its way to her lips when she caught sight of his facial expression upon contact with her womanhood. It remained there briefly, long enough for her to provoke him further by swaying her hips back and forth. Saul regained his bearings rather quickly however and before she could fully comprehend his intentions, a role reversal took place. Her arms instinctively found their way around his neck, holding on to him as he rearranged himself on top of her. The earthen ground felt cool against her back- an oasis amidst unescapable heat. She found comfort in the familiarity of this position; they had cuddled and played with each other like this many times before.

Then came a bite so soft it could have been mistaken for a nibble. Lilin devotedly arched her neck for him, offering unrestrained access. Her hands, still around his neck, moved to grip his shoulders tightly in preparation for what was to come. A nod was provided in response to his reassuring comment - she truthfully did not know what to expect. His fingers had once upon a time felt uncomfortable inside of her but her body had quickly grown accustomed to their entry. Would it not be the same this time? The answer to that question made itself known when Saul's length slid into her warmth. Sharp discomfort ensued, causing her body to tense momentarily and her receivers to submit. His satisfied groan, on the other hand, sent a thousand jolts up her spine. "I'm okay," she finally murmured, even if her claws contrastingly dug into his flesh.

Uneasiness ebbed away with every thrust and before she knew it, her vice-like grip diminished in intensity and their whimpers rang out in unison. Her beau was her center of attention and subconsciously, his pleasure became her only priority. There was no pain. The rumbling sounds coming from deep within Saul were enough to make her truly happy.

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If I had words to make a day for you,

I'd give you a morning, golden and true.

I would make this day last for all time,

Give you a night deep in moonshine.

wasnt too sure if you wanted to prolong this, or whether to get it over and done with! we'll just say that Saul was overexcited! haha

Green eyes had darkened once more, the love and lust pulsing through his body unable to be contained. Watching her tongue flash out to swipe at his fingers was something he did not expect, but it caused a memory to become clear. Nestled between Lilin's legs, lapping slowly and sensually to be interrupted by her own fingers sliding down to greet him. He remembered that she'd raised her hands to her face after her own exploration, inhaling her scent. It seemed his mate was curious about this, curious about her own arousal as well as his own. He had flashed her a grin before finishing cleaning his fingers.

Their roll over was smooth and for that he was grateful. As he'd cradled her body, her own arms had risen to wrap around his neck, anchoring herself to him. His smile turned sweet as he looked down at her, spread out before him. Her head twisted to the side, giving him unhindered access to her neck as he'd bitten down. It wasn't hard, but there was a possessiveness to the gesture that couldn't be ignored. She was his, and in return he was wholeheartedly hers. The shift of her hands to his shoulders and the subsequent clench of her fingers foretold the penetration that had just been achieved. Green eyes looked down at her, noticing her discomfort and taking it slow until her murmured words caused him to relax.

It took him less than a second to pick up the tempo, his hips thrusting against hers with an urgency that belied the calm control he had over his arms and hands, still deep in her hair. He tried to stifle his groans, but it seemed that within moments her own had enticed his out and the two created their own symphony in the Grove. Panted breaths, sighs, whimpers and moans were given in response to their push and pull. He could have perhaps proclaimed to have taken it slow and made love to her, but the urgency and ferocity in his hips rendered that a lie. At one point he'd managed to shift, his left arm removed from her hair and placed on the ground, his arm straight so that his body was raised up from her- it had only served to increase the tempo.

Green eyes had managed to shut when he'd felt the first feather light tightening in the base of his abdomen. He knew he was close and with desperation looked towards Lilin, his eyes foretelling what his mouth could not shape. The automatic curling of his toes and the stiffness that overtook his legs were his second warning. It took him just a few minutes longer, pumping hard into his mate before the sensation ripped through him and he spilled himself gratefully into her. His hips jerked for a few moments as he pitched forward, catching himself on his elbow before he could completely smother her. Arms came round to embrace Lilin as he rolled to the side, still remaining inside her as he pressed her body to him.

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Logic and intuition told her what to expect- at least, she'd assumed as much until her tiny comment unlocked the floodgates of opportunity. Her eyelids shut automatically as he filled her completely, increasing the momentum mere seconds after her approval had been granted. It took the breath right out of her. She owed one out of two breaths to his brief retreats; a time when she'd brace herself for another forceful thrust. Her arms adhered to his body as desperately as before, searching for stability amidst helplessness. His movements had intent- the time for play had passed, he was in control and she was in for the ride of her life. Lilin had lost control of everything- her cries multiplied and heightened with each push forward.

When the Soulstorm heir finally worked up the strength to reopen her eyes, she could scarcely recognize the male on top of her. There was a fierceness about him she'd never seen before. His emerald gaze was slightly glazed with untamable pleasure - he seemed lost in ecstasy. Lilin took the initiative to wrap her legs around his lower torso when he repositioned his arm and drove into her deeper, faster. She experienced a wide variety of emotions throughout their union, only one of which she could pinpoint - pride swelled inside of her, an instinctive response to the dominance he exerted at that very moment. He belonged to her.

She'd caught the forewarning in his eyes and immediately understood what would come. He pounded into with even bigger enthusiasm right before everything ceased, safe for a few sketchy hip jerks. When his body returned to lay atop of her, Lilin said nothing; her weariness matched his as she melted into his comforting embrace. She wanted to stay like this forever.

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