you're the pretender

24.07.12 . 1pm . fort cumberland . optime form

Teme Chibi is by Requiem!

His life had certainly taken a complete turn on its head in the last couple of days. After his father had returned from Casa di Cavalieri, mare and foals in tow, Temeraire had been surprised (and really rather excited) that Saul had given him Maia's foal to raise and train. He'd named her Helexia, but he found himself shortening the name once or twice to Hex, which seemed to fit the spirited filly. He'd been out to the stables a few times in the last two days to see his horse and to get acquainted with this new territory. It seemed his shifting had caused him to grow up a bit. He found that he no longer giggled- it had deepened into a manly chuckle that was strange but new. This was, of course, not the biggest change in his life.

After his father had dumped the proverbial bomb on him about sex and genitalia, Temeraire had come to the conclusion that his recently mated father would probably be getting up to a lot of that. He shuddered even now thinking about it, and this was the ultimate reason for moving out. Saul had taken it surprisingly well he thought as he'd made his way through Jordheim, before eventually settling on a medium sized house not too far away. He'd realised he was closer to Lilin's home, but he knew that wouldn't last long. He was sure she would be moving to his old home soon. Rolling out of his new bed, dishevelled and groaning. Unlike his father, he did not rise with the dawn.

Since shifting two days ago, Temeraire had been unable to shift back down again. It was probably not a good idea that he'd shifted in his sleep- he hadn't been conscious during the shift itself and therefore still didn't really understand the mechanism of shifting. He'd attempted to walk on hands and feet, but it was such an awkward way of moving that he'd decided to remain upright. His curiosity was going to get the best of him, but he couldn't resist. No longer counted as an Aeska, he knew he wasn't a priority for protection any more, in light of Aunt Coli's recent attack. He'd wanted to go exploring, and therefore he'd made his way towards the Lake borders.

The sun was just falling towards the other half of the sky, just an hour over noon he would have guestimated, when an interesting sight presented itself to him. Blue eyes caught the dun brown of bricks before he moved closer, the ruins of the Fort piquing his interest to no end. With a boyish grin, Temeraire pounced forward and onto the crumbling battlements, tail swishing behind him as he moved over the bricks.

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ooc here

Amaury was hardly a morning person. He was hardly any type of person for waking, but managing to pull himself off of his makeshift bed and up onto his feet was an action done with few grumbles. 'C'mon Luuky...' the African said, nudging his brother harshly and grabbing a rucksack. 'Imma head out an' get us some graze. An' you ent boarded out so get off ya ass ya cake an' do summink useful, ja?' Luuk rose with a grumble and a yawn. 'No drukkie or anythin'?'[/b] Amaury shook his head an scoffed, 'Klap, more like...'. The older brother nodded and shared a chuckle before collapsing back onto his bed. A slurred insult from the pointed male, [i]'Poesgesig... Go back ta speakin' goat...' was met by a harsh, 'Naafi...' before Amaury left.

Yes. Although Amaury wasn't a morning person, Luuk was not one for waking full stop. And Amaury found it easier to piss him off in the morning that at any other time. It wasn't until the piebald male was a good few miles away from his part of the fort that he realised he had left his joints. For a moment he was annoyed, but that soon past with the mere pleasure of walking. Blue eyes the dark from of a younger lad and the African's think tone called out to him, 'Ya wanna watch out there, ou. Doez bricks ent too strong an' all' he wiggled a nearby brick to demonstrate.

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Teme Chibi is by Requiem!

Leaping from one brick to the other, Temeraire quickly forgot his reason for being out here and all the changes that had taken him by surprise the last couple of days. He wished, not for the first time since leaving the borders, that Eli was here to play around with him. Teme was aware that Eli was a little stunted, but when he'd shared his joy at having finally been able to shift, his friend had been overjoyed. It wasn't Teme's fault he was much bigger than the russet dog and Eli didn't hold this against him. He knew that his friend was very close to becoming a year old and had been considered an adult for a while now, despite the fact that he'd still spent all of his time in Temeraire's company.

The childish musings were interrupted with the thick, accented words of another. He twisted, his one white toed paw twisting and slipping. Before he tumbled over the edge of the low battlements, a comical look of surprise had crossed the young luperci's features. It was wiped off when he hit the floor- luckily the brick walls were low, before there was really only the sting of humiliation running through him as he sprung back up. Embarrassment washed through him and he tucked his chin against his chest for a moment, before lifting it once more.

Clearly. He commented dryly, before giving a nervous chuckle. What is this place? He asked, his natural confidence trying desperately to recover from his slip up. Blue eyes studied the accented male before him, curiosity raging at the mans appearance and words. It was clear to him that the male was from a different place than hear, but he thought his questions could wait for a moment. If it had been in the comfort of his own pack, he would have allowed the numerous questions to come forth easily, but he was out of his comfort zone here and he had no idea about what kind of a situation he'd gotten himself into.

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short and icky~!

Amaury chuckled, seeing no reason for the younger, only by a mere handful of months, male's embarrassment. Shaking his head, he held a paw out to the kid and spoke, 'Nah, dun sweat it... Fallin' over ent nuffin really'. He ran a hand through his lazy shag of dark brown fur. 'Ya ent boarded out jus' yet, ja?' he commented, then asked, 'An' ya dint hurt yaself did ya? Dun wanna send ya back to ya folks all klapped up an' all'. He was rambling again, but then again, the boy was talkative by default, even around strangers. A breeze flickered through the trees and made the leaves flutter like mad.

'Dis place? Dis a fort, kid. Hoomans had armies and the trained 'em up here'. Well, that's what Amaury knew from reading the documents that he could find, and that weren't too badly damaged and just from looking around. He'd been camping here for a good few weeks so he thought himself quite the expert on the fort. Far from it in actuality.

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Big Grin

Teme Chibi is by Requiem!

Blue eyes were curious as he took in the males appearance- the piebald blonde markings, the dark shaggy hair, the scrawny nature of the male in front of him. Temeraire knew nothing about hunger, he'd always been fed well and whenever he pleased, but the ribs sticking out from the male struck a chord with the young Stormbringer. He started at the males thick accent, logical brain trying to substitute words that he didn't quite understand into something that would make sense to him. He gave a soft chuckle when the male excused his fall and Temeraire felt himself nod in agreement.

The next words to come from the male took a tad longer to interpret- in fact the first sentence went completely over the males head. Still, the question made sense to him and Teme shook his head eagerly. Nah, I'm not hurt. He confirmed, before thinking about his 'folks'. If he had been hurt, he would have had to tell his father where he'd been, and the youngster wasn't wholly sure his father would approve of his wandering outside of Vinátta. It was lucky really, that he hadn't injured himself. My 'folks' don't know I'm out here, so its better that I wasn't hurt. He said, casting a glance around him as if expecting his Uncle Niernan to burst out of the trees.

His question was being answered however and Temeraire turned back, blue eyes widening at the males words. His father had told him small bits of how the world was, with humans who had written the books his father read. Other than what they were called, Temeraire knew nothing about these mysterious creatures. The information this male imparted was interesting to say the least. Teme looked around him, blue eyes wide in wonder at the thoughts of humans. Armies? For fighting? Wow... He whispered, before a thought occurred to him. I'm Temeraire Stormbringer, by the way. He introduced himself, feeling odd that they didn't know each others names.

Tem and Amaury talk a little more and Tem tells Amuary about Vinátta.

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