[aw] the sea is radioactive
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Setting Location Form NPCs
Location: Flanders' Fields coast, CdA

Date: 25 July

Weather: Windy, overcast, slightly foggy

Time: Noon

(--) Don't matta how many <3

Vasiliy is by me!

Vasiliy had spent much of his time as of late on the ship. Since the voyage north, the dark-furred Russian had spent much of each day aboard the great boat. He either crawled its holds, inspecting and getting to know each and every plank and board. The fact that the ship was both sail and oar powered was a blessing, but it also meant added maintenance, too. Oars were easier to maintain than sails, to be sure, but the dusky-furred wolf had found two oars in need of replacement. One was wood-rotten, and the other had a crack in its pole. It was only a small crack, to be sure, but Vasiliy would rather not lose an oar whilst at sea.

The sun was almost at its midpoint by the time he'd gotten back to shore. The dusky-hued wolf grabbed the two long oars and tossed them to the dock. They fell and landed with a clatter; the rotten one lost a few more chunks of its blade. Vasi climbed down from the ship, grabbed the oars, and trotted toward the shore. Despite his quickness to depart the boat, once on dry ground, the hybrid sat down abruptly, letting the oars fall to either side of him.

They were big implements, and once he was free of their weight, the dark wolf shook out his arms. He breathed outward slowly and smiled to himself as he eyed the boat, floating serenely beside the dock. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. After crawling over the oars all morning, he needed a moment to relax.

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WC: 355 OOC: Cause ILU Tongue

Eclipse wasn’t feeling well at all but she forced herself to get up and get moving. Being sick never stopped her from anything and she wanted to practice bareback riding. She heard of its convinience as well as the time it took NOT to tack up a horse. Of course she found that out quickly when she realized Grace only needed her halter on. She let the colt out as well, knowing he too needed exercise and knew that he would not get in the way of the mare when she was running. Eclipse was on the horse right in town, but didn’t go too fast as she entered the forest, in fact she was low on the mare’s neck, though the mare knew better than to run because Eclipse’s posture wasn’t exactly right for it. She was still too unsure of the ride.

Once out in the field she let the horse go faster into a trot and then a canter, and that was when it hit her, the nausea and she couldn’t stop the horse fast enough as she fell over into the field to throw up her last mean. Groaning a little she leaned on the horse. It wasn’t like her to be this sick, and she didn’t know why, other than the vomiting she was entirely fine, didn’t feel hot at all, but she was afraid to go see Taliesin, who might tell her she had some bad decease she would die of. Figuring she needed some salty air she headed out towards the ocean, which from here she could see the ship and as she got closer she could also see the shape of the Russian. Despite her feeling sick she smiled, pulled off the halter rope from Grace and let her go free before being lured to the fisherman. Or was he now the captain of the ship? “Hello Vasiliy, it’s been some time hasn’t it?” She asked as she came up within earshot, noting his habit, but not giving much sign she cared. She would just stay out of the path of the wind.

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Table by Sunny



Vasiliy is by me!

As Vasi smoked, he considered the oars. The rotten one was good for nothing but kindling, but perhaps the other oar might be salvaged and re-purposed. The cracked blade was just the blade -- the pole might still be made useful for something. He picked at the crack with his finger as he lifted the cigarette to his lips, prodding a claw into the small crack. His ears twitched as he heard the sounds of an approach, the hooves of a horse and what sounded like the feet of a rider -- or would-be rider, since they weren't actually on the horse, as far as he could tell.

The pair rounded a bend and came into view. It took a moment for Vasi to recognize Eclipse and her horse. The woman was leaning on the animal in a way that concerned the granite-hued wolf, but he hesitated to get up even as she made her way toward him. The last time they'd met hadn't been entirely pleasant at the end, and while it was a far cry from an open argument, it had been awkward, to say the least. Eclipse did not seem of the mind to continue their quarrel from the last time, however, and spoke kindly toward him. His tail twitched a few times in happiness, and he grinned.

Aye, miss, aye, he agreed. You okay? You lean on horse -- not ride?

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WC: 312 OOC: I found a suseptable reason why she is sick... because she is just plain icky sicky Tongue

As she came closer his hesitance made her remember her outrage and her sudden leave taking from him in their last meeting and her steps slowed and started to shy, but his words came to her ears as though nothing seemed to happen, well she wasn’t going to try to remind him of that day perhaps she would be more careful about letting anyone get too close to the feelings she had inside. She bit her lip and looked back at Vasiliy

“Yeah, I suppose I ate something bad and well a horse jostling me doesn’t do my poor stomach too well. What is it that you are doing here?” She asked turning the mare loose to look at the oars, which were pretty ugly looking even to her inexperienced eyes. At least that’s what she was guessing. She wondered what he was doing with them though. She looked at the boat looming over in the harbor area they set up for it. It was big, and she hated missing the voyage but there was nothing that could be done with that; “I am sorry that I missed you homecoming. I owuld have had a big feast, but I suppose time slipped away and I was away too long.” She said, other than feeling green she felt perfectly fine, better than the last time she saw the grey male. She had been lonely but now that she had Robert as company and a few others in the pack, she liked it. She felt welcome there now. She gave him a small smile, in hopes he would allow her to sit with him, or maybe even help him if she was capable of it, if she could keep her food down, though she was sure she already threw up what she had left in it. The taste was vile, but she would not say anything about that.

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Table by Sunny



Vasiliy is by me!

Vasiliy was not one to hold a grudge. Though the woman's behavior was strange to him, he was willing to bypass whatever had happened. It was more than likely his fault, anyway -- Vasiliy was not so good with his fellow Luperci, it seemed, and he felt he often accidentally offended someone. He knew he was hard to understand, too -- his English wasn't great, not nearly so fluent as his Russian. At least I can make my point known, I guess, he thought, wishing sorely his spoken words were as coherent and fluent as the Russian in his mind.

Ah, it is okay, he said, shrugging. He did not mind much if she'd missed their return -- he was much more concerned with her ill feelings, and he ruminated on them a moment before even getting to the question she'd asked. Tea! This was declared vehemently, and he grinned broadly. Drink tea, you feel good to dance. He was trying very hard to speak clearly and slowly, and properly enunciate. He'd surely caused their kerfuffle with his poor wording -- maybe even his bad manners.

For what Vasiliy do -- fix oars, not much. He shrugged and smiled. Then, he took one final pull of his cigarette, and flicked it a long, long way down to the water. It fell in the sand, but a wave came and gobbled it into the ocean, leaving not even a brown smear behind. I take back to Thornbury -- you want come? Make tea for you, he suggested.

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WC: 313 OOC: Sooo yeah shaw be le tired hahaha never let shaw post all tired like I'm probably going to be wondering what i was thinking when i come home to reread this!

His declaration made Eclipse jump a little. The word tea, so foreign yet familiar and how he said it made her have to blink at him stupidly as he explained. She smiled and nodded at him. Tea did sound good, perhaps it would settle her stomach; “But you missed me dancing at the ball, if you didn’t you wouldn’t want me to dance.” She giggled remembering the night she met Aro, whose feet were probably very sore after they danced. He sweet talked her like he did a couple days ago. She didn’t regret what they did, they were wolves and free to do what they wanted though she felt this guilty feeling in the pit of her stomach at times when she remembered what happened as though she should have waited for something or someone or whatever the case it was all done now.

She looked at the oar he talked about and back to him; “Could I help you with it?” She felt like she needed to make up in a way. She turned to see him flick the smoking thing at the sea, she could see the smoke die off before the water took it away and then turned back to the man. The tea did sound far better than sitting here, and she nodded, still feeling ill so it was only a slight one but she smiled all the same. Vasiliy was such a nice man, everyone was so nice, which made her wonder, how could she have given him the cold shoulder? She knew why but she felt so heartless now and it was so trivial, as though she grew up in the few weeks she met the man; “Yes that would be fine, and perhaps then I can help you with your task.” She said finally after her nod.

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Table by Sunny


(--) Ahahah your post did make me laugh, but it was only Eclipse jumping at Vasiliy being all "TEA!"

Vasiliy is by me!

Vasiliy had been at the ball, but he'd been mighty uncomfortable. The Russian's face darkened and he looked again discomforted now -- his ears folded back and he grinned at her sheepishly. Is okay, he said. I still dance with you. Should have at ball, anyway. But I did not know anyone, and it was... well. He shrugged, smiling. You know. He wasn't sure if she did, but he didn't want to talk about how he'd felt at the ball with so many canines around. Together, we make terrible dance, he said. Vasiliy was not a good dancer, either -- meat-paws made for poor dance moves.

With her offer, the dark-furred wolf regarded her for a moment. He was hesitant to allow her to offer help if she wasn't feeling well, but she seemed adamant about it, and perhaps it would be just as mannerless if he refused? There had to be some right thing to say. Aye, if you want... you feel okay to do this? He figured that would do about as well as anything -- there wasn't a much better way the dark-furred hybrid could think to put it. He shifted his weight and stood up slowly, stretching out his calf muscles as he rose up further on his toes. A moment later, he picked up one of the oars, testing its weight. It wasn't so heavy -- Eclipse could probably carry it on her own. But he'd feel better if they did it together. Why not -- you take one end, I take other? Carry together? Carry Sobirat'sya, he added, grinning.

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WC: 203 OOC: crappier than the one before it buuut i tried?!!

“Oh yes I do know what you mean, I couldn’t say no though he was the son of the king there. But I didn’t know anyone at all,” She knew exactly what the man felt like, and she nodded her sympathies. If Jace hadn’t been so busy herself Eclipse would have stuck to her like glue, and other than that she didn’t really know anyone at all. She did giggle at his comment of making terrible dance together and she nodded.

As the topic returned to the ore she looked down at his motion and she smiled nodding. She didn’t think she would have too much trouble picking the oar up. She moved to the other side after he picked up one and tested it first before pulling it up to her side; “I think I’ll be good, I don’t feel as bad as I did earlier.” She said, of course she was right, she felt a good deal better. She was still nauseous and light headed but she was sure she could do this much, and a little more. She returned his grin with her own smile and waitted for the man to lead the way.

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Table by Sunny


(--) :c I lub you.

Vasiliy is by me!

Vasiliy shook his head at the idea of a king. Skye was not a queen and did not seem to present herself as a monarch at all. Instead, she was a Luperci -- simple, complicated, logical, emotional, and entirely (as far as Vasiliy could tell) normal. There seemed to be no needless elevation of the leadership, and though he could not say for certain this was how Casa di Cavalieri operated, he was suspicious of such places all the same.

Aye, and you will feel much better after tea, I think. You know what is? He had met a few canines on the ship who had never had tea before in their lives -- perhaps owing to the lack of dangerous fire aboard mostly wooden ships. It seemed a rather easy way to sink a ship, in any case. Vasiliy's thoughts, however, returned to Casa di Cavalieri. If they were neighbors and close with Cercatori d'Arte, he ought to learn more about them. But... why king? he asked, turning his head occasionally to glance back at Eclipse. It seemed rude to keep his back to her at all times, even if their present task and predicament made it necessary. What you know about Casa place?

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She was glad that he continued the conversation as they moved forward to his destination it did get her mind off of dwelling about everything that happened, being sick in particular. “Yes I’ve had it from different families before.” She said quietly. She couldn’t just say, my mom or my dad... because they had not introduced it to her, different other families she stayed with after her father, then mother left.

When he asked about king in Casa she shrugged, actuall that’s what she was thinking because that’s how she felt. She knew different packs had different names but from the small knowledge she got from old human times, all leaders were like king or queens, though the pack she and Vasiliy resided in was a bit different than normal but she still felt that the Matriarch was established and well. “I don’t really know if he is a king, I suppose leader? I just... I didn’t want to offend him or anyone and be the only wolf to.. well break the alliance. I know how important that is.” He asked if she knew much about Casa and she shrugged; “Only some, that they train to fight and um.. protect I guess. They have been nice, all that I have met. I suppose I should learn about them more huh?” She asked sheepishly. Her thoughts lingering on the fact that they were allianced and she still didn’t want to offend though she and Aro did have that one night together, though she didn’t regret it, in fact she enjoyed it and as far as she knew he did not have a mate and neither did she so it wasn’t like she was promised to anyone. She did let a small smile lip through her face as she kept pace with her larger friend.

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Table by Sunny



Vasiliy is by me!

The storm-cloud colored wolf nodded his understanding, smiling fond himself of the memories he had. Zinoviya had been the one to brew the best tea, though it had always been a younger cousin or aunt to bring it to the sick. Zinoviya, in her old age, could not afford to expose herself to all manner of illnesses, as she put it. The old woman was always there to give Vasiliy comfort as soon as he was well enough again, though, and then she'd bring the tea herself.

Vasiliy listened, ears twisted back to catch her words better, even as he walked forward. The path he picked was a relatively easy one, leading almost straight into the village. He still was not absolutely certain how they might fix the oars, but that would come when they arrived. For the meantime, it was more important to get the oars to the village first. I understand, Vasiliy said, nodding. I know little of other places, miss Eclipse, so maybe both should learn more. The wolf gave a laugh, though.

Why learn other places, though? Cercatori d'Arte is good. Know little bit about Casa -- fight, protect, train, you say? Is good enough know for me. The rest, can leave behind. Vasiliy did not desire to know all there was to know about the different packs -- just bits and pieces were quite enough for him. He must know who to approach and who to avoid, but beyond that, he cared little for the intricacies of pack politics.

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WC: 228 OOC: So um yeah i'm bad for letting this go so long Sad

As they got closer to the town she had a fairly good idea of where they were headed... well where inside the town she did not know but she would follow him nonetheless. She nodded at his comment and remembering his back was to her spoke; “Yes I want to get to know our neighbors,” She said.

At his question and answer she couldn’t help but giggle; “Sure Cercatori is great but if you don’t know much about your neighbors and possible friends then you stand little chance of them liking you. If I knew the customs of a place I am visiting then I would stand less of a chance of offending them, right?” She asked, shifting the weight of the oar as they got closer, it wasn’t too heavy but it did grant a weight when it was being held for some time; “Say I come to your house, and do something my own customs allow and that offend yours? Wouldn’t you be at all offended?” She asked, trying to think of a good example. She was still young but learned early that one could offend someone by just doing that. She had done that a few times when visiting a pack or two here and in the south that did not take too kindly to her actions.

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Table by Sunny


(319) It was only a week. XD

Vasiliy is by me!

The granite-furred Russian listened with a cocked head and ears pricked upward in interest as Eclipse spoke, though he kept his eyes forward now. They were in the trees and it was more difficult to navigate -- he wouldn't want to go walking straight into a treetrunk, after all. There was a good lot of sense in what she was saying. Vasiliy was supposed to be a trader of Cercatori d'Arte -- he'd picked this rank tier precisely because he was a friendly personality and he enjoyed interacting with other canines.

The moment was so large and resonating within him, Vasiliy almost wanted to stop, turn around, and look Eclipse in the face. He'd wear a grave sort of look, something that told her he understood what she was saying and found it poignant, and he'd speak long and lovely words about what it meant to him to have this thing explained to him in so simple a way. But -- Vasiliy was certain he'd muck the long words up, and he wouldn't be able to get the expression right and she'd end up thinking he was mad at her, and above all -- he was still carrying the damned oars. If he stopped to turn around and look at her, he'd wind up letting her bear the entirety of their weight.

I understand, he said. It would hurt me, he agreed. I did not think of it like this. Thank you, Eclipse, he said, trying to convey the solemnity and weight he felt of her words. They were most certainly right, he knew -- it was a truth had never heard put to words so succinctly before. Their path soon took them into the village, and Vasiliy made for his own house. When they were just outside, he turned his head to Eclipse. Set your ends down, I will put up, he said.

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WC: 273 OOC: errrrfffff ilu!!!

She didn’t really know she said something not everyone would be able to put into words and so she didn’t know how significant this would be to the man. This had been a part of her life since late childhood when she started to understand that if she learned more she would be trusted more, so she learned, watched, and mimicked. But she did get her words across to him and she shrugged, the oar lifted a little. “Sometimes one needs another perspective.” She said in a tone that said to him ‘think nothing of it.’

She was glad when they got the oar to its destination, she was already getting tired... perhaps from being sick and riding... or both. She did her best to hide it though and let her oar move to the ground where she gently let it go; Wow, and people use these to get the ship to go?” She asked. She had seen a rowboat work before, she actually went on a ferry that used oars to get across the great lakes. It made her wonder how anyone could use this to get that huge ship to go through the water, just walking it was hard and she knew how much thicker water was then air, and how when she gave herself the courage to swim... which was rare and always in the shallows, but she still knew how hard it was to swim than it was to walk. “I don’t envy the wolf who has to do that.” She murmured quietly but loud enough for Vasiliy to hear.

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Table by Sunny


-- ILU2 D: D: We could probably end this here, if want?

Vasiliy is by me!

Vasiliy might have better understood observation; he was quick to attribute any mistake or accident to himself, often blaming himself and therefore minimizing the real problems of another. If he had only better understood how to observe others and emulate their behavior and reactions, perhaps he would not be so hopeless. He was glad when the subject was changed for him by the tawny she-wolf and smiled his gratefulness.

Aye, he said, and lifted an arm to flex, grinning to emphasize his joking gesture. Give good muscle, though. There was always the need for an oar-puller, and though he'd been the head of their foray northward, Vasiliy had pulled and toiled alongside the rest. Not so bad. He shrugged, and glanced over the oars, and then toward his door. Then, his gaze returned to Eclipse, with a smile on his muzzle.

I make tea, he started, tossing his nose toward his house. If want? At least make thanks for help carrying. He did not want to insist, but he also wanted to provide tangible thanks for her efforts in assisting him. Tea to soothe her stomach was just such a thing.

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(153) OOC: Nah this should do though Big Grin

She nodded at his comment. It would give good muscles, but it was also enough hard work that one could resent it. She knew that it was a quick way to get around and she understood how well it could help them in the long run when it came to trading not just in the area but outside as well. They could easily get new crafting skills and other such things. She smiled at him and at the doors where he looked at.

“I would like that. Tea sounds good.” She said feeling this meeting with Vasiliy made up for her rude departure in the long run. She was glad because she needed friends and she wanted to make a friend out of the russian sailor who treated her with nothing but kindness. She stepped behind him to accept the tea and talk about happenings in the days earlier.

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Table by Kite/Aly

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