Just Visiting

out of character

She shouldn't have come. It was silly. Adelle was hurting so much, feeling the pain of her grandpa's death. It was like part of her had been removed. No one else to speak to in danish, no one else to understand her so well and protect and care for her. She was alone. Adelle had left the lands, running as fast as she could. There was no direction in her movement, but she had arrived at Skoll's pack all the same, looking at it blankly.

She had been a child when she met him. Adelle's feelings had been so soft, easy to provoke. Adelle laughed bitterly at the memory of saying that she loved Skoll, of that soft talk. They were just two kids. What did they know about love? What did they know about anything? Well, she wouldn't have come all this way for nothing. Adelle was afraid of what she would see when she called Skoll out, but she wouldn't back down. Lifting her head she howled for him, wondering if he would come, if he would even recognize her now that she was so much older.

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Skoll had done little thinking about soft things these days; the beast growing within him would not permit it. And that was what he was slowly becoming, no more than an animal in the body of a werewolf, prowling through the territory and living as solitary a life as it could. He’d tried to make amends with himself in some ways, such as fetching food for the injured Takekuro man and saving his son (or so he’d thought at the time), but he hadn’t bothered to get at the root of the problem—and so it grew, a thorn in his paw, constantly throbbing and keeping him in the worst of moods.

A doggish howl brought his head up suddenly, and he stood from the log he’d been sitting on. For a second, he was himself—brushing his unruly hair out of his face, green eyes round with curiosity—and then he loped nervously in the direction of the summons. Adelle, Adelle, he hadn’t thought much of her since everything else started to occupy his life, but he found himself missing her—because, whatever else she could have been to him, she was a friend, and he needed a friend of his own age right now.

His optime form had traded its princely strut in for a wolfy gait, and so he made quick time to the borders, where he stopped and sniffed. There she was, even more grown-up than he remembered, beginning to lose the last traces of childishness in her toned body. He didn’t know what he thought about that, or even what he looked like: a young man instead of an awkward boy, turned more feral from anger.

At last, Skoll smiled boyishly. “Good to see you again.”

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what happened?

Her own form was tense. While the tail was held properly lowered in submission, Adelle's sorrow was clear to see. The anger still beat underneath, but it wasn't able to fight it's way out. There was nothing for her to rage against. She'd fought and fought, but nothing changed. She was just sorrowful now, unaware of how she could alter that. She spotted Skoll's creamy form on the horizon, straightening up as she watched him move. His gait was different, more powerful and dominant than before. Fiercer in a way. Was this a friend, or an enemy coming to greet her?

Warily she studied him, wondering what to expect. She didn't smell anything beyond the pack on him. Just the scent of someone living in the woods. In fact, the scent of others was slightly faded. He had been spending time alone. Was he turning into a lone wolf? He looked older, just like her. Neither of them held the childish warmth they'd had before. When a smile formed the tension eased from her form. Adelle managed a tiny smile in return, nodding her head. Skoll. It's been a long time. It felt like it had been months, instead of weeks. They had changed so much in that time, both of them.

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Skoll fought with his brother, and he's been throwing a little fit about all of it, so he's been grouchy and antisocial and teenage-moody. x3 Nothing major. The theme of this month has been TESTOSTERONE AAHHH WHAT DOOO?

As an animal, Skoll could recognize the tension in her body, but as a friend, he could see that something was wrong and grew worried. He could stomp around and be as petulant as he wanted, but he was still innately good. He clasped his hands behind his back so she wouldn’t see him fidgeting with them, and tried to balance his posture so that it wasn’t overpoweringly dominant or closed-off.

“It hasn’t been that long,” the golden wolfdog answered awkwardly, “has it?” He supposed it felt like it, but the days had been dragging on and on lately. He knew he wasn’t the best person to ask about this kind of thing.

Boy, man, and animal raged within him for a few moments, as he wondered what he should do—continue to maintain this awkward distance she’d set, cordially invite her in, or go and hug her like he kind of wanted to? Some of the sparkle had gone out of her eyes, which unnerved him. Meanwhile, his heart had relearned how to pitter-patter in his chest, and he didn’t know if it was because of general anxiety or because it was her.

But he could figure that out later. Right now, the most important question was: “What’s wrong, Adelle? What happened?” His green eyes softened, and he held his hand out—a gesture of welcome, whether it was into his territory or into his arms.

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Skoll leaned back, the fierce air about his form lessening even more. It actually looked like he was trying to relax. Something Adelle didn't know if she remembered anymore. It hurt so much, thinking about what was missing. Why did he die? It ran through her mind again and again, an endless painful cycle that didn't seem like it was going to end. The hybrid's words were awkward, uncertain in what he was saying. Tilting her head Adelle considered. Long enough that we aren't children anymore. That stage of innocence was passed.

His arms open, inviting her closer. Did Adelle dare to get that close? The feelings she had for Skoll were only half remembered. She was afraid it was a dream, that if she got close to him it would just disappear and leave her even more bare than before. Staying away was more difficult. She stepped to his side, stopping just before she was close enough to hug him. Grandpa's dead. Surprisingly, she didn't cry. There was just the empty tone of her voice.

She spoke of them not being children, and Skoll stared intently at the ground—although it was obvious that he agreed. At least he didn’t feel like a child anymore; he had advanced high into the adult ranks, had responsibilities even if he didn’t do them, and had tasted the conflict that would drive him in life. He’d grown from the alpha puppy into a jealous young adult, still developing and trying to justify how he saw himself. He’d simply made the wrong choice in how to show his dominance, and that had pretty quickly cast away any illusions of it all being a childish game.

But his own problems, mostly centered around an adolescent moodiness, seemed trivial compared to the way the golden-furred girl seemed so withdrawn, so tired and changed. His heart thudded in the silence as he watched her, increasing in tempo as she strode closer, though she did not fall into his embrace like he’d somehow hoped she would.

Instead, Adelle said two dead words.

Shock was apparent on the wolfdog’s face, followed by detached sympathy—all that he could offer, having not lost anyone of his own. He tried to imagine what it would be like if his father or mother died, and found himself instinctively recoiling from the thought. For her to lose her grandfather…

“I’m so sorry, Adelle,” Skoll whispered, his voice thick with emotion and honesty. He closed the space between them, afraid that she would remain tense and unresponsive, but he chanced it—wrapping his strong arms tightly around her and nudging his snout into her shoulder. “I can’t even imagine, babe, I’m so sorry…”

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out of character

Her eyes focused past him, staring at the trees. She didn't want to think about it. Didn't want to realize that he was dead and gone, never to return. It hurt so much, remembering it. She would never have the answers to her questions. Nothing more than an emptiness in her soul. No one could fix this. His voice came out, thick and heavy. The pain in it didn't come close to Adelle's, but it gave voice to the emotions that refused to escape, trapped deep in the pit of her stomach. She hadn't cried, not yet.

Arms wrapped around her, so strong. They were warm, comforting. It wasn't made to restrain her and stop her from striking others. It just held her close, protecting her. Adelle let out a deep breath, and the tears finally came. Tears that should have come days ago trickled down her face slowly. Wrapping back into Skoll she nuzzled into the comfort he was offering her. His scent, so wild and different from her own, acted as a comfort as she cried out her sorrow, frame quivering as she let go.

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Managed to retrieve this post after the data loss. Smile

This was something different. Skoll liked to think that he was grown, just shy of a year old, but he didn’t have the experience he might have hoped he’d had. He didn’t know how to comfort someone who was grieving, or hurt; the Kingdom was not a place where that often happened. And yet here they were; he had to do something.

The words coming out of his mouth surprised him just as much as his actions did. No matter what he pretended, he was still a boy, and he hadn’t taken a young woman into his arms yet. Even as his strong arms tightened around her solid frame, he was afraid she would push him away, and he prepared for that.

What he didn’t prepare for was the soft shaking of her shoulders as she cried into his fur. His ears fell back against his blond mane uncertainly before he hugged her a little tighter, nuzzling her ear and licking the top of her head tenderly.

“Your grandpa’s in a better place now,” Skoll whispered, still not knowing where the words were coming from. “He’s a warrior, right? He’s up there on a battlefield, where he can fight all he wants, but he never hurts and he never gets tired and he’s just as strong as he when he was young like us.” He got choked up imagining this scenario for her, mostly because he was thinking of his own kingly father, his aged mother. His voice thickened, deepened. “He’s still watching over you, and I’m sure he’s proud of you. You can pick up where he left off, Adelle. You’re an amazing girl, okay? You’re strong enough to do this on your own—but you don’t have to be alone.”

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out of character

The soft affection was comforting as she cried. Adelle hadn't let anyone close to her after Grandpa had died. Not Isa, not Aly, not Jazper, not even Sidra had been near her without her lashing out at them. To be confronted this way, just held softly and soothed, was a great feeling. Adelle tried to stop the tears, but it didn't work. They kept flowing, soaking through her fur and dampening Skoll's. Nuzzling against him she returned the lick with a slow one on his neck.

Adelle was jealous of the battlefield Skoll described. It sounded like a wonderful place, and she hated that Grandpa had left her behind to go there. At least some of the emptiness inside her had been pushed back by the gentle words. Picturing Grandpa, and stepping up where he had left off, was frightening. Could she do it? Could she really make her Grandpa proud still, and carry the family? It was a little frightening to think of. Sniffling she looked at Skoll. Thanks.

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Blah didn't know what to write. D:

Skoll was kind of scared, because he didn’t know what to do other than hold on to her and let her hold on to him; otherwise he was afraid they might float away somewhere. He murmured more meaningless words out of reflex, focusing on the feel of her soft fur against his and the strong muscles underneath, the lick on his neck. It might have made him happy at any other time, but this whole situation was too unreal for that, and he knew he couldn’t be happy with her like this.

She was quiet as she talked, but after he’d trailed off, staring across at the trees, she spoke up. The boy offered her a slanted smile then reached up to touch her hair, a comforting gesture. “Just…” He looked shyly at their feet. “Just let me know if there’s anything I can do, all right?”

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not a lot to write when she's bawling her eyes out

Her blue eyes were more dark than the usual clear icy color they had, changed by the sorrow that had rampaged through her. She was a mess, really. A smelly mess, considering how she hadn't even bothered brushing out her hair since her grandpa had died. Not that there was even usually hair to deal with. Blinking she looked over at Skoll, drinking in the little comfort that he was providing. The rage was dissipated for now.

Adelle leaned into the touch, a snortish giggle escaping. Okay. Wow, what was she doing? Crying all over him. Adelle lifted an arm, pushing her hair back the best that she could. The short crop made it easier to deal with, but it was still plenty messy to deal with. There was one thing that she wanted in that moment, actually. More than her grandpa. Before she could tell him though, her stomach beat him to it with a loud growl. Embarrassed she looked down. Sorry.

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Skoll did not care if she was messy, her dark hair tangled and her eyes sore with grief. Some of it came from his own disregard for grooming, as he always looked untamed even though he kept himself clean of dirt and destroyed the worst mats in his fur. What he appreciated was what remained despite all that—her bone structure, her strength, and the memory of their other meetings, her spirit, her laugh, her impeccable technique of dumping him on his ass once a sparring session. He cared about her, and he was sincere in wanting to help.

Her giggle, distorted with mucus from sobbing as it was, made him grin broadly. Already, the somber woman who’d approached him had gone away a little bit, revealing that she was still a girl who got self-conscious just like they all did.

Her stomach’s growl surprised him, bringing his ginger ears up, but he laughed off her apology. He leaned in to give her a lick between the eyes then pulled away again, gesturing inward into the Kingdom. “I’m sure I can bring a friend to hunt some deer or something,” he said warmly. “Come on.” He stretched briefly, just in case, then let his muscles contract and contort until he was on four legs, his dog’s tail curled over his back. He smiled at her again, and then turned, running for the swathes of woods on Cour des Miracles land.

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out of character

His ears perked up at the embarrassingly loud noise. Adelle still didn't have much of an appetite, though she was now aware of the fact that she was, indeed, hungry. How she could be feeling these things, feeling everything that came with being alive, when her world had come to a stop? Skoll had started it moving again, though it was the smallest step forward. She would have a long path to travel before she was settled again.

Her eyes closed as Skoll licked at her head, opening them once more as Skoll began to pad into the kingdom. Adelle glanced around, partly expecting an attack for trespassing before she stepped over and followed after him. Adelle slowly shifted down to lupine form, muscles burning as they twisted and changed. Adelle nodded and bounded after him, easily keeping pace with her friend. She was strong, despite the time spent in sorrow.

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Shifting came easily to the creamy-colored male, only for the frequency with which he did so. Each form served to accentuate his moods and aid his ventures in some way. His halfling form was intimidating and powerful, strong and fast, and he could stomp around importantly and pretend that he was the sole defender of the Kingdom, able to take on anyone. The shape of the werewolf varied more, allowing him to create or destroy, to move through the territory with his princely swagger, to ride his mare, or to simply sit down and read a book.

Whatever hubris tainted his secui and optime forms, however, could not touch him in lupus. When he ran on four legs in the shape he’d been born in, all he felt was the pride and purity of the wolf (or wolfdog, as was his case). He felt the most natural and happy like this, free of complex thoughts, simply letting instincts take over and guide him. As he dashed through the grass, he turned and shot a tongue-lolling grin at the girl, admiring her own huge doggish shape and hoping that she’d feel happier like this, too. Maybe she wouldn’t forget her grief, but she could at least put it at bay for a while and let herself start to heal.

The boy set his pace at a steady lope, one that he could keep for a long time without tiring. He let out a short howl as he did so, to let the others know that he was escorting this Cavalier, before they finally reached the forests. He slowed down then, his steps more careful. He was acutely aware that his pale coat starkly contrasted the shadows of the trees, but that wouldn’t matter once they ran the deer down. He didn’t care if it took a day; they’d catch it in the end.

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out of character

A simple wolfish grin was shot back to Adelle as they ran together. Adelle picked up speed, simply being a dog and nothing else. That was life. Her sorrow was pushed back as she ran, concentrating on the rhythm of her paws and the beating of her heart. Adelle kept up easily enough, as their running styles were similar. Different from Sidra's who could easily outrun the girl. Adelle was not one made for agility.

The short howl reminded Adelle of the fact that she was somewhere she didn't belong, almost slowing down before she continued forwards again. Slowing down as they reached the woods Adelle glanced around, examining everything that she saw. It wasn't a different forest from where she lived, but the smells were different, and nothing was where it was in her mind. The trees had to be adjusted, and the stump sunk further down, and other things to make it more like home.

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The pace was kept until they entered the forest, and then it slackened as the outsider girl surveyed the area with attention to detail. It made the boy wonder what her forests were like—and if he would ever see them. It had occurred to him more than once that he might like to visit Casa di Cavalieri, knowing that some former Courtiers made their home there, and of course that warriors lived there too. Perhaps they could give them the training that many in his pack could not, or at least a different insight as to how to train. It was probably a bit hypocritical that he wanted to learn to fight better to protect his pack, considering the beating he and Hati had given each other, but it was a worthy goal in the end.

Skoll slowed down as they reached an area where the whitetail liked to browse; he’d seen them as a child roaming through the trees. Sometimes the majestic creatures had simply stood still, stark and brown against a striped brown and white backdrop, as if they still thought they were camouflaged like in the autumn. With it being summer, it was a bit harder to spot them, but the wolfdog relied more on scent as he followed their trail.

He rolled his shoulders forward with anticipation, coming to the edge of the trees; not fifty yards away he thought he could see an old doe. He flicked his gold tail behind him to let Adelle know, his nose pointing in the prey’s direction, as he considered a strategy. All he could think was that he wanted to chase the doe, and bite deep, and drag it down and bite into it again. There was hardly any room for sneaking or tricks in his repertoire.

“Wanna go for it?” Skoll whispered, grinning childishly. He knew it could very well end in a failed hunt, as was often the case, but he was sure it’d be fun and that they could give up and go raid the Court’s stores if they needed to.

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out of character

Skoll's pace slowed down to match her own and let Adelle take her time surveying the area. The pace dropped even further as they came round to a new area. Sniffing the air Adelle's pace changed, switching over to a more stealthy one. There was food in the area. She could smell it. Lifting her head she sniffed for where the prey could be, cautious in her steps. The flash of gold by her eye brought her attention over to where Skoll was, looking to see what it was he needed her attention for.

Spotting the old doe Adelle's body tensed, measuring it carefully. It would make a good meal once they took it down. Asked to go for it she nodded, moving carefully so that she was at a different angle. The lessons on taking down various prey flickered through her mind. She could take it down. Adelle remained stock still, watching it browse along, oblivious that it was about to become dinner. Another step, and the large dog broke forwards. The deer took to flight, Adelle chasing at it's heels, teeth snapping at it's legs.

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The large dog moved away from him, half circling around to come at the deer from a different direction, and Skoll crept forward as sneakily as his bright-colored body would allow him. He stopped and started, but the doe seemed more interested in food than the possibility of becoming food, and when it came close enough to Adelle, the female lunged out, charging after it and snapping at its spindly legs.

With a thunderous bark, Skoll scrambled after them. His paws and shoulders snapped twigs, but he managed to catch up, his tongue lolling as he came alongside the deer. He turned and drove his shoulder into the creature, which stumbled then righted itself, bearing tooth marks from the wolfdog inflicted in the moment it fell. Skoll barked again as it leaped over a fallen log, excited by the chase and the promise of blood on his tongue.

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out of character

The deer was away, quick legs carrying it further and further. Adelle followed after, noisily plunging through the woods in the chase. She leaped over what logs she could, though it's grace was insufficient when compared to the flowing movements of her companion and the running deer. Skoll came from a different angle, crashing directly into the creature. For a moment it's balance was lost, and Adelle knew the deer would come down.

It regained it's steps, but blood now tainted the air. Driven forwards Adelle let out a deep bark, reverberating through the woods. Her tail wagged wildly behind her as they both chased, Adelle trying to cut ahead and drive the deer back. Simply chasing it was hard. Luckily the deer lacked the endurance of the predators, slowing as they remained at the same pace. It had been ahead at first, but patience would bring their prey down. Adelle lunged, grabbing a dainty leg in her mouth and wrenching it before being knocked loose.

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It was rare that Skoll was able to enjoy a mindless hunt like this; few members of the Court (except perhaps Terra) really held to the old way and relied on instincts in their life. Hunting required the preparation of asking others to join him, and even then they were usually content to send a few arrows into a few rabbits rather than truly having fun. He didn’t see how any of that compared to this.

He felt more than saw Adelle grab hold of one of the doe’s legs, and he put on a burst of reserve speed as the creature staggered again, managing to knock the dog girl away. He cut almost in front of the animal, its chest pumping into his neck, and lunged for the leg opposite where he was. The combination caused the deer to trip, flipping over his back and landing on the forest floor with its leg wrenched at an odd angle. It thrashed, a hoof catching Skoll on the shoulder, but he only growled and jumped at his prey, sinking his teeth in for the first death bite of many.

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