
6th August

Neela’s mood was far from fair this day, the collie was currently storming around the lesser travelled parts of Kingsbury, keeping to the less cleared sections along the inside of the world and growling at any small animals that happened to be in her way.

Neela had just an hour ago shifted for what would be the last time in over a month, giving up the ability to use hands or enhance her muscles in times of need for the safety of her pups and her own life. The chang was nessesary but that didn’t stop it frustrating Neela, adding onto her already sour mood. As well as taking her hands away being forced into Lupus form also limited where she could go within the pack grounds; the lions share of Neela’s fighting skills required the use of her Optime form and what little she could do in Lupus was made nearly impossible by her pregnancy With the cougars that had been lurking in the territory to fresh in her mind Neela didn’t feel safe to venture too far out from Kingsbury now, which is why she was resorting to these overgrown areas to snatch some solitude.

With a sigh Neela shook her head and started back towards the more regularly used areas of the fort, padding vaguely towards the river that ran behind the courthouse and the home she and Tony had claimed. The river was where Neela could be found most often when she wasn’t being antisocial nowadays, the sound and sight of he river soothed her somewhat and occasionally the river ran slow enough for Neela to swim in it even in this state. Neela wasn;t actually heading here for the river now but to get a fish.

Not wanting to stink her house up with the strong smelling food Neela had stashed small amounts of salted fish all along the river. The closest of these stashes was nestled in some bushes backing the courthouse. Neela retrieved medium sized fish, pre treated and salted, and started to trot back infront of the courthouse; feeling slightly happier with the strong, salty food in her mouth.

Neela flopped down on a patch of grass infront of the courthouse, forced to lay on her side with her stomach sticking up in the air slightly, and started chewing on one of the fish; the tough texture and taste making it more attractive to her as a tasty chewtoy than food at the moment.

Word Count :: +410

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(335) edit: Thank the wizard of the internet for cached! Got my post!

"You should be happy. No one hurt from the cats. Macbeth sees that as good thing." The woman grumbled louder at the bird; and waved him away with her left hand, though he settled back on her shoulder when put it down.

In all honesty that she could muster, she felt like she could crawl into a hole and die. Though the fever had been reduced to only a lukewarm heat that could only be found on her forehead and arm, it still felt uncomfortable for the usually healthy coywolf. What was worse, Jazper had ordered her to bedrest, and did not allow her to perform her daily duties. While she could have maybe dealt with a little break from hunting and patrolling, being unable to defend her own pack mates scorned her the worst. Did she not have the right to hunt and chase out those beasts when one of them had done this to her? She was not one to hold grudges, but she felt it was her place to be able to fight alongside her friends.

In the end, she stayed in bed the day they called to chase of the cats, her loyalty to Jazper's words a thorn in her side. While he did say to stay in bed, she'd be damned if she could not at least walk around the Fort, and that was exactly what she did, with a blanket drapping over her shoulders and fresh bandages around her forearm. She just wanted to wander around the streets without a place to go in mind, since all she wanted to do was walk and to breathe fresh air. But, as she stepped away from the courthouse, she turned and noticed a familiar reddish shape in front of the building.

"Hi, Neela," she greeted as she approached the woman and settled near her, crossing her legs and huddling up in her blanket. "It looks like your enjoying that fish more than you should," she said with a joking smile.


Sorry for the wait :c

Neela’s ear flicked up when she heard footsteps approaching her, though the thick scent from the fish stopped her from smelling exactly who it was. Awkwardly Neela twisted her head around, tail wagging slightly when she was Aly approaching. Neela didn’t know the woman that well but Aly had helped her out at a bad time when Neela had been in a bad way so if nothing else, gratitude demanded she be friendly.

Concern flashed into Neela’s eyes when she saw that Aly seemed to still be injured. That Neela could see she had a bandage around her arm and a blanket draped around her shoulders, though the latter seemed more odd than indicative of an injury. Looking at Aly’s injury from an earlier attack by the cougars made Neela aware of her souvenir from the later fight with them. She had stayed out of the actual fighting where possible for obvious reasons so she had gotten away with just a small scratch on her shoulder, which promptly itched as she thought about it causing her to tilt her head and lick it briefly as Aly approached.

Aly’s happy nature lifted Neela’s own spirits somewhat as she took a seat besides her; if the woman was happy and joking then perhaps she wasn’t as badly injured as the bandages suggested. Or being wounded didn’t make her as grumpy as it did Neela, either was possible.

”That’s because it’s tasty” she said brightly in reply, ”Been craving fish, awkward bloody thing as well since it’s pretty much impossible for me to catch it myself right now.” Neela grumped quietly for a second before perking up and reaching around, grabbing the second of the two fish she had retrieved by the tail and dragging it over, ”Salted still tastes nice though, you want one?”

Word Count :: +302

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