M- can't make me
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.
fail start ;______; marked mature for fair warning

Image by Rose Moten-Mills

It was very efficient how easily salvageable the city was, how fluidly the girl could creep into an old shop and take whatever she pleased. Today, her load was light, scouring for things that would be useful on her solitary journey. For most of the day, she had salvaged and plundered, and came out with some wicked blades. Most were sharp and deadly,  all packed back to the hotel with the help of Zayden. Well, he packed the blunt of it. All were put on the bed, Zayden wondering how her obsession for anything sharp and silver came to be. He even asked her, but it was just a trait, something that made the Elody child her own person. As the sun began to slip down behind the tall city buildings, Elody had crept out as Zayden stayed in the room and slept on the floor, the weapons taking his place in the bed.

The city became something of magic to the young woman was spellbound by the slight twilight that had fallen over the once-metropolis. It had set a delighted spark deep inside the young coyote, pushing her to just keep walking, keep going through those streets. Admittedly, it was terrifying. In a good way.

But silence was something the walnut furred hybrid hated. Even that or being alone. Too soon, she would be bored with her time, bored that she would have to return back to Zayden. It was still light enough to see, stones lay off the paths. One of her creamy hands scooped one up, rolling it in her palm. Glancing around, she threw it at the closest building's window, which was fairly up high. This gave her practice, but to risk one of her precious knives would be a big price to pay. Rocks would have to do for now. She found herself satisfied after the sound of shattering glass filled her ears, Elody moved onwards. She found a shop, not too far down the street. A weapons shop, many guns were on high shelves. She had been told of these, but no one had the knowledge to load them properly, to be able to fall someone with a bullet in the body. She found a pistol, with no bullets. It was exquisite, the way the trigger curled and the way the short barrel could be so powerful. She held it up, and made a shooting motion with her wrist. Imagining to fall invisible enemies. There was no ammo around, and for now it was simply a toy. 

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