This heaven is overrated. [private]
This is set at the mansion, which is located near Rabbit Lake.

The bright female opened the front door, stepping out onto the porch and into the mid-afternoon light. They had rigged the door a long time ago so that anyone from the pack could open it, be they shifted or unshifted, adult, or pup. There was a string attached to it that a little one could grab with its teeth and tug on to pull the handle and open the door, and an adult could simply flip the handle with their muzzle or a swipe of their paw.

She had made her last trip outside of the packlands before the pups' birth the day before (It was getting harder and harder for her to get around) and had found something very interesting; a tiny whelp sitting there amongst the trees. Naniko had gone there to find guidance, hoping for some sort of a sign that what she was doing was right...maybe he'd been that sign. She had to make sure that her pups had a safe pack to grow up in, one with dedicated and loyal members.

The heavily pregnant wolf sat down on porch, at the top of the steps, looking out over the front yard. She could remember the last pack meeting that they'd had here, when Twilight Vale had been around. There had been so many wolves there. Naniko lifted her head, calling for the wolves to join her. Today they would be making a new beginning.


the road goes and i am finding home in it

The world was black, and divine. The grey clouds in the midst of this long-lost realm, if only lost for hours, shone like stars in the night sky, and fading faces buzzed like a broken television. Their words were like the crackle of static, something he couldn't understand, but somehow meaning was molded from the sounds. These were his dreams, his memories, present for what felt like a lifetime in the length of two seconds.
It all ended in a flash, sucked back into some black void with the echoing sound of wolf song. Odebeh woke with a jolt, the fur along his body sticking up out of surprise. Baby blue eyes shot open and scanned the room around him, wide with the fear that had all too quickly come to him in a rush, then faded away as he remembered the events prior to his awakening just now. He had been found, taken back to safety, and fallen asleep here, in this... strangely shaped, big den. The small pup bounced off of the cushy bed and onto the floor, taking in the entire image of the room around him before remembering the sound that had woken him in the first place.
With an excited whine, the pup bolted out of the room and into the hallway. This large, strange den baffled him, and he spent possibly ten minutes darting in and out of rooms, down the halls, up and down staircases until finally he had reached the door he suspected led to Naniko. Eagerly grasping the string that controlled the handle in his jaws, he pulled and swung the door open, bouncing out to the white female's side. "Hi Nani! This mansion, its so weird, and big! I almost got lost!" He exclaimed, wide-eyed.

Maddeh, Savina is so going to steal Odebeh. Just so you know :3
wc 365

The midnight hued wolfess had been sleeping better as of late. In the recent past many questions and problems had been buzzing about her mind constantly. Everything that had happened with Conri, her anger, finding out about some darker parts of Kansas' past, worrying for Naniko, and the stress of disbanding her home and starting a new one. However many of those worries were now at peace. She didn't worry about her anger hurting those she cared about, there had been no signs of Conri since she last encountered him, she had talked with Kansas, and Naniko seemed to be getting along well in the pregnancy this time around. The matter of the pack had caused her some anxiety, but after the various meetings about it, the Italian girl was feeling better about it everyday. It would be good to have a fresh start, and gain some new members along the way.

It was the howl from her best friend that roused her from her deep slumber. Emerald eyes were revealed from under dusky curtains and she stretched out her lithe limbs on the bed. She gave a great yawn as her stretching finished and jumped to the wooden floor of her room. Like Naniko, she had taken residence in one of the lower level rooms. In part because of what had happened upstairs, but also in case the alabaster wolf needed help in the night. Shaking her ebony pelt she sauntered her way out to the porch of the manor.

As Savina nudged her way through the door, her gaze took in the suspected sight of Naniko, and then the form of something she wasn't expecting. A young multi-colored pup she had never laid eyes on before. The canine shot a inquisitive look at her snowy friend. But of course she was never one to not be happy to have puppies around. A large smile spread over her delicate features and her tail wagged happily behind her. "Good morning Nani. I see we have a new guest!" Her head lowered to look at the little male. "And who might you be?" As usual, her voice was friendly and light, accompanied by her foreign accent.

Sleep had taken a hold of the coal male. His dreams were pleseant and welcome after a long day. In his dreams he was running through a feild side by side a simalarly large black male. At first glance he thought it was Lucifer, but his eyes were not the familiar blue eyes his adoptive father had, they were a light brown, Ares's, his real father's eyes. 'Dad?' He asked. 'Jazz?' The male slowed to a stop with confusion, 'Have something to say kido?' Jazper nodded, 'Do you love me still? Are you proud of me?' His father nodded as he looked behind him, Taka's white figure aproching. She flashed her signiture grin that her son had inherited, 'Always and forever Jazz. Always and forever...' Suddely his mom and dad started to fade as a howl ripped apart his dreams. "Mom...Dad..?" He wimpered as the pair faded completly. Their smiles gone forever.

He jolted forward on his bed, "MOM! DAD!" He called loudly, golden eyes wide. He sat in his lupis form tears leaking from his eyes as a growl came to his throat. He pushed himself out of his comfortable bed and onto the floor stretching his shoulders, neck, back, and legs. He started down the stairs with a glimps towards Lucifer's room. Opening the front door he spotted Naniko and Savina, as expected. This time, there was a strange pup running around as well. He lowered his head in greeting to Nani, not in his usual happy mood. Then again the pack should be use to his horrible morning moods. Glancing at Savina and then to the pup he eyed the alpha and her dark friend questioningly.
I totally read the title of the thread as “This oven is overheated,” for a second. XD

Ehno had taken to wandering around the mansion during his free time when he first began staying there. After Twilight Vale disbanded, he began to distance himself from the building a bit, only stepping into the human-made structure when sleep was about to grip him. But now that he was certain that the new pack would still be living in the mansion, he found himself wandering down the numerous halls once again. He had awoken early this morning, unable to sleep soundly through the night. Perhaps his excitement at the new pack’s formation was preventing his mind from quieting down to sleep.

The Italian boy had just meandered into what had previously been a dining hall when he heard Naniko’s call from outside. Keeping in mind the location of the large room so he could explore it later, Ehno made his way to the front door. He assumed the call was made so they could discuss the pack’s formation some more so he hurried through the mansion, not wanting to miss anything important. When he stepped outside he found Naniko, Savina, and the youth he had come to know as Jazper already gathered. His amber eyes also caught sight of pup he hadn’t seen before, next to Naniko. He plopped himself down on one of the porch steps. “Hello everyone.”

Her task was done, finally. It hurt still, leaving the first place she had wanted to call home in such a long time. She would visit of course, to see all those that had made her feel like family. The ranch would not be forgotten, and the cows of course would always be in her heart. But the direction she moved in was not a bad one, her nose pointed west, and she ran with all the speed her legs would give her.

The path was worn, and familiar to the timber colored fey. Thankfully she would not have to take it again once dark had fallen. Tonight she would spend her time with Naniko. Her heart beat, pumping her adrenaline concentrated blood to her every inch. It was light and did not miss the weight that had once bore down against it. While her heart beat, her nose told her she was close, making her push harder.

The sound that drifted through the trees almost pushed her beyond her limit, but she controlled her urge to grow wings and leave the ground, if such was possible. She knew where they would be, and headed strait to the large house that Naniko claimed. The blue eyed girl knew that she was calling the entire family, and that it was time to define the new boundaries of the pack.

Not wanting to barge in at full speed she slowed once she sensed the pack gathering. Her stomach tightened with as her nerves rose, but the need to see Naniko kept her stride from faltering. She walked passed the fence that surrounded the mansion. Happy to recognize Savina among the faces of the pack, Anu felt her tail move back and forth. Confident in her position, she moved to sit among them. “Morning.” She smiled, as she settled beside Savina. Eyes always on Nani it was an internal battle to not sit close beside her, and though she was here for her, she was also here for the pack.

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</style> ... atedu5.png) #260a19 top no-repeat;">
[ooc] i can't be stopped, i've got to take that fool's life
Big Grin

[ic] i'm outta bullets so fuck it, i use my knife

Kansas was so happy that the pack had collectively decided to keep the mansion. He knew it would be hard for Naniko to be inside, but perhaps with those who loved her surrounding her as well as the puppies who would soon occupy her time, things wouldn't be terrible. He'd kept his room upstairs, having all his things just so and the walls painted a pretty blue. It bothered him to be a floor away from Savina and Naniko, but he knew they'd be all right.

His lupine form trotted down the steps and out to the porch he so loved. Naniko sat, tired but (he thought) looking better than she had for some time. Beside her was a youngster new also to him. Kansas smiled at both of them, eyes moving immediately toward Savina. Since their conversation he felt somehow closer to her; his eyes lit up as he moved toward her, taking a seat beside her. Hey, you, he whispered. Her brother, a multihued female he'd yet to meet, and Jazper were there among them.

Kansas hadn't known any of the Shadowed Sun members. He didn't think so, at least. The Sadira boy assumed the brilliantly blue-eyed girl had been one of its members - he had no clue who else would show up. And... hello. This was meant for everyone else, though to him it sounded awkward and out of place.

Hai guyz.

He still wasn’t staying around Twilight Vales’ old territory and instead kept his home in the den that remained tucked away in the abandoned Shadowed Sun region of Halcyon. He couldn’t help but want to hold onto to it, but he had come to realize it was gone. That life was no longer his, and he would have to accept that he was about to create something bigger, and hopefully better, than what that pack had offered him. With such a large following, Pilot truly hoped that this pack would survive for a very long time.

When he finally arrived at the mansion, everyone was gathered outside. He hadn’t expected a meeting like this, but was glad that things were underway. They had already established the basics of the pack, as well as marked out their borders. All that was left was to announce everything to their new pack members, and begin living as a family once more.

"Good morning, Crimson Dreams," Pilot addressed them as he made his way up to the front steps. He offered them a smile, to no one and everyone all at the same time. Some faces were familiar, while others were foreign. Eventually, he knew, the whole pack would know each other as closely as a sibling might. He couldn’t wait for that. "This is going to be our first day a new pack," he told them all, knowing they were already aware. He took a seat on the steps as some of the others had, sitting rather casually while leaning on one of his arms. Now that things were almost complete, he was rather upbeat.


yeah theres no true point for me to reply at this moment, but just wanted to add a little something. Its short anyways, and I’m going to try to be less dorkish…

The crowd was growing, with then entrance of the two new males. She scanned over each of them, searching them for familiar faces. She couldn’t find anything recognizable, but they both looked happy to be there. She watched curiously as the gray hued male approached Savina, eyes holding the same glint that she and Naniko held for each other. The thought made her blue eyes wandered over to the alpha female that conducted the meeting.

Her contemplation was broken with the entry of the other. His entrance was more profound, clearly stating the new packs name and having the air of a leading figure. The entire scene made her brain float and turn in curiosity. All their faces seemed eager to get to business, and start claiming their new territory. Her tail thumped mindlessly against the ground. Still too unsure and overwhelmed to respond to anyone’s greeting she only smiled.

Hiiii Big Grin

They came in one by one, each waiting patiently for the others to arrive. She was glad to see so many of them here; this was the last step before they would officially be recognized as a pack. They already felt like one; most everyone knew everybody else, and had lived with them it would be easy to get to know each other and live together now. "It is a pretty big place!" She said to Odebeh at his arrival, smiling. "Once you bet bigger it won't seem as huge"

"Hello, everybody!"She was as happy about this as some of them were, her tail thumping eagerly behind her. When Anu came into the group she had to supress a bark of excitement. She almost hadn't thought that Anu would come, for some reason. A tiny part of her brain still told her that she wasn't worth all the time the darker female spent with her. But now things felt better.

"This is a meeting to finalize everything. I'll run over things really quickly, so we can all get back to what we were doing before. We're Crimson Dreams, the pack created from members of Twilight Vale and Shadowed Sun. Our territory's from here to the West, stopping at the unexplored stuff. Ummm....hmm." Naniko thought for a moment. "I would also like to ask...Savina and Pilot to stand up"

yaaay Big Grin
wc 427

One by one the rest of the new pack began to filter onto the porch and steps. Jazper appeared to have something unpleasant on his mind. If it had been another time or day, she would've wanted to know what was bothering him. However, as selfish as it might seem, she didn't want anything to taint the happiness of this meeting. The next to join was her brother and she smiled broadly at him. "Il buono fratello di giorno!" Every time the Italian girl set eyes on her brother she thanked the heavens for their reunion. It made her new life here even better than it already had been.

The next entrance was a surprise to say the least. Though not an unpleasant one. As Anu came up the steps to join them the dark fey smiled happily. As the tawny wolfess took a seat next to her, Savina gently nudged her shoulder with her own. "Hey you!" Even though the two had only met once, she had really liked the older female. It would be great to have her as a part of their new family. The two year old knew that she would be a highly valuable member.

As Kansas came and sat next to her her tail immediately began to thump on the wood of the porch. "Hey..." Her voice responded softly and sweetly. She gently touched her nose against his cheek. She couldn't wait to have the cream male by her side in this fresh start. They would leave all of the ugly things of the past behind and move on towards a brighter tomorrow.

The next to arrive was Pilot. His greeting using the name of their new pack to address them all really brought the fact home. This was really happening, and it was going to be great. Even better than Twilight Vale had been, and Twilight Vale had been great. The dark female couldn't help but puff out her chest a little bit. It felt good to have helped build this all from the start with Naniko. She was so honored that her friend had wanted her to be by her side.

Most of the members were there, so Naniko began the meeting. Emerald eyes focused on her leader and her best friend, ears pricked forward to hear everything she said. Savina was a bit surprised that she had been mentioned so early into the discussion, but as she had been asked, she rose to her feet. Her heart pounded heavily in her chest, waiting anxiously for Nani's next words.

Hai, i r3ply noaw.

Pilot looked up towards Naniko, feeling a sense of pride for his friend because of her strength. He knew some of her reasons behind this new pack and he applauded her for that. It took a very strong woman to deal with a rape, the effects of being pregnant, and developing a new pack. He offered her a warm, encouraging smile, not sure whether or not she saw it. His smile only grew when she asked him and Savina to stand.

Pilot rose to his feet from his reclined position he had taken up on the steps, some stray bangs swaying in front of his silver eyes as he did so. He looked around to the various members, taking in everyone’s face so that he could sooner get to know them. Then, he turned his gaze back towards Naniko, waiting for her to resume speaking.


Short, in a rush. I appologise!

He watched and listened intently, looking from wolf to wolf. So this was the pack now? He smiled to Savina and Kansas apeared. It was obvious the two were closer then friends. Then he tiltied his ears forward as Pilot spoke. Jazper almost choked as he adressed them as Crimson Dreams. It was a good bpack name but he would miss Twilight vale. As he looked around he wouldnered where Khaden had gotten to lately and where his father was. Maybe family wasn't as important as it had once been. Lucifer and Deuce had completly diserted him as of late. On the other hand he knew one day he would shower his children with attention and love, never leaving them alone in a pack at a ripe age of 10 months. He struggled to grasp why any parent would simply leave, Lucifer hadn't even stopped to say goodbye. Niether nani or Savina answered his questioning stare at the young pup, who was he? Jazper's golden eyes stared at him for a moment, curious, then transfered to Naniko as she spoke. Once Savina and Pilot stood up he tilted his head awaiting to hear the rest of Naniko's speach.

I am so late about this. Guh.

Urma had divided her time the last few days between Twilight Vale's territory and Shadowed Sun's. The road between them kept her occupied, it gave her a reason to run back and forth and exhaust herself into sleep every night so she'd worry less about what was happening. She had little to do in either territory, and she spent as little time as she could in Shadowed Sun's, since seeing it hardly ever made her feel she could really, fully let go of it. She knew in time she'd go there, but, as with much of her past and with plenty of her talent for pushing it away, she also knew that once she joined Crimson Dreams she'd start going there less and less. Although she didn't want to go as far as leaving the country like she had done with her departure from Europe, she knew she couldn't hold on to something that was destined to fade in favour of her new home. She had always said you could never have more than one home. And she was decided she wouldn't let Crimson Dreams down before it had even properly begun.

She was close to Twilight Vale's borders when she heard the howl. She recognized it as Naniko's, and immediately associated it with Crimson Dreams. They were probably all gathering now. It was finally taking place. The imminent change couldn't have held back much longer, anyway. She realised, probably at a late time, that she had been far from making a resolution. All her running from one side to the other had hardly helped her decide where she was at right now. She remembered the conversation she had had with Savina and Naniko and Pilot. She knew this place would hold Naniko, whom she regarded as her friend, as well as Pilot, who meant a lot more to her than she herself admitted. Savina, along with all the other members, were soon to become part of the family she was picturing. She stopped, listening to the howl die out, knowing its meaning as well as she knew what she had to do.

Her paws took her there without her thoughts really demanding that of them. She stopped a few times, dead in her tracks, the past pulling her pack, telling her she could think this through more than she had. Urma would sit there, and try to catch any sound, and think about what she was about to do. She needed a place to belong. This place held her few friendships, her few attachments. She'd be close to Pilot. She'd maybe make it even with him for all his help. She knew she had people she could fall back on, who could in turn ask her for her support and she knew she could offer it, to them. She didn't want to be a loner, drifting from territory to territory, searching for a pack that held only strangers, that felt somehow away from the few things she had come to know well by now.

As she reached the outskirts of the gathering, she caught Naniko's words. She listened to them, finding in them a sense of peace. She saw Pilot and Savina, and a lot of wolves she had never been acquainted with, but would probably soon be able to call pack members. Friends, even. She tried to catch Pilot's gaze, or Naniko's, for some sort of encouragement, but she turned her own gaze away, afraid she'd find they couldn't offer her anymore reassurance than the fact that she had been included in this. She edged a bit closer, not really sitting next to anyone, but rather a bit behind, half-hidden by the deep shadows. She reclined to her haunches, but said nothing, expecting them to continue, just know she was there, but all she could really say was that she didn't know what to say at all.

-sneaks post in-
NOBODY NOTICED >_> <_< >_>


the road goes and i am finding home in it

The little male watched the rest of the Luperci fill the once near-empty porch. Shifting in his position beside Naniko, he tilted his head, drawing in the images of the others with wide, dark red eyes, barely having heard what the pretty white female had said until he turned to face her again, grinning widely. "Oh!" Odebeh blinked, giggling dreamily at the thought. He couldn't wait to be as big as these others were. Thumping his tiny tail, the pup's gaze fell over all of them, now taking his time to suck up their appearances and memorize them, one by one. He didn't really recognize any of them.

Naniko had begun to speak again, but Odebeh wasn't paying attention any more. He was still in awe at all the wolves that had shown up at her call, not having expected her to know so many wolves! He didn't even know what she had called them all for!

Quite the crowd had gathered and the excitment could be felt emanating from each of them. After all of their preparations, the time had finally come. The new pack would finally be formed. Crimson Dreams, the name seemed fitting; for some time now they all had been dreaming of this day. The whole situation had a surreal sort of feel to it. Ehno certainly never would have imagined himself here helping a new pack form if he had thought about his future only months ago. Finally the meeting began and the Italian boy snapped out of his thoughts as the soon-to-be-leaders took their turns speaking. At the tail end of Naniko's speech, she called both Pilot and Savina up.

Immediately Ehno's gaze darted toward his sister. He knew she had been close to the ex-Twilight Vale leader and helped her often. He wasn't necessarliy surprised by the events unfolding before him, but he still felt his heart leap at the thought of the impending announcement. A smirk leapt to his lips. "Aw, Savvy. Sono così orgoglioso." The words had a slightly teasing air, but he knew his sister would catch the truth behind them. She had worked her way up to becoming a respected member of this new pack, and she would would get the recognition she deserved. He smiled at the three now assembled together. For a moment his attention was diverted to an approaching figure who sat on the edge of the gathering. Another prospective member? Well, the more, the merrier.
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.kansastemplate strong {font:9pt Georgia; font-weight:bold; line-height:1.0em; letter-spacing:-1px;}
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</style> ... atedu5.png) #260a19 top no-repeat;">
[ooc] i can't be stopped, i've got to take that fool's life

[ic] i'm outta bullets so fuck it, i use my knife

He'd been waiting for Pilot to show up - the ivory male was apparently to play a big role in Crimson Dreams, and Kansas was thrilled with this. Hearing Pilot address them not as just a random mix of wolves, but as a pack, comforted Kansas as might a long night's rest after days of insomnia. Though there were plans in place for them to regroup, the inevitable uncertainty that came with being called a loner had bothered the Sadira boy. Now they were together, as a pack should be.

The boy smiled toward Naniko when she spoke, unable to keep from wagging his tail when she called Savina's name. He brushed her shoulder lightly with his snout, smiling his pride. Kansas knew she'd done a great deal to help Naniko after the chaos with Conri, not to mention her aid in putting this together. It touched him.

Things seemed to stir, and Kansas almost didn't notice the pale female slither among them and settle off to herself. She gazed at Pilot with familiarity - and they did appear similar. Though curious, Kansas did not spend too much time on her, having heard the soft Italian voice of Savina's brother. He turned back toward Naniko, eagerness and pleasure in his eyes.

REPLY AT WILL for the next three days, then I'm closing it ;O

She was still tired from the day's activities, and knew that holding the meeting for too much longer wouldn't be a very good idea. She didn't want to make it seem like she wasn't interested in what was going on, in speaking to them and making sure that everybody knew everyone else. She might hang around for a little while after the meeting was over, but Naniko knew that she would be needing a rest pretty soon.

"I don't want to keep all of you for too much longer--I had an announcement for you. And I haven't really spoken to them very much about it, either. If they accept, I would like to name Pilot Haddon and Savina Marino as my two next-in-command. With the pups coming, there might be days where I'm not able to help out with some things...and I trust them. I hope that you can come to these two for guidance, assistance, and leadership. I already do."

yay! Big Grin

Savina noticed the white form of Urma quietly slip into the group. She shot the wolfess a smile, though whether or not she saw it was left to be determined. She was glad the Shadowed Sun wolf had decided to join them as well. This would be a good, strong, healthy pack. Ehno's voice was teasing, but she knew he meant it. She smiled warmly at her brother, but kept her voice quiet. Her emerald eyes said "thank you", however. Her body tingled at Kansas' touch, making her even more excited. The girl looked back into his face and her heart swelled even more, the smile on her delicate muzzle as wide as it could be.

As Naniko began to speak again, her attention snapped back to ivory friend. She thought her heart might burst as Nani asked her to be one of her second-in-commands, and tears of happiness collected at the corners of her eyes. She bowed her head to her friend and leader, so grateful for this offer. "I would be honored Naniko." Ebony tail wagged behind her, her joy was almost too much to contain. Gaze swept over her friends and packmates. Her new family. The family she would help lead and protect.


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