Toward the Sea: Updated

Criss-crossed limbs scattered the forest floor, making black snake-like pathways that drew the eyes over them. An abundance of nature was evident here with the wet smell of cold earth and the faint smell of salt, a high contrast to her human home in the city. The breezes here gusted the flurrying snow into wild tendrils that lashed about in tantrums and fell to the ground in waves. The scenery was breath taking yet elegant in winter's way. She was disgusted with the plummeting weather but the hate was evened out by the love of the sight. She was tired of being reclusive in the little blue house and faced the bite of cold weather for her excursion. She had wandered into Inferni territory since the smell of coyote was thick in the air. It reminded her of little Arkham. She even humored herself with wondering where he was. She knew she scared him, or at least bothered him with her strange manic-depressive moods at that time. She felt stronger in her own skin now even if it was fleeting at times.

The forest opened up to the beach almost suddenly. She felt as though the forest vomited her onto the ocean's front since she forced her way through thick brush just moments before she stumbled into the sand. It was cool and strange to walk in, leaving her paw prints as little circular indentations. The snow was making it saturated in areas causing the sand to have darker blemishes as she looked down the shore. The wind tossed her hair around making India colder than she wanted. At least the forest helped to block the wind. She grumbled to herself as she trotted along, smelling things of interest along the way. The constant roar of the ocean had pushed the thought of her trespassing into Inferni as far away as possible. She meandered as if there wasn't such thing as territories. She hummed to herself as she walked. The quieted yelping sounded strangely haunted against the static of the ocean.

After fifteen minutes on the beach the temperature was to much for India and she retreated into the semi-warmth of the forest. Pockets of windless forest awaited her and she bounced through the brush, continuing her humming. It wasn't until an usually strong smell of coyote caught her attention that she even remembered what Arkham had said about coyotes. They hated wolves. She remembered the rumors from the zoo about how coyotes outside of her pack were angry, vile, and vicious. She almost chuckled at the thought of angry coyotes. The one's she knew were so passive. She stopped at a stump to take a break from the walk and the wind snapped at her toes. She huddled up against the stump almost pouting and the shadows around her moved strangely. She couldn't tell if the snapping was someone coming towards her or the brittle limbs of trees falling from their boughs being too heavy with ice. She brushed off that feeling in her gut siding with her logic that she was just being paranoid.

Thus the bribe begins....

[Image: TowardtheSeaP1copy.jpg]
There was an intruder within the lands of Inferni. Hybrid had been watching her, following her, and hating her since she had arrived. Being the self-appointed executioner of such trespassers, Hybrid had taken his time observing her actions and habits. At the moment, it seemed as though she thought she was out for some sort of stroll - meandering through the coyote lands as if no border existed. Hybrid snarled angrily at the thought, that some wolf thought she could sightsee in claimed territory.

Hybrid followed her as she made her way to the forest, moving slowly so she would not hear him. He had not wanted to confront her on the beach, for the winds were gusting and blowing snow every which way. It was quieter in the forest that bordered the western part of Inferni; Hybrid was unsure if this was a good thing. He had to make sure his movements were slower and more precise if he did not wish to be discovered before his time. He waited, watching as she huddled against a tree stump. It was time to meet this wolf, he decided, and began to start toward her.

He did not bother to be quiet this time, and instead marched through the snow and dead plants like a soldier on a mission. "You there," he barked at the female. "You are in coyote lands. Trespassing is not taken lightly and such a crime will warrant an appropriate punishment." He did not smile, smirk, or laugh: he simply watched. Crimson eyes sought out the female's form, regarding her gravely. His words gave her an indication of what was to come, but left much to the imagination. Her punishment was obvious to Hybrid, though, perhaps not so much to her. In time, however, it would come.
Sorry this took longer than expected. My net was cut for a few days.


He was bold and brash, though those words fell short of what she really thought of him. Scruffy came to mind, but the echoes in his eyes told the truth. He was menacing underneath the blankness of his warning. She smiled at him and shook her head to fling more of the collecting snow from her flowing red fur. It wasn't like she was doing any harm, just exploring and hoping to find the coyotes more welcoming than cruel. Arkham was right. India didn't move but to turn her head. The red-brown eyes seemed almost lazy in their examination of the other. He smelled like coyote, though something didn't quite match up to her. I don't belong to any of the packs in the area. I pose no threat. The shadow in her mind awoke just then. Peaking out through her mind to see what was going on. It pooled up in her eyes, expanding her pupils until they were large with small rings of red around them. She lowered herself in submission, keeping her eyes locked on the male. She really was only curious, but if he pushed the meeting into a fight she would fight back.

I met a pup from here not to long ago. I couldn't believe that coyotes were wolf haters here. They are part of my pack back home. Had to see for myself. I'm sure you believe me. I don't look like any of the wolves you've seen. She broke from submission and stood tall, showing off her height, lanky legs, and delicate paws. She was faster than most wolves because of the long legs, but less of a fighter because of the small paws. She lowered her head to the other in respect, hoping to get on his good side before the situation went south.

[Image: towardtheseap2copy.jpg]

Hybrid rolled his eyes, snarling all the while. The female had such a strong bias that she was unable to understand what he explained to her. Her misconceptions of their coyote clan would inevitably result in her being reprimanded for her foolishness if she did not comply quickly. Whatever she believed she knew from her previous pack did not apply in Inferni. Senseless slaying of wolves was not discouraged, and went unpunished. In fact, during Kaena's reign, it came quite close to being expected of an Inferni member to simply wreck havoc upon wolves in general, not just intruders. Gabriel had not revoked the unspoken rule, and agreed with punishing intruders. Hybrid suspected that Gabriel's diplomatic disposition would give him reason to dissuade senseless killings of wolves, however.

"Whatever you may know from your past pack does not apply here. This is Inferni, not your home pack. I have stated my warning; if you do not leave these lands immediately, never to return, you will arrive home safely. If you return, I will attack." If she began running now, Hybrid would let her. He knew that she would spread word of his warning, which was just as valuable as their wolf heads perched upon the sticks lining the borders. Both served the same purpose: that of warning.

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