capsized, erring on the edge of safe
don't worry about matching length because my previous posts will almost definitely be shorter. >>. backdated to october 20th, the day before calypso was accepted into jaded shadows.


Ten months. Ten months, one pack, one love, twice over a father. All that and more had separated Calypso from this place, separated him from his home of two years. He was shifted, which was notable only in that it is not his preferred form. More notable, in fact, was the slender sheet-wrapped form he held in his arms. Or even the puppy peeking out over the top of a pouch slung across his shoulder.

No, as much as it might feel like it, this was not home. Not anymore. He was not welcome here, he had no claim on the lands. He was a guest at best; a trespasser to be exiled at the worst. Calypso did not even know who lived here, anymore. The scents around the edges were a strange mismatch; some were familiar, but only just, and none had names he could associate with them. There was not the faintest hint of Adreon now, and even Gibraltar's scent was fading. Phoenix. That was the name of the owner of that most prevalent scent. Calypso distinctly remembered running into the male right after he had joined; he had answered a few questions about the land, even. And now: alpha. How quickly things changed.

The land itself, though, was as familiar as his own fur. Everything held memories; every rock, every bush, every tree. He had walked by there before, he had hunted there, he had napped there. And it taunted him. The echo of familiarity; it would be so easy to live here again. So easy to trace the same old hunting paths, to clean out and re-inhabit the old den. To show Sofia the prettiest views.

The idea of Sofia growing up here, however, was deeply unsettling in Calypso's gut. Invisible to most, through the young male's honey eyes death and sorrow hung too close for comfort. Yes, there he had laughed. But there he had mourned his Mother's death. There, Mauve had fallen to never rise again. There, he had explored too far into the river and broken his leg. All the same, there was so much beauty to the land that it was all he could do to hold himself back from whimpering and cowering and begging his place in the pack back. This was Storm. This was the pack of nobility, of strength. Of patriarchs that inspired Calypso to his search for goodness, of Adreon and Gibraltar and youth and love.

He wanted to stay, he did. But whether or not he ended up doing so, there was still the matter of Lily, of the decaying corpse cradled tenderly in his arms as if it needed love and protection as much as the curious child hanging at his hip. Calypso needed permission to access his graveyard, and less importantly, the things that he had left behind. And his curiosity begged to be assuaged; he needed an authority on the going-ons of the pack. A clipped, polite howl requested one.
Sorry for the wait, I had to go on Absentee unexpectedly. D:

She was like a hermit almost, lingering just near her den, or cave rather, so close to the borders, keeping much to herself as each day passed by. The raven lady had recovered from quite a lot over the years, rape, lost children, lost lovers, but after losing two children, a lover, and a whole pack in the span of only a few days, Phasma found it increasingly hard to get past the horrid slump in her life. She would have much rather stayed in her den each day and just sleep, sleep until there was nothing left to do but die. Phoenix had been so kind to her though, offering her a place in his pack, a leader rank none-the-less, and she couldn't simply accept his kindness and do nothing. She tried to be the best Gamma that she could.

That was the reason that the short howl perked her up so suddenly. She'd been standing just outside of her cave, using a few small boulders to hang a blanket over the entrance. Once the winter winds came blowing into the lands the blanket would help to block some of them from getting in to her cave. Curious, Phasma left the half hung blanket and turned toward the sound of the call, which was coming from the borders. She could easily get there by following the borders down and around, which she did. It was a short walk, which was why she'd chosen the cave that she did, and the onyx lady seemed to ignore everything else as she went along.

He came into her sight soon, slate eyes washing over the form quickly, and as she approached she couldn't help but feel like she should know the creature. A child, or not so much a child, from some time ago came into her mind, confused and angry. Ghosts from her past, she dismissed the thought a moment, taking note of the hidden child, peeking so innocently from the pack and, more importantly, of the object wrapped up in the arms of the male. The body was small and the scent that drifted from it was distinct, a dead child, and she knew that feeling. "Can I help you?" And her words didn't hold the same meaning the often did when finding someone at the borders, they didn't hold the curiosity of why a person was there. Instead, she really wanted to help him, to hold the stranger and tell him it would be okay.


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