Jedi mind tricks.
ooc: Yeah right, like he's really joining. 196 wd Mel or Sie know what to do.

It had been a twisted little thought of his to show up on the doorstep of their lands. The traitor and exile among the Lykoi forbidden to return to their lands. His eyes glittered with malcontent as he paced along the borders, examining the skulls that decorated the lands, so like home once was and yet not the same. His eyes shifted across the land as he waited to see if one of the royal line would show. A dark chuckle rose from his lips at the thought. She had returned again it seemed and also the scent of his daughter was along the clan. Even for the deeds he'd done his children were accepted into the ranks where he was denied.

It didn't bother him too much, he'd heard rumor there was war in the lands and Inferni was in the thick of things. A warped smile spread across his lips once more as he waited, ever so patiently for one to come. He knew he did not belong here but before he brought his services elsewhere he thought it only fitting to make an appearance and let them know the exiled prince had returned.


Word Count: 500

In Character

With all of the new faces in the area, Gabriel had found it impossible to keep their names familiar and identify them as individuals. They were, essentially, bodies to him now. Those who had proven themselves would make a great mark, and he knew in his heart that there were many who would do so. Even now, keeping his eyes on Dahlia and one ear to the ground, he let the other remain focused on the home front. It was lucky, and extremely lucky at that, to have so many of his members knowing what needed to be done and doing so without orders or questions. Anselm, he knew for certain, was a large part of this. The golden furred Caelum had taken up duties beyond his own in the attempt to keep their lands prepared, and while the previous war had seen his wolfish cousin rushing into battle, Gabriel knew from their last conversation that this was something he would not see again. Anselm’s role was no longer to be a warrior—time, and the much more powerful fear for his granddaughter, would cripple him. It was a cold and almost merciless way to view things, but Gabriel had no room to pretend that this option was not viable.

His feet carried him over well worn tracks, tan paws kicking up fading snow and cold mud. By now, these endless patrols had become mechanical and well rehearsed. Very rarely did anything out of the ordinary come across. Whatever Haku Soul was planning was something that would require numbers. His member count was like, as was Inferni, swelling. They needed bodies. Loners needed protection from the winter. They wanted blood and they wanted the trill of battle. Gabriel did not care much who came to his home now, intending only to gather those who would do what they needed to do in order to survive. Almost every stranger was welcomed, as long as they promised themselves to Inferni.

Almost, but not all. An all too familiar scent rushed towards Gabriel, one that made him pause in his tracks. That scent had not been in his nose for years, and even in the faces of his children, that scent had been only partial and now since faded. Halo smelled of the old house and of Inferni alone, and no longer considered her father the hero he claimed to be. With an irritable flick of the tail, Gabriel’s muscles tensed and sent him forward, trotting with the doggish gait that belonged to his wolf heritage more then the coyote—his feet did not pick up with such lithe grace as his mother’s. Still, with the anger now rising in his blood, there was little grace in Gabriel’s twisted maw. “Get out of here,” he snapped at his brother, fur beginning to rise on end from neck to tail. “You’re not welcome,” he continued, advancing quickly towards the black coated hybrid. He no longer recognized him. He no longer considered Vitium his brother.

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table by sie

Weeeerd count: 834.


In Character

The silver-furred hybrid felt the tension in the air. It was almost palpable, a thickness and electricity tingle on the air around her. Dahlia de Mai was one of their closest neighbors, and since the expansion of their territory, their reach extended into the absolute heartland of 'Souls. A trek to the westernmost lands required a trek through the city for Kaena; she would not pass so close to Dahlia de Mai's lands again with Haku Soul at their helm. It was, simply put, unsafe. The only way that she would bother to explore near that end of the territory again was if Haku was dead and gone, or if she was surrounded by a posse of her friends and family to protect her.

The ashen hybrid trotted along the borders, swinging her head this way and that way to constantly scent the air, her ears twisting and turning to catch even the slightest sounds. The late afternoon sun had begun to sink nearer to the horizon, drawing the shadows longer and longer. The coyote slipped amongst the blue-gray of the shade, the winter-dead landscape concealing her quite well even in the snow. It had been going on and off these last few days, and the dark gray of the clouds hanging overhead promised more snow overnight, a fresh blanket of powder to coat the world. Snow did not bother Kaena—even her coyote ancestors were the northeastern coyotes, long rumored to have absorbed remnant wolf populations as the humans drove them away.

Stepping gingerly through the snow, the hybrid listened to the distinctive crunching noise. It was far less noise than any that a human made while walking, but it was still louder than a coyote walking in summer. She paused, and after a moment, the silver-furred hybrid's coal-dipped ears lifted to the sounds of someone else—she was not so far from the border, keeping well inside of the coyote's territory. She did not feel comfortable walking exactly on their borderlands anymore, and now she preferred to keep well-inside of the coyote's territory. Still, that distinctive noise had caught her attention, and now she headed for it slowly, picking scents out of the breeze to try and detect a scent.

When she found it, the hybrid woman stopped dead in her tracks again, single-eyed gaze staring forward emptily, a single snort echoing from her muzzle at that scent, inhaling again to double-check and make absolutely certain she had not mistaken that scent. How could she? She was a mother, he was her son—there was no mixing that scent up with anything or anyone else. Fear crept steadily up the hybrid's spine, eating away at her courage and spitting acid on the rest of it—fear for what he might do to her. The silver-furred coyote swallowed it as best she could.

Kaena Lykoi was the Centurion of this clan now, a step below where she'd last seen Vitium—but after leaving and being gone so long, after being assumed for dead—this was perhaps the best the silver-furred woman could hope for. It was a source of pride for her, too. Who else but she could ascend the hierarchy once more at her age? The was pride in the silver-furred woman's step as she made her way forward, tracking that scent. Vitium was here once more, Vitium the mystery—he'd delivered Halo, Enigma, and Jael to the Inferni clan, but he had failed to state his own exile and banishment; such a thing had come as an absolute shock to his three children.

The hybrid woman had considered this moment for so very long. What would she say? There was no apology lurking in the coyote woman, but there was still some residual, remnant love, left behind from a time long ago when Vitium was far younger. As a mother, Kaena would never lose that. But this was one time when her loyalty to Inferni and her loyalty to the Lykoi family were torn in between two options—she was so used to the decisions that benefitted both of these groups being easy to make. It was not often that these two separate entities clashed with each other—whereas the mother in Kaena wanted to run to Vitium and hold him tightly, the Centurion in her would do nothing of the sort.

Another scent reached her nose, and a sense of relief flooded over Kaena. Here was Gabriel—he would know what to do. The silver-furred woman approached more quickly now, following the scent of her Aquila. There was already anger on his face, displayed in a growl and a few short, choppy words— the silver-furred coyote did not match her son's anger, but it was clear from her posture and the spot she'd chosen to stand—directly to Gabriel's right—where her loyalties were. The look she gave to Vitium was purely cold, the condescending look of one on the inside peering through the glass at someone on the outside.

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ooc: yaym drama! 469 wd

There was a degree of amusement settling in his orbs as he sat there so calm and collected and waited for the word from on high. He knew that sooner or later one of the beasts would show, those two who had exiled him from the clan and disowned him from their blood. It was a long lonely sit among the skulls as he hummed to himself, a demented little chuckle rising from his lips here and there as his wordless tune took highs and lows. He sighed to himself when the beast approached, ”Ahh..” his voice called, smooth as silk as every inch of his blood brother was rigid with anger. His eyes sparkled as he was greeted with those words he had anticipated.

For a moment in time he ignored what Gabriel had said as he asked; amusement in his voice, ”Did you get my package I sent?” His title for his children was strange but fitting. He had wrapped their minds with stories of the lands, of the clan and of the family he no longer belonged to. His eyes moved along the frame of his brother as he sighed and questioned, ”Is that any way to treat family?” He was pressing his luck, he knew it but it was to be the only time he would get a chance to meet them face to face before trouble brewed. In his own sick and twisted way he missed his family, but it seemed that he was nothing in their eyes. Loyalty was pathetic.

He had been about to turn away from Gabriel and be on his way when his eyes flashing with excitement at the second figure that had graced his arrival back in the lands. A chortle emerged from his lips as he grinned wickedly. ”Oh my, the queen has arrive..” His overly bright eyes examining the woman as he stood there, her position obvious to him as he watched her with his lashes low, studying his mother and how time had not been nice to her. He raised a brow, his head cocked slightly to the side as he greeted the matriarch. ”Hello Mother.” What more was there to say, he’d come for what he’d wanted and had found both there to greet him. He felt honored in a sense as he blinked slowly before his jaws cracked in a yawn.

Shaking his head slightly, a little too relaxed in the presence of the two he let his words draw out with a sigh. ”It seems my skills are not needed here.. Perhaps I’ll take them somewhere where they can be of good use..” A dark manic chuckle rising from his throat as the madness that had twisted his mind came to a full roar. He would see them soon enough, that he knew.


Word Count: 414. After Sie posts I think Libri should bring Halo in! Big Grin Yaaay drama

In Character

Even as he stood, staring down that sleek weasel of a wolf, Gabriel knew that this was no more then a rouse. Vitium was stupid, but he wasn’t this stupid. He would no doubt know Inferni would turn him away, would chase him off, and he still had the nerve to come here and spit out his acid without any consideration for anything outside of his own inflated ego. Gabriel’s eyes narrowed sharply, and he sucked the air in through his nose, letting his mouth open with a burst of steam. Dragon like, his ivory teeth revealed themselves to the cold air, showing that he had no intention of playing nice. Especially when Vitium tried to push every button that he could just to aggravate the Aquila.

Package. Vitium didn’t even think of his children as living beings, let alone individuals. They had come to Gabriel with their heads full of lies and he had stripped them away. Two had vanished. Halo alone remained, and she had become something great. He intended to see her groomed into a killing machine that could do the clan proud, and to protect her grandmother with the skills she was learning. Halo was strong willed and a fast learner, and would grow in time. She had turned her back on her liar of a father once she had learned the truth, and aligned herself with Kaena above all else.

A low rumble rippled through Gabriel’s chest, and his muscles tensed in preparation for an attack. It did not surprise him, suddenly, to find his mother approaching from behind him. Though the coy-wolf did not turn to her, he was aware of her presence and knew it would mean something to have her behind him. Vitium, certainly, would understand it. There was a tension rising in the air, and at the mention of his weasel-like brother using his skills somewhere else, a snarl broke from Gabriel’s throat. Amber eyes sharpened with a wicked darkness, and slowly, he realized what had to be done. Lifting his head, Gabriel let out a singular cry for his niece. As he lowered it to stare down the man that had once been his brother, the Aquila’s body remained tensed, ready to rush forward if need be. “Stick around,” he taunted, lips pulling up to show his ivory teeth. “Your little package might want to see you.” He was sure she would—if only to abandon him as he had the three of them.

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table by sie

Weeeerd count: 319

In Character

There was little else for the ashen-colored hybrid to do but stand there at Gabriel's side. She did not speak at first; Gabriel had noticed her presence with a sidelong glance; that was all that she was given from the Aquila. The outsider son began to speak, his words laced with contempt for the rest of his family. A rumble began in the silver-furred coyote's chest, slow and deliberate, just barely audible. She did not intend to growl over Gabriel—her voice was merely present to add substance to the threats dropping from the golden-furred Aquila. It was not her place to deliver threats anymore; that right was Gabriel's alone. She was merely his enforcer.

The coyote woman remained silent as Vitium spoke, her coal-colored lip lifting momentarily back from her muzzle, displaying one long canine tooth to her son. There was still some residual hesitation there, something that the silver-furred woman could not shake. The hybrid woman did not doubt Vitium's madness—it was apparent in the seething tone that he spoke to his brother with, the words he delivered to his mother—they were strange, referring to her as a queen still. The hybrid had not even realized it, but indeed, the last time she'd seen Vitium she had been the Aquila, throwing him out on his ass.

The "new" Aquila at her side spoke, voicing the silver-furred hybrid's thoughts perfectly. Halo was not a package. Halo was worth far more than that now, and Kaena was quite willing to cut out the middleman where her grandchildren were concerned. They did not belong to Vitium anymore—Halo especially was Kaena's. "Why would you come back here, Vitium?" the silver-furred hybrid asked. It was more of a rhetorical question than anything else. Kaena did not expect a straight answer from Vitium. The dark-eyed canine's life was nothing but a string of lies and deception; what could change now?

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Of course Halo was not far behind her ashen Centurion. She was an obedient creature, though she would probably trail Kaena whether she liked it or not until Gabriel told her to bugger off. She was Kaena’s assigned warrior now, and although she would have no issues running errands or whatever, Kaena was not able to command her far away as she would always come back eventually like a puppy failing to understand the command stay. Today had been no different, but Halo’s form had continued straight forward because there was a monster pulling at her chest. She recognized two more figures and one of them she had not seen for quite some time, but there was no doubt in her heart who this bastard was. The young woman had often played this scene in her head and it always ended with her handing the traitor’s head over to her Aquila. Her fingers tightened around the twin sword’s handle that suddenly was in her hand. She was not upset, just determined. As she closed in she picked up the pace so that any words of protest from her superiors would reach her russet ears too late. They still had the ability of intercepting her path by directly blocking her, but she was running now and let the blade sing as she decided to aim for the spot where her father's heart should have been.

Table credit : Chelsie(Ásmundr)[/html]
ooc= 465

Vitium was unusually quiet for a moment as he watched his brother before him give rise to his feelings on the traitor’s presence upon their border. He did little by smile slightly, knowing full well that there was no love or even want of his form before them. What stopped them from ripping his throat out he would never know but he didn’t believe it was his mother’s whimsical love for her children. His hooded orbs rose slightly when Gabriel took the moment to call upon another, his smart words causing Vitium to chuckle as he asked. ”Do you honestly think I care?” his eyes hard as they slid from Gabriel to Kaena.

Those black orbs roved over to her face to study her a second as she spoke, her words didn’t surprise him for normally one would wonder why someone would return to the lands that would rather have them killed, their blood and flesh fed to the earth to be of some use. He was silent as he slowly let his head fall to the side as malice sparkled in his eyes as he finally took the time to answer the woman who had once been his mother. ”Because, there’s something soothing in bringing darkness to the door of these lands..” not to mention that he would like to see them suffer. That would do well indeed for the male. Her other little princelings had done their own collection of sins that was far longer than his own but they had been brought closer to the bitch’s bosom while he had been cast aside. Anything to bring despair to her house was good enough for him.

It didn’t take long for the young woman to show herself. He recognized her quickly as she stood close to the other two, where her loyalties laid were more than apparent. There were no words to speak to the young lady for quick as lightning she had moved towards him. A grim smile spread across his lips as he watched the motions of her flesh and darted from her blades, the swish of her passing making his fur lay flat as he turned to view them all in his range, weary of the woman with her blades, knowing that there was no reason to stay any longer.

His voice was soft as he smiled wickedly. ”You’ve made your point.” His eyes moved to his daughter as he bared his fangs in a very wolfish grin. ”And you’ve made your choice.” He turned from the gathering quickly, knowing there was nothing more for him here and he would have to seek out the man who was set on war to form a new alliance. Now at least mother and son knew where they would find him in time.

Word Count: 466

In Character

Even now, Gabriel sense the weakness and the wavering doubt in her voice. She had proven to him that her instinctive need to be a mother (something that had come in waves over the many years she had been one) was something that would often make her blind. If she had been Aquila when Andrezej had challenged Gabriel twice over, she would have done nothing about it. She would have forgiven him and written it off as childish nonsense, something that Gabriel had no patience for. Either those below him submitted and knew their place or they had no purpose in Inferni. When Andrezej had made his final stand, Gabriel had no room for patience—nor did his family, whom had proven this fact as they held the boy even as the amber eyed hybrid had ripped his throat out.

Halo’s presence came like a whirlwind. She rushed past her family and towards the weasel that had once been her father, silent as death itself. It was her sword that spoke for her, screaming as it cut through the air. She had been predictable, and Vitium moved with a speed that perhaps came from the part of him that was coyote, avoiding the killing blow. Even then, with his former daughter intending to kill him, he was smiling. The sheer arrogance of his brother (no, not his brother, a wolf who was no better then a weasel) made the fury in Gabriel’s blood rise to a breaking point. Without any coherent thought he let out a vicious snarl (one that sounded far too wolfish for his taste) and began moving. His feet rushed towards Vitium, but the coward was running now, likely grinning as he did so, and soon was far enough from the borders that he was no longer a threat. He ran south, and even then, Gabriel knew what they would be facing.

He turned back to the two women, his eyes burning, and lashed his tail angrily behind him as he moved back towards Inferni. “If he comes near here again I want him killed,” he ordered, making a point to look coldly at Kaena. There would be no room for weakness in times of war. His gaze then lifted to Halo, regarding her with the same expression—though it was apparent he was proud of her for acting in such a way. “You’re getting much faster,” he offered, knowing she would still find herself at fault, something he hoped would not dampen her spirits. Lowering his eyes, he turned back to Kaena. “He’s going to Dahlia,” Gabriel stated flatly, knowing that it was the only place left for the weasel-wolf to turn to. Hopefully Haku would find no patience in the Lykoi, traitor or not, and rip his throat out for them.

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table by sie
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The coyote woman had often contemplated this moment; she had wondered whether she could ever extend trust to Vitium again. She had cast him out as the Aquila, she had given him banishment over death—for betraying his family and his clan, Vitium had deserved that fate. Or so, she'd believed it in her rage. Certainly when comparing the attack on their blood that Andrezej had made, Vitium's crime was of less consequence and severity—still, with the things he had said back then, the hybrid woman could not have trusted him within Inferni. Recently she had worried over him; what if he was to return? She had wondered whether she would trust him enough to see him outside of Inferni, and now that question was answered. Vitium had returned and he was no different; there was something quite vile seething within the younger canine, lurking behind his dark eyes. It was starkly different from that light in Gabriel's eyes. Those questions had been answered for her; the stranger at their door was no more her son than the pile of bones beneath the shallow grave Rachias had dug for Andrezej.

Another approach caught the woman's attention; it was only appropriate that Halo would arrive here. Vitium was her father, and she was enshrouded in this mystery as he was, though the silver-furred Centurion did not question her loyalties. There was no reason to suspect Halo of so much as a fraction of the traitorousness that had gotten Vitium exiled from Inferni so long ago. The hybrid woman had been the one to enforce this ban, but Gabriel had also been present for Vitium's rejection of his clan and family. The memories were still Gabriel's, and there was no forgiveness in him. As Halo arrived the coyote twisted her head around to look at her granddaughter, golden-yellow eye and face revealing nothing. She had already lost her son many years ago, and as the cinnamon-furred coyote's metal sang through the air, whistling sharply as it sliced through nothing, the hybrid almost could not look; she averted her eyes to the floor. Panic rose in her, but she would not stand up for Vitium. To do so would be to commit the same atrocity he had committed so many years ago; it was certainly not in Kaena's best interest to throw herself in front of Vitium.

There was no accompanying scent of blood; Vitium had escaped injury. Halo's sword swung on nothing. The coyote woman did not feel relief at her son's escape; it would only mean more trouble for Inferni further down the road. This was something they could not afford. The silvery coyote did not miss Gabriel's pointed instruction, and there was a bitter smile on her face. "Should've been done years ago," she responded, certainly in agreement with his decree. For all her mother's love, Vitium did not deserve the life she had granted him. Her thoughts echoed Gabriel's; perhaps Haku would save the Lykoi family the trouble of exterminating the traitor Vitium. The coyote looked to Halo, sensing the younger hybrid's discomfort and rage at her father.

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wcp 5 Homg I'm so sorry, I forgot that Halo was a part of this O_o

She felt out of breath. Air wheezed down into her lungs though offered her no satisfaction. Vitium was the same as always and she wondered why the hell he was here. Instead of lunging after him immediately again with her razor sharp blade she bared her fangs and growled lowly at the traitor of both blood and clan. How dared he coming back after what he did. How could the man be so foolish? She stared at him with eyes that could have killed if they only possessed the ability. He spoke; first to the Aquila and then to her. “Made your choice?” She threw out a snarl at the man she once had adored. He had sent her here and made the choice for her. She knew not what kind of brilliant plan her father had made for them, but she would not ever be touched by his puppet strings again. Her copper coated ears lay flat against her silky hair and she refused to acknowledge his words. She just stared at him with open disgust and watched him walk away.

She wanted to run after the dark furred creature and stab her sword through his back and see it appear in his chest, but sense was quickly leaping back to her and the fear of having made a mistake started to sneak in again. Ears were still flattened as she slowly turned around to her leaders, but while her tail had been coiling like an enraged snake it now pressed lightly against the back of her left knee. The Aquila tossed out a command and Halo’s ruby eyes fell in respect and obedience for her leader. She failed to notice the cold glare that her grandmother received and dipped her muzzle in quiet understanding. Oh yes, she would kill him if he ever showed his fucking traitor face here again. A low growl continued to rumble in the depths of her throat. To think that she once had resented Gabriel for revealing the dirty facts of her worthless father was almost comical now.

She felt the doggish hybrid’s eyes on her and lifted her gaze to his for a mere moment to see if there was frost and heat directed at her. They were not angry with her? The sudden compliment by the Aquila took her by surprise and she let her gaze obediently part with his again; finding his feet rather interesting now. A thin smile settled on her lips for an entire second before she reeled it in again. The good words almost overshadowed her sour mood. She wanted to speak up and draw out an actual dialogue with the male, but managed to bite her tongue and keep quiet. She was like the child getting praised and she knew this well. Her delicate face turned to Kaena and she wanted to hold the scarred woman. Vitium had not left an empty space behind in her heart. She had found her parent in Kaena and to a certain degree also in Gabriel. Her life held more with Vitium absent.

Table credit : Chelsie(Ásmundr)[/html]

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