that's what pirates do

This thread is intended for Marishka, though others are welcome also. Silas is about four months here and only speaks Russian.

It had taken awhile for the small pirate pup to figure out that the platform would move if he applied enough pressure, but now that he knew, that information was priceless. He went under the brightly colored structure – crossing beneath the rope bridge and under the dark shadow of the plastic tunnel – to where there was an X drawn in the sand. Making sure to see that no one was around, the boy went to digging up his treasure and began to sing.

"If we see the Navy
We will shout with pride
We are scary hairy pirates
So you better run and hide
We'll stamp our feet upon the floor
And our peg legs too
We'll take your stolen treasure
'Cause that's what pirates do"

After a small pile of sand had been strewn past Silas’ hind legs, the boy had managed to uncover a small collection of odds and ends. He carry took them out from their secure hole and counted to make sure they were all present. "One, two, three, and four." Gathering them gently between his teeth, Silas quickly pushed some of the dirt back over the hole and began the small trek back towards the merry-go-round.


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