'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Fun in the Moon - Printable Version

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- Layla Nishant - 09-18-2010

Jamesy able for the last few posts, because the quote works! WC: 626 {6 points, 1 for Word of the Day}

Layla could tell from the look in Saluce's face that he was determined to take care of the things that needed to be done to the house. The mistress was not one to pass up the chance to help someone, especially if that someone was her mate. Fixing up the house would give her the chance to set up a room or a couple rooms for visitors or injured wolves who will be staying in her care. She really wished she had thought of this sooner, then she would have had another project for herself earlier. From what Layla could see when inside the house, it was a bit dull. She wanted to decorate the place up a bit. Perhaps she could find some nice vases to use to decorate her herb room and some things made with gears to lighten up the house. She could tell from her love's reaction to his new necklace that he loved gears, so why not try and make some things with gears and use them around the house. Ideas began to flow into Layla's head the more she thought about the subject.

Her train of thought was broken when Saluce asked about doing it together. That was Layla's intention this whole time. She knew she would not be able to repair the house all by herself. An idea came to her head as the mistress nuzzled her mate's soft neck. ”Of course love. What if you worked on the house and I took care of setting up the rooms. It would really be no trouble for me to head out to some of the old buildings to look for things we may need for winter and for my patients.” It seemed like a good compromise and it would give the mistress another reason to get out of the house. Knowing now thanks to Conor that the city of Halifax was close, it might be a good idea to check there first and see if she could find anything that she would need for the winter. Her ears moved as he mentioned getting the house ready for winter. With a gentle nuzzle to his neck she spoke softly. ”Yes. With winter approaching, it'll be good to have the place ready before it hits.”

As Layla closed her eyes, she began to make a mental list of all the things she would need to go out looking for while she was preparing the place. She would need to find blankets, maybe some more pillows, some gears and items to help liven the place up. She paused in her list as the behemoth mentioned making a small room near the fireplace. It sounded like a good idea to the mistress and she began to add a few more things onto her mental list. Surely her mate would be able to move some thing around near the fireplace so she could set it up. The stock of firewood would have to be checked before the cold months came and more would need to be added if needed. Perhaps the mistress could find some warm clothes too just in case it got too cold and for whatever reason, she needed to go outside. Now all that was left was for her to decide when she should head out to look for everything and start setting everything up.

Layla then gently lifted herself off of the behemoth's neck and moved to wend in front of him. The mistress' gaze moved back into the male's eyes. Her orbs got lost in his gentle gaze like they did when she first layed eyes on him. Look at them now, here they were. The couple was together and happy. Surely nothing could ruin this relationship right?


- Saluce Tremblay - 09-19-2010



His nose inspected her scent once more, ears alert to her voice. That scent of hers had been driving him mad lately, but he had just written it all off as just love. Now though his blue hues looked upon his lovely mate with interest as she moved again. A smile crept up on his massive head, eyes following her, not wanting her to leave him at the moment. With a playful growl he licked her muzzle, loving her gentle facial features. Nothing like his grizzled form, she was his opposite and he loved it. The necklace dangled around his neck as he raised his form slightly to lick across the top of her head, enjoying the fact he was allowed to shower her with attention.

“To go back to an earlier question, I believe I want to rise up to become a leader in this pack. I want to be a father, to not only our children but any strays looking for a home. So much of my life before you and this pack were selfish endeavors. Now I just want to give myself to others” his licking affection continued shortly after he finished speaking, cleaning her delicate fur even though it needed no such treatment.

He moved then, form slowly standing to tower over her, blanket still held above his form sheltering them still as he playfully laid down on her, knowing his weight would cause her to squirm under him. With a chuckle he nipped at her ears, letting deep playful growls escape his lips not wanting their little foray to end just yet. Not before they he let himself drink in her scent, not before he made her his again. But for now he wanted to play with her, in these forms he was much better at expressing is wilder, less reserved, more wolf like behavior. Something he didn’t show much to anyone except her. Saluce laughed quietly before mock biting at her neck.

“You are pinned! What shall you do!” he said laughing.

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- Layla Nishant - 09-19-2010

WC: 589 {5 points}

Layla couldn't have asked for a better moment than she was having now with the behemoth, except for when they had their first litter of pups. Why was that one of the only things she could think of? Saluce and the mistress had only been together for a short time and already she was thinking about starting a family. Perhaps she should cut back on her family thinking and focus more on just being with her mate. His scent was a mixture of his wonderful scent and the scent of metal. The black and white she wolf wished he didn't have that hint of metal in his scent, but she didn't mind. If he didn't mind the scent of herbs that lingered on her, then she didn't mind the faint scent of metal. She then felt the behemoth's playful lick on her followed by the growl. She returned the lick and growl before raising her tail in the air. She wagged it playfully as she moved her muzzle back from his.

Saluce's next comment actually surprised Layla a bit. He wanted to become the leader? It wasn't that she was against the idea, but when she first met him, he didn't exactly seem like the wolf who'd think he'd be a good leader. Obviously she was wrong about that thought now. His passion for her and his want to help others was enough to convince him that he'd make a wonderful leader. The mistress however could not see herself as a leader. Sure she was helpful but she couldn't imagine herself as an alpha. She nuzzled her mate gently as she spoke. ”I'm sure you'd make a wonderful leader Saluce. If you work really hard, I'm sure Conor would be honored to have you as his beta.” Maybe not the best thing to say but it was true. Conor was already the alpha so the next closest thing to a leader was a beta. There was of course the idea of forming their own pack, but that would take a lot of time, effort, and moving. They would have to find their own territory and find some other wolves to help form their pack. She kept the idea to herself and would only talk about it if the behemoth mentioned forming their own pack. The she wolf had to admit that she was happy here in Dahlia and now was not exactly the time to be moving with winter coming up. It was a bit of a good idea but it had too much work carried along with it. His licks broke through her thought as she laughed. She moved her head up and licked his fur clean as well.

Layla then watched as the male moved right over her and lay down on her. She was smaller and lighter than he was, so naturally she was going to be a bit squished under his massive body. The mistress flailed her limbs around when he first laid on her and moved her head back to look to him. She could hear him chuckling as he was nipping at her ears. She giggled and flicked her tail at the behemoth playfully. His mocking bite to her next and low playful growls only made the black and white she wolf want to play along more. She returned his growls with her own and wagged her tail at a bit of a faster pace. She laughed and tried to roll over to push him off. ”Hey now! That's not fair!”


- Saluce Tremblay - 09-22-2010


300 exactly yay!

Chuckling as her smaller form struggled underneath him, the behemoth had no intention of letting her go so easily. Saluce continued to mock bite and growl at her as she struggled, rolling over exposing her neck. Grinning ear to ear as only a wolf could he nipped at her neck before his playful attentions turned more romantic as his body started to shift into his optime for. Saluce had told her he shouldn’t shift but he felt his energy had returned. Slowly his form shifted above her, his arms reaching out to hold her in a gentler embrace. Soon his form was sprawled over her, muzzle licking across hers playfully knowing she wouldn’t sit under him long in her current state. Letting a playful growl emit from his lips he raised up to look down on his still lupus form mate with a wink.

Slowly he raised up to let her out from under his grasp, the blanket still holding still over top the both of them, shielding them from any prying eyes that would be out this evening. Although any modest attempt at hiding their fascination with each other was not hidden as their playful nature could be heard several paces away. His hands slowly rest along her belly giving her gentle scratches and attention again, as he settled down next to her laying his head next to hers. The behemoth was comfortable with her no matter what form they were in.

“I’m really glad you planned this love” he said with adoration for her. If they slept in the open at that night, if they re-consummated their mate ship it didn’t matter to him. Saluce was where he wanted to be tonight, and as the stars as their only witness he didn’t care what they saw or heard.

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- Layla Nishant - 09-24-2010

lol awesome job on that post count. WC: 528 {5 points}

Layla couldn’t help but chuckle as Saluce did and continued to stay over him. She was more than happy to go along with him playful attitude. As she rolled over, his muzzle didn’t move from its current position. He was planning to keep her down for quite a bit of time. At least she was able to turn onto her back and look right into his face. Still his continued want to play increased and the mistress played along by returning her own growls and trying to nip at his ear. That mood changed when he began to shift forms. He told her he wouldn’t change because of the wound on his thigh and now he was going against his own statement by shifting. She let out a soft sigh and watched as the behemoth slowly changed to his two-legged form. He was already towering over her in his secui form and now he was just getting bigger. Although she was sure that he would want her to change as well, she felt it better to be in her lupus form for now seeing as he didn’t see her in this form that often. The next thing she felt was his gentle hands around her as his playful growls return. She once again returned the playful growl and mocked nipped at his muzzle.

After a while, the behemoth finally got off Layla and she was able to move around. She noticed the blanket still on top of him and smiled. Well at he was still warm from having something covering him. The mistress shivered a bit as the chill of the winds returned to their location. She watched as he moved over to her side and moved his claws along her belly. She couldn’t help but giggle as they moved along his belly. Her tail wagged happily as her orbs moved back to him. The black and white she wolf raised herself back to her feel and moved over to her love’s back side. She made her way under the blanket and threw her paws over his side. She moved her muzzle to his ear and nipped at it playfully. She was still feeling a bit playful, but she was winding down a bit. She wanted to settle down and perhaps head back home soon. It was getting later in the night as the moon was riding higher in the sky. She gave a soft howl to the moon and then moved her head onto her love’s side.

As Saluce told her he was glad she planned this, Layla lowered her muzzle back to her love’s face and gave him a gentle lick on his cheek. ”I’m glad you enjoyed yourself love.” Her orbs moved back to the sky as the stars shined brighter than ever. This night was perfect and didn’t see how it could get any better than this, unless the behemoth had something in mind. She wagged her tail once more as she moved her head back down, laying it softly along her mate’s hip. ”So what shall we do now love? Shall we head home or stay out here a bit longer?”


- Saluce Tremblay - 09-26-2010


Sorry darlin for crappiness. My head is killin me. We can wrap this thread up soonish if you'd like.

Long arms wrapped around his mate’s form as he rolled over on his back. Smiling brightly he kissed her again, letting the night carry on. Truthfully he was ready for bed but he wasn’t sure if he really wanted to walk back at the moment. The all too familiar stirring in his loins betrayed his otherwise calm nature at the moment. Suddenly home sounded a bit like a good option. The ground was hard underneath him and his body had grown accustomed to a soft mattress. Smiling he scratched behind her ears, it wasn’t an endearing scratch from master to pet but lover to lover. She was no pet of his but being a wolf himself he knew what felt nice as well.

“Are you ready to head home love?” he asked in a hushed voice, her body and scent where obviously making him react in other ways that his rational mind was trying to fight. If one thing was for sure, she was the only one after knowing her for awhile to still stir him. Hands found themselves running across her back letting his claws scratch gently before reaching the base of her tail. Smirking knowing for now that unless she acted he would sit here happy to enjoy her touch.

“Or else we could make the moon blush tonight with you smelling so sweet” kissing her afterwards, smiling as he did, hands still moving along her form with developing longing. Sighing for a moment he let himself stop for a moment, form moving under her. If he was going to make love to her, he’d wait till they got home that is if she decided to stay out here a little longer.

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- Layla Nishant - 09-29-2010

WC: 390 {3points}

Layla was enjoying every moment being with the behemoth and wished it could last forever. His gentle arms wrapped around her body as she moved her head down and laid it down on his chest. It was so warm and the blanket covering their bodies only made it feel warmer. As much as she wanted to stay here all night, she knew it was uncomfortable for Saluce to keep laying on the hard rock; it was probably cold too. The mistress moved her figure off her mate and sat at his side. The cool rock caused her to jump a bit. The she wolf couldn’t wait until they returned home and cuddled up in bed together. Her head moved back to her love as he scratched behind her ears. It was a wonderful feeling and didn’t feel at all like a pet. She raised her head and tapped one of her back feet as he continued.

As he asked if she was ready to go home, she lowered her head against his and nuzzled him gently. ”Yes love. Let’s head back. It’s getting colder out here.” The mistress could feel his claws along his back and smirked happily. Just being with Saluce set her heart in a flutter. There was no one else in the world she would rather spend the rest of her life with. One day she would stand beside him, watching their children playing in the yard, and enjoying life. The she wolf broke from her fantasy as she felt his hands move hear her tail. She moved her tail away and smirked playfully. ”Now now Saluce, we both know how bad you are but stay away from there with your hands.”

Layla couldn’t help but giggle at Saluce’s comment to making the moon blush and about her scent being so sweet. She was beginning to feel more tired as he continued to try and go for her. She moved out from under the blanket and began to pack her things the best she could. ”Come on love. I’m getting a bit tired. I think it’s time we head home.” She gave it out in a soft tune and moved over to the dying fire. ”What shall we do with the fire love? It’s still burning and we can’t just leave it here…”


- Saluce Tremblay - 10-03-2010



Smirking as he playfully scratched her ears, listening to her voice, knowing on some level she was right, but sometimes he wanted to be bad. But a kiss was his reply before his body slowly stirring underneath her. Saluce moved quickly underneath the covers, leaving his mate still under them. Quickly his arms swirled about wrapping her up in the blanket and swinging her over his shoulders. With a laugh he quietly mocked her situation.

“I have my prize!” he said with a laugh, knowing he end up letting her out in a few moment but it didn’t stop him from mockingly start to walk towards home, to give her such an impression. But his feet stopped shortly after they started and the blanket was lowered back to the ground with his form still hovering over it as he opened for his lovely lady to bound out. Saluce was giving her a chance to run around while he took care of the fire and belongings to carry. Returning the favor, if she chose to stay in her lupus form he didn’t mind. She was equally beautiful no matter what form.

His form went about moving dirt and other non flammable objects onto the fire to cover and smother it. Then he went about gathering up the things she had brought with them before packing them up and looking over at her.

“I’m ready, how about you love?” he asked with a smile before a hand suggested she move first as always. Knowing that he’d enjoy the trip much more knowing where she was at, since they had to traverse the same trek of land they had came from. They had encountered a bear then but he was hoping that now they could return home in peace, maybe even continue their lovely night in their bed.

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- Layla Nishant - 10-23-2010


You can end it here if you want Matt. WC: 1,007 {10 points}

Layla was a bit thrown off when Saluce began to scratch her ears and then move out from under the blanket. She figured he was going to start getting rid of the flame so they could go home. What happened next was completely unexpected. She could feel him wrapping the blanket around her and carrying her off. She tried to squeeze her head out of a small opening but all that was visible was the mistress’ nose. She growled playfully and moved her paws along his body from inside the blanket. ”You brute! Let me go!” She knew he would let her go soon, but she couldn’t help but laugh while she was still wrapped in the blanket. Her tail tried to wag with her happiness, but the blanket was blocking her from doing so.

Once Layla was finally released from the blanket prison, she trotted around to get her footing back in sync. She was a tad bit dizzy from when Saluce was carrying her around, so she made sure she was focus again. The mistress watched as the behemoth began to put out the flames with the dirt. In the meantime, the black and white she wolf moved over to her things and began to pack then, except for the pan. Aside from the fact that it was still hot, it was also dirt. She wasn’t sure if there was any body of water on the way back home where she could stop and clean it, so she would carry it in her jaws when they began home. The behemoth soon joined her to help her pack up her things. She didn’t really need the help, but let him help anyways; however when he was the one to grab her things, she stopped and tried to jump up and grab onto the strap. ”There’s no need for you to carry that love. Those are my things and I can carry them myself.” She knew he wasn’t going to give it back to her so she shook her head and picked up the pan with her jaws. She was ready to head home with her mate.

She decided to stay in her lupus form on the way back. She figured it would be a waste to go into her optime form now. She wouldn’t mind if she had to sleep like this once they got home too. All she would have to do was lay at Saluce’s feet once he climbed into bed. Layla had to stop a few times to take the pan out of her mouth and let it cool off before continuing on. Once they reached the trail they took to get to the cliffs, the black and white she wolf paused. She took the moment to think about the bear that attacked them on the way. She was able to face her fear of running into them and even manage to scare it away. Speaking of which, she moved to her mate’s side and checked on the wound he received from the bear. So far it was doing very well and would heal up in no time. Her smile reformed on her face as she stopped to take the pan out of her mouth once more and then continued on.

Once the twosme arrived back in Wolfville, Layla sprinted towards home. She couldn’t wait to get in her own bed again and sleep with her loving mate. She dodged the trees and even passed by Conor’s home on the way back. That’s how she knew she was close. The mistress knew the alpha’s home was right near their’s. Once they finally made it back, she waited for him at the door. For once she was acting like an obedient dog and the behemoth was her master. She would have to wait for him to open the door before she was able to enter. Once the door was opened, the black and white she wolf raced to the kitchen to put the pan in the sink. She would have to wait until later before she cleaned it. She was ready to jumping to bed and go to sleep. The she wolf helped the behemoth to unload her things beforehand. Although she was still in her lupus form, she managed to help him out the best she could. Once most of the things were removed, all that reminded inside was the aloe vial and her bandages. She grabbed the satchel with her jaws and moved over to her herb room. This was the place where she kept most of her personal belongings. She stood up on her back paws as she used her front ones to turn the door knob. Once inside her room, she moved over to the shelves with all the herbs she collected. The mistress carefully took the aloe out of her bag and placed it on one of the lower shelves until she needed it again. Once she was done, she left the room and stood on her back paws once again to close the door.

It was getting later in the night before Layla finally dashed up to the bedroom. She would wait for Saluce to join her and climb into bed first before she hopped up and claimed her spot. She circled around the area and laid down with her head facing her mate. Tonight was a wonderful night. The mistress got to share a meal with the key to her life and even face her fears thanks to him. The behemoth had done so much for her and she was thankful for ever moment of it. The moonlight was beginning to shine into the room as the black and white she wolf gave a tired yawn. Her eyes grew heavy and her head lowered to the soft sheets of the bed. A smile formed on her face before she let her mind lay to rest. Now was the time for sleep. Her mind wandered off into dreamland and her memories of this night burned in her brain.

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