'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
going on a bear hunt - Printable Version

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- Saul Stormbringer - 11-19-2010


Although Saul had never been told about treasure and the maps that lead to them, some instinctive excitement about it was rumbling in the boys stomach. He wanted to know what land the map showed, whether it was anywhere they could get to, anywhere they could reach. He wanted to know what was on the piece of paper, what it contained. His excitement was growing and he allowed a tired grin to slip over his lips as Gideon gingerly slipped the rolled up parchment. He knew that neither of them could shift to open it, but his younger brother seemed to do fairly well in biting through the string. As the darker Stormbringer rolled open the paper and held it open with both his paws, Saul peered over his shoulder and was confused by what he say.

A large mass of land was obvious to descern from the blankness around the edges. He didnt know how to read a map, what it meant or where it was. The young male stared at the paper and noted the curve of the lines, marking boundaries he assumed. There appeared to be a bay with a sticky out harbour and Saul was vaguely reminded of their own harbour and bay, the latter of which they stood on now. He didnt make the connection however and continued to stare at the paper. Gideon spoke softly and Saul didnt reply, still captivated by the shapes and lines of the map. He sourly wished he could read right now so they could figure out exactly what it meant. Usually a very calm young male, Saul felt the frustration that was usually alien to him rise up in his throat. However, the voice of his brother made him focus and he looked at the 'X' his brother was referring to.

"I dont know... Maybe there's something there? Do you have any idea where this map represents? Maybe we could go there and see if there's anything by the X?"

He suggested and despite the fact that his limbs had turned to jelly he felt the curiosity prick his conscious. He wanted to follow Gideon, to see what this X was, but he also needed to sleep. Or eat to regain some energy. He took a deep breath, trying to force oxygen through his veins and re-energize himself to set off on their next adventure.

word count;; 397


- Gideon Stormbringer - 11-25-2010


From the looks of things, the X wasn't actually that far from where they were. It was away from the bear, as well, which was great. Gideon was pretty tired, himself, but was so intrigued by the map that his sense of adventure was getting the best of him. He hoped that Saul wasn't too tired to look for the X with him; if he was, then he'd have to save the map for another day.

He set off in the direction that the X seemed to be indicating on the map, keeping a slow pace so that his brother could keep up with him. It wasn't too long until he saw a big tower like one indicated on the map. That was supposed to be right next to the X! "I'm not sure! But...it must mean something! I don't think they would put it on there without a reason"

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- Saul Stormbringer - 11-25-2010


Gideon seemed determined that the map resembled Dahlian terratory closely and in his tired state Saul was happy to believe that it was a map of the area they were in. His gaze was distracted one final time by the dark bulk of land just out to sea before he turned back to the map and tried to see what his brother was seeing. Maybe it was the fatigue with which he carried his body that his mind made his eyes blur and he rocked slowly back and forward. He was okay for a little while- perhaps long enough to get home before the exhaustion took over his body. He was nearing the state he had arrived in and that vulnerability scared him. Gideon's voice pulled him back and he took a deep breath, allowing the oxygen to soothe his tired muscles. They would go home soon and he would rest. But for now, Gideon was off on a treasure hunt and Saul was not going to be left behind.

Green eyes widened as he saw a tower rising from the sand. He imagined in his mind that this tower was pretty close to the X that had been marked on the map. The tower wasn't very tall and it had been obscured from their veiw by a large sand dune. As they neared, Saul spotted a door at its base. On the assumption that this was the X on the map, Saul padded slowly forward. His paws were braced heavily in the sand and he walked with caution, hoping that nothing was going to go wrong this time as it had done in the forest. He didnt want to go in there without his brother, but he also didnt fancy revealing this insecurity. Hearing his brothers tones, Saul glanced back at his darker sidekick.

"I'm pretty sure this tower is the reason for the X. Maybe we should go in and see whats in there?"

He suggested, unable to keep the excitement from his voice. His tired tail flapped softly back and forward and with a tremble Saul perched atop the sand dune, unable to hold his weight up for long. This had better be a short visit to the tower, else Saul was likely to collapse from exhaustion.

word count;; 380


- Gideon Stormbringer - 11-28-2010


Awwwhhh <33 word filter turned tree into tower XD; in my last post. oh well, tower it is!!

Gideon's excitement sent all-new bursts of adrenaline through him. However tired and exhausted Saul was, Gideon was the opposite. He laughed as they came up to the tower, running a few laps around the base of it. What the heck was this thing?! It had a big old door in it. It didn't look like it'd been touched for a while, though. Was it one of those lighthouse things that he had heard so much about?!

"SAUL! You look tired..I'll run up in there and see what the X is supposed to be!" He was up and down the stairs in a flash, balancing a box carefully on his head. It had been the only thing there inside the place. Hmm!! He tilted his head forward and it came crashing forward, its contents spilling out on the sand in front of him.

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- Saul Stormbringer - 11-29-2010

ooc;; hahaha, nevermind! <3 Since I described a lot of treasure, perhaps they could take it back home and leave it in the living room or whatever to give to others? Like the short sword or something? IDK!

Before Saul could offer his services as an explorer, Gideon had told him to stay where he was because he was too tired. Rare frustration rose in him and Saul wanted to kick himself for his over active search of Dahlia this morning. He should have just gone straight to his brother's room and cut out that exhausting trip around his home land. He didnt want to admit that he was this tired, but the slight reprieve from exercise allowed Saul's body to droop to the floor. He was exhausted and even if he didnt want Gideon to see how tired he was, he was alone for a few moments and he was going to take advantage of that fact. Resting on the floor, the young man closed his eyes for a moment, taking deep breaths to try and get the oxygen back into his body. The clattering of his brother coming back out of the weird tower thing made him sit back up again as though he had never rested.

The chest that his dark brother had carried on his head was spilled forward and hit the floor. Despite hitting sand, the chest opened and contents jumped from its depths. Despite his tired state he was curious and he stood to have a better look. Through swaying he saw glinting metal, gold, silver. He saw gems and rich cloth. It appeared they had found treasure. Saul saw necklaces and bracelets, earrings and more. There was so much stuff in the chest that he didnt quite understand how it had all fitted at first. A short sword had landed a few yards away and Saul retrieved it, trying not to dribble on the blade in his mouth. A tiny muscial instrument caught Saul's eye and though he had no name for the harp, he wanted it. It was gold with intricately designed fruits around the corners. He smile and picked it up in his mouth, placing it on his back safely.

"We should take it home Giddy... Keep it until your babies are older and let them choose something to keep!"

He said with a soft gleam in his eyes. It was nice to give his niece and nephew presents and he was glad he had helped to find this treasure. A red length of cloth caught his eye and Saul padded forward. Gingerly batting the cloth open he saw a gleaming clasp at its opening. In the middle of the sea of red lay a beautiful necklace. His wonder was expressed in a soft sigh as he glanced back up at Gideon, wondering if he had any use for the thing. Leaving his brother to decide what to do with the necklace, but telling his brother he claimed the red material, Saul proceeded to return all the items to the chest, unsure of what half of them were. The small harp still balanced on his back and he was proud when he nosed the chest upright and clicked the lock back into place. They had to go home soon, but now they had some treasure to carry as well. A good result.

word count;; 523
