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Xoloitzcuintli character - Printable Version

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- Eris Eternity - 06-16-2011

Yar! You could always still go with a distant hybrid of a Mexican Hairless dog -- they probably wouldn't show a /ton/ of hair loss, as it'd probably be a trait to disappear very quickly from the population -- but they might have thinner/shorter fur than many other dogs. ^_^

Dogs and hybrids would be fine from Eterne -- there aren't a lot of native dogs, but they get travelers from the south as well as the Caribbean islands, so that's all good. One who became disenchanted with the religion of Eterne would be fine.

Escaped slave would be fine, as well -- if it was a slave, it probably would be a wolfdog hybrid as opposed to a coydog, unless it committed some kind of crime... there's a lot of culture there in Eterne but I can halps you design character. And Kiki, if she's down, because she probably knows Eterne culture better than me. Haaa. >_> Buuuut yeah! If that at all works out for you, let me know. No pressure. XD I want you to be happyyyy with your character! :3

Also, lol, Eterne + Eternity. ERIS WASN'T ETERNITY WHILE SHE WAS THERE. I hadn't even picked up on this connection until semi-recently. >_>

- Talitha de le Poer - 06-16-2011

I probably shouldn't know it better than you, Sie, since it's your culture. >.> But I can help, yar. The city of Eterne is one of my specialties, as well as other various civilizations in the world. If you decide to go down the Eternian route, of course. If not, that's cool too. There are still lots of options.

- Eris Eternity - 06-16-2011

I'm a derp, what you expect woman! 8D I've also... uh, never really played a legit Eternian. Eris doesn't count.

- Talitha de le Poer - 06-16-2011

Well, then maybe you need to play a legit Eternian, Sie. So I can pelt you with facts about Eterne that you don't even know. O_O

Side note for Luna: if you do like the Eternian idea, and want a character from Eterne and want them to have ties already, Xochime Kimaris is available. Of course, Tlantli is considering turning her into a slave; she's not very old, though. Only just sexually mature at 1 year and 5-6 months.

- Luna Sabino - 06-17-2011

QUOTE (Talitha de le Poer @ Jun 16 2011, 10:46 PM)
I probably shouldn't know it better than you, Sie, since it's your culture. >.> But I can help, yar. The city of Eterne is one of my specialties, as well as other various civilizations in the world. If you decide to go down the Eternian route, of course. If not, that's cool too. There are still lots of options. [/quote]
You would both help me? yes! That culture seems specially singular for me. I would like to know more things, such as why do they hade that prejudice against wolves and...other sort of stuff that i will probably come up with later XD

Kiki: Another good proposition. Playing a slave (an almost slave in this case) would be interesting. I will think about it as well. In RL i do not like slavery, not even if it is a game...but maybe i can make up my mind about that...i don't know.


- Talitha de le Poer - 06-17-2011

Y'know, I'm not sure what the prejudice with wolves is myself. I have to assume it's because there are more coyotes in the area or something. I'm not...positive. Either way, it's mostly Atotoztli plugging that causes the pro-coyote/anti-wolf beliefs. They also have a more matriarchal world than the lower-class Eternians.

Sie, what's up with the prejudice on wolves?

- Eris Eternity - 06-17-2011

Xochime isn't a slave yeeeet though. She was formerly, but she isn't right now until her JERK SISTER decides to enslave her, bawhahaw.

Quote:The only pure-blooded wolves allowed amongst them are slaves or sacrifices -- any who happen to stumble too close to Eterne and spotted are captured and enslaved, killed, or otherwise done away with. Approximately 65% of the slave population consists of wolves. Eterne is somewhat tolerant and lenient toward hybrids who "renounce" their wolf sides, though highly prefer these canines to at least appear the part of a coyote. They are barred from practicing in some elements of the religion—i.e., Zacatapayoli, the bloodletting ceremonies, due to their "dirty blood;" and especially from the Xochitl, since they are considered impure. Though hybrids are a lower caste of creature within Eterne automatically, they can participate in high society and the upper classes as any full-blooded coyote, although they may experience a fair amount of ostracizating from their pure canis latrans fellow citizens.

There is severe prejudice against wolves within Eterne's upper echelons, as many upper-class of Eternians are extremely religious and nearly theocratic, having an extremely complicated religious system of beliefs which they look to as nearly a source of law. However, some aren't entirely against spreading coyote seed to wolves, however; in the case of an ehecatl journey, even-numbered boys aren't discouraged from sleeping with wolves. Some of Eterne's canines think these efforts can purify the wolves eventually; it is not a belief the Atotoztli supports.

There -- I just edited the Eterne wiki page to consolidate the information about wolves and prejudices and all that! Also, uh. Feel free to point out inconsistencies in my information. o_O

But basically, the prejudice stems from the religious sect and those who are strongly supportive of the religion... the lower classes generally couldn't give a crap less about wolf blood, wolves, and so forth, but the higher-classed families (those who are usually more religious) dislike wolves.

Quote:Native elements include coytl mythology -- Eternians basically adopted and twisted native beliefs regarding the trickster/creator coyote to mean that coyotes are the only good species, basically.

Thus, those who hold the religion especially close would be all "HAET WOLVES, ENSLAVE." Those who are lower-classed wouldn't be so harsh where wolves are concerned.

Eris was a joke in Eterne outside of the Kimaris family, which was at that point desperate enough to take a wolf-looking thing as their heir/whatev, but she partially refuses to believe it (rose-colored glasses on the past) and partially acknowledges it (of course, she doesn't know the half of it -- I have mentioned her overhearing whispers from coyotes while in Eterne, awkward stares, and some flat-out refusing to talk to her).


- Talitha de le Poer - 06-17-2011

The majority of the Kimaris family in Eterne aren't serious religious people, though, so they could go either way. Tlantli, being female, holds more religious practice than Miqui or Imacai. Also, she's selective about her wolf dislike. Example: she loves Eris to death, as well as Salvia, but thinks Larkspur is a massive idiot and shuns him and his practices. So Eterne opens a vast world of possibilities as far as likes and dislikes.

And yeah. She's not a slave yet. I'm writing up a post for if we want to enslave her, though. >.> Tlantli gets angry because Xochime won't permanently remove her nosering. Sentimental value? More like a one way ticket to Tlantli Kimaris' rage.