'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
All of life's simple things - Printable Version

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- Dhalia Nothing - 06-18-2008

"I could never make something like this.." She admitted quietly, looking between him and the necklace. "Music, I can do." And it was something that she was proud of, because she had been practicing ever since the moment she could shift. "Piano, specifically. I make things out of clay also. Bowls and pots and such." She said with a nod, and even if someone to were to find her talents with music and clay amazing, in her eyes it would never amount to something as extravagant as making jewelry. "I can't imagine how long it takes." And she even shook her head at just the thought of it.

His words brought a great glimmer to her eyes and she gathered the necklace up in one palm, dropping her hands back to her lap to turn more toward him. "Really?" It was quite a special thing to just be giving away, she thought. "I mean, certainly there is someone much more fitting than I to give such a thing to." And maybe there was, which was why she seemed so utterly shocked and appreciative that he even bothered to offer.


- Oxford Rendón - 06-19-2008

Oxford listened with honest interest as she spoke, head tilted slightly as the words flowed from her mouth, showcasing her abilities to him. "I love music," he said thoughtfully. He'd never heard anyone play the piano before and at that moment he wished he had one in his possession to hear her. "Can you sing?" he asked curiously. Singing was such a talent, he thought. Anyone could learn to make jewelry or weapons if they gave it enough time. Singing and music in general was a skill one was born with. To Ox, that was more valuable.

He noticed the happiness in her eyes as he offered her the necklace. At her modest words he laughed heartily and shook his head. "It was meant for you," he said truthfully. "It will bring out your pretty eyes," he said, attempting a compliment. Though it sounded awkward when it came out. After all, he'd never been too good with girls. Ox then took the necklace gently from her hands. "Here, I will put it on." Scooting back on the bed so he sat behind the girl, Oxford rose the necklace over her head so that it rested on her chest. Then he carefully latched it together and let it fall into place. Moving back to sit beside her he looked at the necklace now resting on the girl. "It looks very nice," he said, smiling.


- Dhalia Nothing - 06-19-2008

His comment about music brought a graceful smile to her lips, nodding her head very slightly at his next question. "I do, but it isn't very often I get to a piano to play and sing." Dhalia was partial to human things, houses and tools, instruments and just about everything that they used in life. Even so, she had never lived inside on of their houses before, only just the dens that the rest of her family seemed to use. "I don't know many songs either. It's been some time since I've been able to rummage through houses and find music books and papers." And she wasn't quite yet skilled enough to make her own.

The smile on her face only grew when he spoke of the necklace once more, eyes lit up with appreciation for his words. "It's very kind of you." She commented, turning slightly toward him so that he could slip easily behind her. When she was there, one hand touched the bed gently, inching back toward him, though stopping short. She had intended to touch his knee as a gesture of thanks but has stopped herself before being able to. When he returned to her side her hand lifted from the bed, fingers sweeping across her chest until they came in to contact with the blue heart. "It's beautiful.."


- Oxford Rendón - 06-19-2008

He listened, giving her his full attention as she spoke of her own talents once more. He nodded in agreement and scooted away from her a bit to lean against the headboard. "Yes, like I said it is hard to find such resources. Most are hidden or destroyed. I'd be happy to help you search for music books some time," he said, beginning to feel like he'd made his first real connection with another being with Dhalia.

Oxford found himself beaming at her appreciation, his cheeks growing warm. Most of his jewelry was given in trade for something else, wines, meat, anything really. But he'd given the stranger one of his most intricate pieces. Why? Even he was not sure. Just an unexpected act of kindness, he supposed. At her words, he smiled softly. "I am very glad you like it."

Now a silence fell upon them, very briefly. He wasn't sure exactly what to say. So he attempted at small talk. "Are you comfortable? I don't have much yet but if there's anything I could get you, just let me know," he said, attempting to be a good host. His emerald eyes traveled out the entrance of his den, the sky very dark and he couldn't tell whether it was from the everlasting rain or whether it was growing late in the day. Time was something he didn't keep much track of.


- Dhalia Nothing - 06-19-2008

"That would be wonderful." She offered the words in return to his comment of helping her find music books. "Perhaps, in return, I can sing a song or play for you some time." Though she rather liked to do both at the same time, it always sounded better that way. "If there is an old city around here somewhere, some houses or something, it shouldn't be to hard to find a working piano, so long as someone else hasn't gotten to it first." She mused quietly, keeping her hand on the small heart while her finger traced it's shape. "And I don't think I've found a place yet that doesn't have some sort of small town in it."

Eyes followed him as he moved, turning herself suddenly, to face him fully. She drew her legs on to the bed, curling them one over top of the other, and pulled them close. "Oh no, I'm quite comfortable, actually." There was an honesty in her voice then, because it wasn't often that she got to lounge on a bed. "I'm used to sleeping on the ground, whether I really like it or not." Dhalia pulled her lips back in distaste at the statement, though it was soon taken over by a quiet laugh. "And quite frankly, I never really did like it at all.." She liked the plush feeling of a mattress or a couch, but she had learned to take what she could get.

"It does make me wonder though.." Red brows lifted suddenly in curiosity, taking another look around before finally speaking. "How did you manage to get this thing in here?"


- Oxford Rendón - 06-19-2008

Oxford smiled at her words, nodding as she spoke occasionally. He'd been to the city she spoke of and he was certain that there would be a piano somewhere. As she finished, Oxford spoke up. "Halifax," he informed her. "It's a big city around here. Kind of in ruins but it's not totally demolished yet. There may be a piano if we look hard enough," Oxford had been to the city only once and had searched very briefly to find the necessities for his home. He hadn't come up with much.

Ox was happy to hear that she was comfortable enough. He wasn't impressed with his own home, so he doubted she really was either. Probably just an effort to be kind. He smiled as she questioned how he'd gotten the bed into his den. It had in fact taken quite a bit of effort. "I found it in Halifax, actually," he explained. "Got the smallest bed I could find and just took it apart. I brought it home in pieces, but it took quite awhile to carry it so I'd just leave them in little hidden spots when I grew too tired to carry them or it was too late in the day. I put the frame together easily when I got it here. The mattress was a little harder to get to the den, especially up the hill. But I managed," he finished, spreading his arms as if to emphasize that he really had managed. After all, here it was.


- Dhalia Nothing - 06-20-2008

Halifax. She ran the name through her mind once or twice, finding it somewhat odd. From what she could remember her birth home had never given a name to their city, or had never found one. For a moment the girl pondered to herself, wondering where the name Halifax had come from. Was there some sort of landmark there that declared the name of the city, or was it just something that the creatures native to these lands had called it? Dhalia, like most younger creatures, was ever curious. There was always something new to be learned, something new to discover and ask questions about, and it was in her nature to keep pushing until she was able to find what she wanted to know.

"I see." She muttered quietly, eyes wandering the bed for a moment, examining it silently. "I never knew that they could be taken apart." Then again, it had been quite some time since she had been able to linger around human areas and examine all of their items. "Once I choose a spot to stay, I might have to find one of my own." And frankly, even if she couldn't take it apart and put it together, she would still be completely thrilled with having just the mattress piled high with blankets and pillows. "You don't seem to be much on decorating though, hm?"
