'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
under cover - Printable Version

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- Firefly Sadira - 08-19-2008

ooc: slightly out of order.. but forgive me.. wanted to get this up before I lost my chance..

Those emerald eyes narrowed as the clan member came closer and then leapt at her. Crouching low behind the limp body of what was once a member of his own she grinned devilishly and laughed. The soft taunting sound of her voice was cut short as his claws raked at her, catching her across the shoulder yet only leaving shallow grazing in her flesh. She bared her fangs as suddenly the male was gone and dancing away.

She narrowed her eyes and darted after him. Nimbly keeping away from the fangs and nails of the angry mob that they'd called down upon their scouting party. She wasn't stupid, she knew better than to get to far from the collective mass but the male before her had selected her out and she wasn't about to go easily. She catapulted off of the corpse and snapped at the male, her eyes glaring intensely as she realized that he was playing with her. "Fool!" she hissed as she skittered just out of his reach after she felt the first impact of his fist upon her shoulder.

The lack of his claws and teeth in the battle was beginning to unsettle her. She was use to the full force of fury, not the slow steady pace of being stalked in the middle of a storm. Step by step she moved backwards as she bared her fangs, the fur along her back bristled as she ran out of room to manuver, her muscles quivering as she lunged forward, taking her fury with her as she accepted the challenge of the male.

- Ahren de le Poer - 08-21-2008


     The arrow missed, and shot just over the target. With a grunt, the blonde readjusted and shifted his weight. In such a chaotic situation, he was firing into a firefight—one wrong move and he would take out the wrong target. Of course, Ahren was vicious with the bow and he knew how to play this game. This time, he trailed the girl and watched her movements, and watched as a female who had to have been Kaena’s daughter (even from here, she was her mother incarnate) kept her on the ropes. There. He pulled the trigger and another arrow went whipping out towards the tawny female.


- Hybrid Holocaust - 08-22-2008

My bad. o: And what a coincidence! But don't expect them to become friends like the last time! >:O

The angle was a little awkward, but Hybrid held on tight, slowly moving himself so that he had a better grip. He bit down, angling himself to that his one foreleg held on tight to her shoulder, the other secure, snaking under her neck and holding onto the side of her face. His teeth dug into her fur, and he scrambled to dig in more, and hit the flesh and bone. He moved his head back slightly, feeling his teeth bite through her skin, cheering quietly as he heard the girl snarl. He felt his claws rip through the girl's eyelid, and smelled the blood that began to seep from her wounds. He had to restrain himself from grinning, cackling, and cheering. Her pain was so delicious.

She twisted sideways, and he felt her move, snapping at him. But the only thing near her gaping jaws was the one clawed paw that had cut open her eyelid. He pulled his arm back, trying to drag his claws under her jaw, chin and neck, before pushing off from the ground with his hind legs in an attempt to jump over her smaller form. As he moved, he felt her pull at him, and instead of ending up on the other side of the girl, he was thrown a short distance in front of her. He felt her claws rake down his arm, leaving a gaping wound in its wake. He snarled and tucked in his head and rolled with the throw, feeling more like a wrestler than a warrior or soldier. He regained his balance, using the momentum from the throw and the roll to stand up on his hind legs for a few moments and face her, readying himself to attack again.


- Kol Stormbringer - 09-03-2008

The girl was oblivious to all but herself and her enemy. Blood flowed from her left eye, shaping eerie crimson tears down her cheek. She crouched on all fours as she faced the male, still in her half-form as she snarled. A malicious chuckle mixed with her growl as her lips curled into a sadistic smile, and she felt her blood heat with the lust of battle. It was in her nature to enjoy a good fight; she was a Stormbringer, after all.

Kol's violet eyes sparkled as she began to circle to her right, her gaze never leaving her opponent. Her mind flew through her options, and she immediately dismissed the idea of shifting completely to her optime form. She would gain power and strength, to be sure, but would lose the speed and twisting agility she possessed in her current state. Pain flowed through her from the wounds she'd received, only fueling the fire in her blood as her eyes twinkled with a hint of insanity. No...she wouldn't give in to the darkness her family carried. She could handle this fight without letting go, and she would. Still grinning, Kol dug her hind claws into the earth, her muscles bunching and springing as she leapt through the air at the male, claws and fangs aiming for anything they could sink themselves into.

- Mew Sadira - 09-08-2008


http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... -table.png); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Word count: 311

They played the same game. The only difference was; it was Asphyxia who had the most recent pain. Mew was living her revenge, and she enjoyed every second of it. She didn't notice Firefly moving away from the group, nor did she notice the arrows that came flying over their heads. There was just her and Asphyxia, and knowing that she would kill the little bitch. But first she wanted to see the pain her brother had caused her on her face. Whatever the coyote could say would simply bounce off Mew, she was in her right place now. You know, maybe he could! Or maybe he could try to knock into your thick skull not to mess with us. You should allow him some training, you know, if he was only okay... Hopefully she'd see it as a direct threat to send Haku onto her again. She knew that this was not the only time Haku had done such a thing. It disgusted her, and while she already felt separated from her brother, it didn't help to make the gap between them less. Who would do something like that if he didn't enjoy it? And what kind of sick bastard would enjoy such a thing? The thought had crossed her mind earlier, but the point was; if she asked, the possibility of Haku doing it again, for her, might not be that small. And Mew had felt anger at first, at him for taking her revenge onto himself. Silly Mew, it was lovely. Twice the pain, twice the fun.
She kept circling the coyote female, sometimes throwing her front leg out at her in hope of clawing her face, but most of the time she just used what she could to keep her at a distance. She would taunt her until she collapsed, and then there would be real blood.


- Alexey Koios - 09-11-2008

Ow. :|

With every single kick directed at her, Alexey aimed to take a chunk out of her adversary's legs. Doing so earned her a few kicks in the face, accompagnied by a stronger kick in her right flank, which eventually led her to recoil after a little while. A low growl escaped her throat as the other woman got back on her feet. She crouched low and braced herself for the upcoming attack, while assessing the coyote's wounded legs.

Alexey ignored her opponent's hurtful words. It was all a game to them, and she wasn't going to fall for it. She would not return the insults and degrade herself to that whore's level. Inferni had a lot of things to learn, it seemed. How to fight respectfully was one of them. The Dahlian femme simply shook her head and smiled, finding it a little silly that the coyote was wasting her breath on such petty insults.

Her opponent charged, and Lexey stood her ground by remaining where she was. Instead of moving right away, she waited until the very last minute before throwing all of her weight into the woman's legs. The coyote's fists came crashing down on her lower back, barely missing the spine and delivering a critical blow to her ribs.

Pain coursed through her body, causing Alexey to bite her tongue to keep from screaming. Her own blood trickled from the sides of her mouth, but she wasn't giving up just yet. Using the remaining strength she had left, the two-year-old pivoted her body and went for the back of the coyote's knee. She wanted to rip out her adversary's cartillage and collateral ligament, knowing that doing so would keep her from using her legs furthermore. Lexey could only hope that her aim was accurate as she closed her jaws shut. This was her last chance.

Another attack was issued a few seconds later. Before Alexey could even figure out what the hell was going on, her shoulder was nailed by an arrow. And this time, she did scream before hitting the ground.


- Gabriel de le Poer - 09-16-2008

Because this is so outdated, I suggest we have an OOC conclusion. :|

- Firefly Sadira - 09-18-2008

ditto, we all know what's set to happen to who from DDM since we've been RPing the wounds and outcome.. Inferni members can decide theirs?