'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
A New Place of Safety - Printable Version

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- Amy Sunders - 07-10-2012

A paw darted up, hitting at Amy's hand. She laughed at the pup's daring. He wasn't cowering, actually standing up and fighting back against her. It amused her deeply to see such a fighting spirit in him. Something she would encourage. He would be a powerful weapon when she was done with him. It was only small pieces that really showed through, revealing his potential right now. Cultivation was the key to let him become all he could be. She hoped that he managed to torment Kiara's mind for the rest of her life. Revenge for the pups that Amy wasn't able to have.

Kohaku joined in the game rapidly. Pure determination fueled him. Amy might be the stronger one of the pair, but he had spirit. That made up for a lot of the battle. As soon as the toy was thrown he darted free, chasing after it. Her tail wagged behind her as he ran around, endless energy before returning for another round. Amy kept it up for some time, tugging back and forth on the toy before tossing it to be returned once more. The sun set low as they played, the home not yet made, but more complete than before with this simple action.

- Kohaku Amarok - 07-15-2012


A frown crossed Kohaku's full muzzle as Amy laughed at his actions. It was good that she din't yell at him, but she didn't have to laugh at him. Kohaku didn't think it was funny, and he certainly wasn't too thrilled with being around Amy. She called him names, something he just couldn't forgive. Puppy blue eyes watched Amy, unsure as to what to think of his situation. He didn't know what Amy was planning and his only truth were the lies she fed him.

Kohaku's boundless energy let him play and run for as long as his little puppy heart desired. He chased the wooden toy with enthusiasm and was more than happy to bring it back to Amy for another round of tug-o-war. Amy was able to play with him for a long time, tossing the toy every time she managed to jerk the wooden toy free. Kohaku didn't even notice how much time had passed. He just wanted to keep playing. If allowed, Kohaku would continue the game till he dropped from exhaustion. His sides heaved a little as he panted slightly, but one look at his wagging tail would tell anyone that he was more than ready to continue on for another few hours.

Word Count → 000

Razy Table.

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- Amy Sunders - 07-15-2012

Amy Sunders

Word Count → 000 :: Out of Character text.

The growing gloom caught Amy's attention. Frowning she looked up. Great! Almost nothing that needed to be done had been completed. She still had much of the house to sort through and get ready. She wouldn't be able to see what she was doing now. The heaving from Kohaku's sides hadn't gone unnoticed. Maybe he'd sleep tonight without waking her up for anything. That would be nice. Standing up Amy placed the toy on the ground.

The dog didn't waste much time in scooping Kohaku up and wandering over to where the beds had been made. Gently she placed Kohaku in the small one. Stay. Yawning she crawled into her own bed. The clothes were quickly stripped off, jewelry removed. Only the ring that she never took off remained. Her weapons were placed close by where she could grab them if needed. Checking to make sure everything was exactly how she needed it Amy nodded with satisfaction before curling up and going to sleep.

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- Kohaku Amarok - 07-21-2012


Growling, Kohaku held onto the toy as Amy held it still in her strange paw. His tiny tail wagged and his eyes glowed. The little pup didn't even notice the gloom. His entire focus was on the toy. Kohaku yanked his head back several time as he tried to pull the toy out of Amy's grip. Tiny teeth marks had formed dents all around the toy and it was covered in his slobber. The toy had become his and Kohaku was enjoying it thoroughly.

All of the sudden, and way to soon, the game ended. Amy dropped the toy and the colorful male stumbled back a few steps before he finally landed on his bottom. Kohaku shook his head violently, making his ears bang against the sides of his skull as he growled triumphantly. Just a moment later Amy scooped him up and deposited him onto his assigned bed. Kohaku whined through his full mouth, not ready to give up the game. He tried to crawl out of the bed, but Amy gave him an order to stay. Upset, the little puppy glared at Amy. He wasn't ready to go to bed.

Despite his reservations, the puppy watched as Amy undressed and crawled into her much bigger bed. He continued to chew and growl at the toy, but quieted as the golden dog curled up and drifted off to sleep. Kohaku looked around the darkened room and yawned a little. He unwillingly succumbed to sleep, his head drooping onto the toy and his oversized paws wrapped around the edges.

Kohaku slept fretfully. He felt too exposed, too cold. He twitched and cringed in his sleep, dreaming of fowl smelling monsters that pulled at his fur and ears. Kohaku woke up only twenty minutes later, upset and feeling very homesick. He wanted his mother and sister so bad. They always used to sleep next to him and he was used to their warmth. Puppy blue eyes scanned the dark room, only the soft light of the moon illuminated the room. Kohaku looked at Amy's giant silhouette, it looked almost normal in the darkness.

Quietly as he could, Kohaku climbed out of his bed and made his way to Amy's. For a moment, Kohaku watched her, wondering if Amy would wake up. When he was sure she wasn't going to wake up and shout at him, the pup gingerly climbed onto her much larger bed and made his way over to her belly. He gently crawled close to her and settled down into the fur. At last, he was comfortable and Kohaku closed his eyes and dreamed about happier days when he was with his family.

Word Count → 000

Razy Table.

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