'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Making up - Printable Version

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- Jiva Takekuro - 07-13-2012

Word Count :: 548 OOC: well Tongue to you too!!!

Jiva was ecstatic that Drin was no longer mad at him. Throughout his whole trip he knew that it was his fault and he deserved her anger, but to see her so happy, he was just glad that she wasn’t angry and he would not remind her again that she had been once. Not after he apologized anyway. He smiled at her compliment and as she came toward him he felt himself knot up just under his belly but he couldn’t help grin like a stupid pup as she rubbed against his chin. If he were a cat her would be purring. The touch of her paw in his was something magical as well and they began a slow walk away from the garden. He was aiming for the ocean. The place where he had been with Drin only once, but figured it was a good place to head to at least. They both liked the water and he wondered if she would still enjoy it even if the water was salty.

“Cows are... hmmm well they are really fat slow hooved animals. Some have hornes, and some are just stupid and lazy. Honestly can’t see how they would still be alive now, but I suppose they did this one just moved Aunt Orin in the wall and she wouldn’t move until I found some food for it. I think that’s all they think about is eating, dunno why they don’t just eat it.”

Jiva shrugged moving closer and nudged her a little playfully. He grinned but continued on and rose his eyebrows. He couldn’t imagine her laying in a bed actually... at least not without him and even that seemed absurd. He saw her as wild, like the rest of the pack and just thinking of her in a bed made him think of things he probably really shouldn’t right now.

“I honestly like the feel of leather furs under me than that of a bed. They can carry deseases if not cared for right. Besides the den is honestly far more comfortable.” He then moved his muzzle next to her ear and whispered in an enticing sort of way, “Especially when it’s next to you.”

He said, he was wagging his tail, happy she had learned new things, even if it meant something he knew and had used for many years. In fact his bed when he was younger was possibly an equivelant of an old dog bed, nothing like the one his parents used , but it was close to the floor so that if he rolled around he wouldn’t fall off. That was as much of one as he got, though his father offered him a real bed of sorts after he learned how to shift.

“You should show me what you have learned. I got a lesson too from one of the members while I was staying there.”

He said, it would be interesting to see what she could do, and if she learned in her lupus form or her bare hands. He had gotten lessons just in his lupus form alone but he didn’t mind that, he felt far more powerful in his four legged form than anything else.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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- Palaydrian Soul - 07-18-2012


Meow:: WC:: 478

Being next to him, with her hand is his, made her feel as if she were flying. Each step as light and airy as the last as if they two were walking on clouds. The feel of his paw pads, his forearm against hers, and the smell of him consumed her thoughts and made her feel drunk with desire and love. They could walk off a cliff right at this moment and she wouldn’t scream, no...everything she saw and felt was Jiva. He possessed her more than he probably even knew as her heart provided the beat of their love song within her head. She loved this man more than anything and would do anything in her power to stay by his side until the end of their days.

In her honeymoon haze she heard herself laughing at Jiva’s description of a cow, but time had slowed down for her while she smiled up at him through rose colored eyes. This lust and desire the young woman was experiencing wasn’t heat, this was something else. A part of her brain thought how odd these cows sounded and decided she must see one some day, but the majority of her brain kept thinking back to his hand in hers and the warmth their bodies generated between themselves as they walked along. His playful nudge brought her out of her lovestruck stupor and she returned his grin with her own. Nipping playfully at his shoulder and giving his arm a good head rub.

The woman began to nod her head in agreement. Sleeping in a bed had been very awkward for her as she preferred the den or even better, the open sky to be above her, but her heart sped up as her mate moved forward and his muzzle tickled her ear. Her own brows rose as a wicked smile replaced her grin. She squeezed his hand and pulled him towards her so she could kiss him once more. She knew she’d never be able to get enough of them, but this time she kissed him deeply and passionately pulling away to whisper against his lips. I agree. Her eyes crinkled at the corners with the coy playfulness of a vixen. She wanted him terribly, but she’d wait...Drin knew how to wait.

The fae pulled away to resume their walk towards a destination she was unsure of, but when asked about what she had learned, the blonde lady stopped and adopted a mock defensive stance in her optime form. I’ve learned quite a lot of hand to hand combat as well as my other forms. Care to spar? Or should we save that for a rainy day? She asked playfully, though she secretly just wanted to use her skills to pin him to the ground.

Table Credit to Becca! <3.

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- Jiva Takekuro - 07-18-2012

Word Count :: 304 OOC: Big Grin

Jiva felt a ripple of want... no need, flow through him as she nibbled at his arm in return of his nudge. And felt himself tighten up below the waste as she agreed with his whispered comment and he was flowing in a dream at her kiss wanting to take her here and now, but this was not the time nor the place and she knew it. His heart racing still she seemed proud of her new skills and shook his head.

“Perhaps later, for now I think I like our peaceful walk. Don’t want to use up too much energy yet.”

He felt far better with her now, being her mate and all, than he did weeks ago when he was afraid she would decline his offer or say he wasn’t worth it. They moved forward and the trees thinned out more and more and soon the grass too thinned, though before that the beach lay before them and the sand was bright under the summer sun. He clutched at her hand and started running. Giving her a boyish laugh of excitement. He was hers and she was his. That was how it would be forever. Before they got too close to the water, he stopped right where the tide was rolling in, the water lapping at their feet. He looked at her with a wide grin, then out to the wide expanse of the ocean. He admired it, now that he did not see it every day like he did when he lived in the seaside cave. He turned to Drin and grinned further, his mouth now as far as it could reach, teeth barely glinting through his lips, but not showing entirely.

“I do not think the ocean can compare to your beauty.”

Photo courtesy of Genista

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- Palaydrian Soul - 07-26-2012


Meow:: Song here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaCRVxCxX0A WC:: 500

Jiva’s hint at using their energy for something else didn’t go unnoticed by the intuitive woman, but she allowed herself to be pulled along, snuggling closer to his side as they walked on their two legs through the woods. She wondered if any of the other lovers within the pack had ever come out this way. So far, she had only sense Jiva and Fayne in this neck of the woods she had chosen to hide her little Eden, soon enough she knew she’d have to invite the rest of the pack to see her progress and benefit from its bounty. They were in one of the more northern parts of New Dawn and as far was Palaydrian knew, this part of their territory was either hugged by rocky mountainside or water. Soon enough her ears picked up the rolling sound of the waves. She shot Jiva a cursory glance, but as the foliage fell away, the woman’s eyes filled up with wonder. She hadn’t realized how close her garden was to the narrow strand of beach.

Her laugh echoed Jiva’s as the two took off towards the waves hand and in hand. She loved this place and though she knew they were miles from the portion of beach he had originally showed her when she first had come to New Dawn, she still felt this strip held the same magic in its sands. Her grip tightened on his hand as they neared the crashing waves and just stopped short of the tumbling water. Drin breathlessly turned towards her mate, eyes grinning at the sight of his full spread smile and heart leaping wildly in her chest from their short sprint. She wanted to scream how much she loved him as the water touched their paws and made the fur around their ankles soggy, but Jiva beat her to the punch and flattered her with his honesty. She swooned at his words, allowing herself to step towards him and melt into his arms once more. The woman knew this was what pure happiness felt like as she looked up into his eyes before moving to her tippy toes to kiss him.

She pulled away as a song danced on her tongue and filled the sea air about them. For you...

One, two, three/Counting out the signs we see/The tall buildings/Fading in the distance/Only dots on a map

Four, five, six/The two of us a perfect fit/You're all mine, all mine

And all I can say/Is you blow me away

Like an apple on a tree/Hiding out behind the leaves/I was difficult to reach/But you picked me/Like a shell upon a beach/Just another pretty piece/I was difficult to see/But you picked me

Yeah you picked me..

Table Credit to Becca! <3.

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- Jiva Takekuro - 07-27-2012

Word Count :: 326 OOC: So much Lahv

Jiva was being rather impulsive, but he didn’t care, he just wanted to spend time with the woman who held his hand tightly. He could tell she was flattered and he moved in closer to her and instead of him just going in for a kiss she met right up with him as though they planned and practiced this many times. His tail wagged viciously behind him as he melted into her arms. This is where he belonged. When she pulled back, she started singing, right there in the middle of the beach, the waves the only instrument in the background. But she needed none. Her voice was beautiful, so beautiful that he thought he was going to absolutely melt right then and there. He loved the sound of her voice, the feeling she gave him when she used that voice, how many others have heard it, he didn’t know but he felt it was his, though not exclusively. He listened to her sweet voice as he let his eyes drift closed to the sound of her music and when she was finished he just smiled down at her.

“I suppose I will note that the sounds of the ocean doesn’t match that of your voice either.” He chuckled at her, giving her a soft embrace, just liking her touch on him. He missed her so much throughout the whole of the time he was gone and he promised himself he would never try to make things complicated ever again. He breathed in her scent with was no less alluring than that of her heat scent and smiled before pulling away. “Have you ever taken a swim in the big old blue before?” He asked raising an eye, feeling the tide was rising, but only slightly as it rolled over and under their feet, taking the sand and covering them as though they were things that needed to be covered.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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- Palaydrian Soul - 07-30-2012


Meow:: Cutest couple award? WC:: 3+

When her song ended, Palaydrian allowed herself to be enveloped in Jiva’s strong arms. She breathed him in along with the salty brine of the ocean, another collected scent memory in her mind. Her heart beat heavily in her breast against his chest, but his words only made her feel more beautiful and loved than before. She laughed with him, carefree and eyes full of love as she pulled back to look into his eyes. How could she have been so fortunate to find such a loving mate. She had come to New Dawn with quite a heavy heart, not realizing that within a few hours of her acceptance that she would be meeting the man of her dreams. And yet, here she was, standing by the ocean within his russet colored arms and completely head over heels in love.

Everything that had happened to her, had happened for a reason. She was a strong believer of this now, and the whole Aram fiasco....well that was a distant memory now. All that mattered was that she was safe now and had the knowledge to protect herself in the future, but more importantly, she was moving on from that day of horror and building a new life with someone who loved her more than words could describe. Her arms wrapped around his back and pulled him in close as he embraced her once more. Drin felts so incredibly love drunk, it was amazing. She studied Jiva’s face as he pulled away and asked her whether she had swam in the ocean or not. A playful smile parted her dark lips.

I actually haven’t, she confessed, watching the water lap hungrily at their feet. But I’ve always been curious, she said mischievously as she tugged gently at his hand before walking down the shore to the breakline.

Table Credit to Becca! <3.

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- Jiva Takekuro - 07-31-2012

Word Count :: 230 OOC: wavey *snicker*

He wondered what was going on in her head as they stood ankle deep in sand. His own mind whirling about, happy, content to have her in his arms and excited for he hoped to have many adventures with Drin for the years to come. This in itself was an adventure, what he hoped would come to fruit in which she had asked for many times and he denied, if she denied him though, he would not blame her. Their kiss was sweet and lingering and when she explained she hadn’t it seemed she was quite ready to, she started to tug on him but he polled a little, “Just remember, the pull on the ocean is much stronger than that of the lake.” Then followed her in.

He tok the first dive letting the salt water engluf him. He didn’t forget the sensation it cave him, his eyes already shut tight to the water, his nose blowing out as he resurfaced, feeling the wave push at him, and nearly dragged him under again, but he was strong and held tight and looked around for his mate, grinning, and knowing this time her ribs wouldn’t be a problem. He put his back against the waves and felt the hard slaps of it on the back of his head as though it was giving him a massage.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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- Palaydrian Soul - 08-06-2012


Meow:: Good thing this was still saved. WC:: 3+

Pausing where the waves broke on the beach, Palaydrian looked back at Jiva over her shoulder and happy to see he was following her in. Soon enough though, the red furred prince moved past her and dove fearlessly into the waves, their offspring rolling up the shore and hungrily sucking at her feet as though seducing her to join. The angel erupted into flirtatious laughter, watching the love of her life swim about while she stood on the shore. She was excited and scared, the ocean was so big and the two of them so small, but if her lover was floating, his shoulders still above the waves, she’d be okay. Taking an exaggerated breath of air into her lungs, she raced into the breakers only to exhale her breath in a shrill scream.

The impact of the wave against her stomach was shocking, but her cry was mixed of both shock and enjoyment. She hadn’t realized how powerful the deep blue really was, but after she gained oxygen back into her lungs, she playfully dipped beneath the waves only to come up a few seconds later to squirt saltwater out of her mouth at Jiva. She laughed and managed to swallow a good amount of the briny water, but this didn’t deter her fun in the slightest as she coughed and hacked, bobbing about in the ocean and enjoying the sensation of feeling practically weightless. This, she sputtered a few times, having a little difficulty in clearing her throat, is amazing! Drin experimentally kicked off the sandy floor and fluttered her feet beneath her as her body rose upward in a swell. It’s official...I love the ocean, she said with a big grin, but her eyes grew wide suddenly and she was pointing behind Jiva. Duck!! She squealed as a large wave began to crest a few feet away from them.

Table Credit to Becca! <3.

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- Jiva Takekuro - 08-06-2012

Word Count :: 210 OOC: This post isn't as awesome as the other one i had up lol

He forgot how good it felt to swim in the ocean. He didn’t enjoy the salt part, but just being in the water was a much different experience then a lake or a pond. He held his hands over his face to keep it clear of the saltwater his mate squirted towards him and he couldn’t help but give a heavy laugh at her as he tried to move away. The current was quite strong, so he was slightly slower than usual. He laughed heartily as she spoke her exacerbations, happy she was so excited over the ocean he was about to swim to her when she Yelled and before he said ducks don’t really live in salt water he could see the shadow of the water.

He took a quick breath of air before the water pummeled him toward the shore, but he swam as it pulled him back out, making sure he knew which way was up and that he didn’t get caught by an undertow, an unforeseen danger in the water, that would be bad he thought as he resurfaced letting the salty air into his lungs, he was laughing a little and looking around for Palaydrian to make sure she was ok as well.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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- Palaydrian Soul - 08-07-2012


Meow:: WC:: 3+

The woman didn’t have a chance to see if Jiva had heard her warning or not as she took a deep breath and plummeted beneath the surface. Her ears filled up with the thundering sound of the rolling wave and suddenly she became part of it, swept up in the strong current and getting shoved into the curl of the breakers. She crashed above the surface but was unable to take in a breath as the wave continued to carrying her on, sucking her down and forcing her to barrel roll against the sandy bottom until the ocean spat her out on the shore. She lay still on the sand as her mind mentally check all her body parts, she was unscathed. Sitting up and pushing her twisted and tangled locks out of her eyes, she scanned the ocean and realized her mate was doing the same.

She raised her hand high to hail him and got up coughing up the seawater that had forced itself into her nose and mouth but laughing all the while. Her hair was a complete mess, styled by the ocean, as she walked towards her mate. I thought I was going to die! She said ecstatically, but obviously joking as her giggles mingled with a few harsh coughs continued. The ocean should not be underestimated, she lamented as her laughter died down and she cautiously approached the water once more. This time, I’ll stick close to you, she said softly, taking Jiva’s hand in hers and giving it a squeeze. He was more experienced with the big blue than she was, and though she was okay, what if the wave had sucked her back out into the sea? Swimming with a partner nearby seemed to be a better idea than facing any body of water alone.

Table Credit to Becca! <3.

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- Jiva Takekuro - 08-08-2012

Word Count :: 230 OOC:

He saw her over at the shore and made his way to her to see if she was alright. She still seemed to be in good spirits and he waited in waist high water, at least when the tide was pulling in, as she came back to him. He smiled as she told him her revelation and he nodded; “No ma’am, never do that or if you get too cocky it will suck you in and never let you go.” He said as Drin enfolded her fingers in between his.

“Alright one more go? Then we can have a little rest.” He said with a smile at her. It was hard work in many ways to fight the currents of the ocean, they could have one more lap out and then let the waves take them back in. He always loved doing that but he could show her how she could do it without them crashing into her and making her tumble all the way to the beach. He held her close and gave her cheek a kiss, it was salty and wet but that mattered little, it was the reassurance for the woman that mattered to him not the taste in his mouth. He grinned at her stepping about to keep the waves from pushing him too hard and waited for her decision.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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