'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
A Canine Encounter - Printable Version

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- Alastar - 07-16-2012


One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams.

OOC Text:

Word Count: 179

Within mere seconds, there deer had scattered. Alastar was laying on her back, laughing like an idiot at her hijinks. That was the first time she'd ever attempted such a stunt, and she was too caught up in her loss of breath and giggling snorts to even notice which way the deer went. The little one began maintaining control of her body again, but she still snickered even when she rose to her feet. Athena had followed suit, and hopefully had as much fun as Alastar did. Regardless, the black and white pup felt proud. Her posture stood to show it, and she grinned as she spoke.

Toldja we'd have fun! she said through an exhale, giggling again. Chu like it too? Alastar now panted. She spoke faster than her lungs could catch her breath. You gotta show me sum fish now. I heard 'bout 'em from Mato, but only had 'em a couple times. I know yer momma said no huntin' 'em, so we're jus' gonna see, kay? Alastar laughed again and gave Athena's snout a firm lick.

I wish I was strong enough to lift not one, but both of us.


- Athena - 07-16-2012



The circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

OOC Text:

As the deer scattered and Alastar started rolling on the ground laughing, Athena stood there. All of her legs were spread and her tail was held up, or what up was considered for a wolf. Her ears were perked forward and her head was carried ahead of her body so that if you laid a ruler across her back, neck and head it would be level. Here eyes were bright and she had this smirk on her muzzle. Her chest heaved with the short burst of energy and she laughed aloud. A proud, boastful laugh. Dat was AWEsommmeeee!!

She lifted her head and grinned at her bud so wide that her eyes closed. At the mention of fish she got this big mischievous grin. Hey ya! Ima show you da places that we go huntin’ fer fishies an’ Ima show you da uh .. De umm .. Athena made a face as she was trying to find the right word that Nanuak had used before. Da .. Tech-knee-kuh, fer fishin’! Athena jumped at Alastar and lifted her paw like she was going to do something but instead she dropped to her chest and wriggled her bum and tail in the air for a moment. Then she made and face and sat on her haunches. ‘Star .. I dunno where da river is ..

Time stands still, beauty and all she is.


- Alastar - 07-16-2012


One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams.

OOC Text: Yes, I had permission to PP Athena for a moment :3

Word Count: 187

Alastar's eyes shot wide open and she pounced the ground. I forgot! You dunno where ya are! We gotta get back to the beach! Will you be able ta find it then, back where I first met ya? Alastar asked. Athena gave her a nod, and then the black and white wolf-dog took off to the north, in the direction of the coast. It wasn't far, perhaps two miles, and Alastar loved running at her top speed. She giggled to herself, knowing her companion would keep up easily. Athena had called her Star. It was her nickname for Alastar, she thought, like Mato called her pup. It made her feel warm and fuzzy, like the friendship was official.

Before she realized it, the forest ended and the sand began. She trotted to a stop and heaved a few breaths, then inhaled the scent of the ocean. To their left, the northwest, was the rock formation where Alastar first sniffed Athena and Nanuak. She smiled and looked back at the little brown wolf. Kay, we're here, see? Her head nodded toward the rocks. You can do it now?

I wish I was strong enough to lift not one, but both of us.


- Athena - 07-16-2012



The circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

OOC Text:

Athena grinned as she allowed her body to stretch out and run fast. She stretched out her front legs and her paws hit the ground firmly, her rump lifted in the air only centimeters above her shoulders as her hind legs started to make their way forward. With her hind paws just under her chest and her front paws just lifting off of the ground and there it was. It was in that split second that made Athena’s heart race. That moment when all four feet were off the ground that she felt like she was flying.

They got to the beach and Athena was panting, her heartbeat slowed and she grinned at Alastar. Ya I can get us to da river from here! Follow me?! Athena darted up the sands the direction that the pup and Nanuak were heading earlier that day. Athena heard the sound of Alastar’s heavy paws hitting the sand just behind her and she grinned. Soon they made it to the delta of the river and the brown pup turned and followed the river side. They went up a path that had obviously been taken many times before.

As Athena trotted up the path that was wide enough for the two to trot side by side, she spoke to her companion, glancing at her every once and a while. Yer my best friend now, right? My bear momma said dat one day I’d find a wolfy like me and dat we’d be best friends. She said dat we’d play together and have lotsa adventures .. Athena looked at Alastar for confirmation of her thoughts.

The path that Athena led them up slowly got away from the sandy beaches and got more into the deep forest. The underbrush was thicker and the sand under their feet soon turned to a dark rich soil. Water dependent trees and grasses soon replaced the hardier hardwoods that were found closer to the ocean that were more capable of withstanding the salty winds off of the ocean. The path started to wind with the river and there were times when they would go out of sight of the river to bypass a crop of rocks or a huge moss covered boulder. It was also evident that they were traveling upward. Athena had walked this path so many times she was sure she could walk it with her eyes closed. She also knew that Nanuak would be where they were going because her scent was so fresh on the path.

Time stands still, beauty and all she is.


- Alastar - 07-16-2012


One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams.

OOC Text:

Word Count: 259

The normally lonely wolf-dog pup enjoyed running behind her new friend immensely. As she ran, Alastar's fur was caressed by the sea's breeze, and it made her smile all the more. She had never been anywhere near the place that Athena was taking her, but it did not make the views any less beautiful. Alastar was so impressed with the beauty that her running became automatic. The water smelled amazing, and she could catch the scent of fish! Oh, sweet, delicious, scaly, wet, fish! She giggled and thought of how Mato loved fish, and how he caught them. Sometimes they jumped right into his mouth! Alastar's mouth was too small for such a thing, but that didn't mean she couldn't dream about it!

Alastar also caught whiff of a bear. It was Nanuak! She grinned widely, and she hoped that the bear would be impressed with Athena's little adventure. Then, Athena's voice penetrated Alastar's thoughts, and the little wolf-dog smiled at the question. Well of course we're bes' friends! I need a buddy 'sides Mato! An' a wolf at dat! An' we gonna have so many 'ventures...when we're done, we won't be able to think right! Alastar snickered and nipped at the brown wolf's tail. As the pair slowed, Alastar began watching her surroundings again. The slower pace allowed the adventurous little one to stray from right behind Athena every now and then, bouncing into the cool moss or onto a still-wet rock. How much further? she said in almost a whiny tone, but still joking. I'ma go swimmin'!

I wish I was strong enough to lift not one, but both of us.


- Athena - 07-16-2012



The circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

OOC Text:

Athena grinned wolfishly at her new friend. Her heart swelled happily and she played or chased Alastar on the rocks and darted into the grass that was almost as tall her. Good, ‘cuz my bear momma doesn’t like to play ver’ much. Sometimes she acts silly but most of da time she’s just tryin’a teach me stuff. Athena mock leaped at Alastar and landed beside her. I been wantin’ a buddy I could play wif real hard.

Athena got a strong whiff of her bear momma and barked real loud. Her momma was close. She giggled at Alastar and sped off. We’re here!! They broke into a small clearing of tall wavy grass and rocks. The river there was a bit wider and normal and there was a dam that a beaver had built on the downstream so upstream of the dam there was this kind of a pool. There in the middle was Nanuak staring intently into the water, you could tell she was following something that was just under the water. Next thing you know she’s slapped her hefty paw at the water and flung a fish at the shore. Athena jumped into the air and got her tiny mouth around the tail of a fish that was almost as big as she was. Nanuak wade to the bank and smiled at the pair, Athena still holding the fish in her mouth and at Alastar. I could hear you two coming clear from the beach. Your both as loud as seagulls. Nanuak laughed softly and took the fish from Athena, she held it down with one paw and took a small bite out of it, stopping it from wriggling helplessly. The big grizzly then nudged the fish with her nose in offering to Alastar. Eat up young ones, I’ve no doubt you’ve had a long day already.

Time stands still, beauty and all she is.


- Alastar - 07-17-2012


One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams.

OOC Text:

Word Count: 205

The young wolf-dog's golden eyes grew wide at the fish. Her voice stuttered and her stomach juices flowed greedily. In fact, she couldn't help but drool at the fish in front of her. F-...for...me? Alastar couldn't even wait for an answer. The enticing aroma of the lifeless fish worked its way into her nostrils and right to her brain. The brain told the pup to eat. And so, she did. She munched hungrily away, thankful for the meal. The little one muttered a thank you to the bear, and then to Athena. Within a matter of moments, all pieces of the fish were gone aside from the larger bones. Alastar let out a satisfied belch and groaned in satisfaction.

That...wus good... she said, dropping to her belly. She blinked, then realized that she hadn't offered Athena any. Heat rose to her cheeks and her tail fell, as did her head. She looked to the brown pup. Oops...Forgot to ask if ya wanted some too...I's sorry... Alastar looked rather pitiful in the apology, but then she shot up to her feet and grinned wide. I know! I'll catchya one myself! And, with that resolve, the pup bolted into the pool of water, rather noisily, of course.

I wish I was strong enough to lift not one, but both of us.


- Athena - 07-20-2012



The circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

OOC Text:

Nanuak lumbered, surprisingly silently for such a large creature, into the river. Let me teach you how to fish young one? Athena didn’t feel the need to join the lesson because she herself already knew how to fish and so she jumped up onto a rock that overlooked the river and laid down on her belly with her muzzle on her paws as she watched the two. Nanuak stood in a part of the river that was easiest to catch fish and where a pup could stand in the water and learn by doing. It was the same place that Nanuak had taught Athena how to fish also. She remembered it clearly, she caught a fish on her first try except that the thing was so big that it practically beat the pup up. Athena however was hell bent on eating her first ever fish and she chased the thing all over the pool. By then Nanuak was laughing so hard she was nearly rolling but to Athena’s dismay the huge fish gotten away from her. She remembered plopping herself on the shore and mourned the loss of such a great meal. However, her bear momma had caught the rattled fish that Athena had chased and dropped it at the pups paws and smiled in a way that said, “Good job.”

Athena was pulled away from reminiscing by the beginning of Nanuak’s lesson. The had the other pup staring intently into the water with her. The best way to catch fish is by being real quiet, no splashing around in the water or you’ll never catch a fish. You’ve got to stand real still and watch them, after some time they calm down and glide in the water instead of looking like they are trying to get away from something. When you see the one you one that drifts around your paws real calm, you stick your muzzle in the water just as slow and get a real good grip on that fish, Fish are kind of slick and can slip out of your teeth, some will also put up a fight with you. Nanuak watched the water intently now. Like this, young one .. Nanuak stuck her muzzle into the water and came back up with a sizeable looking fish and grinned.

Time stands still, beauty and all she is.


- Alastar - 07-20-2012


One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams.

OOC Text:

Word Count: 294

Alastar listened to the bear's instruction so intently it seemed to hurt her ears. She looked up at Nanuak and wagged her tail happily at the bear's catch. So it was her turn. The little black and white pup trotted to a calm piece of water and stood at attention. She barely moved her head to watch the sparkling fish in the water. It made her giggle a bit, and in doing so she created ripples in the water...that...of course, made the fish dart away again. She reaffirmed her stance, splashing a bit. With a deep breath, Alastar stood completely still...but wound up holding her breath, too. In approximately forty five seconds, she heaved a breath and panted heavily. Shaking her head reflexively, she stirred up the water, and, scared the fish away. Again.

For a third time Alastar took her stance, growling a bit in frustration. This time, she was able to watch a few shimmering salmon swim in and around her still paws. In fact, one circled her front ones. Alastar grinned smugly, certain this was her catch. With a sharp inhale she dove her head into the water with a vicious splash...and came up empty-jawed. But she did gain a very wet head at least; water dripped from her ears and muzzle. Alastar looked very unamused as she grumbled, shook her face fur out and then made her way back to the edge of the lake. Dumb fishes, she muttered while she sat down and began licking her rump. Ima leave da fishin' to you two. I likes rabbits an' deer an' chipunks better. But thanks anyway Nanuak. Alastar wiggled to the ground and sighed happily, then looked up at the rock to her new friend. Was still fun, she giggled.

I wish I was strong enough to lift not one, but both of us.


- Athena - 07-20-2012



The circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

OOC Text:

Athena laughed at her new friend’s fishing mishaps and bounced down the rock just as Alastar sat down on the shore. The brown pup bounced over to her black and white friend and gave her a lick on the cheek. Ima get chu a fishy. With that the brown wolf trotted out into the pool of water and planted her paws apart in the floor of the river. She breathed slowly and watched as the water soon stopped rippling around her legs. She watched the fish that swum around her and tried to figure out the biggest one she could get her tiny jaws around. She stood there for a few minutes, she was a good fisher but she was still inexperienced at it. She watched until she saw a plump fish swim lazily around her paws. She judged the distance it would take for the fish to swim and for her to dunk her muzzle under water to clamp her jaws around its middle. Then it went to swim just under her muzzle and she took a breath and dove. She came with empty jaws but this did not deter her, she just planted her paws again and waited. It was another few moments before the fish started to swim around her again.

That’s when she saw it. A fish with a tear in its skin. She knew this was not the fish she had gone after because she didn’t feel her teeth graze its flesh. Athena grinned. She could get the fish that Alastar had gone after just like her bear mother had done for her. The brown pup waited for this fish to get closer and when it swam under her nose she took a deep breath and caught the fish in her jaws. It wasn’t a fighter and only wriggled a few desperate times before going limp in her jaws. Athena trotted back to the black and white wolf with her prize and gift. Laying it down at Alastar’s paws she flipped it over and nudged the fish closer. Got yer fishy, for ya. Athena beamed proudly at her catch and gift for her friend. Taking a few steps back and sitting on her haunches she continued to grin.

Time stands still, beauty and all she is.


- Alastar - 07-20-2012


One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams.

OOC Text:

Word Count: 170

The wolf-dog's jaw seemed to squeak as it dropped on its invisible hinges. She blinked her golden eyes and stared at the other wolf pup. Her mind battled with two different responses. There was a prideful one - to shrug Athena's victory off, because Alastar herself could not catch the fish. It frustrated the little one. But her body relaxed and she tilted her head, then chose the second response. She stood and smiled, then licked Athena's nose. You gots me food. No one's ever gots me food 'sides Mato an' my mama. Alastar went to scoop up the fish in her jaws, then set it in front of Athena. I already had one, you share wif me, aye? The wolf-dog pup nuzzled the fish's body to the other pup and took a bite of it. We're always gonna be friends, right? I gotta go soon. Can we play 'gain?

I wish I was strong enough to lift not one, but both of us.


- Athena - 07-20-2012



The circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

OOC Text:

Athena grinned. She was offered to share the fish with the pup and her stomach growled hungrily. She took a bite of the fish and gulped down the rich meat. She looked up at the wolf, a little sad at the announcement but she smiled wider and nodded furiously. Yeah we’re ‘ways gonna be friends, ‘Star. We’re gonna go on big ‘ventures an’ run wif da deer and chur gonna show me ‘ow to catch rabbits? I promise we can play togeffer ‘gain. We’re gonna grow up togeffer an’ be big strong wolves one day. The brown pup grinned wolfishly and worked on finishing that fish. She was overjoyed that she now had a friend to play with and run with and have all kinds of adventures. And one that was her own age too.

Time stands still, beauty and all she is.


- Alastar - 07-20-2012


One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams.

OOC Text: This thread is complete, so it can be moved to wherever it needs to be moved. :3

Word Count: 170

Alastar giggled and smiled brightly at her new friend. She reached over, ignoring the fish, to give Athena's cheek a firm licking. Her heart thudded loudly with happiness, and her voice echoed it. We're gonna have alotta fun. 'Ventures an' makin' trouble an' makin' da deer go crazy! Alastar was right. The mischief they'd cause, the adventures they'd have...she could not wait. Her front paws bounced eagerly and she giggled again.

However, with a regretful glance at the sun, the wolf-dog pup sighed. I gotsa go though. Mato's gonna wanna know where I been an' he'll be wakin' up soon. I promise we're gonna play 'gain Athena. Promise! And with that, the black and white pup gave Athena's nose a gentle lick, took one last bite of the fish, and galloped home in the direction of the beach. As her paws touched sand and the sea's breeze ruffled her fur again, Alastar was happy. She had made two new friends.

I wish I was strong enough to lift not one, but both of us.
