'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Cherished dreams are never asleep - Printable Version

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- Colibri Haki - 04-23-2009


Words: 300+

Deuce wordlessly acknowledged her greeting, and Coli relaxed beside her, curling her plumed tail about her slender hips. The crackling bonfire was comfortably warm from where they were seated. She had expected a quiet evening alone, but to her surprise, Mew approached her with outstretched hand. Pleasantly surprised, Coli shook her hand in greeting, warm smile lighting up her soft blue eyes. "Auntie Mew! It's good to see you again...! How is L-Lubomir? Aren't your nephews getting large already?" Her tail waved a slow tempo behind her, as she was both anxious and happy to see her relative. Mew's snowy-white fur shone pale in the darkness, reflecting the fiery hues from the merry blaze behind them. Nearby, she heard a familiar tenor voice conversing - it was her friend Rath, introducing himself to Deuce. How sweet of him, she mused, her smile spreading wider. This evening was more fun than she had first expected. Then she caught sight of a lone silhouette, and her smile faltered for a moment.

"Firefly..." she breathed softly, firelight glinting on the soft cream hues on her delicate muzzle. The Solum stood in the shadows of the outskirts of the group, so proud, so lonely, gazing hard-eyed at what she once had. Coli felt a pang of something she never thought she would for her angry Sadira cousin - pity. Haku Soul had abandoned her, as he had abandoned everyone else in his life that had ever held any importance. The only one who appeared immune to his ability to shed acquaintances was Mew herself, and Coli had no idea how fragile that relationship actually was. The introverted werewolf wanted to say something - to offer her a seat, or to at least offer her condolences - but she lacked the heart to do so. Firefly scared her, was harsh and cruel when they had met, and wasn't likely to have mellowed out after the shame she had been put through. Despite everything, though, Coli wished her brothers were living with Firefly rather than their father - being a single parent was not Haku's strong point.


- Deuce Rhiannon - 04-23-2009

Deuce smiled warmly at the younger male, her tail wagging gently. From the corner of her eye she saw Mew approach and relaxed. The girl would be at ease surrounded by friends. The male's voice caught her attention again, and she returned her gaze to him as he pulled up the log she'd gestured to. She smiled again, sipping from her own glass which was held lightly in one hand. Whiskey it was not, but she';d had this before. Just once, when she and Lucifer had been celebrating something. A romance. They'd been rekindling the flame. She had the ring he'd goven her. Tal had taken it and buried it, only to return it after she and his father had gotten back together. When Lucifer had left, she'd stopped wearing it, and put it on the chain with the pentagram, which was partially obscured by the bandanna she was wearing.

His musing about the liquid in the glass made her laugh lightly, not in mocking, but in gentle amusement. "It's called wine. This one is very sweet, possibly made here in the packlands, by the humans." Her tail thumped amiably, letting him know she was pleased to be able to share some sort of knowledge. He asked another question, and she responded. "Colibri lives with me. She babysat my daughter for a while. When did you join the pack? Where are you from?"

- Henratha Gyrkin - 04-23-2009

ooc: Word Count: 417
Rath's white-tufted ears perked as Deuce answered his unintentionally spoken inquiry about the drink. Wine? He had definitely never heard of such a thing. It puzzled him why it gave him such a good feeling to drink it and he took another sip before answering Deuce's own questions about him. "I joined the pack almost two months ago. I'm from a land farther to the south at the northern end of the Appalachian Mountain Range. I don't know if the area itself had a particular name, but I learned the name of the mountains from an old human map," he admitted, not knowing whether the name Appalachian Mountains would mean anything to the elder female. Upon finishing his answer to the shaman's questions the information that Colibri lived at Deuce's home finally sank in. "I don't know if Colibri, told you, but I offered to build her a greenhouse for her plants. My hobbies are woodworking and carpentry, and when I met Coli she told me about her love for plants and I thought building her a greenhouse would be a good idea. It does get cold around here, and I thought she could use a place to grow her plants even during the cold months. Anyway, I suppose I should ask your permission first," he cleared his throat and his voice took on a more formal tone. "Miss Deuce Rhiannon, I would like to ask permission to build Coli's greenhouse near your home. It won't necessarily be a quiet process...in fact it will likely be quite noisy at times while I build it. Also, I'll be building it without ever having built one before, so it might take some time. I don't in any way wish to annoy you with my work," he finished, somewhat nervous about how much he had just said. Would the white woman say yes? Oh he hoped so. After all, he loved woodworking almost as much as Coli loved her flowers and he needed something to build. Plus, he wished to get to know the introverted female even more, although he definitely did not wish to admit that publically to anyone at the moment. Imagine how embarrassed he would be. So, Rath did his best to appear calm and collected all the while looking at Deuce's two-toned eyes with his own gooseberry green gaze. He wasn't sure, but he thought he had been taught to make eye contact when speaking with someone on an important matter. Hopefully he was remembering correctly.

- Cercelee - 04-24-2009


One after another more arrived and Cercelee did her best to greet them all, but truly it was a party. Her eyes darted from one wolf to another as they took part in individual activities and she sipped slowly from her drink, content to just be with Slay and the children, viewing it all from a distance. Yet when Cwmfen arrived she smiled fondly at the Adonis and rose from her seat, moving to retrieve the wrapped present. The tissue it was wrapped in was crude and old, but the best Cer could find on short notice, she didn’t think the Adonis would mind. It was the book inside that was the gift, and it was a large one at that. She did not know how well Cwmfen read, and Cercelee knew very little, but she had read enough to understand this book belonged better in Cwmfen’s hands than in Cer’s. Cer had found it in the rafters of her home, the church, and it contained world religions and myths, meditation and mind control. Cercelee had removed it from it’s hiding place and dusted it off, making it ready to go to the Adonis. Even if Cwmfen was already well trained in the warrior ways, she thought the book might be of some interest to the mysterious women. Holding it out for the women to take, she spoke softly as for the other to not over hear. Thank you Cwmfen, for everything you do for Dahlia. Truly I couldn’t have asked for a better Adonis.

Though she stayed by Cwmfen’s side for many moment longer, she retrieved her drink and watched the activities of the others. Emwe’s distress and the removal of his cup, Alexey’s announcement of Drey and herself which Cer raised her glass to with a sincere Congratulations Alexey! and a silent proposal to get to know the male better. She watched the arrival of Sankor and Kol, waving to them both warmly. A female she did not know but who was welcome all the same, she held the scent of Dahlia in her pelt. Any member, new or old, had a reason to celebrate their pack if they wished. And then Firefly. The growl, the sneer and Cercelee’s eyes narrowed at the women. Turning to the sable warrior, she smiled Excuse me.

Moving over to the Solum, Cercelee’s stride was confident and calm, her face neutral. Firefly had not taken up any drink and greeted no one, merely standing there giving them all her usually nasty looks. The female had already fallen from grace in Cer’s mind. She had put the pack’s children in danger, allowing some stranger in Phoenix Valley to keep them hidden away. More so, Firefly was disrespectful now, more than ever and Cercelee resolved that if she wouldn’t put up with it any longer with Svara, nor would she do so with Firefly. If both wished to act like selfish children, Cercelee had no problem treating them as so. Her patience, as ever, was wearing thin with the pair. Voice low, but not unfriendly, she spoke so only Firefly would hear. If you wish not to be here, than go. An unhappy presence won’t be missed in this crowd. Now was a time for joy, not for sulking, which seemed to be all the woman did anymore.


- Cwmfen nic Graine - 04-24-2009



Cwmfen smiled shyly as the Rosea silently greeted her, and the woad tipped tail waved several times behind her in an expression of her lighthearted mood. The white orbs drifted to the thing that was retrieved by the white female, and she watched it for a moment with alert ears, curious as to what it was. The warrior, however, had not expected the strange box to be presented to her. With mild but sudden surprise, the white orbs looked up at the Rosea, as if unsure as to whether she should take it or not. With a soft smile, she placed her glass aside as she accepted the gift with both hands, giving a slight bow that was in the manner of the Korean culture more than the culture of the Caledonians. The woad bound ears flickered back humbly; she felt that she had not done all that she could have for the Rosea and Dahlia de Mai, but the white leader’s appreciation was more than enough for the warrior. But the warrior had no gift in return and had nothing to give. "My loyalty is with you and with the pack," the quiet melody responded formally. Her mannerisms, however, were almost awkward in this situation and context, and she did not know how to otherwise express her gratitude.

Holding the wrapped thing in her hands, the warrior soon realized that it was a book. While the warrior did not know how to read, the value of the gift was not lost upon her. The black fae was one to value things for their meaning on not for the worth that others may have placed upon them. Gently, she pulled away the wrapping, looking upon the cover with great interest. The sound of the book as it opened was strangely captivating, and she breathed in the scent of the pages as they turned. Looking up, she could only offer a silent gratitude that was held with open ease upon her white gaze; this was the first time someone had given something to her. And this gift would give her an excuse to learn the trade of reading. She wondered silently what secrets were held within those pages.

Once more, her attention was averted as Cercelee moved away. The warrior’s mind was darkened by the air conveyed by the Solum. Where once the warrior had respected the Irish woman’s strength of character, now her respect had been lowered. The warrior was able to give her respect, and some deserved it more than others. Yet, the female could not, at times, understand mental weakness, and she saw the demoted female’s behavior as such. It was a shame that such things had to happen, but there had always been a choice. The other had simply made the wrong choice, it seemed. Carefully, the woman regarded the Rosea and the Solum in case trouble should arise, though she did not expect that it should. Of course, one could never know.

The woad marked fae smiled a greeting to Tokyo, placing the book back within the wrapping as she held it carefully in her arm. "How have you been?" It was always something that the woman wondered of the newcomers. Briefly, her gaze lifted to find Sankor; perhaps she should go to converse with the male, for too much time had passed since their last encounter. The black female wondered how the male had fared, believing that it must have been easier in the past moons for the wolf than it had been for herself. But she did not move to him yet, for the woman with the turquoise eyes had found her first. And so her attention was given to this female for the moment. Of course, it would not have been uninvited if the male did come to join them, and so she tried to make eye contact before looking back to the female that stood before her.


- Firefly Sadira - 04-27-2009

Firefly hasn't expected the icy bitch to visit her during the celebration but when the lady appeared infront of her and began to speak Firefly's hard stare remained the same. She had come because they had been called, just performing those duties that she had to. No one could say that the Solum hadn't come when she was called atleast. Even if they didn't want her dark presence they couldn't find fault in her appearing. She probably wouldn't have been so sour if the pack hadn't taken everything that meant something to her away. Her eyes flashed as she glared at Cercelee, silent for too long, almost not wanting to speak at all, she didn't think the woman deserved for her to be addressed. She'd basically consented in her children being taken away from her.

"Perhaps I can because it's the only chance I'll probably get to see my sons." she hissed as she turned her attention away from Cercelee and towards where her two small boys were gathered, to where she couldn't appear before them and actually show them the attention and affection she wanted to. Haku would never allow her that close to them, even if he didn't want them and she doubted that Alexey would show her a friendly face even for a second if she was allowed to approach.

Her emerald eyes turned back to Cercelee as she said bitterly. "It's not like you object to that fact either.." she wished for a moment that the woman would get off her soapbox and realize how cruel she was for allowing the Solum's pups to be taken away, no longer Firefly's children, but the pack's children. She turned away from the woman, not wanting to give her a chance to speak as she prepared to leave, it was obvious that she wasn't going to get to see the two boys, even here and now.

- Haku Soul - 04-27-2009


It was time for Dahlia’s members to reveal exactly how gigantic the pack had become. Different individuals entered the scene and flocked together. Seemingly there would be no official speeches today. He had made the call, but none seemed to expect anything in particular from the earth coloured male, and therefore he decided there would be no need for it. He kept his eyes on the members nearby, soundlessly taking in the strange and unfamiliar new faces, intent to memorize them all before this meeting died out. Rumours suggested the children belonged to yet another Sadira family member, and he silently wondered when the madness would end. The Lilium had nothing to say in that case though, because he had his own share of offspring in these lands, more than he knew. The name Sadira seemed to common nowadays though, and the man was glad he had been given his mother’s maiden name. The two boys by his feet would carry on his legacy, the Soul name. Soon there would be enough of that name as well, especially if they turned out like him.

Most individuals would have found Emwe’s act adorable, but the man only felt resentment boil on the inside. The fat child seemed like a dimwit, and Conor seemed worse than any female puppy he had ever seen. Odd that two of the most disturbed members of Dahlia had managed to create such figures, but accidents happened. Alexey came to the rescue faster than their father, so Haku leaned backwards against the bench again and watched the two females that had found seats on the other side of the dancing fire. Resentment, he was full of it. His timid daughter and the foolish woman that had taken her in. More people arrived, and his ears flattened fully, shutting out the different conversations that surrounded him. He looked past the faces and let his eyes settle on the meat. It was well roasted, and he got up on his legs and removed it from the licking flames, inhaling the pleasant aroma of what he determined had to be the perfect meal. Though, despite the tempting scent, his appetite always seemed to drop on these occasions.

He laid out the meat on an unoccupied rock, and it should be clear that it was free for all. He picked out a little piece and threw it in under the bench to his sons. Only the fat one was visible, but he believed he knew who the shaking blanket was. Pathetic. The brief moment of serenity with Cercelee was long gone, and the man was not carved out for occasions like these. He was the protector, the mechanical power behind it all, but not much more than that. He did not let the negative feelings make any appearance, but kept a strict, neutral face. A chocolate coated ear slightly perked to take in the words between the Rosea and his ex mate. It did no good, and he turned around so to avoid telling the emerald eyed Solum off. That woman had to learn how to let go. Most of all, how to let go of her childishness. She disgusted him. Whenever his eyes met another pair, he placed a seemingly sincere smile on his lips, and let a drop of humour or two enter his sky blue orbs. They would not be able to see the difference.

The party was on, and it was time for him to seek the calm and comforting solitude he ached for. A bottle of Dahlian wine appeared in his hands, and then he was off, slowly walking in-between the others, then not any longer. The air grew cooler and the world darker as distance flowed between him and the merry group. He trusted Alexey to get the boys home. She was the one doing all the work with them anyway. He did not wish it any different; the puppies were nothing but a pain to him. A bit outside the city, the man sat down in the cool grass. A sigh pierced the silent scene together with a silent sneer only he could hear. It was time for him and the bottle to get to know eachother better.


- Dreyrugr - 04-28-2009

OOC: *shuffles Drey out* XD

To say he was taken aback would have been the understatement of the year. It was all he could do not to spit out the sweet swallow of wine he'd just taken before Lexey had opened her mouth to the gathering. The Stormbringer had never been one for pomp and circumstance or throngs of attention, and he'd simply assumed his mate would have spread the word to her friends in personal conversations. Apparently she was unlike him in this respect, and he coughed as he swallowed past the sudden announcement, his sister laughing as she slammed her hand against his back. She was trying to help him breathe of course, though Drey knew her well enough to realize that she was hitting him just a little too hard. Grumbling and sneering as he caught his breath, he swatted her away as he rose from his seat with the pretense of refilling his glass. Before walking away, he leaned his muzzle down to Lexey's ear, threatening teasingly to get her back for the public embarrassment and letting her know that he wasn't in the mood to spend a night reveling with a pack full of faces he didn't know. Down the road when he knew them all a bit better, perhaps he would feel more comfortable. Then again, Drey was usually either the bouncer or the spy at public gatherings. He wasn't exactly a social butterfly.

His explanation complete, the male brushed his lips lightly against his mate's cheek as he pulled away from her, giving her a look that screamed "you're lucky I love you" as the corner of his lips pulled into an ever-so-subtle smile. He'd get her back for sure, and he hoped he'd done enough to make sure she knew that it wasn't because of her that he'd decided to leave the get-together. Only moments before, the male Kol had informed him was their Lilium had done the same, and he had a feeling the chocolate male's reasons mirrored his own. Shaking his head as his sister gave him a mischievous glare, the crimson male slipped silently away from the gathering, heading back in the direction of their house to retrieve a certain stashed bottle of amber delight with his name on it. He'd celebrate in his own way.

- Deuce Rhiannon - 04-29-2009

His words were sincere. He wanted permission to build a greenhouse. She gave a delighted smile. "That would be wonderful! Perhaps you could build it large enough to house my herbs as well? I could help, even. I'm not too old to help, I don't think." She gave a laugh, her eyes dancing. The resentful gaze of Firefly caught her gaze and the smile faded slightly. She met the woman's eyes for only a moment, and then let her eyes drift back to Rath. She understood in a way Firefly's anger. She'd had Tal and Noah taken away from her once. The pack had helped, even. They'd thought she was a danger to them, though she hadn't been.

The pale woman pulled her mind away from the painful memories, returning to Rath. "That is, if you think you need help?" Her voice was still cheerful, although the night's festivities had dimmed somewhat with the appearence of the Solum and the unseen but felt resentment of the Lillium.

- Henratha Gyrkin - 04-29-2009

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
alright, right account this time

Rath was quite pleased by Deuce's answer. He had permission. When she suggested that he make it large enough for her to put her own plants in as well, the ruddy hued male nodded. "I could certainly make it big enough for both you and Coli," he replied, his tenor voice carrying a sincere tone. Taking another sip from his glass, Rath's green gaze turned away for a moment, calculating possible changes to his mental building plan for the greenhouse. He would need to find more old windows and there was no question that he would need more wood, but certainly he could do it.

He heard the white woman's voice ask him if he would need help in his endeavors and his gooseberry hued opts turned to focus on the bi-colored gaze of the female. "I'll definitely need help. I could do it by myself, but then there would be no telling how long it might take me to finish," Rath chuckled, pondering the long hours it would take him to accomplish the task. The time it would take him to carry all the lumber he would need would take quite awhile as he could only carry so much.

The tall male smiled once more, happy that his nerves had not gotten the better of him today. He took yet another sip of the beverage in his glass and noted a faint fogginess in his senses. Perhaps the drink was making him loosen up. That had to be it. Normally he would not have been so bold as to speak so openly about one of his personal projects with someone he had just met. He was glad that Deuce was so friendly, just like the other individuals in the pack that he had met. Well...Haku hadn't necessarily been what he would have called friendly, but he hadn't been unpleasant either.


- Sankor Koios - 05-02-2009

Sankor had been sitting all alone a moment but when he heard the words of his sister announce that she'd taken a mate he didn't know what to say. The male sat there a moment across the space watching her until it seemed that the male that she'd taken as her mate disappeared. He remained still a moment until he was sure the other was gone before he rose up and walked pasted his sibling. His golden green eyes danced as he asked. "Is this one for keeps?" His sister had gained a lot of attention when they were younger by the males but none had ever actively pursued her. Now they'd been living in the same pack for moons and she'd taken a mate and he'd never even met the male. "So when were you going to let me meet him.." he asked.

He knew the other had just left but Sankor didn't want to talk to the fellow in front of everyone. He wanted the chance to properly embarrass his sister like all good brothers deserved to do. He winked at her before chuckling and trying to dodge away from any objections she might have to his questions. He caught the gaze of another who seemed to be locked in conversation with a packmate he hadn't met yet and he smiled slightly.

Clearing his throat he glanced at his sister sheepishly before looking back to Cwmfen's direction. "Excuse me.." he said as he darted off across the span of grass to join the other two. He slowly came up beside the stranger as he smiled up at Cwmfen and greeted the two. "Hello.." He wished that he'd had time to seek out the exotic beauty but he'd kept himself pretty busy lately, though he almost regretted that now.

- Tokyo Chance - 05-03-2009

ooc -
333 words

ic -
The various knots of conversation continued on; the light-colored wolf could easily have overheard any that interested her. The only one that managed to involved the sullen looking female at the edge of the party. The situation seemed very tense, but Tokyo wasn't worried in the least, merely curious. Something about her sons; some of the insane amount of puppies all over there must belong to her. But for some reason, she was being kept away. Weird.

She shook her head, then turned back towards Cwmfen. "I've been pretty good, actually. Found myself a den to call home. Lost a necklace though, my bag had a hole in it. Don't suppose you've seen any lying around?" She asked without much hope, more making conversation than actually expecting to get a positive answer. She really was upset that it had disappeared, she just expected to have to find it on her own. It was a remnant of the past; a relic of her days as a child and adventures with her uncle. Besides that, though, life had been fairly good. Everything felt.. much more secure, and stable than they had for a long time. It was reassuring now, but she wouldn't be surprised if she grew to resent the monotony of pack life within a short time. Good to enjoy it while it lasted, then.

The second the meat had been laid out by a male that appeared to be in a position of authority, Tokyo politely excused herself to retrieve some before hastening back. She had set her glass down on the rock, glad to get rid of the cup she wasn't that certain she would be able to use. The amount of meat she had grabbed was not large, but it was more lady-like to eat small portions and she could always go back and grab more. She was nibbling on it as the stranger approached, and she spared him a glance and a nod, her mouth too full to speak for the moment.



- Cwmfen nic Graine - 05-03-2009



For a moment, the girl with whom she stood seemed captivated by the scene that Firefly was intent on creating. The warrior thought that the Rosea may have provoked the other, but it was disrespectful to disregard to leader of a pack in such a way. At one time, the warrior had respected her pack mate. The golden woman had indeed gained the trust of the leaders for she had risen to become one of the council members. And yet the woman had been foolish. She had thrown it all away—and for what? To show Haku that she was better? It was all a childish game that she could not fully understand. And now Firefly blamed the world around her for what was happening to her, for what was happening to her motherhood. But the world was responsible for nothing. Indeed, the woad warrior, a creature of Nemain, believed in Fate. But Fate was already written—it was the choices one made that created life, regardless of how many lifetimes were required to fulfill the preordained path. Firefly had simply lowered herself to a level that she herself could not even handle. It was strange to the black fae how some people accepted that as ‘good enough’.

The warrior’s gaze, which had been upon the Rosea and the Solum, returned to Tokyo when she spoke. "I’m glad that you’ve been comfortable enough to accommodate yourself," the alto melody replied in amiable tones. A soft smile quietly graced her lips as the white orbs met the turquoise gaze. When the other spoke of a lost necklace, the woman’s smile faded. Truthfully, the woman had only recently grasped what a necklace was, and she knew that Kol Stormbringer had a skill in making such things. Yet she felt that, because of the need to bring up the lost trinket, there would be some sort of significance attached to the possession, and so she did not offer Kol’s name. Perhaps the other would even become upset if the warrior displayed such ignorance; it was simply that she carried no possession that could not be replaced, if she carried one at all. "I’m sorry to hear of your necklace, Tokyo. I’m afraid that I have not seen it; much of my time is spent watching the boarders and the wolves in the lands around this pack. But I will keep an eye out for it, just in case." However, the warrior doubted that she would find it; the earth would have swallowed it up.

As the girl quickly excused herself to take some food, the woman remained, unmoved to take the food yet. While it was customary for the higher ranks to feed first, the warrior would allow the other members to have their fill before she would take some for herself. Her gaze momentarily lingered upon the distanced, silent Lilium before it was averted to the returning Tokyo and the approaching Sankor. A bright smile graced the woman’s maw. "Hello, Sankor," she greeted with dancing, golden tones as she looked down at him. Then she knelt, unwilling to allow the male to be towered over by herself. Still gripping the gifted book gently in her arm, the woman placed her hand upon his shoulder in an amiable fashion. She had not seen the male in a great while; she wondered if he had even heard of her adventures and the wounds he had received—not that they were significant as far as the world went. "How have you fared?"


- Kol Stormbringer - 05-04-2009


Out of Character


In Character

It had only been a few weeks since she'd "temporarily" moved out of her little house in Flanders Field. However, when Lexey and Drey finally walked into the celebration, she could have sworn it had been years since she'd seen her best friend. So much had happened in the time apart that it seemed like a whole new start to Kol. Even Drey had changed in the short time he'd been a part of Dahlia. There was still an air of quiet control about him, a confidence that bespoke his past and the potential he had to be a great protector of whatever he cherished. And by the way his emerald eyes danced when he looked at Lexey, and the rare gentleness with which he held her arm, Kol was certain the Koios femme had firmly implanted herself in Drey's heart.

Kol was immensely happy for the both of them. Drey had always been popular with the females in the Valley, but he'd never taken anything seriously and was known as the pack playboy. The odd thing about him was that no one ever faulted him for it; it was just the way he was. Even the girls he'd wined and dined never seemed to hold a grudge against him, happy just for the chance to keep him warm for a night or two. It was as if everyone knew that Drey never meant to use or hurt anyone, he just wanted a good time and all the enjoyment he could get out of life. His charcoal sister had always known it would take someone remarkable to finally make Drey want more than just a good time, and Lexey was probably the most perfect match for him that Kol had ever come across. The fact that she could give his sharp tongue tit for tat was only one of the reasons for Kol's belief in that.

Smiling warmly, Kol waved at the couple as they walked closer, catching her brother's eye as he flitted over to grab drinks for himself and Alexey. The honey-eyed woman was making her own hellos as Drey headed for Kol, and she waggled her eyebrows at her brother as he sat down, her violet eyes dancing with mischief. She didn't have to say a word as her brother raised a brow and growled back at her warningly, his own eyes returning the same look of mischief hers betrayed. It was all Kol could do not to burst out laughing with their unspoken banter, but she held her tongue and merely focused on mundane current events as she caught up with her older sibling.

The conversation didn't stay mundane for long, however, as Lexey made her way over to join the Stormbringers. Kol had just taken a rather large sip of wine when her best friend suddenly blurted out her news, and she sputtered and coughed as she choked down the wine around the howl of laughter that was trying to come out of her mouth. The look on Drey's face of surprise and embarrassment was classic, and it took his sister a moment to finally stop her coughing fit and congratulate them both. She was still breathing somewhat raggedly when her brother very calmly excused himself from the gathering and disappeared into the night...notably in the same direction as Haku had gone.

Her brother gone and her breath returning, Kol focused her attention on the best friend she'd missed terribly in the past few weeks. "You know, I had a sneaking suspicion this was going to happen, but I'd never expected it so soon! When did he ask you? What did he give you? I knew letting you guys have the house to yourselves was a good idea!!" Overcome with joy for the two people closest to her in her life, Kol couldn't help the words as they poured out. After all the drama of the past weeks, this was the one thing that could make her forget it all and feel like a giggley teenage female again.

Table by Fishie!


- Cercelee - 05-06-2009


Cercelee let the women walk away, and she did not feel guilt about it either. Cercelee knew that Haku probably did not allow Firefly to see the children much if at all, but that was his decision. As Lilium and their father it was his right to have them back in his care after having them hidden from him so long. Cercelee did not correct the women, it was not Cercelee’s actions that kept the puppies from their mother. It was the mother’s. If only Firefly would learn to get along, to be respectful, to give in when it was needed, Cercelee knew things would go along so much more smoothly, even if Firefly only faked it. Be the women’s pride got in her way, and it was the same for Svara. The two deserved each other and Cercelee hoped Firefly was off to find the sullen girl. Better to spoil her than Emwe and Conor.

Returning to the group, Cercelee took note of Haku’s absence and sighed. He had left the children sprawled on the ground, which was fine really. The majority of the pack was present and Cercelee trusted every soul that was still present. Moving over to the fire pit and the roasting meat, Cercelee brought some over to Slay and their brood and then over to Conor and Emwe, placing herself in between the two groups of puppies to unite them as one. Gingerly she nibbled at the cooked meal, flavored carefully by Haku. It was rare to eat prepared food so she would enjoy it and wash it down with more wine. She deserved some wine, after the past year she had been through. Sighing, she glanced once more about the group assembled, and then over to her mate. Cer offered him a tired smile.


- Slaying the Dreamer - 05-06-2009


http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... erhaps.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;border:1px solid black;">
words: 262
I've got soul but I'm not a soldier

"You seem worn out, love," Slay drawled, smiling teasingly at his mate. It wasn't often that he saw her in this form, and it reminded him how much she had to balance things to keep him happy. In the church, she was always as a Lupus alongside him, but to take care of pack business, it was easier to handle when one had hands... The thought had crossed his mind more than once to ask her to teach him how to shift, but it seemed embarrassing. Youngsters could transform instinctively, but he was almost five years old and had never gotten past halfway. Perhaps it would be better to get someone else's help and then surprise her one day. Yes, that sounded about right... It would make things a little easier for the busy Rosea, not having to adjust to his lifestyle.

Slay lapped at the glass of drink Cer had set up for him, before gnawing on the section of roasted venison. It was strange to taste such a hot meal on his tongue, when the deer had been felled some time before his arrival. Haku had odd habits, learning how to prepare meat in this way, but he couldn't say it was unpleasant. Plus, he was nice enough to share with everyone... "Is your party going as planned? Everyone seems content with each other," he remarked idly, having watched all of the side conversations with lazy gaze, yawning occasionally. After the mad rush he had completed to get here, it was nice to lounge back and watch everyone else talking.


- Sankor Koios - 05-11-2009

Sankor watched the other leave Cwmfen's side as he approached and yet before he crossed the scene to come to a stop by the woad marked woman. He threw a glance to the new packmate and smiled, noticing that she was in the middle of eating, something he had yet to do, yet being one of the few packmates that was still roaming on all fours made it seem a little odd to be gulping down your meal while others were daintily sampling the fares. He nodded to the woman and asked. "And why might you be my lovely lady?" his normal everyday teasing coming out to play as he tilted his eyes over to meet those unique orbs of the Adonis.

His eyes shone as he gave the warrior a wink and shrugged his shoulders at the question she'd asked. "I don't know, the pack is growing and I seem to find myself dodging a host of puppies." He wagged his tail in good humor as he chuckled to himself. "Luckily I seem to be good at evading the masses." All the masses, he thought, for it seemed that he hardly ever saw his sisters or even Cwmfen anymore. She'd been the first friend he'd made in the lands and yet he only ever seemed to catch the woman's faint scent anymore in the lands, always tailing her but never catching up.

- Mew Sadira - 05-21-2009

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... ablebg.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top;">
Mew Sadira
Word Count: 306

Mew smiled as Colibri accepted her approach - it had been ages since they'd spoken, and she had been a member for a long time already. And since Haku wandered off and didn't care for entertaining is guests (although Mew doubted very much he was keen on entertaining his oldest daughter in particular anyway), she decided it was up to her to maintain some goodwill between family members. The girl in front of her looked healthier now than when she had first come here, and it seemed she did make friends - Mew was glad. Many questions exited the younger female's mouth at once, and the white-pelted femme chuckled before responding, glancing towards the two nephews sitting with Alexey. Lubomir and I are very well - and it seems those two are growing. Although Conor's runaway seems to have affected his growth... Hopefully he'll catch on soon enough though. Her head moved as she nodded in the children's direction, her gaze lingering on both of them before returning to her niece. Next to one another, the two pups only looked like litter brothers when it came to the furs - everything else was different. Emwe was a little chubby, and quite clumsy, whilst Conor was more of the small, silent kind. They were both adorable, though, and secretly Mew wondered why Haku had not yet invited her over to meet them properly - now that they had returned. He probably had his reasons, though, she had confidence in him when it came to their own relationship. What about you, dearie? What are you up to lately? Even though Mew was not the most prominent figure in the Dahlia social life, she liked to be updated on the ones she cared for the most. She was just not so good at seeking those people, that was all.
