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don't close your eyes - Printable Version

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- Catalyst de Sadira - 06-29-2009



          With his own heart beat, it was as if her own melody of the heart was making rhythm in similar tune, mainly in thanks to the adrenaline that was still white hot in her veins, but cooling down nonetheless. It left something of a delicious, electrifying aftershock within her. Amid this aftershock, however, was the throbbing pain of her center chest cavity, seemingly feeling like it was to cave in at any second. The tawny boy certainly hit his mark correctly, and with a blunt end of his own head that had enough force to knock her over and leave a very distasteful bruise. The pain still lingered, almost a little hard to breathe in some instances, but noting the fine colored dots of crimson upon his own ear in which she left, their exchanges were made, and it simply was what it was. Now that the little storm they had passed, was this simply the eye of the storm in this temporary realization of things, or were matters finally beginning to sink in for the both of them?

          For one thing, he was right about everything. The one voice among all those who were her guardians, who made the best life possible for her, even they weren't as candid as he had been to her. Perhaps that was what she needed all along, and from that thankfulness was beginning to take reign among her pain and frustrations (although those weren't to disappear anytime soon, but at least now they would be pushed back a little more deeper in mind, reminded upon by the boy who had been nothing but honest to her). Seeing as how her lick across his snout wasn't expected entirely, the dual eyed girl couldn't help but give another series of muffled giggles amid sniffling, even while it seemed as if he took a hesitant step back from her. Look at this, the two started out as against each other, and now, making amends? Surely this wasn't something of Catalyst de Sadira in any sense, but there was something just so peculiar about Conor that made her want to forgive (but of course never forget) this situation entirely, even while he had been the aggressor in the first place. Because the two were in the same situation? Because there was a rainbow of emotions that the two first handedly experienced for their ages? Because, in a sense, they felt like the only outcasts in the world without their mothers? Well, whatever the case was, Catalyst felt a strong connection with Conor. A connection that was unexplainable with words, but it was there in the physical, in the spiritual, in the mental.

          What was to befall from the auburn boy's jaws sent Catalyst to take her own turn of being taken aback, as dual eyes blinked as the boy commented how pretty she was, followed by a soft gasp. The only nice comments she had ever received were from her mother and of her guardians, and nobody else. This comment, it sent a strange warm feeling rising within her. Her cheeks became slightly heated, in which Catalyst was sort of confused by this action, for she had never really blushed before underneath her fur about a comment. It was evident in her eyes, though, that she had been taken aback and at the same time bashfully adorned by such words.

          Narrowing her eyes away shyly, there was only one word to reply to his own, and perhaps it was said in German for the fact that Catalyst was shy on admitting what she said, but her word was genuine, whether it was in another tongue or not. "Beträchtlich." Catalyst said, her eyes fluttering back to his own, a sweet smile forming on her maw, with the softest of giggles once again forming in her throat. This boy, he was surely cute, and the cuteness stemmed from his broken image. Catalyst had never recalled seeing a male with such a vulnerable persona, and was probably doomed to never see such a thing ever again. And the way he made her angry in one second, and almost flustered in another, it was an amazingly new concept to her, and that was what she liked about him.


- Conor Soul - 07-01-2009


          A child’s world was an odd and special place. Emotion and elements were constantly changing in either this or that form. Hurt came easily. Tears came easily. Despite this, children also had the unique ability to alter deep hurt into something much more bearable. Like friendships. Conor was now and would probably for a long time not be aware of exactly how deeply he had hurt the girl. He did not know anything about the ivory Catalyst’s mother, but he was actually certain that her mother had to love her in some way, despite the fact that she had left Catalyst and her siblings and disappeared. It was kind of like Conor’s mommy, but perhaps both of the puppies here were loved nevertheless. It was not a visible thing, because it existed inside the bodies. They could only ponder and believe in what they wanted to believe in. Or what they had to believe in so that they could survive.

          He dared a quick glance up at her, and saw a light hint of pink underneath the fur on her cheeks. His own blush grew more intense in colour at this fact. It was almost as if he had eaten a lot of butterflies and they lived inside his belly and tickled him with his wings. He had done that once, but the butterfly did not fly around in his body then. It was odd, but not at all unpleasant to feel like this. He felt gratitude. A word he could not recognize drifted into the air, and his ears flickered slightly, trying to force an understanding out of it, believing he could if he tried really hard. What was it that she had said? Another language thing called German? He felt mean for not remembering because he had tried really hard back then to not listen to anything the girl had said because he had only wanted to think that she was stupid and not worth listening to. He had been so silly.

          He wanted to say something, but did not know what to reply to that word he did not know. In truth, it was a good thing that he did not understand the word, because it would have caused him some issues with handling it. He could take insults better than ordinary children at the same age by now, but he was not good with flattering compliments from cute and pretty girls just yet. By the gentle tones and the cute giggles he guessed it could not be too bad. He too wanted to speak German now. Oh, oooh. ”Catalyst, does you want to be I'ses friends?” Emwe did not count because all brothers were nice with eachother (Conor-theory) so the boy did not truly have anyone he could call friends. Friends were nice to eachother and they liked eachother, and he wanted to like her and be nice to her from now on.

          It kind of felt like as if his face was on fire. Maybe there was a miniature sun inside his head that tried to shine, but was trapped inside there so that it overheated his face (Conor-theory once again). He hoped she did not see how embarrassed he was. Why was suddenly everything so embarrassing now when his body had begun tingling so comfortably?


- Catalyst de Sadira - 07-21-2009

http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/4598 ... ttable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Libri, feel free to verbally rip me to shreds for my delay in this. .___. I think though we should probably wrap this up in a couple more posts, yeah?

Catalyst's sentiment held a similar process like a churning thunderstorm inside of her; the rains suddenly fell hard, with the clashing of lightning and the thunderous resonance of thunder within her, and then, after the chaos of the storm, came the gentle rain and the clearing of the clouds. This was unlike a process within her that she experienced before, due to the fact that when Catalyst was angry, she stayed angry. This, however, was different. She was beginning to see things in an entire new light, beginning to see the tawny boy in a new light. Truth be told, he was apparently just as misplaced with some things in the world like she was, and was only trying to figure it out along the way, despite the fact that there were several episodes to where one had to step up and defend themselves, whether it was for right or wrong, or for some selfish reason. Catalyst understood this completely.

From anger, the two were beginning to become flustered with one another's presence. Catalyst could feel the slight hint of it within her soul, something akin to the fluttering of butterflies that Conor felt within his stomach, but with her, it was something like a prickling feeling she could perceive underneath her alabaster pelt, which made her ivory follicles rise with the delightful chills. They were chills to where it made one feel oddly cold, but chills that were pleasant. Then again, Catalyst wasn't even sure if it was chills she was feeling; all she knew was that something from this boy reverberated a much hidden gentle, vulnerable spirit, and she was becoming recessive of such. Maybe a bit too recessive of this, but feeling this way because there was quite possibly no other soul in this world (or, in 'Souls rather) who had shared something of a similar situation like the boy did with her. Kindred spirits they were in this moment.

It was then he asked a question that slightly jarred her off guard from the previous scenario that played between them. Friends. Catalyst didn't think such a word existed in her life at this point, seeing as how friends only applied to her siblings, and nobody else. Everyone else was just an outsider. Yet, Conor was giving her this opportunity to redeem both of their actions by uniting as allies for one another. Her heart suddenly skipped, enthralled by the idea of friends with one another. Friendship, she was not used to such a thing, but you only live once, and was willing to take the risk for the boy who took a hard blow right to her center mass. "Yes."</style> It was a simple, firm reply, but one that wore a delicate, fine smile across her ivory muzzle. Friends. Catalyst oddly liked that word at the instant.
