'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
A dog's life - Printable Version

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- Lysander - 07-19-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... bottom.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

He nodded at her words; her pack had been small, like so many other packs seemed to be. He was aware that the vast numbers that had his clan seemed to attract was not normal, but it had been what he was use to having grown up with it. The way Phoenix Valley was to him was strange. So few canines, and he barely saw any of them. The dog could go days without seeing another soul, whereas in his old home it was impossible to go more than a few hours without coming across several other souls. Phoenix Valley wasn’t alone in their ways; he knew that there were at least four other packs in the area though he hadn’t quite explored them all. Someday he would, he liked to know the business of others.

Silver eyes were thoughtful as he watched the girl, a disease? What kind of disease? If a disease had struck his home it would be disastrous, so many getting infected with the potential of traveling and spreading it. Luckily Asariel left and was alive and well, though the question he asked slipped out of it’s own accord. “Did you lose your family?” His voice even took on a tone of sincere concern, normally if any softer emotions were shown it was either to a child, or fake. Convincing but fake, he was far too use to acting that he almost didn’t realize that he felt genuine concern here. Quickly he shoved the foreign emotion aside and waiting for the answer. If she didn’t want to venture onto such topics she shouldn’t have told him she’d stay and talk for as long as he liked.


- Asariel - 07-19-2009


Asariel was once again a little caught off guard by his question. She wasn't expecting him to ask her about her family, but she didn't mind. It'd been so long that she didn't really remember too much. She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, still gazing up at the man. "Yes," she said, her voice somber and soft. "My mother told me to get out while I could -- this was when she was very, very ill -- and I didn't want to go. But I did for my sister's sake...though she was already infected and she died not long after I left." She smiled at him.

She was momentarily saddened by the brief memories of her family's faces, but she didn't let it dampen her spirits. She pondered something to talk about. "What do you like?" The question was so random and out of sorts that it even caught her off guard. She couldn't help but wonder it, though. What did he like? Did he like human creations? What about something so simple as sunny days? Everybody liked something, and so she thought it was a fit question to ask.


- Lysander - 07-20-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... bottom.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Lysander watched closely, the huff, the closed arms, the question had stirred some emotions. Of course, Lysander had thought it might, but he had never been one to keep from asking things or doing things to spare another’s feelings, it just wasn’t in his rule book. Although he was not overly sensitive or sympathetic, he was not cold or callous (as he sometimes was). Merely he had been curious and when she confirmed his suspicions he smiled sadly at the girl but let silence elapse between them, until she changed the subject herself.

Lysander grinned, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “I like vodka.” Again he pursed his lips and crinkled his brow, as if contemplating deeply. “And scotch and gin. Sometimes rum… when I’m in the mood.” Although not a serious answer, nor was it false. Lysander did very much enjoy the liquids the humans had left behind, or rather he enjoyed what they did to his body and mind. Slow him down, which was a nice change of pace from his normal fast paced games he played. Staring at Asariel he decided she deserved a better answer than that. “I like to build things.” And the next question he asked her was easy and natural. “What should I build you?”


- Asariel - 07-20-2009


Try as she might, the woman just couldn't suppress a giggle as Lysander began listing off different types of alcohol. Was that what she was expecting? No. But then again, all her conversations with this interesting man seemed to be unexpected. Twittering with (badly) suppressed laughter, Asariel eventually composed herself and looked at Lysander. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed like that. It's just that your answer caught me so off guard...it's really not what I was expecting..." She giggle again, though she tried to stop it before it managed to escape. She hoped she hadn't offended him, but by his smile she believed she hadn't.

She blinked in mild surprise as he mentioned how he liked to build things, followed by a question of what she wanted him to build for her. "Oh really? I like building too. Although...I kind of suck at it, I'll admit. I'm good at making bows and arrows, though. Anything else...not really." She flushed beneath her fur and looked away, appearing almost bashful. Why did she feel this way, get an unfamiliar feeling in her stomach, whenever she was under his gaze or he smiled? It was weird, foreign, and she didn't understand it. "You don't have to make me anything, I'm quite content just having your company." She grinned.

"Even if you do like Vodka, Scotch and Gin."


- Lysander - 07-22-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... bottom.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
I’m going to wrap this up and after the pack meeting we can make a newer one?

He didn’t mind her laugher. Truly. In fact, Lysander liked to make others laugh at times and while he hadn’t really been trying, he was neither insulted nor offended by Asariel. It was true he drank too much booze, but if Asariel thought him joking, or was just amused by his honestly, he would just laugh along. And he did. His own chuckle was deep and warm, and well used. Lysander was the type to find amusement in most any situation, and if there was none already present he often went about creating it himself. It was hard to get under his skin, partly because he was so good at doing it himself and partly because he just didn’t care when others poked fun at him. Lysander rolled with the punches; it was one of his few positive features.

Ears perked forward as once again she complimented him, speaking as if his company was truly worth keeping. Lysander grinned at first, sincerely, but soon the though the grin stayed plastered on his face he wasn’t sure why. Why she bothered with him. Or maybe he could figure that out, girls seemed to like him and normally he just accepted this and used it to his advantage. And maybe they were all innocent and nice girls, but he really felt like Asariel was a nice girl. So nice, that he didn’t want to take advantage of her, and so nice that he didn’t trust himself around her.

Excusing himself was all very natural, there was nothing to indicate that quite suddenly he didn’t want to be near her. Or rather, he wanted to be near her too much and it scared him. Rather than have any sort of real feelings he’d leave and hopefully not see her again until he had forgotten about whatever it was she was making him think and feel right now. Standing up slowly his face seemed concerned, truly as if he really did have somewhere else he needed to go. < B> “Asariel, I’m sorry. I just forgot. I have to go take care of something. You can stay here as long as you’d like though, it’s been nice talking with you.”
Of course he wouldn’t return to his cabin until she was gone and if she came back he probably wouldn’t answer the door, but nothing in the way he so easily up and left said that.
