'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Warn your warmth to turn away. - Printable Version

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- Corvus Vendetta - 05-27-2009


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There was a silence. The coyote did not speak. The black orbs watched the other with his unblinking gaze, cold as a snake’s. Onus’ hidden eyes were felt, and the pied brute knew that the silence was filled with the vehement vows of the vigilante. The black orbs sneered at him. He promised that he would receive that which was due. He promised that his daughter would come willingly. He promised that he would wash her body of any male’s touch, that he would not be merciful. That he would leave when he had taken what was due and allow the lands to rot. This single man could not stop it—the Darkness was everywhere, even in the soul of the vigilante. The darkness would rise up and destroy anything it touched, for none would be wise enough to accept its touch, its wisdom. The shadows in the room whispered their laughter.

Then, slowly, Onus placed himself between the girl and the crow wolf. A slight sneer tugged at the corners of those lips. The male’s visage was perfectly still, impassive, cold, dark. That black stare followed the coyote, watching with such an intensity that it seemed as if he could see right through him. “그레. 다음에 또 하자.” The tenor voice was quiet and hollow, dripping with some black intent that carried no emotion, no hint. And yet what was to come was so clear to both enemies that they could practically touch it. The black eyes shifted, finding the girl that hid behind the masked coyote. A black flame flickered in those black pools as he watched her with the same intensity that had beheld the vigilante. And for a moment he lingered, allowing the silence to fall dead between them. With a final glance, the eyes returned to the coyote, holding a promise. Next time would be the last time. Next time both would not be allowed to walk away. It would be the end. Whatever happens, that sinister mind promised, I will persist.

Suddenly he was walking past them, his erect posture held with ease as he strode as if he owned the land upon which he tread. Those ethereal, fluid movements carried him as he had come: with the silence of the shadows, of darkness, of death. The crow wolf turned his back on the coyote, not once looking back nor concerned with the masked man. And then he was gone, a hollow whisper of nightmare.


- Mati Church - 05-27-2009


oh poor baby..

The sounds. The smells. They were all that came to her, for her eyes were shut tight. She couldn’t look, as she held her cut and bloodied arms against her stomach. The girl wanted to disappear, melt into the background and fall away from the world itself. She was tired, but the adrenaline that flooded her system kept her alive and awake like a retched high. She was dizzy from the loss of blood, but it still was not enough for her to be put to sleep. The sight of her own blood would have left her light headed, but she was passed that realization, and wished for it to end.

The room was filled with a single smell. Blood, her own and the males, milled through the air and tasted metallic and disgusting on her tongue. It brought even more fear to her mind, fear for Onus. What had she done? Calling for him to take the pain and possible death that was meant for her. How could she do such a thing, to a beast that was her friend? He was too good to the world to loose, she was replaceable and one of the many innocent. But he was something different, he was special and she had fed his to the dark. Tears fell to her eyes as she listened to their battle, sorry for her insolence and scared that she had killed the only beast that would be brave enough to face the dark, she had destroyed the one thing that could face such evil.

It was only when there was no sound, she found the unsteady breath she had been holding and opened her eyes. Looking down she found that her entire front was covered in blood, her arms weeping steadily. Her breaths came fast, her mouth open as she fought for each one. It was time, and she was ready. The dark would come for her, and now there would be no comfort and only a promise of hell. Painfully the girl looked up, ready to face the dark that had come for her. And for the first time since he had arrived Mati made any sort of noise. Hugging herself tighter Mati cried, and through flooded eyes she saw that it was only Onus that stood before her. Alive, whole. He had saved her, and the revelation only made her shake more. Her voice was lost in her fight to breathe, but she mouthed the words over and over. They sounded only as harsh gasps.

I’m sorry.


- Onus - 05-27-2009


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Corvus made his vows, and Onus made his. He would be there to stand in the way of darkness, as he always had. He would not let the man use his daughter, at least not without a fight. Not without his dead body in the way. He would not stop the fight until all the life had been leaked from him and that would be a tiresome task, even for this wolf. The last time he had brought the coyote to death's doorstep, but Cwmfen had brought him back. Not only was it part of his mission. Not only was there that life debt to be repaid. He did it for love. For the woman who had awakened his heart and opened his eyes to the mystery of that emotion. For all these things he would fight the dark man until his last breath. His purposes and reasons would give him strength and fervor. Even if he was the one to fall, he would make sure it cost Corvus dearly.

Then he left. Somehow the room seemed lighter with his leaving. Onus allowed his muscles and posture to relax. With that relaxation came the throbbing of his stomach, ribs, and jaw. They were no matter still though. The fight was over but he still had more to do. Her crying was the only thing that disrupted the silence of the laboratory. He looked down at her. Blood covered her front and it still pumped from her cut wrists. He must have missed her arteries or she would have bled out by now. Still, she needed medical help. Quickly he untied his scarf from around his neck and ripped it into smaller strips. The man knelt down beside her, looking her in the eyes.

"Mati, you need to calm down. We need to get you help." His voice was strong and rough, but it was not harsh. He knew he was asking a lot of the girl, she had just been through the most traumatic thing in her life. But she needed to do her best to keep it together. "I need your arms." Even as he said that he reached out and took them. There was no time to wait for her permission. Each time her heart beat more of her lifeblood leaked out. He took the ripped strips of cloth and tied them tightly around her writs. Quickly they soaked with crimson, but it would stop the worst of the bleeding. "Is there a healer in your home? I need to take you to one." If there was one in her pack it would be best for her, but if not perhaps he could ask for Bane's help.


- Mati Church - 05-27-2009


till the next thread?

He approached her, smoothly and swiftly. Mati hardly noticed his movements until he was before her, words pushing against her ears. He commanded her, and Mati obeyed. Her breathing slowed and so did her crying. Though the tears only streamed down her face, her sobs had quieted. He took hold of her bloody arms, and she willing gave them to him. It was painful, but there would be nothing that Onus could do that would hurt her any more then the shadowed monster. Taking the scarf from around his neck and began to rip it to shreds. Quiet, still violet eyes looked to him and she spoke with a voice that had finally recovered. My mother. Her voice was harsh and ragged as she spoke, but it felt right to use it again.

He would need to help her up, and take her to the manor. She was unsure where the door even was, and did not believe she could find her way home. As he had the night before he would take her home, but this time he would lead. Looking to the male Mati wanted nothing more then to be home, in the arms of her mother. She didn’t know what to say, how to thank him and how to apologize for her ignorance. He would never know how close she had become to going willingly into the darkness, but he would need to know that she was sorry she had to call for him and that he had to suffer for her cause. But this night Mati kept silent, just looking for him to show her the way home.
