'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Seeking fun, seeking trouble - Printable Version

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- Jael Soul - 06-28-2009

        The dark she-yote asked him a question and sun-hued eyes turned on the female, confusion and uncertainty growing in his eyes. He honestly didn't have the answer, and so was at a loss for words. Jael couldn't say that she wasn't his half-sister, and yet he couldn't say that she was either without further information. But the silver girl provided him with an answer, if false. Turning on her at the name spoken Jael's face seemed to fill for a rare moment with emotion. Normally so apathetic and aloof, a flame seemed to be growing in his fiery eyes as he looked at the strange girl. "That's my mother's name," he said softly, mostly for the benefit of Kaena. Without even realizing it, Jael did find he held a sort of affection and loyalty for the Lykoi matron as she had accepted him so easily when no one else had, even overlooking the sins of his father.
        Gold eyes narrowing, the boy found he didn't approve of the disrespect the girl was showing for Kaena and the other she-yote, half-sister or otherwise. Whether she had honestly been seeking him out or not, she was still trespassing, and as a visitor she needed to show manners to those who's house she was walking right into. "Don't sneer at my grandmother," Jael stated coolly, desiring to know everything the silver girl had to provide, yet knowing if she kept wrinkling that pretty little face at Kaena he wouldn't be the last to set his fangs into her. He was disgusted at her actions, eyes so filled with tears, and yet mocking the coyotes' words between her own. Was this simply the act put on by a fine little actress, trying to deceive them all into allowing her to prance upon their packlands? Or was she simply that ignorant? "Tell me, where is she? When's the last time you saw her?" he asked, voice growing bolder and more demanding.
        He hadn't seen Colibri since he'd been a little boy, and he longed to know what had become of her. He wasn't fucking around when it came to the woman who'd birthed him. Kaena's possessive tone over him made the pale hybrid feel a range of emotions that didn't present themselves on his features, but if it came down to it, his loyalty was held fast right in the hand of the scarred female. He shook his head in response to her last words, gaze moving between the matron and the silver stranger, unsure yet how he felt about her.

- Jezebel - 07-11-2009

[html]I'm horrible. >.>

He wouldn't know? That certainly wasn't good enough. Jezebel sneered at the young she-wolf, not at all impressed at the way she was handling this whole situation. She could have curbed all of this if she had just announced herself at the borders, but perhaps this was all just a game. Glancing at the young, white clan member that had come on the scene earlier and had been claimed to be Skylar's half brother she saw a great many emotion crossing his features.

He confirmed that that was his mothers name, and Jezebel wondered for a moment if he would just drop all protocol just to get more information from this girl, but when he came to stand up for the older woman--whom turned out to be his grandmother--Jezebel relaxed. So far Jezebel agreed whole-heartedly with what her older clan mate said, whose name was still unknown to her, and felt that she had no further input for the situation.

Well none until the young girl made one more wrong move, then Jezebel would be on her like white on rice. Still tense with the whole situation Jezebel moved to stand closer to Kaena, becoming a silent observer as Jael asked his questions, and took the situation in hand.


- Skylar Nasphrite - 07-12-2009

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... ndcopy.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
OOC:: Sorry for the crappyness I have a cold Sad

Skylar frowned at the women. Why were they so skeptical? It was true she looked more like a coyote, but that didn't mean shit! She figured she needed to dull it down a little or get caught. Looking down as if in shame, skylar didn't look any of them in the eyes. Clutching her fists she kept thinking of her own life and applying it here. The emotion would be needed to persuade him. "I'm sorry for my additude, but I love my family and would think you'd show respect when speaking about them." The silver girl said with passion.

Looking to the white male and blocking the other to females from her mind Skylar wondered if he would believe her. If he did she probably would follow him around, he was cute after all. She was a girl after all and love to follow around cute guys. Now she was faced with a hard question. How do you answer something like that? If he was being claimed by the coyote female then he must have not been close to his mother. Maybe she could use that to her advantage? If she remembered correctly Colibri had been a Dahlia member....or had she?

Looking down again and not meeting his eyes she let the thought of her crew members come to her mind. All the friends she had lost. Golden eyes filled with tears and shimmered as they left her orbs. "The shattered coast. That was the last time I saw my mother." Skylar said directing her tear filled eyes to his red ones. "I thought when I found you you'ed accept me...I" Skylar paused and wiped her eyes with her forearm, her beautiful face puffing with her tears. "I'm sorry if I intruded...I...I.." Skylar started to sob. Crying wasn't hard when it was true pain you felt, you just had to dwell on everything you'ed ever lost or been hurt by. Sometimes Jefferson was right.


- Kaena Lykoi - 07-13-2009

mall-caps;">In Character

    The silver hybrid had long grown tired of these shenanigans, and she longed to just cut loose and sent the girl packing—bleeding or on another plane of existence. But Kaena didn't dare strike out in anger and risk angering Gabriel, and neither did she want to upset Jael if the girl really was his family. The pallid grandson stuck up for Kaena, and it was all she could do not to sneer back at the girl, though she kept her composure and she remained mostly expressionless. Both Kaena and Jezebel remained close by, allowing Jael to ask his question of her. Both of them were thinking roughly along the same lines, patiently waiting for the young outsider hybrid to do something stupid or malicious.

    Kaena's expectant gaze turned to Skylar, that same anger showing on her face. The girl was in a world of trouble if she was lying to Jael—but there was really no way to tell, was there? Jael apparently didn't know his extended family well enough, or at least—he couldn't say. An apology came from the girl's mouth, though it was far too little, too late. The most Kaena offered in return was to remain silent following her accusation; she would not apologize to a trespasser who was probably lying anyway. Skylar had chosen the life of a wolf, so she was guilty until proven innocent. The girl started to cry, and Kaena rolled her single eye, glowering over in Jezebel's direction with disgust clearly plastered on her features.

    The coyote's attention immediately returned to the youth, her gaze piercing. "So, instead of patiently waiting at the borders for one of us to invite you in, you decided it was so important, you'd just barge in and risk your neck to find your long-lost half-brother after all this time," the woman said, her tone soaked with malevolence and sarcasm. "Yeah, right," she added, showing a long, yellowed fang in Skylar's direction, that brilliant yellow-gold eye showing repugnance for the pathetic little hybrid. She'd made her judgment clear, and she was quite ready to throw the girl out on her ass, so long as Jezebel or Jael had no objections. She was glad she had companions here—her newness and her rank made it difficult for her to judge such situations. The last thing she wanted to do was anger Gabriel, not only because he was the Aquila, but because he was her son.

    "Where are you from?" she asked sharply, her voice demanding. She paused a moment to allow the girl to answer, and turned back to Jael, speaking in a much nicer voice to the Lykoi youth. "Even if she's telling the truth, you know she can't stay here for even a minute without Gabriel saying so, not after this. If you think you might share the same mother, we can go to her home later and ask her alphas before we go for a jog around their lands," the last part spoken louder and clearly directed toward Skylar. The hybrid coyote didn't often lower herself to respect wolf authority—but if they wanted something from them, which in this case would be to discover the truth behind Skylar's alleged relation to Colibri Soul and therefore also to Jael.


mall-caps;">Out of Character Edit

    HEY GUYS! As per this thread, Syd is dropping Skylar, so she won't be replying anymore, obviously. So we can just go ahead and assume that Skylar ran away very, very quickly, and the coyotes pretty much dispersed from there, or if you guys wanted, we could keep going and have a few rounds of posts where they try to figure things out, but if not, I'm down with just the OOC ending. :3 Either way is good by me!


- Jezebel - 07-17-2009


Jezebel rolled her eyes as the girl spoke, completely exasperated by her and the way she was handling things—or in a way, not handling things. Skylar asked them to show respect when speaking of her family when she herself had been blatantly disrespectful to Jael's own grandmother right in front of the boy, and even disrespectful towards the clan, who in a way was family, by sneaking around unannounced onto their lands. When the young girl turned her back on them to speak with Jael, starting the water works in an apparent attempt to get some sympathy from the only person she could possibly get it from, Jezebel tensed her shoulders and took a step forward as if she might strike. It was about time someone slapped the girl anyway.

Kaena spoke then, saving Skylar from a bloody lip as Jezebel looked tensely towards the older woman, whom only rolled her single eye in disgust; Jezebel's own eyes ablaze with the beginnings of not only annoyance, but true anger. What Kaena said should have been spat at the girl well before now, defusing any ammo she might have against them, but Jezebel agreed whole heartedly with what the other woman said, nodding to show her support.

It was time to kick her ass to the curb, but before Jezebel could say so aloud Kaena sharply asked the girl where she was from, adding not so silently to Jael that she was not sure if this girl was being truthful or not, but they could bring this to the attention of her alphas. It was then that Skylar bolted, Jezebel barely having time to react as she reached out futilely to the girl who was long gone, in hopes of grabbing hold of her arm. Baring her teeth in accompaniment to the snarl that shook her own core, Jezebel turned to look both at Kaena and her grandson, the tiny woman vibrating with the irritation she felt.

“I'm going to go after her to make sure she stays damn well away from here,” Jezebel growled to them both, turning to leave but pausing mid step when a something came to mind. Turning back, sympathy peeking through the infernos that were her eyes, Jezebel uttered an, “I'm sorry,” to the boy before turning back once again to jog into the cover of the woods. She paused only once; bones and sinews reshaping and doubling the woman over as her nose elongated, spine cracked and hair blended in with the rest of her ashen fur, before continuing on once more in lupine form.
