'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
you are my sweetest downfall - Printable Version

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- Savina Marino - 10-08-2009

Haha, nah <3 300+

What she had felt as a child was impossible to forget, but now she was able to understand feeling wanted. She understood what it was to be desired and what it was to desire someone so completely that their presence was like life-giving oxygen. She was never as happy as she was with him and never as fully herself as she was with him. Kansas gave her such a sense of security as she had never known before. Savina was able to open her heart to him; lay it bare for him and not worry about him mistreating it. Yes, she had worried about things, but they were not born out of mistrust of him but her mistrust of Naniko. In this moment none of those thoughts existed though. Her feelings, both emotional and physical flooded her to the point of there being nothing else.

Her tongue massaged the finger that lay encompassed in her mouth, savoring his taste like a fine wine. His exclamation made her purr deep in her chest. She loved knowing that he was feeling as good as she was. That she could heighten his pleasure just as he could heighten her's. They were made for one another, there was no doubt in her mind. How else could they fit together so perfectly? How else could this feel so amazing? She had to remove his finger from her mouth as the feelings became more and more intense with each movement, her breath coming in pants. Still she held tight to his hand, a muted whine coming from her throat as her eyes closed tight. Then the peak came and she cried out, her back arching dramatically, their clasped hands resembling a ying yang.

Savina's chest moved up and down in a steady rhythm as she too wrapped her arms around him. She nuzzled against her face and lightly kissed his cheek. "I love you...so much..." As much as any creature could possibly love another.


- Kansas Sadira - 10-27-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:400px; border:1px #D96A11 solid; font-size: 10px; line-height: 12px">
killi sucks! *dies*

There were ways that Kansas could never protect Savina, and thinking about them made his heart hurt. He didn't perceive himself as a strong enough individual to take on the responsibilities of leading a pack, so that part of their life, run by Savina, was hers alone. He wished he could do more to help her in that respect. For now, he was content with his ability to care for their little family. Even if that was the least he could do, it was something, and it was important. He'd never let anything happen to her or to their children.

And in more ways than she probably knew, Savina took care of him. Her appearance into his life had steered him away from a rocky road. Without her, he feared he may have taken the coward's way out of his pain and turned to drinking and depression. He didn't like to think about what he may have become without her. The incident with Savina and Lucifer had gotten him started, but Savina had fallen into his arms at just the right time. She was his angel.

Kansas smoothed her raven hair, arranging it neatly so she might be more comfortable. He held her head against him with a gentle hand, resting his chin on the top of her head and cradling her close. He felt so much love for her in that moment that he almost teared up. "I... love you too. I wish you could know how much..."


- Savina Marino - 11-02-2009

Never! 300+

She didn't care about his strength, at least not in the physical sense. She had never wanted some big, macho male treating her like some defenseless little female. Of course she had her weak moments, but she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself and didn't need someone to constantly "protect" her. With Kansas she could be her own person, and so could he. Neither one of them had an overbearing attitude and wanted to always be in charge. They had a partnership. Pack matters didn't matter to her when it came to them and their children. As long as he was there for her and there for their pups, that's all she wanted. She was so thankful that she had him, and that kids did as well. She had always wanted her pups to have a father that loved and cared for them and she knew they had that with him.

They loved one another, but they also made each other better. At least she felt so. It was Kansas who had given her the reason and the strength to fight her inner demon. Savina hoped that she helped him in similar ways as well. As long as he was in her life she would always have something to live for. Something that would keep her going no matter how hard everything else got. Even if she had nothing else, she would have him, and that would be enough for her.

Her eyes closed peacefully as they held each other, knowing that there was no other place in the world she'd rather be. The fey nuzzled against his neck, her nose brushing against his beautifully soft fur. Arms and legs held him to her closely, not wanting any space to come between them, real or metaphorical. "I do," she said smiling. "With every breath that I take. I know."


- Kansas Sadira - 11-05-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:400px; border:1px #D96A11 solid; font-size: 10px; line-height: 12px">

When they held each other like this, he felt better than at any other time. These were the high points in his life, being as close as possible to the only girl he loved. He felt entirely whole when they were together like this. Others may have considered that pathetic, but he was wrapped so tightly around her finger that he didn't care. Those who didn't have this were stupid and unfortunate. He felt so lucky that he was able to experience something so strong as his love for Savina. Many never did. He couldn't imagine ever losing her... the mere idea nearly ripped him in half. She was the best thing in his life, the one thing he based his every move upon.

He couldn't wait for her to fall asleep safely in his arms. He felt so wanted, needed, important in that moment. Her words cleansed him of any lingering sorrow around the possibility that she might not know how deeply he loved her, and he felt his eyes sting out of complete happiness. There he was, almost in tears because of how happy she made him, like he'd been a thousand times before (though never in front of her like this). Luckily, it was dark in the room, and he spoke in a voice that belied the emotion in his eyes. "Thank you, Savina." He breathed a sigh into her perfect cheek. "I'll never let you go."


- Savina Marino - 11-06-2009

You can either post once more or I can close it on up. Just lemme know Smile

Love as strong and resilient as their's was indeed a rare thing, like the finest of jewels and yet so much more precious. There wasn't a single friend or acquaintance that she had that had this sort of connection to another as she shared with Kansas. Almost all the lovers and mateships she had seen in these lands had fallen apart. It would never happen to them though, neither of them would let it. Savina wasn't one to think that everything happened for a reason, there were things that happened that were so terrible that she could never believe that. She did think some things did though, and she truly thought that the gods had brought her here so that she could meet him; her other half. She knew she had never been truly complete until she had met him and fallen in love with him. They were meant to be together.

The fey felt drowsiness descend over her like a shroud and she couldn't think of any better way to fall asleep than encompassed in the arm's of her one true love. A happy and contented sigh came from her lungs, a heavenly expression on her face. While she was ignorant of his tears, if she had known she would not have looked down on him for them. If possible it might have even made her love him more. She would have celebrated in that happy display and kissed him sweetly. But instead she just cuddled against him, her mind slowly slipping off into the dream world. "Mmmm, my white knight," she said airily. "I'll never want you to." He could hold her until the last of days.
