'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
canes pugnaces - Printable Version

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- Godric - 05-17-2010

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It had been a long last few days and an even longer since he was forced from the tribe a few weeks ago. Godric was trained and taught well enough to be able to survive on his own but it was an entirely different world on the outside without the protection of the tribe on his side. And why he had been forced to leave seemed small to him but something he could understand but it had been a choice all his own. And castration was not quite what he would go for, knowing his entire masculinity depended on it and without it he would lose the ability to fight he had trained for months for and even trained to this day in order to protect it. And just by looking at him, he was obviously healthy even in his time away when some of his muscle tone had disappeared due to wear. With a steady home he was sure he would be able to build himself back up in no time.

Godric's fighting ability was still in tact, he had learned, when he caught a black and white male a few days ago on the other side of the mountain. There had been no pleasantries and the connection he might have with others never slipped his mind. He fought and left the male for dead, whether or not he survived at all; it was not his concern. But the concern he did have was the never closing gash on his arm. Apart of the training had been how to take care of himself but he had not the proper supplies and any extra movement his arm caused tore the wound right open but it was inevitable and he could not keep it still. He had to keep moving, he had to hunt in order to feed himself, and defend himself if it came down to it. But since the wolf he encountered days ago, no one had been on his trail and he was smooth sailing into a territory of packs he knew nothing about.

The large coyote knelt down by a small stream where the water looked cleaned. He ripped the dull red bandanna that had been tied to his arm and dropped it in the water, cleaning it of the blood and puss that formed from the infection eroding in his arm. It was disgusting but he had to keep it clean until he could find herbs to take or apply directly. His short supply had run out two days prior and he knew he needed to get on the ball about it. He dipped the cloth into the water and picking away the dead skin and scab until he was satisfied, and only then did he bring it up, shaking the water from it in order to begin cleaning the wound. He flinched occasionally when he struck a nerve but after a couple of times of cleaning the wound and the cloth, he was able to wrap it back up from the elements. He rewarded himself with a cool drink and sat by the bank for a few minutes longer to rest his well traveled legs.


- Liliana Utina - 05-17-2010


WC: 475

It was one of those days where she found herself further from her home than expected. She sort of knew where she was, and was on the way back to her home, it was nice to get away once in a while but she felt that she may be gone for a little longer than she should have coming and going, she fed the horses when she left but it wasn’t enough she should help get new ones, especially one o her own. But she hadn’t found anything so good as of yet, she wasn’t sure if she would find many wild horses out here, but that’s what brought her out so far. She’d also mentally documented some plants she would ask about later on to one of her new friends. For now she would just head on back, she was following a stream, figuring since it was on the way for now she might as well stay close to clean water. She was figuring out the land more and more and she found that she was on unclaimed territory, although that wasn’t much to say since there were lone wolves and small families like she used to have. She didn’t really have to worry about that for now.

She sauntered around the stream at a slow pace, she probably should be walking faster but she wasn’t in a huge rush, if anything she would try to hunt some meat for the others and then stay near the stables for a while. She was making herself at home, and she loved AniWaya, she just… loved moving around too. She was so use to it. Probably because she’d moved around with her parents all her life. Then she caught sight of a male bending over at the river, she blinked, unsure of what he was doing until she saw him wrap up his arm. Was he injured. Her maternal instinct kicked in but then so did her thoughts telling her that he might be dangerous and to keep clear. She stopped a good few feet from him. She wasn’t in leaping distance. And from the looks of it he was in pain, but from all the scars he had she didn’t know if he didn’t care about the pain or not, and that was something to think about since if he attacked her she could run, but she wasn’t sure if he would feel the pain in his arm or not, but she’d probably have little time to change into her wolf form to run off. That was her best defense. She decided she should let him decide whether he should chase her, she’d have loved to help but she didn’t have any salves or anything.

Are you alright?

she finally asked hoping beyond hope that he didn’t just want to kill her or something.

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- Godric - 05-17-2010

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Godric noticed the smell and sound of another approaching before he actually saw her. His large coyote ears cupped forward as he dropped his wet hands to his knees, wiping them off from his drink to see the other approaching at a slow speed. His yellowy eyes narrowed as he evaluated her and found nothing all that threatening about her. He had never feared a woman, they had been no threat where he was from, and so he carefully adjusted himself in his kneeling position so that the use of his left arm could push him all the way to stand. His knees creaked from the odd kneeling position he had been in but they did not bother him and he straightened himself out easily, dusting his wet hands off on his sides.

"Yes," he said simply, as if he were speaking to no one of importance. It was a generic answer and it was evident he would not willingly accept help from the woman. The women took care of the men where he was from but he did not know this wolf hybrid and he did not dare to get to know her, either. If she had been a coyote, he might have opened up with a little more information but he did not. His arm ached and needed medical attention but he could find it himself. Until it was in dire need, he would do things for himself. Godric was confident in his ways and too stubborn to let a second class citizen help him. "Can I help you?" he asked though it held no meaning. Even if there was something she wanted, he would not help. It was a bit of a nicer way to ask why she was bothering him.

His yellow eyes looked over her a little closer to notice that she was not entirely wolf and his ears twitched in thought. "What are you?" he asked suddenly, leaving little room for an answer to his first question. It had been automatic to assume she was a wolf but the coloring and shape of her face was quite different and something he had not seen before.


- Liliana Utina - 05-17-2010


WC: 300 exactly yaay

From his comment he seemed to dislike her already even though she hadn’t done anything. Though she wasn’t use to interacting he seemed to just pass her off like a bothersome fly, but this made her determination to stay and see what was wrong with him grow. She was feeling he seemed to think she wasn’t much of his time. Well she’ll see about that. Then he asked his first question and she pointed to his arm

I saw your arm and thought you might need some help, there may be healers nearby that could look at that.

She said boldly. She then saw him look her up and down trying to figure her out it seemed. Then his second question came out… what kind of question was that what am I? I’m a wolf She thought to herself as she stared the male down then figuring it would be best to tell him as he could simply just see the dog in her, it wouldn’t hurt to just speak out she was proud of her heritage even if her mother was a dog.

I’m a Belgian shepherd and wolf.

She said a little stiffly, letting him know that she didn’t care much for that question. She herself didn’t know what he was, she would never come across a coyote before and it was her first time. She decided to hold her tongue though she wasn’t sure she should stoop down and ask him his own species. Her tail was switching a little but other than that she was stiff and quiet. Waiting for him to start barking out how she was a mix breed and she should have been drowned at birth, that’s what most full wolves or full dogs would say that had an opinion on such things.

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- Godric - 05-17-2010

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The last thing Godric wanted was to get more canines around him and by the looks of it, it would be a wolf of some sort. He did not know if there were packs or tribes or anything of the sort around, he had not met anyone until now. The wolf he ran into on the other side of the mountain was not important enough to him and he got no information out of him and he had no idea whether or not he was apart of this area. But this woman seemed to be though she was keen on helping him. He lifted a hand midway through her speech to brush it off. "No," he said, trying to get her to drop it. "I just gotta find herbs and I'll be set," he said, indicating he knew well enough of medicine to take care of himself. It was unfortunate he ran out already but he would be able to find them easy enough should the terrain be faithful to him.

"Oh," he said, suddenly losing interest in what she was. His eyes narrowed to give her a once more look over before his lips twisted, pushing it aside. He had seen hybrids before but he had never taken the time to consider them. Most of the time it was in battle and there were a few wolf and coyote hybrids where he was from but they were not significant. They were fighters and that was all that really mattered. "Do you know about these lands? Are there tribes here?" he questioned, his ears twitching upon his head until they relaxed. He lowered a little to pick up his backpack and threw it over his good shoulder to prevent any pain. When he was situated with his belongings, his golden eyes found her two-toned face in waiting for information.


- Liliana Utina - 05-18-2010


OOC: short post fail Sad!

Well he obviously didn’t want much of her help, although she did know where there were some herbs growing near here, she was not very good with plants yet so she wasn’t sure if they were what he needed. She looked behind her, then back at him, well she couldn’t leave someone helpless no matter how rude he was.

I found some herbs, back there, but I don’t know if they are what you need.

She said flatly, not sure if he’d care for her help, but it was his choice. She was rather surprised at his sudden disinterest at her lineage but it was quite a relief for her. She had to think about his question. She knew some of it but she hadn’t been around this area for long.

I’m afraid I’m not too familiar with the land entirely, but I know where some of the packs are. I know a pack called inferni is there

She pointed northish, then turned and pointed south east

and another pack there, I can’t remember the name.

then pointed to the west

Then theres’ the del… del.. um oh yes Del De Mia

she said having to think thoroughly about it.

Beyond that is Crimson Dreams and Aniwaya.

She said, that was all the packs she knew the rest she wasn’t sure of, and doubted she’d visit much of them. She hoped it was a little help even though he didn’t really seem to care much about what she said.

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- Godric - 05-20-2010

Sorry this sucks. ._. [html]
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When she went on about the herbs, he considered it with a tilt of his head. He lifted his hand in exasperation and shrugged. "All right," he said, indicating for her to lead the way. Perhaps if they were herbs he could use, he would not be so hostile but it all depended on whether or not they were the right ones. In the meantime, she went on about the packs though she did not seem so sure. When she pointed in the directions of the said packs he turned to look each way as if he could see them laid out before him but he was met with nothing but grass and trees and little else.

"All wolves?" he questioned when she did not mention anything about the species of these lands. He ran into few coyote tribes and more wolf packs than he cared for but he never got too deep in them that he regretted what he was doing. Instead, he just kept on going because he knew none of the tribes would suit him and he doubted—even if there were any here—that he would stay with them. He was too bitter about his own home to put a loyalty anywhere and if they were true, he had no real offer to give the future if he could not produce male children.


- Liliana Utina - 05-20-2010


OOC: The plant she found is Goldenseal, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldenseal from what i've read around it grows in canada Big Grin

WC: 308

Lili was glad that the Coyote wanted to know where the herbs she’d fund were. She wasn’t sure about what it was but if he knew them and could use them that would be great. She was walking when he asked if all the packs were wolves, she shrugged.

Dunno, I’ve only been to a few packs but no packs further than Aniwaya, I’ve been in unclaimed zones when I wander so I don’t know what kind of packs they are.

She said quietly. She didn’t even know what he was but she still was going to be quiet about it. She didn’t care about what someone was, they were the same to her, maybe that was because she hated being called a mix breed and discriminated all the time. Her mother stopped bringing her to the packs more often until Lili made her, that was Lili’s mistake if she just kept her mouth shut she would still be with her parents now. She scanned the ground looking or the plants she saw, they were pretty too, with three to four leaves, what was really pretty on them was the single red flower on each o the plants, she’d found it along side some trees coming back. When she spotted them she motioned him to them.

I don’t know what they are but I know they are a type of herb.

She pointed to the flowered plant, hoping she’d been helpful in anyway, in any case she knew she didn’t make a friend, he didn’t seem the type to want to be near her for some reason. Probably cause of her heritage or something she thought. Frowning down at the plant she found herself wishing she knew what it was, if he told her, she’d remember… and she would probably find out what it was usd for.

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- Godric - 06-16-2010

I swear, I did not see this replied to! X_X Nudge me next time, haha!

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The wolf didn't have a lot of information for him and he was starting to get a little peeved. If she couldn't answer the simple questions he had, why stick around? But he didn't make anymore comments and instead followed as she moved toward the plant, pointing it out. He lowered, tucked his satchel, and examined it. He didn't know the plant, humming quietly, and pulled away. "I denno what it is," he told her, turning to look back at his companion. He turned back around and plucked it, pulling it off and stuffing a few of them in his pack. He would test them out later and see, using the more superficial of ways but for now he would just store them.

"Thanks," he told her and shrugged, pulling back. "But I should get going. See what else I can find," he told her and it was evident he didn't want to hang around all that much to begin with.
