'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Your Scream's A Whisper - Printable Version

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- Moonfyre NecroFang - 06-18-2010


Hi ^_^ -- Sorry, I'm quite impatient. Just a little bit.

The fence was something new to him. It almost made him feel a bit claustrophobic, if wolves could even be that way. As he thought before, it was an unusual advantage as opposed to the norm. It made him wonder, a bit, what was here when the humans were still alive and living on these lands. Did the fences serve the same purpose as they do now? He knew so little about the human race but didn’t much care about it either. Maybe there were those structures called… What were they called? Oh, buildings. Maybe they once stood here many, many years before. All this human stuff made his already blooming headache grow worse. He shook his crania and paused to look around. He walked a pretty good distance without noticing much.

He turned his head back to looking straight in front of him and sniffed the ground by his paws. It smelled of other wolves, as did the air. He headache pulsated some more and he began wandering slowly once more. As he walked, he looked down at his forelegs and noticed the once thick, nice wolf fur he had was growing longer by the hour and was being replaced by coarser fur. He muttered to himself:

What the hell is going on?

Ever since that enormously sized female attacked him that one day, he’s been feeling strange. He never got headaches before in his life, his fur never changed like how it was changing now, and he never felt weird inside his body like he was now.

The ebony male stopped after some distance, threw back his crania, and howled once more. This howl was different however, now he wanted to get someone’s attention; someone of non-Alpha status, of course. The air brought him the scents of other wolves. He was curious to see who would come and greet him. What kind of wolves lived on these lands, anyway? Moonfyre relaxed to his haunches, taking a break and seeing who would come, if any.

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- Ember Phoenix - 07-05-2010

ooc stuff!

The howl caught her attention, and she moved cautiously toward the direction from which it had come. Ember did most things very cautiously. She didn't want to ever be caught unaware by someone or something trying to attack her...and maybe whoever had howled had howled for a really good reason. The female moved swiftly toward the sound, coming out of the brush.

She had never met this male before, but he smelled of the tribe...he had to be a member. Perhaps he was new, though. Dawali was able to accept people just as readily as she was, and he had probably accepted him. She approached slowly, raising a hand in greeting. "Hullo...did you call for help?" She asked.


- Moonfyre NecroFang - 07-14-2010


OOC text here.

The brute's auds swiveled to the femme's voice. Then his head followed and clicked into place. His blue eyes smiling as he saw the beautiful femme before him. He rose to all fours and walked around to face her with his full body. A smile stretched across his maw, a visible smile. Help? No help. Friendship. He thought to himself with a cocked head as he stared at her. Then he finally spoke.

No help was needed. I guess I am using my howling skills all wrong. I was looking for a new friend is all.

He continued to smile and look at her, not so much stare now. He reclined to his haunches again with his tail straight out in a relaxed stance. His claws dug into the earth gently. He wondered about the rabbit he tortured earlier. Was it still there?

Moon thinks. Moon speaks. Moon acts.

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- Ember Phoenix - 07-17-2010

thanks for the pm reminder :3 I hadn't added this to my post log!

He smelled like the tribe to Ember, but there were a few foreign smells mixed in. This was probably a wolf that Dawali had admitted to the tribe; she didn't recall having met him in the past. Realizing that he was a fellow tribesmember, the shifted female offered him a bit of a smile. She was a very serious wolf in most cases, but knew that sometimes too much seriousness could be a bad thing. She didn't want to make a bad impression on a newer tribe member or make them think that she was angry or didn't like them.

She realized that her hand was on the hilt of her sword and she released her grip on the blade, letting her arm fall limply to her side. As a warrior of the tribe, she was duty-bound to protect those she could. If he had been in some sort of trouble, she most definitely would have been ready and able to help. "Ah, I see. It might have been me, actually; I just heard a howl and automatically thought that someone was in trouble. Silly me." Ember said, shrugging. "I'm Ember Phoenix--it's good ta meetcha."


- Moonfyre NecroFang - 07-19-2010


Oh yes, I took it there XD (And I kinda rushed his transformation only because he's a luperci in all my other posts I have open. I'm practicing)

The femme that stood before him was quite beautiful. The way she stood there and it was quite evident that she was a warrior. The way she was gripping the hilt of her sword sparked a note of interest in his eye. Her stance shown she was quite a serious person, but he didn’t see seriousness on her now. Her scent gave away that she was part of his own pack. He smiled and noticed he had morphed into a luperci almost completely now. The weird part was that he barely noticed. Now he was definitely taller, but he couldn’t stand up on his hind legs yet. His fur had become coarser and longer and his mane was definitely longer than it should be. Weird. His paw’s fingers began to elongate but his back legs stayed paw-like. They grew bigger, though, and soon he was able to stand. Huh, so this was the weird feeling? He pushed his front hands off the ground and was now standing straight and tall like a luperci. This let him look at the female, called Ember, before him better.

Hello Ember Pheonix, I’m Moonfyre NecroFang, but just Moonfyre is fine.

As he adjusted to his new stance he noticed she had beautiful green orbs. He looked intensely at them. Females with green eyes were a turn on for him. He cracked a smile at his own thoughts but also to be nice to her. He wondered if she was looking for a mate. What do luperci pups look like? How would one mate while in the luperci state? All questions to inappropriate for the moment; but he did need to blurt out something from the back of his mind.

You have beautiful eyes. They’re quite hypnotizing.

He thinks. He speaks. He acts. He emphasizes.

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- Ember Phoenix - 07-20-2010

Hehe, that's fine ^^; And Awwwww cute!

She had responsibilities in the tribe that she took very seriously. Ember was glad to meet this stranger, though; it was good to take a break from tribal things every once in a while. And she wanted to know everyone in the tribe...so this encounter was needed. She wanted to make sure that she kept up to date on the members because she wanted to keep them satisfied and happy in the ranks.

He finished shifting and she politely adverted her gaze, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable by her watching the transformation. "You have an interesting name." She said to the ground, waiting until his change was complete to look up. "What rank do you have here in the tribe?" At the comment about her eyes she looked up at him sharply. Was he kidding with her? Ember had never thought that her eyes were anything but ordinary, especially compared to her sister Firefly's. She had always been pretty jealous of her sibling.

"Er..I guess..I don't know what to say. I never thought they were anything special. But..well, thank you." She had been very focused on Dawali lately and on what he was doing and where he was at, with keeping track of him. Perhaps there were more wolves in the tribe to be considering. "Should we walk? Hunt, perhaps?" She questioned, looking out toward the brush. She didn't know if he was steady enough on his feet, though, after just shifting, and watched him carefully.


- Moonfyre NecroFang - 07-24-2010


Oh Gawd, he’s flirting with the Alphess ??? He's gonna get himself in trouble...... hehe . [300 Word Count]

Wow, finally someone with good conversational skills. All the others he had spoken with from this tribe had no better conversation than she did. Not even in the flattering sense, really. His tail wagged slightly, giving away a small speck of his delight. He still had some wolf like instincts that would stay with him forever. He did not wish to become extremely human like it seemed others wanted here. He’d rather have stayed a wolf but this new form was something new to him too. It was probably something he should learn of anyway. He smiled when she spoke of his name. If one could notice a blush under that dark fur, there would probably be one hiding there.

I do not have a rank at the moment but I do want to become a warrior, like you. I have been searching for the person who could help me with this. Do you know of anyone?

His orbs had a mind of their own and they went skull searching through her beautiful green optics. He didn’t really have the skills to read souls but he was so easily lost in her eyes that he couldn’t help himself. It was like a tired human who would stare into space, only he wasn’t staring but he wasn’t conscious of what he was currently doing either. Finally, he snapped out of it after about twenty seconds. He looked away and scratched his head, hoping she wouldn’t say anything about it.

Erm, I have never really hunted in luperci form yet. Is it hard? How would I eat? Do you change into your wolf form to hunt, Ember?

He had a million and one questions and a million more. He hoped she’d have just enough time to answer these, they were really quite important.

He thinks. He speaks. He acts. He emphasizes.

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- Ember Phoenix - 07-27-2010

She's a sub-leader :3 So kind of..Beta, I suppose it would be.

Ember wasn't sure what other wolves preferred, but she liked her Optime form the best. She had shifted for the first time around the time that she had become an adult and had never looked back. In this form she could do so much more than she could in any other. The halfling form was interesting, but the dark female preferred this one. She thought that she looked better taller...and she could use her weapons with her hands.

"That's how I started out, as an Ayastigi-the basic warrior rank. Once you have enough practice, you can move up to the one that I'm at right now, Danua Ihesdi. There's one more rank above that, as well, for someone who has mastered their skills" She said, nodding. "This is definitely something I can help you with. Have you ever used a weapon before?" Ember preferred weapons over using her own hands to fight, but some wolves would probably be different from her.

His next question was spoken after a long stare, and she looked back at him, blinking. She didn't say anything while he stared, simply staring back before replying to his question. "I normally hunt with my bow and arrows--it's much easier. I can spot prey at a distance and injure them, then find them and finish the job. I prefer to stay in this form all the time."


- Moonfyre NecroFang - 07-31-2010


What does the halfway form look like? I wanted to add it to my post but wasn’t sure. And oh =] Is Ember currently seeing anyone at the moment ? Tongue And sorry for the shortish post.

Weapons? I didn’t think of those. Would I have to use them? A twinge of jealousy crossed his brain as he looked at her dagger. Shiny. Jealousy is a stupid feeling. He did not need to feel jealous over her and her accomplishments. She seemed like a helpful creature, probably one who would teach him all she knows so one day he would almost be like her. His eyes looked up from her dagger and back to her own green eyes.

Uh, well, I never used a weapon other than my claws and teeth. Would that be a problem?

Then he thought about it. There is a halfway form between wolf and Optime. If only he could concentrate enough to get to that form maybe he would be alright. He had no idea how to even get to that point. He had changing back to a wolf down pat, but half way? He wasn’t so sure about this one.

That is definitely a different way to hunt but since I don’t possess any of those weapons you speak of, maybe I could play wolf on this one. Is there anyway you can think of that we can collaborate?

He thinks. He speaks. He acts. He emphasizes.

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- Ember Phoenix - 08-11-2010

here is a link to a chart that shows the different forms ^_^ the halfling form is still pretty big huh!

She spent a majority of her time in this form because it was easier, but there were occasions in which she would shift down to her lupus form. Ember had never cared much for the secui, or halfling form, and tended to stick to either one or the other between lupus and optime. In lupus form she felt much more vulnerable, though, and had her own personal preferences. She had stayed in this shifted form for so long that it no longer seemed odd or uncomfortable to her in any way.

"It wouldn't be a problem, actually. It's something that I should learn more about, perhaps...I can be stubborn in m'ways sometimes...but change is good, other times. I'll learn with yeh." He had shifted down and Ember raised a hand to excuse herself for a moment, holding up one finger to let him know that she would be back in a minute. For her the change was more of a private thing, and she was uncertain whether she wanted her newfound friend to see it or not.

She removed her items of clothing and weapons-belt, hiding them beneath some debris in the nook of a nearby tree trunk, and began the change. When she emerged from the brush to face Moonfyre once more, she stood on four paws rather than two; a very leggy, somewhat shaggy black wolf. "It's been a while since I've been in this form. But I think hunting will work much better this way" She nodded, green eyes meeting his.


- Moonfyre NecroFang - 08-12-2010


Wow, I wish I knew about the page before… I did everything wrong -_- hehe =] And yeahh it’s still quite big … But maybe a good thing for this hunt..

As she excused herself, he watched her walk away and hide her things in the hollowed tree trunk. He didn’t really care about his shifting; he didn’t think it was a private thing. He shifted and that was it. No privacy needed, no embarrassment, no shyness. He barely thought about it sometimes, he just had the urge in his mind to shift and he did. No thought necessary. When the brush rustled for the second time, she appeared. She looked rather fine in her lupus form, actually better to him. He always preferred the lupus form to the Optime form only because it was his way of life. All this werewolf stuff was new to his brain and he didn’t much like it but he didn’t have a choice either.

As she approached him, he studied her new form and she seemed to be awkward almost; awkward, probably, because she wasn’t in it much. He flicked his maw toward the direction of the scent of food he picked up earlier, inviting her to take a walk with him. Hunting bigger prey was not something he was used to. He always hunted rabbits and smaller things which didn’t require much concentration or stealth. They were always fun to torture, though. He had a question that was burning a hole through his mind.

What way do you normally hunt? I think every wolf, Luperci Ortus or Verto, should be comfortable in their natural wolf skin; but I don’t know, that’s just my opinion.

Moon speaks Moon acts Moon thinks & emphasizes

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- Ember Phoenix - 08-12-2010


She didn't know why she felt one way or another, most days. She wasn't afraid of the change or afraid of what it made her look like, but still felt as if she ought to hide behind something to shift down into her lupus form. Ember wasn't used to shifting itself, perhaps that was it. It was unfamiliar; she rarely did it. Perhaps it was the way that he looked at her; there was a sort of weight to his gaze that made her feel a little nervous, a little uncomfortable. She wasn't sure if this was a good feeling or a bad one yet.

Ember had grown up knowing that she would eventually shift, having been told about it by her father Phoenix and other pack members back in Storm. There had been Luperci all about, doing tasks, hunting...it was the norm to her. Being back down on four legs would take a little getting used to.

The female nodded when he made a motion for them to walk together, long legs moving gracefully to propel her alongside him. "I normally hunt with a bow and arrow...and fight with my sword, dagger, or axe. I'm best with my sword, though." She replied. She then nodded when he gave his opinion on one being used to their wolf skin. She wouldn't disagree, in fact, she did agree. But she had her own preference and needed hands to grip the weapons that she used to defend the tribe, not paws.

"I agree, to a point. It's been a while since I shifted...but I need my hands to use my weapons and to do other tasks. I don't know how well I could ride my horse without my taller form" She was interesting in talking about this and hearing what Moonfyre had to say about it. Did he have a horse yet? That was another thing that she would have to remember to ask him later on.


- Moonfyre NecroFang - 08-13-2010


Little bit short.

Moonfyre nodded as they walked along side one another. He understood her better now. Hmm.. A horse.. He thought about having his own horse. He wasn’t sure if we would be okay with riding another animal, especially a prey animal that he would’ve hunted if need be. He was looking forward thinking about all this. When he turned his crania back towards Ember, he spoke.

Why not run alongside your horse? I think running in wolf form is the best, it makes you feel free. Although, I heard Halfling form is quite faster.

He smiled toothly at her. He looked corny.

And you could defend the pack with your mightly claws and fangs. The Mighty Creator didn’t give us those for nothing you know.

He called it “The Mighty Creator” because he wasn’t sure what religion to believe yet and he couldn’t say God or Allah or the Goddess of Moon. They were walking at a normal pace and he liked this. Finally, someone he could talk to and they were having an interesting kind of conversation. Maybe, just maybe, he could even call her a friend. He longed for a “friend”. He hadn’t had a real one all his life and didn’t really know how friendship worked. He hoped to find out soon.

Moon speaks Moon acts Moon thinks & emphasizes

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- Ember Phoenix - 08-20-2010

I got all moved into my new place :33 Yaay!

She felt as if she could understand him a little better as well. Ember hadn't had a good conversation with someone for a while, not one that was really in depth about her feelings. The only one she had really spoken to about her feelings and things like that were her son, Lotus. He knew her very well.

"There's something special about me, I guess you could say. I am able to speak to the lower beasts in their own language..it's called "lowspeech". If Bayard wants to stay in the stable then he can...but if he wants to run and go places with me, then I get he comes out and joins me." She said.

Ember looked at him curiously when he mentioned the creator, unsure of exactly what he meant. She believed in spirits and such, but had never delved into the subject of religion besides that. She wanted to tell him everything, the reasons behind what she did...but wasn't sure how much she could let out. She barely knew him, and yet it felt like she'd known him forever. Maybe it would be okay to tell him. "I wasn't always strong. In fact, I was weak. Physically and emotionally. When my sister attacked me and broke my arm, I almost went crazy. Then I did go insane when my mate Khaden disappeared. I decided that I was going to make myself into a warrior that no one could defeat..I didn't want to feel that disappointment ever again. I felt that my own body wasn't strong enough..I'm not a very muscular wolf. So weapons make up for it."

Ember looked to the left, lifting her nose to test the air. There were prey animals nearby...deer, or perhaps some sort of elk. She then glanced back to Moonfyre, pointing her nose in that direction. "There's something nearby"


- Moonfyre NecroFang - 08-23-2010


Sorry- little bit short. and yaayy =]

Moonfyre lifted his maw to the sky and inhaled deeply. Indeed, there was something delicious nearby. He hadn’t hunted bigger things in years, since he had been by his self. He hoped he didn’t lose his skill hunting smaller animals, which didn’t need much skill in the first place. As soon as the scent traveled to his brain, it clicked on to “hunting mode”. He looked at Ember and began to walk faster, but paused and looked back at her to make sure she was coming. Then he continued toward the scent.

He approached closer and hid amongst the tall grass and brush near the prey. Indeed they were deer, some were even elk. He licked his chops thinking of the warm blood rushing down his throat as he thought about biting a jugular. His jowls began to salivate as he waited for the right opportunity to spring out into the open and catch himself a trailing deer.

Moon thinks Moon speaks Moon Acts &emphasizes

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- Ember Phoenix - 08-24-2010

I must be dreaming or we're onto something
http://i38.tinypic.com/6t1ag0.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 336px; border: 1px solid #000; background-color: #204684;">
ooc: ^_^

I must be dreaming or pinch me to waking

Ember twined through the trees, her dark form moving easily through the shadows around toward the other side of the herd. In this form she was swift, and as she ran she became more used to having four legs in the place of two. The female had almost forgotten what a rush it was to be this running this low to the ground, her heart beating frantically, jaws open with her tongue lolling out of the side of it as she went.

She gave one look across the herd to Moonfyre, spotting him amongst the brush. Both wolves blended in very well, and she almost didn't see him at first. She gave him a nod before charging into the herd, sending deer flying toward her waiting companion.

Table by Tammi!


- Moonfyre NecroFang - 08-25-2010


nice table ! Short again, but I don’t wanna leave Ember out of the action =]

His heart and senses quickened as the deer began running toward him. He quickly scanned the herd and found a smaller, weaker deer with a limping sort of gait way in the back. It wasn’t much smaller, but the limp definitely gave them a high advantage. He kept low, so he didn’t get trampled, until the one deer came closer. As it limped by, Moonfyre dove from the brush he was hiding and managed to get his teeth somewhat close to it’s jugular, though not close enough to feel the blood gush down his throat.

He snarled but hung on and lashed about, tearing the deer’s flesh apart. His claws dug into the side of the animal, but it kept running and fighting.

Moon thinks Moon speaks Moon Acts &emphasizes

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.mount {background-color:#012120; background-image:url(http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... onfyre.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding:10px 0px 120px 0px; border:1px solid #cddad9; font-family: verdana, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#c6ecc6; word-spacing:2px; line-height:14px; width:390px; text-align:justify; margin:0 auto; }

- Ember Phoenix - 08-27-2010

:3 End soon?

It seemed that Moonfyre had spotted the weak link, a deer with an issue with one of its limbs. She caught up, panting, and stood for a few moments to rest while he attacked. As soon as she saw that he was having a little trouble bringing it down, though, she started forward again. It would truly be a team effort. She caught up to the pair and ran alongside them, looking for a place to attack.

The female lept up to knock the deer off-balance then went for one of its legs as it stumbled, gripping it in her long teeth and moving her head from side to side to tear flesh off. Hopefully it would go down soon so that they could eat their fill.


- Moonfyre NecroFang - 08-31-2010


your tables are so pretty =] and yeah we should . maybe after they eat the deer.

The deer stumbled, losing its balance and then tumbled to the ground. Moonfyre and the deer rolled as he wouldn’t let go for anything. In this split second Moonfyre went for its throat and latched his jowls onto its neck. He thrashed his head around, ripping at the deer’s neck. There was a lot of blood and a lot of struggling, but soon the struggling stopped and the deer lay there motionless and apparently lost the fight.

The blood from the deer’s open neck made him drool as it was warm and juicy. It was just what he needed at the moment to cure his hunger and also his bloodlust. He wanted to be polite and let Ember take the first bite, but instincts and hunger took over and he tore into the carcass like a savage. He had enough sense not to growl at her because he constantly had to remind himself he was in a pack now. The warm meat and blood rushed down his throat and made him more insane for the kill. He ate like a savage for a whole five minutes before calming down and eating slower. Then he looked up at her, making sure she was eating too because his mind was elsewhere.

Moon thinks Moon speaks Moon Acts &emphasizes

.mount-ooc {font-style:italic; font-family:georgia, sans-serif; font-size:11px; letter-spacing:1px; color:#2da3a7; text-align:right;}
.mount p {padding:0px 15px 5px 15px; margin:0px; text-indent:35px;}
.mount b {color:#2da3a7; font-family:georgia;}
.mount {background-color:#012120; background-image:url(http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... onfyre.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding:10px 0px 120px 0px; border:1px solid #cddad9; font-family: verdana, sans-serif; font-size:10px; color:#c6ecc6; word-spacing:2px; line-height:14px; width:390px; text-align:justify; margin:0 auto; }

- Ember Phoenix - 09-03-2010

I must be dreaming or we're onto something
http://i38.tinypic.com/6t1ag0.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 336px; border: 1px solid #000; background-color: #204684;">
ooc: :33 These are all tables that people have made for me Smile Tammi made this one, hehe. It is indeed very pretty Big Grin

I must be dreaming or pinch me to waking

Moonfyre went for the kill, and Ember pressed her weight on top of the beast as well to hold it down. It was beginning to stop fighting and she started to eat as soon as its movements ceased, giving a quiet "thank you" to its spirit. She wanted to thank the spirit for giving itself to the wolves so that they could continue to survive. She gave a wide smile to Moonfyre across the carcass, proud of their success, then began eating.

The female began to get her fill, being mindful of what she would need to take back with her to store. She wanted to carry as much food back with her as she could; she would flavor and dry it and keep it for winter. Ember was very glad she had found Moonfyre and had made friends with him. She smiled at him once more, continuing to eat.

Table by Tammi!
